Obamacare will create jobs.cost effective and safe


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama care will not cost anything. It will pay for itself and may even help pay down the deficit. It will create jobs, create taxes and create savings and save lives.
It will put doctors, nurses and medical staff to work, and workers pay taxes.
Unemployed construction workers, in all areas, will be taken off the unemployment compensation roll, put back to work building hospital and clinics, paying taxes and saving the government millions in unemployment compensation.
Hospitals and clinics will have to have fixtures and furniture, landscaped, etc, and janitors to clean, etc and workers pay taxes.
Hospital and clinic staff will be put to work, off unemployment compensation and paying taxes.
Obamacare will take millions off unemployment compensation and put millions back to work paying taxes and saving the government.
There is no logical reason to oppose government run healthcare that will insure millions who do not have healthcare. No reasons to oppose government run healthcare because it already run thousands of county and state healthcare centers and programs across this country. These government run programs and facilities has existed for years and with no complaints until we elected a black president. Obamacare will work much the same. Now do the math.
If social security had been privatized, government would have had to bail it out.
Nothing will work to cover healthcare for all except government run healthcare.
No way you can make private healthcare effective, and affordable for everyone.-

Obama care will not cost anything. It will pay for itself and may even help pay down the deficit. It will create jobs, create taxes and create savings and save lives.
It will put doctors, nurses and medical staff to work, and workers pay taxes.
Unemployed construction workers, in all areas, will be taken off the unemployment compensation roll, put back to work building hospital and clinics, paying taxes and saving the government millions in unemployment compensation.
Hospitals and clinics will have to have fixtures and furniture, landscaped, etc, and janitors to clean, etc and workers pay taxes.
Hospital and clinic staff will be put to work, off unemployment compensation and paying taxes.
Obamacare will take millions off unemployment compensation and put millions back to work paying taxes and saving the government.
There is no logical reason to oppose government run healthcare that will insure millions who do not have healthcare. No reasons to oppose government run healthcare because it already run thousands of county and state healthcare centers and programs across this country. These government run programs and facilities has existed for years and with no complaints until we elected a black president. Obamacare will work much the same. Now do the math.
If social security had been privatized, government would have had to bail it out.
Nothing will work to cover healthcare for all except government run healthcare.
No way you can make private healthcare effective, and affordable for everyone.-

And everyone will ride a unicorn and slide down a rainbow into a pot of gold.


Obama care will not cost anything. It will pay for itself and may even help pay down the deficit. .-

I am rather glad it passed. I am of the age it does not matter. I will not be around much longer. However I find it very amusing that the children of my children will be having to pass for this monstrosity. And the reason for my amusement is my children are all bleeding heart liberals except for one who is not married and has no children.

I do wish I could be here in about ten years when my grandchildren start complaining to their parents who voted the asswipes into both the congress and the white house about their taxes and extremely poor health benefits. I would be screaming I TOLD YOU SO!!!

Obama care will not cost anything. It will pay for itself and may even help pay down the deficit. It will create jobs, create taxes and create savings and save lives.
It will put doctors, nurses and medical staff to work, and workers pay taxes.
Unemployed construction workers, in all areas, will be taken off the unemployment compensation roll, put back to work building hospital and clinics, paying taxes and saving the government millions in unemployment compensation.
Hospitals and clinics will have to have fixtures and furniture, landscaped, etc, and janitors to clean, etc and workers pay taxes.
Hospital and clinic staff will be put to work, off unemployment compensation and paying taxes.
Obamacare will take millions off unemployment compensation and put millions back to work paying taxes and saving the government.
There is no logical reason to oppose government run healthcare that will insure millions who do not have healthcare. No reasons to oppose government run healthcare because it already run thousands of county and state healthcare centers and programs across this country. These government run programs and facilities has existed for years and with no complaints until we elected a black president. Obamacare will work much the same. Now do the math.
If social security had been privatized, government would have had to bail it out.
Nothing will work to cover healthcare for all except government run healthcare.
No way you can make private healthcare effective, and affordable for everyone.-


First the legislation passed will be a big job killer, You have just increased costs for business that will be passed to the consumer. With employeers being forced to pay 72.5% for singles and 60% for families , you guys have just killed any older worker opportunities for employment has it will cost more for their premiums, you have also made it a lot tougher for anyone with a family to gain empoyement.

Why would I as an employeer hire someone that will cost me more. I will simply look for young single workers. Not all business operates on the suit and tie program.

Now we havent even discussed the need for more prisons for americans that can not afford what the democrats say they can afford.

Caution you are getting what you wished for an increase in unemployment.
Someone on Bulls and Bears said it is expected to cost 5 million jobs. Particularly troublesome is mandated coverage for part timers. They will be the first to go. And if the cut off for small biz is 500K in poayroll any business close to that figure will make sure they get under it.

It sounds like the OP is referring to socialized medicine. In that case, perhaps the govt will put half the public on its payroll. And the other half will pick up the tab.

Obama care will not cost anything. It will pay for itself and may even help pay down the deficit. .-

I am rather glad it passed. I am of the age it does not matter. I will not be around much longer. However I find it very amusing that the children of my children will be having to pass for this monstrosity. And the reason for my amusement is my children are all bleeding heart liberals except for one who is not married and has no children.

I do wish I could be here in about ten years when my grandchildren start complaining to their parents who voted the asswipes into both the congress and the white house about their taxes and extremely poor health benefits. I would be screaming I TOLD YOU SO!!!

The elderly are going to be hit the hardest.
Extrapolations from my favorite author, Dr. Norman Livergood,
see url: Workers Must Demand Single Payer Universal Healthcare :


Taking his orders from the cabal that "owns" him, Obama is now touting a mixed public-private healthcare system--which leaves the current lethal system operating to deny health services to workers and reap windfall profits for the healthcare insurance thugs. Seven states, ranging from Washington to Minnesota to Massachusetts to Maine, have tried such a mixed system--and it has failed miserably. A report released by Physicians for a National Health Program and Public Citizen reveals the failure of the Massachusetts model. Preserving the private insurance system — which this model does — is not worth the sacrifice of human lives and health.

Leaving nothing for granted, the healthcare insurance industry is continuing to pour big money into lobbying to keep the current murderous system intact. They shelled out more than half a billion dollars in 2008 alone, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. They're also shelling out megabucks for a publicity blitz and ads attacking Obama's public plan or any health care reform that threatens to reduce their obscene profits from sickness and disease." ...

(..." Obama received more than $2 million from the insurance and pharmaceutical sectors during his presidential campaign, which broke records for donations from fatcat corporations and agencies."...) - same url ..
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Obama care will not cost anything. It will pay for itself and may even help pay down the deficit. It will create jobs, create taxes and create savings and save lives.
It will put doctors, nurses and medical staff to work, and workers pay taxes.
Unemployed construction workers, in all areas, will be taken off the unemployment compensation roll, put back to work building hospital and clinics, paying taxes and saving the government millions in unemployment compensation.
Hospitals and clinics will have to have fixtures and furniture, landscaped, etc, and janitors to clean, etc and workers pay taxes.
Hospital and clinic staff will be put to work, off unemployment compensation and paying taxes.
Obamacare will take millions off unemployment compensation and put millions back to work paying taxes and saving the government.
There is no logical reason to oppose government run healthcare that will insure millions who do not have healthcare. No reasons to oppose government run healthcare because it already run thousands of county and state healthcare centers and programs across this country. These government run programs and facilities has existed for years and with no complaints until we elected a black president. Obamacare will work much the same. Now do the math.
If social security had been privatized, government would have had to bail it out.
Nothing will work to cover healthcare for all except government run healthcare.
No way you can make private healthcare effective, and affordable for everyone.-

This is why I feel that the registrar of voters should mandate a proficiency test for all to be able to vote

I thought you were going away and wanted your account deleted.

~Gotta have a pretty thick skin out heah, or people just walk all over you.

I wanted to say a few things regarding the passage of the Health Insurance bull shit ... then I intend to leave ALL MESSAGE BOARDS BEHIND, and watch silently on the sidelines as humanity gets obliterated into NON-EXISTENCE.

What's it to you anyhoo? Other than a mere reflection of yourself.

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