Obama's claims that the ISIS situation exploded on the scene unexpectedly is a lie

A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.
Sorta like the libtard hero, Snowden?

Well, we KNOW who Snowden is and Snowden handed over information that was known to be correct.

I don't quite know how we verify a source who comes forward with NO VERIFIABLE INFORMATION.
I was referring more to your remark about having no business revealing something to a news outlet. Maybe he was frustrated by the BS coming from the White House.

And that could well be, but I would have to seriously question his judgment if that were the case.

FOX comes right out and says that there are an entertainment channel, not a news outlet.
Hey Obamabots! Get your moron of a President a freaking subscription to some media outlets.

How about giving him my link to the BBC? Hurry before he tees off again.

"Unlike other rebel groups in Syria, IS is seen to be working towards an Islamic emirate that straddles Syria and Iraq.

The group has seen considerable military success. In March 2013, it took over the Syrian city of Raqqa - the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control."

Syrian Rebels Capture Raqqa Governor Reports Say

Here you go you bloody fools who think that if Fox news reports something it's bullshit. Others have been on this for quite some time.

Hell's bells it's been reported everywhere that AQ was in Syria. Assad has been screaming that he's fighting terrorists.

Syrian Rebels Capture Raqqa Governor, Reports Say
By Amrutha Gayathri@AmruthaGayathri
on March 05 2013 6:12 AM


ISIS didn't participate in the battle for Raqqa in March of 2013. It was conducted by a strange alliance of groups that included al Nusra, and members of SIF and FSA. TD seems to have the same problem identifying and understanding various groups and alliances in Syria as she has with Ukraine. If there was a ISSA group involved in Raqqa could someone please post it. Thanks.

I already put up the BBC link. They weren't called ISIS and Levant at the time.

BBC clearly points out that they took Raqqa. Just under a different name.

You are so misinformed it is pathetic. One of the reasons we are in such a mess is because people like you claim to have knowledge based opinions and other people believe the nonsense you promote. You have no idea or concept of who ISIL was or is.

Hilf al Muttayyyabin, the OATH OF THE SACRED ONES formally announced the changing of it's name to a new one that would give a new meaning to it's positions and functions. It took the name Dawlet al Iraq al Islamiya, ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ on 13 Oct 2006.
al Nusra is a different group, as are the FSA and the SIF.
The information about ISIS has been out there for over a year and a half.

Are you going to call BBC liars?

"Unlike other rebel groups in Syria, IS is seen to be working towards an Islamic emirate that straddles Syria and Iraq.

The group has seen considerable military success. In March 2013, it took over the Syrian city of Raqqa - the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control.".

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group

I'm not calling ANYONE a liar - I'm not even suggesting that ISIS aren't worthy of their despicable reputation; what I'm ASKING, for the umpteenth time, is what did you realistically expect Obama to do about these Cretans? Are we supposed to kill all of the worlds bad-guys on-sight, without ourselves, being in any immediate danger?

Sounds like a willful violation of Star Trek's prime directive of non-interference.
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Hey Obamabots! Get your moron of a President a freaking subscription to some media outlets.

How about giving him my link to the BBC? Hurry before he tees off again.

"Unlike other rebel groups in Syria, IS is seen to be working towards an Islamic emirate that straddles Syria and Iraq.

The group has seen considerable military success. In March 2013, it took over the Syrian city of Raqqa - the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control."

Syrian Rebels Capture Raqqa Governor Reports Say

Here you go you bloody fools who think that if Fox news reports something it's bullshit. Others have been on this for quite some time.

Hell's bells it's been reported everywhere that AQ was in Syria. Assad has been screaming that he's fighting terrorists.

Syrian Rebels Capture Raqqa Governor, Reports Say
By Amrutha Gayathri@AmruthaGayathri
on March 05 2013 6:12 AM


ISIS didn't participate in the battle for Raqqa in March of 2013. It was conducted by a strange alliance of groups that included al Nusra, and members of SIF and FSA. TD seems to have the same problem identifying and understanding various groups and alliances in Syria as she has with Ukraine. If there was a ISSA group involved in Raqqa could someone please post it. Thanks.

I already put up the BBC link. They weren't called ISIS and Levant at the time.

BBC clearly points out that they took Raqqa. Just under a different name.

You are so misinformed it is pathetic. One of the reasons we are in such a mess is because people like you claim to have knowledge based opinions and other people believe the nonsense you promote. You have no idea or concept of who ISIL was or is.

Hilf al Muttayyyabin, the OATH OF THE SACRED ONES formally announced the changing of it's name to a new one that would give a new meaning to it's positions and functions. It took the name Dawlet al Iraq al Islamiya, ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ on 13 Oct 2006.
al Nusra is a different group, as are the FSA and the SIF.

So BBC is lying?

"In 2010 he emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became Isis."

BBC is lying in this report as well? You really need to get hold of them Camp.

"ISIS is the result of a unilateral attempt by the leader of Iraq's al-Qaeda affiliate, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, to merge his group with al-Nusra.

The move was rejected al-Nusra's leader, Abu Mohammed al-Julani, and by al-Qaeda overall leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, but Baghdadi refused to disband ISIS."

BBC News - The Syrian rebel groups pulling in foreign fighters

We of course know than he would have done this, because he said so - after he died.

So you didn't look at the article....typical 2 digit IQ low information voter! Thanks for the chuckle Crabbie!

I would NEVER click upon any of your silly, off topic garbage.

You post such an astounding load of pure, unadulterated, cow shit, that one fine day you could post where you buried 10 million bucks and I would snooze on it, like the rest of your pure, unadulterated, cow shit.
A former Pentagon official confirms to Fox News that detailed and specific intelligence about the rise of ISIS was included in the PDB, or the President’s Daily Brief, for at least a year before the group took large swaths of territory beginning in June.

The official, who asked not to be identified because the PDB is considered the most authoritative, classified intelligence community product providing the President with analysis of sensitive international events, said the data was strong, and....

^^^ Bingo. Unidentified source offering an opinion on something that he would have absolutely no business divulging to a news outlet.
Sorta like the libtard hero, Snowden?

Well, we KNOW who Snowden is and Snowden handed over information that was known to be correct.

I don't quite know how we verify a source who comes forward with NO VERIFIABLE INFORMATION.

The information about ISIS has been out there for over a year and a half.

Are you going to call BBC liars?

"Unlike other rebel groups in Syria, IS is seen to be working towards an Islamic emirate that straddles Syria and Iraq.

The group has seen considerable military success. In March 2013, it took over the Syrian city of Raqqa - the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control.".

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group

I'm not calling ANYONE a liar - I'm not even suggesting that ISIS aren't worthy of their despicable reputation; what I'm ASKING, for the umpteenth time, is what did you realistically expect Obama to do about these Cretans? Are we supposed to kill all of the worlds bad-guys on-sight, without ourselves, being in any immediate danger?

Sounds like a willful violation of Star Trek's prime directive of non-interference.

Actually we have the same opinion about not interfering in other countries. We are just coming at this from different angles.

I blame Obama/Biden/Clinton AND Harper/ Conservatives of Canada/ and Cameron for interfering in Egypt and demanding Mubarak resign and giving the poor Egyptians Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

We had no business interfering.

I blame Obama/Biden/Clinton AND Harper/Conservatives of Canda and Cameron and NATO for interfering in Libya and overthrowing Gaddafi and now giving the people of Libya some killer radicals who will now take over mega oil fields.

I blame the same bloody crew of our western leaders for trying to overthrow Assad and opening the door for this nightmare now known as ISIS or IS these days who are the most powerful and wealthiest terror army and organization on the planet.

We had no business interfering whatsoever. None, nada, zip, zilch.

But the difference between me and you is that I have no problem blaming my leader and others for completely turning the middle east from a dogs breakfast into something that is FUBAR'D with very powerful and now very wealthy terror organizations at the helm.

We of course know than he would have done this, because he said so - after he died.

So you didn't look at the article....typical 2 digit IQ low information voter! Thanks for the chuckle Crabbie!

Thanks! You, yourself might try to use that ginormous, Pentium 50, super-computer of a brain of yours for something other than a hat rack, every once in a while.
Now back to the OP. Take a look at this article. How pray tell could Obama not be informed on the jihadists coming in from all over the globe to fight Assad in Syria.

Take a look at the date. Excellent piece profiling who was coming in and who was joining what crew.,

The Syrian rebel groups pulling in foreign fighters
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi Writer on militia in Syria

24 December 2013 Last updated at 03:17 ET

BBC News - The Syrian rebel groups pulling in foreign fighters
But the difference between me and you is that I have no problem blaming my leader and others for completely turning the middle east from a dogs breakfast into something that is FUBAR'D with very powerful and now very wealthy terror organizations at the helm.

Sounds like altruistic, self-righteous, after-the-fact, political poppycock if you ask me.

You have no idea what I think; you instead are telling me what I think.

Not surprising in light of the fact that you seem to misconstrue just about everything else in this thread.


By the way; with regards to your sig - Bob Seger is to classic rock, what Carrot-top is to stand-up comedy.
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When obamashitforbrains has any respect for America then will I respect him. So far he has proven he is against America our allies and supports our enemies. He is the biggest enemy to America. Libtard.

I doubt it - you hate Obama by default. Anything he does is automatically wrong. Hence the strong language with regards to his presidency.
Everything he does is wrong. Of course he hasn't done anything good yet. I hate him because he is the most incompetent and dishonest Pontus in US history.
When obamashitforbrains has any respect for America then will I respect him. So far he has proven he is against America our allies and supports our enemies. He is the biggest enemy to America. Libtard.

I doubt it - you hate Obama by default. Anything he does is automatically wrong. Hence the strong language with regards to his presidency.
Everything he does is wrong. Of course he hasn't done anything good yet. I hate him because he is the most incompetent and dishonest Pontus in US history.

Why, of course - EVERYTHING the man does is steeped in Marxism ... I read it on the interwebz....
It's clear Obama knew about ISIS for a long time but ignored it, hoping it would go away.
This administration is driven by 24hr news cycles. They reach a crisis point and must "do somethng" which may or may not survive the next news cycle.
So they'll bomb Syria. Oh no they wont.
They'll declare Assad has t go. Oh no, now Assad is our partner.
They'll bomb ISIS. And then they wont.
Now they're bombing in Sudan. Why? Who knows?

Obama: The Bomb President.

What exactly, did Obama chose to ignore?

It's difficult taking anyone with Obama dirt, seriously; the track-record is hardly stellar in that department.

For starters he chose ignore AQ in Syria. Why? Because he didn't give a shit who took out Assad.

Not only did this AQ affiliate grow under Baghdadi but they grew in so much power and stature they dumped AQ and AQ distanced themselves from ISIS and Levant as they began to call themselves. They were too violent even for AQ.

Considering that a year and a half ago they took over the biggest provincial city Raqaa in Syria and this is all documented maybe that lying mother fucker in the White House aka Home of the Whopper should have been watching the news.

That's how he only seems to find out about anything the worthless piece of shit.

Oh, my.

Where to begin ... Syria? What was Obama supposed to do about ISIS in Syria? Do tell - I can't wait. Was he supposed to do like all good presidents ... post RR and bomb the crap out of them???

I'm still at a loss as to how Obama needed to wipe out a bunch of trouble-makers in order to make America safe.

I'll tell you - you don't have a clue what he should of done, because in all probability, this is not our fight and it never was to begin with.

Every day in "let's impeach the POTUS" land, Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

The right has no clue what they would have done, because Obama would have to do something first for the Republicans to form their anti-Obominator strategy.

Republicans are completely blind to this little game, but it is abundantly apparent to the rest of the nation.
Obamshitforbrains is responsible for Isis with his lack of a spine after his red line in the sand fail.
We may have to invent some new words to describe how bad this administration has been on foreign policy the current ones no longer do it justice.

While you're at it, you might want to invent some more crap-sandwich, scandals; the old ones aren't standing up that well.
We may have to invent some new words to describe how bad this administration has been on foreign policy the current ones no longer do it justice.

While you're at it, you might want to invent some more crap-sandwich, scandals; the old ones aren't standing up that well.
Hows life on the river denial?
Obamshitforbrains is responsible for Isis with his lack of a spine after his red line in the sand fail.

I'm at a loss for how to address something that has been debunked so many times already, that reiterating what will never be accepted by ditto-heads, seems somewhat pointless in the over-all scheme of the universal flow.

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