Obama's claims that the ISIS situation exploded on the scene unexpectedly is a lie

and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap of Jihad groups.
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and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006.

That is NOT what Wikipedia says, and I'll take their word over yours, any day of the week!

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap or Jihad groups.


They were born out of AQI. And I'll take BBC who have an impeccable reputation over Wiki that can be altered at any given time by anyone.

BBC's timelines are beyond awesome.

And they grew in strength and power in SYRIA not Iraq. IS took over one third of Syria including oil fields.

This is a fucking fact. Not an opinion.

They invaded Iraq from Syria for crying out loud AND THEN cut deals with various Sunni tribes.

To say that they remained in Iraq as just another mohammed six pack group and try to blame Maliki for this is nothing short of insane..

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group

IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad

Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group
and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006.

That is NOT what Wikipedia says, and I'll take their word over yours, any day of the week!

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You need to read the wikpedia link yourself. It backs up everything in my comment and refutes what Ms. Dancer says. In the wikipedia, link if you go down the page to the Oct 12 portion of the history you will see the information I provided about the Oath of the Sacred Ones I mentioned in my comment and ISI clearly being formed in 2006. So what part of my short comment are you attempting to dispute?
and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap or Jihad groups.


They were born out of AQI. And I'll take BBC who have an impeccable reputation over Wiki that can be altered at any given time by anyone.

BBC's timelines are beyond awesome.

And they grew in strength and power in SYRIA not Iraq. IS took over one third of Syria including oil fields.

This is a fucking fact. Not an opinion.

They invaded Iraq from Syria for crying out loud AND THEN cut deals with various Sunni tribes.

To say that they remained in Iraq as just another mohammed six pack group and try to blame Maliki for this is nothing short of insane..

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group

IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad

Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group
Once again, you idiots have to be told to read the entire link and not just cherry pick a small section and take the overall piece out of context and distort it to fit your agenda. The BBC link actually refutes your claim and supports what I had to say. People who have reading comprehension skills that read the article will understand you are putting out agenda driven nonsense, the same way you did with Ukraine.
How on earth anyone can even begin to claim that ISIS and Levant grew in power and stature in Iraq is beyond me.

What next? They invaded Syria from Iraq now?
Look this is not up for debate here. When Baghdadi took power and moved into Syria this is when they became not just another terrorist organization but a terror government and a terror army as well.

It was Obama's desperate need to take down another leader in the ME, this time Assad after Mubarak and Gaddafi that allowed AQI now in Syria to grow.

They are billionaires from Syrian oil sales.

They were Mohammed Nada little chump change dudes in Iraq. Syria is where they became ever so powerful and the monster we know today.

"AQI, the organizational predecessor to ISIS, was best-known for suicide attacks, hostage-takings, beheadings and armed attacks, according to Canada's profile of the terrorist organization .AQI's stated goal was to establish a Sunni nation-state governed by Islamic law.

ISIS's stated goals are similar, but its methods have expanded beyond guerilla attacks. ISIS has money, weapons, land and soldiers at its disposal, and its tactics have shifted more toward a military approach.

The latest reports even say ISIS has captured a military base, and is constructing a camp north of Mosul that is designed to house 10,000 soldiers".

Iraq Crisis How ISIS became the richest terror group in the world CTV News
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and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap or Jihad groups.


They were born out of AQI. And I'll take BBC who have an impeccable reputation over Wiki that can be altered at any given time by anyone.

BBC's timelines are beyond awesome.

And they grew in strength and power in SYRIA not Iraq. IS took over one third of Syria including oil fields.

This is a fucking fact. Not an opinion.

They invaded Iraq from Syria for crying out loud AND THEN cut deals with various Sunni tribes.

To say that they remained in Iraq as just another mohammed six pack group and try to blame Maliki for this is nothing short of insane..

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group

IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad

Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group
Once again, you idiots have to be told to read the entire link and not just cherry pick a small section and take the overall piece out of context and distort it to fit your agenda. The BBC link actually refutes your claim and supports what I had to say. People who have reading comprehension skills that read the article will understand you are putting out agenda driven nonsense, the same way you did with Ukraine.

It doesn't refute my claim that the all powerful entity now known as IS morphed into ISIS and Levant in 2013 from their AQI roots.

They became rock star jihadists in Syria for crying out loud. They were nothing in Iraq.

You are the one with the agenda to try to pin this group in its current form on Bush.

And I'll go head to head and toe to toe with you any day over the Ukraine.
and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap or Jihad groups.


They were born out of AQI. And I'll take BBC who have an impeccable reputation over Wiki that can be altered at any given time by anyone.

BBC's timelines are beyond awesome.

And they grew in strength and power in SYRIA not Iraq. IS took over one third of Syria including oil fields.

This is a fucking fact. Not an opinion.

They invaded Iraq from Syria for crying out loud AND THEN cut deals with various Sunni tribes.

To say that they remained in Iraq as just another mohammed six pack group and try to blame Maliki for this is nothing short of insane..

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group

IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad

Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group
Once again, you idiots have to be told to read the entire link and not just cherry pick a small section and take the overall piece out of context and distort it to fit your agenda. The BBC link actually refutes your claim and supports what I had to say. People who have reading comprehension skills that read the article will understand you are putting out agenda driven nonsense, the same way you did with Ukraine.

It doesn't refute my claim that the all powerful entity now known as IS morphed into ISIS and Levant in 2013 from their AQI roots.

They became rock star jihadists in Syria for crying out loud. They were nothing in Iraq.

You are the one with the agenda to try to pin this group in its current form on Bush.

And I'll go head to head and toe to toe with you any day over the Ukraine.
How on earth anyone can even begin to claim that ISIS and Levant grew in power and stature in Iraq is beyond me.

What next? They invaded Syria from Iraq now?
Exactly, they were a powerful group in Iraq, expanded into Syria, brought the expanded forces from Syria back into Iraq after making treaties and agreements with the Sunni tribes who were fed up with the abuse and power grabs of Maliki and became the power they are today. After over a decade of what they considered abuse by the American occupation and the unfair rulings of a Shite leader the Sunni's flocked to ISIS. That caught everyone off guard.
BTW, anyone remember the name Zarqawi? Abu Mujab al Zarqawi was the guy who beheaded Nick Berg on video. That is where ISIS got it's roots from.
and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap or Jihad groups.


They were born out of AQI. And I'll take BBC who have an impeccable reputation over Wiki that can be altered at any given time by anyone.

BBC's timelines are beyond awesome.

And they grew in strength and power in SYRIA not Iraq. IS took over one third of Syria including oil fields.

This is a fucking fact. Not an opinion.

They invaded Iraq from Syria for crying out loud AND THEN cut deals with various Sunni tribes.

To say that they remained in Iraq as just another mohammed six pack group and try to blame Maliki for this is nothing short of insane..

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group

IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad

Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group
Once again, you idiots have to be told to read the entire link and not just cherry pick a small section and take the overall piece out of context and distort it to fit your agenda. The BBC link actually refutes your claim and supports what I had to say. People who have reading comprehension skills that read the article will understand you are putting out agenda driven nonsense, the same way you did with Ukraine.

It doesn't refute my claim that the all powerful entity now known as IS morphed into ISIS and Levant in 2013 from their AQI roots.

They became rock star jihadists in Syria for crying out loud. They were nothing in Iraq.

You are the one with the agenda to try to pin this group in its current form on Bush.

And I'll go head to head and toe to toe with you any day over the Ukraine.
How on earth anyone can even begin to claim that ISIS and Levant grew in power and stature in Iraq is beyond me.

What next? They invaded Syria from Iraq now?
Exactly, they were a powerful group in Iraq, expanded into Syria, brought the expanded forces from Syria back into Iraq after making treaties and agreements with the Sunni tribes who were fed up with the abuse and power grabs of Maliki and became the power they are today. After over a decade of what they considered abuse by the American occupation and the unfair rulings of a Shite leader the Sunni's flocked to ISIS. That caught everyone off guard.
BTW, anyone remember the name Zarqawi? Abu Mujab al Zarqawi was the guy who beheaded Nick Berg on video. That is where ISIS got it's roots from.

Oh give me a break here. We can go back past Bin Laden about who begat who.

They were AQI in Iraq. ISI. NOT ISIS, This is a very crucial point. AQI begat the name ISI but they were still AQ. Their allegiance was to AQ.

ISIS was born with the break away from AQ. This is really important here Camp. This is the 2013 time frame.

ISIS who is now IS is a completely different entity to AQ. It's a big deal.

Bagdhadi wasn't doing jack shit in the land of Iraq jihad till he went to Syria. He was just another Mohammed Six Pack terrorist. Oh and really important to note he never ever pledged allegiance to Zawahiri.

Now he's a mega rock star,

And ISIS invaded Iraq and none of the Sunni tribal chiefs ever swore allegiance to ISIS and although they tolerated what ISIS was doing they did not join with ISIS at all.

IS has just slaughtered untold hundreds of Sunnis both in Syria and Iraq and the Sunni tribal chiefs now realizing their mistake are trying to fight IS.

Please tell me you are up to date on Sunni tribes fighting against IS.
and you start off with a lie...We are done here.

ISIS and Levant as they stand today formed out of AQ affiliates in Syria fighting Assad.

This is fact. Not opinion.

An Assad regime that was weakened because Obama wants to depose him just like he took out Mubarak and Gaddafi and was supplying weapons to the faux rebels who are just paid mercenaries and terrorists.

This is fact. Not opinion.

Bush has nothing to do with Syria. Nothing at all. And Obamabots truly look moronic trying to lay the blame of the birth of ISIS and Levant at Bush's feet.
Not fact at all. Misinformation. ISIL was born in Iraq in 2006. Al Qaeda didn't exist in Irag before we occupied that country. Al Qaeda came to Iraq for the purpose of killing American soldiers and to recruit members. Other groups formed with agenda's different than al Qaeda. One of them was Oath of the Sacred Ones which renamed itself ISIL in 2006. They remained just one of many groups until May and June 2014 when Maliki turned on the Sunni tribes. The Sunni tribes made various deals to allow ISIS to operated in the Sunni Triangle and that is what made them skyrocket to the top of the heap or Jihad groups.


They were born out of AQI. And I'll take BBC who have an impeccable reputation over Wiki that can be altered at any given time by anyone.

BBC's timelines are beyond awesome.

And they grew in strength and power in SYRIA not Iraq. IS took over one third of Syria including oil fields.

This is a fucking fact. Not an opinion.

They invaded Iraq from Syria for crying out loud AND THEN cut deals with various Sunni tribes.

To say that they remained in Iraq as just another mohammed six pack group and try to blame Maliki for this is nothing short of insane..

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group

IS fighters have their sights on Iraq's capital, Baghdad

Islamic State stands with al-Qaeda as one of the most dangerous jihadist groups, after its gains in Syria and Iraq.

Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

BBC News - Syria Iraq The Islamic State militant group
Once again, you idiots have to be told to read the entire link and not just cherry pick a small section and take the overall piece out of context and distort it to fit your agenda. The BBC link actually refutes your claim and supports what I had to say. People who have reading comprehension skills that read the article will understand you are putting out agenda driven nonsense, the same way you did with Ukraine.

It doesn't refute my claim that the all powerful entity now known as IS morphed into ISIS and Levant in 2013 from their AQI roots.

They became rock star jihadists in Syria for crying out loud. They were nothing in Iraq.

You are the one with the agenda to try to pin this group in its current form on Bush.

And I'll go head to head and toe to toe with you any day over the Ukraine.
How on earth anyone can even begin to claim that ISIS and Levant grew in power and stature in Iraq is beyond me.

What next? They invaded Syria from Iraq now?
Exactly, they were a powerful group in Iraq, expanded into Syria, brought the expanded forces from Syria back into Iraq after making treaties and agreements with the Sunni tribes who were fed up with the abuse and power grabs of Maliki and became the power they are today. After over a decade of what they considered abuse by the American occupation and the unfair rulings of a Shite leader the Sunni's flocked to ISIS. That caught everyone off guard.
BTW, anyone remember the name Zarqawi? Abu Mujab al Zarqawi was the guy who beheaded Nick Berg on video. That is where ISIS got it's roots from.

Oh give me a break here. We can go back past Bin Laden about who begat who.

They were AQI in Iraq. ISI. NOT ISIS, This is a very crucial point. AQI begat the name ISI but they were still AQ. Their allegiance was to AQ.

ISIS was born with the break away from AQ. This is really important here Camp. This is the 2013 time frame.

ISIS who is now IS is a completely different entity to AQ. It's a big deal.

Bagdhadi wasn't doing jack shit in the land of Iraq jihad till he went to Syria. He was just another Mohammed Six Pack terrorist. Oh and really important to note he never ever pledged allegiance to Zawahiri.

Now he's a mega rock star,

And ISIS invaded Iraq and none of the Sunni tribal chiefs ever swore allegiance to ISIS and although they tolerated what ISIS was doing they did not join with ISIS at all.

IS has just slaughtered untold hundreds of Sunnis both in Syria and Iraq and the Sunni tribal chiefs now realizing their mistake are trying to fight IS.

Please tell me you are up to date on Sunni tribes fighting against IS.
I am aware of the tribes that are fighting against and for both sides by name, area and leaders and when they allied against Maliki and I am currently watching as they disavow IS and go back to being allied with the new Baghdad government
You seem very confused and disjointed in your post. You need to try and not contradict yourself in your own post. That is because instead of cross matching sources to insure the sources are following a consensus or using very reliable sources, you seem to pick through your sources to find one that simply fits your opinion or viewpoint.
Your statement that that the Sunni tribal chiefs never swore allegiance to ISIS and merely tolerated what ISIS was doing and did not join ISIS is a dangerous and irresponsible piece of misinformation. It is a propaganda ploy to imply the need for troops on the ground that many are falling for. The troops are already on the ground in the form of the Sunni tribes. With alliance of the tribes, the Iraqi military, Kurds and air support combined with constant supply of munitions and weapons, ISIS can be defeated.


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