Obama won't negotiate with Republicans in congress but he will with terrorists

How many hundreds of times did we hear that the Administration wouldn't negotiate with congress over budgetary issues for fear of harming the ECONOMY.

Yet here Obama negotiates with terrorists and it includes a HUGE threat to American LIVES

So, with a president who wants our borders open, I guess terrorists can enter our country whenever and just start taking Americans because we all know the price to release them.
The terrorists were actually offering something in exchange. Republicans didn't in their "negotiations".

How is it a negotiation when only one side is willing to talk? The house has passed dozens of bills to help the economy but obama's puppet Reid has not let a single one come to the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote.

Obama does not need to negotiate, he rules by dictate and executive order, laws mean nothing to him, he shits on the constitution daily and you idiots continue to worship him.

There's nothing to talk about when one side is only making demands and not offering anything. Maybe you don't understand how negotiations work.
YES the inept community organizer is that illogical

It's a false premise. The GOP said our way or the highway. The prez said OK and walked the walk. The pubs went like dood we dinn't mean it, and the prez went like oh yes you did, and nows you got to each your own baloney.

Having learned the lesson, the GOP negotiated the debt and the budget.

How quickly you forget.

and nows you got to each your own baloney.

Having learned the lesson, the GOP negotiated the debt and the budget.

Is English your primary Language ? We all foul up a wee bit of grammar and make spelling errors but seriously dude, My grandson can do better than that with his crayons.

U knows nada, greenbean snow.

I amz talki to u in lengage u unnerstand, awite?

When you grow up and respond like an adult in adult conversations, you will be treated like an adult.
The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, quoted November 4, 2010...

end of negotiation ....
The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, quoted November 4, 2010...

end of negotiation ....

5 high profile enemy Taliban would've still been in Gitmo......
Obama won't negotiate with Republicans in congress but he will with terrorists

The president met with Boehner just this past February:

Obama, Boehner have 'constructive' meeting

You really need to start to think things through
From your link.....but did not appear to move any closer on deals....

So, who were you echoing, Beohner or the Pres?

It takes two to tango. Just because no deal was struck doesn't mean no effort was made towards one. This thread is fucking retarded.
This appears to be the sad reality. He was obligated to notify Congress before his actions. Obviously he didn't. But then again, he's not known to be a big supporter of our Constitution. So it's par for the course. I'm certainly not surprised.
you're an idiot

you're a dolt

no, you're a moron

and you're a dufus

thus the negotiation began, and continues.

Shame isn't it?
How many hundreds of times did we hear that the Administration wouldn't negotiate with congress over budgetary issues for fear of harming the ECONOMY.

Yet here Obama negotiates with terrorists and it includes a HUGE threat to American LIVES

He is choosing the lesser of two evils.
This President declared War on his fellow Americans on day one. He was raised an Anti-American Marxist Globalist. He really does see his fellow Americans as his biggest enemy. In his mind, they are much bigger enemies than the Taliban and Al Qaeda are. So it's time for a new direction. Time to boot the Communists/Democrats. And I believe Americans are going to do that. But we'll see i guess.
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This appears to be the sad reality. He was obligated to notify Congress before his actions. Obviously he didn't. But then again, he's not known to be a big supporter of our Constitution. So it's par for the course. I'm certainly not surprised.

As CiC in wartime, he had no obligation to notify Congress if he deemed it not feasible at the moment.
This appears to be the sad reality. He was obligated to notify Congress before his actions. Obviously he didn't. But then again, he's not known to be a big supporter of our Constitution. So it's par for the course. I'm certainly not surprised.

As CiC in wartime, he had no obligation to notify Congress if he deemed it not feasible at the moment.

Yes we know, him and his cronies are now boasting about exposing a 'loophole' allowing him to bypass Congress. But like i said, i'm not surprised. His instinct is to lie and cheat. It is what it is.

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