Obamas Acomplishments wheres the repukes

they have pretty much refused to allow him to make many appointments.

He is opperating with many unappointed by him people running departments.

How fun to try and run a country with your underlings working against you
they have pretty much refused to allow him to make many appointments.

He is opperating with many unappointed by him people running departments.

How fun to try and run a country with your underlings working against you

HAHA! Members of Congress are not his underlings, moron. People like you are his underlings. Underling ... haha.
they have pretty much refused to allow him to make many appointments.

He is opperating with many unappointed by him people running departments.

How fun to try and run a country with your underlings working against you

Congress, the People's House, are "underlings"

Now you see why there are mass graves at the end of every Progressive rainbow
they have pretty much refused to allow him to make many appointments.

He is opperating with many unappointed by him people running departments.

How fun to try and run a country with your underlings working against you

You clearly have no understanding how a Representative Republic works. Out of the pool.
The above is what happens when mental hospitals allow their patients internet access


President Obama should simply do a mass 'Recess appointment' and fill all vacancies in the beaucracy and judicial system. That would be bring the issue to front and center. Let the Pukes snivel and whine.
they have pretty much refused to allow him to make many appointments.

He is opperating with many unappointed by him people running departments.

How fun to try and run a country with your underlings working against you


Got news for you sweetheart...Congress pretty much runs the country while the President is more of a figurehead with only the power of the veto and the power of executive orders.

The president reports to congress....not the other way around.

You are freaking clueless.
President Obama should simply do a mass 'Recess appointment' and fill all vacancies in the beaucracy and judicial system. That would be bring the issue to front and center. Let the Pukes snivel and whine.

Why don't you just suggest Obama as King?
Seems none of you can read.

The OP was remarking about "accomplishments" not "appointments".
President Obama should simply do a mass 'Recess appointment' and fill all vacancies in the beaucracy and judicial system. That would be bring the issue to front and center. Let the Pukes snivel and whine.

recess appointments are only valid a short time. The political consequences are severe. The great mass of undecideds in any election regard this as a stunt to do an end run around the process and it carries huge political costs.

That said, remember who controls the Senate. If they can't get their act together and approve the appointments made by the president of their own party, they need to be replaced by folks who aren't so bone idle lazy.
Driving up the deficit to a record level is NOT an accomplishment.

I can see how understanding what an acommplishment is would be hard for some libs. After all they think receiving a Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was an accomplishment.
repukes Google Obama's accomplishment even with a repuke congress that blocks almost everything he does.

Perhaps, it would be a better thread if you would list some of the things you believe are his accomplishments?

I've seen thread after thread after thread where someone from the left (some intelligent, thoughtful posters and others... well, not so much) have done so. Most of the "accomplishments" are debateable as to whether or not they are good for the country.

I mean one that always makes the list is his "reform" of the health insurance industry. This is most definitely debateable as to whether or not it is good for the country.

I can give you one accomplishment. Under his watch Seal Team 6 brought justice to Osama bin Ladin.

What do you think he has accomplished? What exactly has he done for the people of America? I know for me, it has been three years of hell. The economy has beat the hell out of me and my family. He promised jobs... I'm still looking although, despite his promise, I realized then and there he was incapable (as would anyone have been) of fulfilling that promise. The economy sucks and that is not likely to change anytime soon.

Please help make this a decent thread and tell us what you believe the President has accomplished in the last three years.

they have pretty much refused to allow him to make many appointments.

He is opperating with many unappointed by him people running departments.

How fun to try and run a country with your underlings working against you


Got news for you sweetheart...Congress pretty much runs the country while the President is more of a figurehead.......
Yeah......we heard that....in '93.​

"Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."
— Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."
—Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)

"I will make you this bet. I am willing to risk the mortgage on it…the deficit will be up; unemployment will be up; in my judgment, inflation will be up."
—Sen. Robert Packwood (Republican, Oregon)

"The deficit four years from today will be higher than it is today, not lower."
—Sen. Phil Gramm (Republican, Texas)

"The President promised a middle-class tax cut, yet he and his party imposed the largest tax increase in American history. We hope his higher taxes will not cut short the economic recovery and declining interest rates he inherited… Instead of stifling growth through higher taxes and increased government regulations, Republicans would take America in a different direction."
—Sen. Robert Dole (Republican, Kansas)

When St. Bill WHUPPED 'EM!!!!!


Sorry Immie, I give Seal Team 6 the credit. If you give Obama the credit, then you have to go back to Bush who started the hunt and stuck with it for a long time.

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