Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

President Obama was honoring the legacy of John Lewis. It was awesome!

While Drumpf lies at covid 19 briefings ignoring the 150K and counting dead people due to his incompetence.
We know there was at least one, Commie Joe.

Naw, Dmitri, I'm a capitalist. I run a business.
You dress up people's resume that are even worse with the written word than you are. Sitting in the spare bedroom you turned into an "office" huddled over your keyboard using a thesaurus makes you a "business owner" much in the same way a guy with a squeegee and a bucket that goes "door to door" looking to clean windows is a "business owner", ya fat fuck.

Also, for someone that is now claiming to be a capitalist, you certainly opine that we don't have MORE socialism and that the "RICH" are not paying their "fair share" so my question to you is who the fuck decides what is "fair" or not? Why should they subsidize your sorry ass? Have you no pride? You want socialized healthcare to lower your healthcare costs because given your heftiness, there are more surgeries in your future and come hell or high water, SOMEONE needs to have their pockets picked on your behalf. I found it hilarious concerning your post about dumping the wealthy on an island and how they couldn't fend for themselves. I could put twenty fat fucks like you on a deserted island and all you would do is bitch about how someone needs to gather your food and build you a hut before you all resorted to cannibalism.You are a worthless sack of shit, Joe Blowhard and why you think anyone should give so much as a frog's fart about YOUR welfare is a testimony to your narcissism.

Hope this helps!!!!
You dress up people's resume that are even worse with the written word than you are. Sitting in the spare bedroom you turned into an "office" huddled over your keyboard using a thesaurus makes you a "business owner" much in the same way a guy with a squeegee and a bucket that goes "door to door" looking to clean windows is a "business owner", ya fat fuck.

Except I made more doing it than I made in my regular job as a Purchasing agent, I've had thousands of satisfied customers who've recommended me to friends and I've had major corporations call me in as a consulant when doing mass layoffs. But other than that, I'm just like the squeegee guy.

Also, for someone that is now claiming to be a capitalist, you certainly opine that we don't have MORE socialism and that the "RICH" are not paying their "fair share" so my question to you is who the fuck decides what is "fair" or not?

Um, that's why we have a democracy, to decide what is fair and who should pay it.

Now, the real problem, we've found that borrowing money is the path of least resistance, rather than cutting programs people like (You know, the nice middle class entitlement programs white people love) or making the rich pay their fair share, because having those discussions are hard.

I actually do think we need to do both. We need to pay more, we need to spend less. I'd love to have a political discussion about that than having to Borrow another 4 Trillion dollars to bail out the economy because the sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid.

You want socialized healthcare to lower your healthcare costs because given your heftiness, there are more surgeries in your future and come hell or high water, SOMEONE needs to have their pockets picked on your behalf.

Uh, no guy, I want single payer because what we are doing now is inefficient. We spend more than any other country in the world, we still have MILLIONS with no coverage, we have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world and the highest infant mortality rate. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis and 75% of them had health insurance when the crisis started. Covid has proven the foolishiness of letting employers administer health care, a job they never really wanted to start with.

But you won't care about a real problem facing real Americans, Dmitri, we know your job is to spread lies about false flags and Chem trails to get the stupid people upset about non-issues and crazy conspiracies. I'm sure they'll give you extra borscht for doing it.
You dress up people's resume that are even worse with the written word than you are. Sitting in the spare bedroom you turned into an "office" huddled over your keyboard using a thesaurus makes you a "business owner" much in the same way a guy with a squeegee and a bucket that goes "door to door" looking to clean windows is a "business owner", ya fat fuck.

Except I made more doing it than I made in my regular job as a Purchasing agent, I've had thousands of satisfied customers who've recommended me to friends and I've had major corporations call me in as a consulant when doing mass layoffs. But other than that, I'm just like the squeegee guy.

Also, for someone that is now claiming to be a capitalist, you certainly opine that we don't have MORE socialism and that the "RICH" are not paying their "fair share" so my question to you is who the fuck decides what is "fair" or not?

Um, that's why we have a democracy, to decide what is fair and who should pay it.

Now, the real problem, we've found that borrowing money is the path of least resistance, rather than cutting programs people like (You know, the nice middle class entitlement programs white people love) or making the rich pay their fair share, because having those discussions are hard.

I actually do think we need to do both. We need to pay more, we need to spend less. I'd love to have a political discussion about that than having to Borrow another 4 Trillion dollars to bail out the economy because the sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid.

You want socialized healthcare to lower your healthcare costs because given your heftiness, there are more surgeries in your future and come hell or high water, SOMEONE needs to have their pockets picked on your behalf.

Uh, no guy, I want single payer because what we are doing now is inefficient. We spend more than any other country in the world, we still have MILLIONS with no coverage, we have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world and the highest infant mortality rate. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis and 75% of them had health insurance when the crisis started. Covid has proven the foolishiness of letting employers administer health care, a job they never really wanted to start with.

But you won't care about a real problem facing real Americans, Dmitri, we know your job is to spread lies about false flags and Chem trails to get the stupid people upset about non-issues and crazy conspiracies. I'm sure they'll give you extra borscht for doing it.
"Except I made more doing it than I made in my regular job as a Purchasing agent, I've had thousands of satisfied customers who've recommended me to friends and I've had major corporations call me in as a consulant when doing mass layoffs. But other than that, I'm just like the squeegee guy."

That is your story but given your propensity to lie and make shit up about posters and spin shit here to tout the leftard POV? Let's just say I am more than a tad skeptical about your ability to separate fact from your fantasies.

Um, that's why we have a democracy, to decide what is fair and who should pay it"

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner. There has been four separate SCOTUS decisions that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" any new taxing authority as it pertains to an unappropriated tax placed on one's bartering of their labor in exchange for something of value. What is the difference between what the Monarchs did when they sent their armies to take 35 to 40 percent of a farmer's yield for "Using the king's land" and this corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body that steals 20 to 37 percent of paper scrip notes aka "FRNs" that lose purchasing power every year which is a hidden tax in itself? They sure as fuck don't do 25 to 37 percent of our job. Taxation on wages is simply extortion by a gang of thieves that have armed goons they use to strong arm and intimidate the serfs into acquiescing.

"Uh, no guy, I want single payer because what we are doing now is inefficient. We spend more than any other country in the world, we still have MILLIONS with no coverage, we have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world and the highest infant mortality rate"

"Now, the real problem, we've found that borrowing money is the path of least resistance, rather than cutting programs people like (You know, the nice middle class entitlement programs white people love) or making the rich pay their fair share, because having those discussions are hard."

Where does the Fed get the money to "loan" USA.INC? Since every federal reserve note is borrowed into existence with interest attached to each and every note? How could the debt ever be repaid? Can you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten?

We need to pay more, we need to spend less. I'd love to have a political discussion about that than having to Borrow another 4 Trillion dollars to bail out the economy because the sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid.

When you allow anyone that can fog a mirror to come over here and then give them free healthcare? Eventually that cost will be passed onto those that pay. Lowered life expectancy is due to poisoned water, poisoned air, genetically modified "Frankenfood" courtesy of corporations like Monsanto, bad habits like smoking and drinking, the use of illicit drugs and poor exercise habits. High infant mortality rates? When you are pumping a child full of polluted vaccines that haven't had a chance to allow their immunity system to build up resistance to infections? What do you expect?

"Covid has proven the foolishiness of letting employers administer health care, a job they never really wanted to start with"

It never was an employer's responsibility to offer health insurance. It started out as a perk to entice and recruit talented employees. It was the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies that wanted to mandate that employee health insurance subsidizing was a right.
You dress up people's resume that are even worse with the written word than you are. Sitting in the spare bedroom you turned into an "office" huddled over your keyboard using a thesaurus makes you a "business owner" much in the same way a guy with a squeegee and a bucket that goes "door to door" looking to clean windows is a "business owner", ya fat fuck.

Except I made more doing it than I made in my regular job as a Purchasing agent, I've had thousands of satisfied customers who've recommended me to friends and I've had major corporations call me in as a consulant when doing mass layoffs. But other than that, I'm just like the squeegee guy.

Also, for someone that is now claiming to be a capitalist, you certainly opine that we don't have MORE socialism and that the "RICH" are not paying their "fair share" so my question to you is who the fuck decides what is "fair" or not?

Um, that's why we have a democracy, to decide what is fair and who should pay it.

Now, the real problem, we've found that borrowing money is the path of least resistance, rather than cutting programs people like (You know, the nice middle class entitlement programs white people love) or making the rich pay their fair share, because having those discussions are hard.

I actually do think we need to do both. We need to pay more, we need to spend less. I'd love to have a political discussion about that than having to Borrow another 4 Trillion dollars to bail out the economy because the sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid.

You want socialized healthcare to lower your healthcare costs because given your heftiness, there are more surgeries in your future and come hell or high water, SOMEONE needs to have their pockets picked on your behalf.

Uh, no guy, I want single payer because what we are doing now is inefficient. We spend more than any other country in the world, we still have MILLIONS with no coverage, we have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world and the highest infant mortality rate. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis and 75% of them had health insurance when the crisis started. Covid has proven the foolishiness of letting employers administer health care, a job they never really wanted to start with.

But you won't care about a real problem facing real Americans, Dmitri, we know your job is to spread lies about false flags and Chem trails to get the stupid people upset about non-issues and crazy conspiracies. I'm sure they'll give you extra borscht for doing it.
You dress up people's resume that are even worse with the written word than you are. Sitting in the spare bedroom you turned into an "office" huddled over your keyboard using a thesaurus makes you a "business owner" much in the same way a guy with a squeegee and a bucket that goes "door to door" looking to clean windows is a "business owner", ya fat fuck.

Except I made more doing it than I made in my regular job as a Purchasing agent, I've had thousands of satisfied customers who've recommended me to friends and I've had major corporations call me in as a consulant when doing mass layoffs. But other than that, I'm just like the squeegee guy.

Also, for someone that is now claiming to be a capitalist, you certainly opine that we don't have MORE socialism and that the "RICH" are not paying their "fair share" so my question to you is who the fuck decides what is "fair" or not?

Um, that's why we have a democracy, to decide what is fair and who should pay it.

Now, the real problem, we've found that borrowing money is the path of least resistance, rather than cutting programs people like (You know, the nice middle class entitlement programs white people love) or making the rich pay their fair share, because having those discussions are hard.

I actually do think we need to do both. We need to pay more, we need to spend less. I'd love to have a political discussion about that than having to Borrow another 4 Trillion dollars to bail out the economy because the sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid.

You want socialized healthcare to lower your healthcare costs because given your heftiness, there are more surgeries in your future and come hell or high water, SOMEONE needs to have their pockets picked on your behalf.

Uh, no guy, I want single payer because what we are doing now is inefficient. We spend more than any other country in the world, we still have MILLIONS with no coverage, we have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world and the highest infant mortality rate. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis and 75% of them had health insurance when the crisis started. Covid has proven the foolishiness of letting employers administer health care, a job they never really wanted to start with.

But you won't care about a real problem facing real Americans, Dmitri, we know your job is to spread lies about false flags and Chem trails to get the stupid people upset about non-issues and crazy conspiracies. I'm sure they'll give you extra borscht for doing it.
"Except I made more doing it than I made in my regular job as a Purchasing agent, I've had thousands of satisfied customers who've recommended me to friends and I've had major corporations call me in as a consulant when doing mass layoffs. But other than that, I'm just like the squeegee guy."

That is your story but given your propensity to lie and make shit up about posters and spin shit here to tout the leftard POV? Let's just say I am more than a tad skeptical about your ability to separate fact from your fantasies.

Um, that's why we have a democracy, to decide what is fair and who should pay it"

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner. There has been four separate SCOTUS decisions that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" any new taxing authority as it pertains to an unappropriated tax placed on one's bartering of their labor in exchange for something of value. What is the difference between what the Monarchs did when they sent their armies to take 35 to 40 percent of a farmer's yield for "Using the king's land" and this corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body that steals 20 to 37 percent of paper scrip notes aka "FRNs" that lose purchasing power every year which is a hidden tax in itself? They sure as fuck don't do 25 to 37 percent of our job. Taxation on wages is simply extortion by a gang of thieves that have armed goons they use to strong arm and intimidate the serfs into acquiescing.

"Uh, no guy, I want single payer because what we are doing now is inefficient. We spend more than any other country in the world, we still have MILLIONS with no coverage, we have the lowest life expectancy in the industrialized world and the highest infant mortality rate"

When you allow anyone that can fog a mirror to come over here and then give them free healthcare? Eventually that cost will be passed onto those that pay. Lowered life expectancy is due to poisoned water, poisoned air, genetically modified "Frankenfood" courtesy of corporations like Monsanto, bad habits like smoking and drinking, the use of illicit drugs and poor exercise habits. High infant mortality rates? When you are pumping a child full of polluted vaccines that haven't had a chance to allow their immunity system to build up resistance to infections? What do you expect?

"Covid has proven the foolishiness of letting employers administer health care, a job they never really wanted to start with"

It never was an employer's responsibility to offer health insurance. It started out as a perk to entice and recruit talented employees. It was the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies that wanted to mandate that employee health insurance subsidizing was a right.

"Now, the real problem, we've found that borrowing money is the path of least resistance, rather than cutting programs people like (You know, the nice middle class entitlement programs white people love) or making the rich pay their fair share, because having those discussions are hard."

Where does the Fed get the money to "loan" USA.INC? Since every federal reserve note is borrowed into existence with interest attached to each and every note? How could the debt ever be repaid? Can you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten?

"We need to pay more, we need to spend less". I'd love to have a political discussion about that than having to Borrow another 4 Trillion dollars to bail out the economy because the sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid.

No one is stopping you and your leftard pals from paying in all you want. Lead by example, Joe Blowhard. Myself? I am going to politely decline. "Borrow" from the Fed? Where did THEY get the four trillion dollars to lend? Can we see their books, perhaps audit them? Oh wait, leftards on the banking committee blocked a "top to bottom" audit of the foreign owned Fed but it was all theater. Each bought and paid for political party has claimed to want to audit the Fed when they lack the power to make it happen.

"sociopathic game show host they put in the White House fumbled the response to Covid"

Hmmm, leftards didn't want to block people from coming over here from China The same ones blaming Trump are the same ones that encouraged people to socialize and mingle, Pelousy wanted people to visit Chinatown during the Chinese new year. Leftards don't want the HCQ to be used as a treatment. Blue state governors purposely placed COVID positve patients into nursing homes and adult daycare centers....and "no" that was NOT their previous residence. They were sent there, not returned and these states were able to rid themselves of elderly people they viewed as useless and sucking up resources PLUS getting a healthy stipend from D.C. Artificially inflated "test positive" and wrongfully placing COVID down as the cause of death to sell this fear porn. What is even funnier is that leftards screamed from the mountain tops about people protesting these shut-down orders but didn't have shit to say about the ANTIFA/BLM riots and protests were no masks were worn and no social distancing was observed, so spare me your hand-wringing and angst.

"But you won't care about a real problem facing real Americans, Dmitri, we know your job is to spread lies about false flags and Chem trails to get the stupid people upset about non-issues and crazy conspiracies. I'm sure they'll give you extra borscht for doing it."

The real problem with this country is the fact that we have commie fucks aka "useful idiots" that suffer from arrested development that lack critical thinking skills. Please feel free to post one lie I have told here and where I have failed to back up my contentions with facts, data and anomalies that you have never been able to refute. It bothers and frustrates you that you can't produce anything other than the ol "Uh-Uhhh" defense...it eats you up inside. I don't know what borscht is but I suspect that you are all about seconds, thirds, fourths and fifth helpings. That is why I would surmise that you have been banned from every "All You Can Eat" eatery within a ten mile parameter.

Hope this helps!!!
That is your story but given your propensity to lie and make shit up about posters and spin shit here to tout the leftard POV? Let's just say I am more than a tad skeptical about your ability to separate fact from your fantasies.

Again, you think that Chemtrails are a thing... that there's a vast conspiracy to make you unhappy and mass shooting events are coordinated by thousands of "Crisis Actors". Man, that must be where all the Drama Students end up, the secretive Crisis Actors Guild. Oh, yeah. George Floyd was a Mannequin.

Your belief system is disconnected from reality...

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner. There has been four separate SCOTUS decisions that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" any new taxing authority as it pertains to an unappropriated tax placed on one's bartering of their labor in exchange for something of value. What is the difference between what the Monarchs did when they sent their armies to take 35 to 40 percent of a farmer's yield for "Using the king's land" and this corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body that steals 20 to 37 percent of paper scrip notes aka "FRNs" that lose purchasing power every year which is a hidden tax in itself? They sure as fuck don't do 25 to 37 percent of our job. Taxation on wages is simply extortion by a gang of thieves that have armed goons they use to strong arm and intimidate the serfs into acquiescing.

Uh, guy, this had nothing to do with the point I made. yes, we live in a modern state with modern needs, and most of those things we agreed to have government do. Compared to the Europeans and the Japanese, our government benefits are kind of paltry.


When you allow anyone that can fog a mirror to come over here and then give them free healthcare? Eventually that cost will be passed onto those that pay. Lowered life expectancy is due to poisoned water, poisoned air, genetically modified "Frankenfood" courtesy of corporations like Monsanto, bad habits like smoking and drinking, the use of illicit drugs and poor exercise habits. High infant mortality rates? When you are pumping a child full of polluted vaccines that haven't had a chance to allow their immunity system to build up resistance to infections? What do you expect?

Uh, no, guy. Lowered life expectancy is because many of us don't have insurance, and the ones who do are terrified to use it unless they are really sick. Having to go 10 rounds with Cigna to get my knee fixed definitely cured me of any love for private insurance.

Now, for poisoned air, frankenfood, etc. Um, yeah, these are things your beloved big corporations do to us... with the help of the GOP.

Of course you are an anti-vaxxer. Is there anything on the Crazy Conspiracy Buffet you take a pass on? Asking for a friend.

It never was an employer's responsibility to offer health insurance. It started out as a perk to entice and recruit talented employees. It was the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies that wanted to mandate that employee health insurance subsidizing was a right.

I agree, employers never should have gotten involved. We SHOULD have created single payer back in the 1950s, which is what every other country did. (Except for Germany, they had universal health care back to the 1880's)

Where does the Fed get the money to "loan" USA.INC? Since every federal reserve note is borrowed into existence with interest attached to each and every note? How could the debt ever be repaid? Can you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten?

Again, you are a bit confused, son. Total assets of country are more than enough to pay for our expenses... we just choose not to tax the wealthy for them because they are the "Drivers" of the economy. NO, really. They can't stop telling you that. The main reason why the 33% drop in GDP wasn't worse was because government spending increased 11%.

No one is stopping you and your leftard pals from paying in all you want. Lead by example, Joe Blowhard. Myself? I am going to politely decline. "Borrow" from the Fed? Where did THEY get the four trillion dollars to lend? Can we see their books, perhaps audit them? Oh wait, leftards on the banking committee blocked a "top to bottom" audit of the foreign owned Fed but it was all theater. Each bought and paid for political party has claimed to want to audit the Fed when they lack the power to make it happen.

Sorry, man, we all got the services, we need to pay for them. We need to do exactly what you need to do when you are trying to get out of debt. Cut spending and increase revenues. This isn't complicated at all.

Hmmm, leftards didn't want to block people from coming over here from China The same ones blaming Trump are the same ones that encouraged people to socialize and mingle, Pelousy wanted people to visit Chinatown during the Chinese new year. Leftards don't want the HCQ to be used as a treatment.

Um, yeah, HCQ doesn't work, and they knew that from the start. Being racist against Chinese people (Sorry, Germs, unlike you aren't racist...) wasn't a solution either.

The solution was what all the European Countries did. Order lockdowns, social distancing, masks. Also helped that they had universal health systems to react to it.

Blue state governors purposely placed COVID positve patients into nursing homes and adult daycare centers...

You mean the places they already lived because their families didn't want them. Right. Because when you have 20,000 hopital beds and 400,000 patients, well, math isn't your strong suit.

What is even funnier is that leftards screamed from the mountain tops about people protesting these shut-down orders but didn't have shit to say about the ANTIFA/BLM riots and protests were no masks were worn and no social distancing was observed, so spare me your hand-wringing and angst.

Um, when people are more angry about cops murdering their kids, they probably aren't going to listen to that, anyway. Most of protesters I've seen have been wearing masks.

The real problem with this country is the fact that we have commie fucks aka "useful idiots" that suffer from arrested development that lack critical thinking skills. Please feel free to post one lie I have told here and where I have failed to back up my contentions with facts, data and anomalies that you have never been able to refute.

Yeah, George Floyd was a mannequin... no, really!
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

ODS: there is no cure.
The right keeps calling people on the left communists. People have not been afraid of communists since the 80s. They need to find a new boogie man, but they are not smart enough.

Don't insult the right by lumping in Cocksucker Dale... he's just an evil prick. The kind of evil prick who looks at a man whose child was gunned down by a maniac and screams "You're a Crisis Actor!!!"
That is your story but given your propensity to lie and make shit up about posters and spin shit here to tout the leftard POV? Let's just say I am more than a tad skeptical about your ability to separate fact from your fantasies.

Again, you think that Chemtrails are a thing... that there's a vast conspiracy to make you unhappy and mass shooting events are coordinated by thousands of "Crisis Actors". Man, that must be where all the Drama Students end up, the secretive Crisis Actors Guild. Oh, yeah. George Floyd was a Mannequin.

Your belief system is disconnected from reality...

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what's for dinner. There has been four separate SCOTUS decisions that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" any new taxing authority as it pertains to an unappropriated tax placed on one's bartering of their labor in exchange for something of value. What is the difference between what the Monarchs did when they sent their armies to take 35 to 40 percent of a farmer's yield for "Using the king's land" and this corporate entity lamely disguised as a legitimate governmental body that steals 20 to 37 percent of paper scrip notes aka "FRNs" that lose purchasing power every year which is a hidden tax in itself? They sure as fuck don't do 25 to 37 percent of our job. Taxation on wages is simply extortion by a gang of thieves that have armed goons they use to strong arm and intimidate the serfs into acquiescing.

Uh, guy, this had nothing to do with the point I made. yes, we live in a modern state with modern needs, and most of those things we agreed to have government do. Compared to the Europeans and the Japanese, our government benefits are kind of paltry.

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When you allow anyone that can fog a mirror to come over here and then give them free healthcare? Eventually that cost will be passed onto those that pay. Lowered life expectancy is due to poisoned water, poisoned air, genetically modified "Frankenfood" courtesy of corporations like Monsanto, bad habits like smoking and drinking, the use of illicit drugs and poor exercise habits. High infant mortality rates? When you are pumping a child full of polluted vaccines that haven't had a chance to allow their immunity system to build up resistance to infections? What do you expect?

Uh, no, guy. Lowered life expectancy is because many of us don't have insurance, and the ones who do are terrified to use it unless they are really sick. Having to go 10 rounds with Cigna to get my knee fixed definitely cured me of any love for private insurance.

Now, for poisoned air, frankenfood, etc. Um, yeah, these are things your beloved big corporations do to us... with the help of the GOP.

Of course you are an anti-vaxxer. Is there anything on the Crazy Conspiracy Buffet you take a pass on? Asking for a friend.

It never was an employer's responsibility to offer health insurance. It started out as a perk to entice and recruit talented employees. It was the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies that wanted to mandate that employee health insurance subsidizing was a right.

I agree, employers never should have gotten involved. We SHOULD have created single payer back in the 1950s, which is what every other country did. (Except for Germany, they had universal health care back to the 1880's)

Where does the Fed get the money to "loan" USA.INC? Since every federal reserve note is borrowed into existence with interest attached to each and every note? How could the debt ever be repaid? Can you pull eleven marbles out of a bag that only contains ten?

Again, you are a bit confused, son. Total assets of country are more than enough to pay for our expenses... we just choose not to tax the wealthy for them because they are the "Drivers" of the economy. NO, really. They can't stop telling you that. The main reason why the 33% drop in GDP wasn't worse was because government spending increased 11%.

No one is stopping you and your leftard pals from paying in all you want. Lead by example, Joe Blowhard. Myself? I am going to politely decline. "Borrow" from the Fed? Where did THEY get the four trillion dollars to lend? Can we see their books, perhaps audit them? Oh wait, leftards on the banking committee blocked a "top to bottom" audit of the foreign owned Fed but it was all theater. Each bought and paid for political party has claimed to want to audit the Fed when they lack the power to make it happen.

Sorry, man, we all got the services, we need to pay for them. We need to do exactly what you need to do when you are trying to get out of debt. Cut spending and increase revenues. This isn't complicated at all.

Hmmm, leftards didn't want to block people from coming over here from China The same ones blaming Trump are the same ones that encouraged people to socialize and mingle, Pelousy wanted people to visit Chinatown during the Chinese new year. Leftards don't want the HCQ to be used as a treatment.

Um, yeah, HCQ doesn't work, and they knew that from the start. Being racist against Chinese people (Sorry, Germs, unlike you aren't racist...) wasn't a solution either.

The solution was what all the European Countries did. Order lockdowns, social distancing, masks. Also helped that they had universal health systems to react to it.

Blue state governors purposely placed COVID positve patients into nursing homes and adult daycare centers...

You mean the places they already lived because their families didn't want them. Right. Because when you have 20,000 hopital beds and 400,000 patients, well, math isn't your strong suit.

What is even funnier is that leftards screamed from the mountain tops about people protesting these shut-down orders but didn't have shit to say about the ANTIFA/BLM riots and protests were no masks were worn and no social distancing was observed, so spare me your hand-wringing and angst.

Um, when people are more angry about cops murdering their kids, they probably aren't going to listen to that, anyway. Most of protesters I've seen have been wearing masks.

The real problem with this country is the fact that we have commie fucks aka "useful idiots" that suffer from arrested development that lack critical thinking skills. Please feel free to post one lie I have told here and where I have failed to back up my contentions with facts, data and anomalies that you have never been able to refute.

Yeah, George Floyd was a mannequin... no, really!

"Again, you think that Chemtrails are a thing... that there's a vast conspiracy to make you unhappy and mass shooting events are coordinated by thousands of "Crisis Actors". Man, that must be where all the Drama Students end up, the secretive Crisis Actors Guild. Oh, yeah. George Floyd was a Mannequin"

Stratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano particulates is a fact. John Brennan, former CIA director even said that this program was "encouraging" to ward of "climate change" at talk he gave at a CFR meeting? Do I need to produce that video YET again? Mass shooting events do not require thousands of crisis actors. As far as the staged George Floyd event, how did his legs disappear when one of camera welding angry crowd members turned their camera away to address the officer telling them to "stand back"but not before the gurney showed that only the torso and head of Floyd was on the gurney? Explain how his legs disappeared? Then explain how spontaneous protests took place with chartered bus loads of protesters mysteriously appear during an alleged "pandemic" that then proceed to loot, pillage and plunder the downtown area while the alleged guilty cops "stand down" and allow them to do this? Critical thinking, Joe Blowhard, it's something you lack.

"Uh, no, guy. Lowered life expectancy is because many of us don't have insurance, and the ones who do are terrified to use it unless they are really sick. Having to go 10 rounds with Cigna to get my knee fixed definitely cured me of any love for private insurance."

Guess you should have done a better job of vetting insurance companies. You could have avoided needing knee surgery if you weren't trying to push a knee joint that was trying to support 270 pounds of blubber.

"Now, for poisoned air, frankenfood, etc. Um, yeah, these are things your beloved big corporations do to us... with the help of the GOP."

Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity that has controlling shares in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. They use proxy voters to steer these corporations in the directions that that will make the most profit. This crosses the aisles of both bought and paid for political parties and I have no use for either one. If you are trying to "recruit" me to support the demcrat communist party, you are barking up the wrong fucking tree. Monsanto was a HUGE campaign donor to the Hildebeast and Wall Street, look it up if you doubt the veracity of my claim.

Of course you are an anti-vaxxer. Is there anything on the Crazy Conspiracy Buffet you take a pass on? Asking for a friend.

Vaccinations have already been proven to cause autism in children. You have never watched the free documentary "Vaxxed" where a whistleblower reveals that the test results of vaccines were purposely hidden. You are ignorant because that is your choice. I doubt that you have the cognitive ability to even see the truth put right in front of your face.

"Again, you are a bit confused, son. Total assets of country are more than enough to pay for our expenses... we just choose not to tax the wealthy for them because they are the "Drivers" of the economy. NO, really. They can't stop telling you that. The main reason why the 33% drop in GDP wasn't worse was because government spending increased 11%."

You ignore how "money" is put into the system with each and every "Federal Reserve Note" is borrowed into existence with interest attached to each and every note, so AGAIN, I ask you how can interest on the debt of USA.INC ever be repaid? You think that taxing the "wealthy" at 90% percent would so much as put a dent in the debt of USA.Inc? They pay the majority of the income tax that does nothing but go towards the interest on the debt to the IMF that took USA.INC into receivership when it went bankrupt yet again in 1950. USA.INC remains in a constant state of bankruptcy.

"Um, yeah, HCQ doesn't work, and they knew that from the start. Being racist against Chinese people (Sorry, Germs, unlike you aren't racist...) wasn't a solution either.
The solution was what all the European Countries did. Order lockdowns, social distancing, masks. Also helped that they had universal health systems to react to it."

HCQ definitely works but those opposing it have huge stakes in big pharma for a vaccine that will contain the ability to track our every move and this flu virus isn't any more serious than the ordinary flu even though it without a doubt a bio-weapon and simply another man-made strain of the flu. Again with "gubermint sponsored" healthcare bullshit as the cure....you really are fucking stupid. You will never convince me that "da gubermint" is the end all, be all no matter how many tirades you go off on.

"You mean the places they already lived because their families didn't want them. Right. Because when you have 20,000 hopital beds and 400,000 patients, well, math isn't your strong suit."

No, dumb ass, the patients that were released from the hospital after being treated for COVID-19 were not returning to their places of origin...they were PUT there, dumb ass. How fucking stupid can one person be? You lose, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie. You are utterly clueless as usual.
And now your daily dose of Crazy coming from the Russian Troll Farm in St. Petersburg!

tratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano particulates is a fact.

Sure it is, buddy, it's all part of the Lizard Man Conspiracy to make you gay.

Vaccinations have already been proven to cause autism in children.

The Doctor who claimed that was kicked out of the medical community for false claims. The reason why we have more cases of Autism now is that people know how to recognize it. 50 years ago, Little Timmy was just slow. Today we know he's on the Autism spectrum.

Guess you should have done a better job of vetting insurance companies.

Nope, like MOST Americans, I had no say in which insurance I got. . Employers make that decision. You'd know that if you were ACTUALLY AN AMERICAN, Dmitri.

You see, this is how you out yourself as being on the Russian Troll Farm.

As far as the staged George Floyd event, how did his legs disappear

They didn't.

You could have avoided needing knee surgery if you weren't trying to push a knee joint that was trying to support 270 pounds of blubber.

Uh, sorry, man, I slipped on some ice and my lower leg went out and a sharp angle from my leg. That's how I wrecked my knee... You are a stupid person, lacking any compassion. Hopefully, you'll slip on the ice in St. Petersburg, and they can do the finest in Russian Medicine and amputate.

You think that taxing the "wealthy" at 90% percent would so much as put a dent in the debt of USA.Inc?

Uh, yeah, actually, I do. The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. Bringing back estate taxes would go a long way to restoring fair income distribution.

No, dumb ass, the patients that were released from the hospital after being treated for COVID-19 were not returning to their places of origin...t

Yes, they were.. we've been over this. There was nowhere else to put them because we had 400,000 cases and 20,000 beds.

HCQ definitely works but those opposing it have huge stakes in big pharma for a vaccine that will contain the ability to track our every move and this flu virus isn't any more serious than the ordinary flu even though it without a doubt a bio-weapon and simply another man-made strain of the flu.

It's a lot more serious, and what you are saying is the whole world has concluded this doesn't work except for the hard core Trumpsters, who just don't want to admit their boy doesn't know what he's talking about.
And now your daily dose of Crazy coming from the Russian Troll Farm in St. Petersburg!

tratospheric aerosol injection spraying of heavy metal nano particulates is a fact.

Sure it is, buddy, it's all part of the Lizard Man Conspiracy to make you gay.

Vaccinations have already been proven to cause autism in children.

The Doctor who claimed that was kicked out of the medical community for false claims. The reason why we have more cases of Autism now is that people know how to recognize it. 50 years ago, Little Timmy was just slow. Today we know he's on the Autism spectrum.

Guess you should have done a better job of vetting insurance companies.

Nope, like MOST Americans, I had no say in which insurance I got. . Employers make that decision. You'd know that if you were ACTUALLY AN AMERICAN, Dmitri.

You see, this is how you out yourself as being on the Russian Troll Farm.

As far as the staged George Floyd event, how did his legs disappear

They didn't.

You could have avoided needing knee surgery if you weren't trying to push a knee joint that was trying to support 270 pounds of blubber.

Uh, sorry, man, I slipped on some ice and my lower leg went out and a sharp angle from my leg. That's how I wrecked my knee... You are a stupid person, lacking any compassion. Hopefully, you'll slip on the ice in St. Petersburg, and they can do the finest in Russian Medicine and amputate.

You think that taxing the "wealthy" at 90% percent would so much as put a dent in the debt of USA.Inc?

Uh, yeah, actually, I do. The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. Bringing back estate taxes would go a long way to restoring fair income distribution.

No, dumb ass, the patients that were released from the hospital after being treated for COVID-19 were not returning to their places of origin...t

Yes, they were.. we've been over this. There was nowhere else to put them because we had 400,000 cases and 20,000 beds.

HCQ definitely works but those opposing it have huge stakes in big pharma for a vaccine that will contain the ability to track our every move and this flu virus isn't any more serious than the ordinary flu even though it without a doubt a bio-weapon and simply another man-made strain of the flu.

It's a lot more serious, and what you are saying is the whole world has concluded this doesn't work except for the hard core Trumpsters, who just don't want to admit their boy doesn't know what he's talking about.

SAIS is a fact, Joe Blowhard....water and soil samples prove that . The fact that you are an aging queer is a life choice for you, not because of geo-engineering.

Autism caused by the MMR link is easily proven and no single doctor has been drummed out of the profession and the vaxxers have spent billions of dollars paying out damages, dipshit. The stupidity claim of the fact that we went from 1 out of 15,000 with autism to one out of 1 of 88 due to better "recognition" is beyond the realm of stupidity and you OBVIOUSLY don't know what autism is or what parents have to deal with.

You pissed and moaned about your insurance company and it's treatment and blame it on your employer? How dumb are you for not doing the proper vetting. Your employer never twisted your arm and told you to go with their carrier. YOU made that choice because you got a stipend as a perk. I guess your Veterans insurance wasn't as good? Because after all, you claim to be an 11 year service member. I guess we can chalk that up as another lie you told, ya fat fuck.

You are so fucking stupid and clueless that you ACTUALLY believe that COVID-19 patients that were treated that were sent to nursing homes or adult day care facilities because that was where they were living originally and that is 100% wrong and you are too fucking stubborn and STUPID to admit it. I am going to continue to shove this down your throat until you have no other choice than to admit that you are wrong, you fat, insufferable prick. Why you think I should care even in the slightest about your bout with the insurance companies and your "suffering" should matter to me is a testament to your narcissism. Get this through your thick, stupid head, ya fat fuck....hear me "loud and clear" when I declare that your well-being means nothing to me. I would knock back a bottle champagne if I was to find that you died of a heart attack because of your clogged arteries. I cannot lie nor pretend otherwise, Joe Blowhard........you matter nothing to me.
SAIS is a fact, Joe Blowhard....water and soil samples prove that . The fact that you are an aging queer is a life choice for you, not because of geo-engineering.

Autism caused by the MMR link is easily proven and no single doctor has been drummed out of the profession and the vaxxers have spent billions of dollars paying out damages, dipshit. The stupidity claim of the fact that we went from 1 out of 15,000 with autism to one out of 1 of 88 due to better "recognition" is beyond the realm of stupidity and you OBVIOUSLY don't know what autism is or what parents have to deal with.

Look, man, I know this is the Crazy Disinformation they tell you to spread at the Troll Farm, but you need to remember the rule, "Don't get high on your own supply".

You pissed and moaned about your insurance company and it's treatment and blame it on your employer? How dumb are you for not doing the proper vetting. Your employer never twisted your arm and told you to go with their carrier. YOU made that choice because you got a stipend as a perk. I guess your Veterans insurance wasn't as good? Because after all, you claim to be an 11 year service member. I guess we can chalk that up as another lie you told, ya fat fuck.

Okay, let's look at the options. I could take the Employer Option, or I could pay out of my own pocket to get private insurance with no more assurance they wouldn't try to cheat me.

As for Veteran's insurance, since none of my ailments were service related, I really don't have the option of a VA hospital. Again, you'd know this if you didn't live in Russia.

You are so fucking stupid and clueless that you ACTUALLY believe that COVID-19 patients that were treated that were sent to nursing homes or adult day care facilities because that was where they were living originally and that is 100% wrong and you are too fucking stubborn and STUPID to admit it. I am going to continue to shove this down your throat until you have no other choice than to admit that you are wrong, you fat, insufferable prick.

That's exactly why they were sent back. If they had houses and families, they'd have gone there. You aren't very bright, are you?

Why you think I should care even in the slightest about your bout with the insurance companies and your "suffering" should matter to me is a testament to your narcissism. Get this through your thick, stupid head, ya fat fuck....hear me "loud and clear" when I declare that your well-being means nothing to me. I would knock back a bottle champagne if I was to find that you died of a heart attack because of your clogged arteries. I cannot lie nor pretend otherwise, Joe Blowhard........you matter nothing to me.

We've already established you are an awful person. Only a truly awful human being would look at a man who just lost a child to a maniac with a gun and say, "That's a Crisis Actor!!!" I mean, it's a level of awfulness of character that you can't even process it if you are a normal human being.

I'd say, "Get help", but I can't think of a therapist I dislike enough to wish you upon.
SAIS is a fact, Joe Blowhard....water and soil samples prove that . The fact that you are an aging queer is a life choice for you, not because of geo-engineering.

Autism caused by the MMR link is easily proven and no single doctor has been drummed out of the profession and the vaxxers have spent billions of dollars paying out damages, dipshit. The stupidity claim of the fact that we went from 1 out of 15,000 with autism to one out of 1 of 88 due to better "recognition" is beyond the realm of stupidity and you OBVIOUSLY don't know what autism is or what parents have to deal with.

Look, man, I know this is the Crazy Disinformation they tell you to spread at the Troll Farm, but you need to remember the rule, "Don't get high on your own supply".

You pissed and moaned about your insurance company and it's treatment and blame it on your employer? How dumb are you for not doing the proper vetting. Your employer never twisted your arm and told you to go with their carrier. YOU made that choice because you got a stipend as a perk. I guess your Veterans insurance wasn't as good? Because after all, you claim to be an 11 year service member. I guess we can chalk that up as another lie you told, ya fat fuck.

Okay, let's look at the options. I could take the Employer Option, or I could pay out of my own pocket to get private insurance with no more assurance they wouldn't try to cheat me.

As for Veteran's insurance, since none of my ailments were service related, I really don't have the option of a VA hospital. Again, you'd know this if you didn't live in Russia.

You are so fucking stupid and clueless that you ACTUALLY believe that COVID-19 patients that were treated that were sent to nursing homes or adult day care facilities because that was where they were living originally and that is 100% wrong and you are too fucking stubborn and STUPID to admit it. I am going to continue to shove this down your throat until you have no other choice than to admit that you are wrong, you fat, insufferable prick.

That's exactly why they were sent back. If they had houses and families, they'd have gone there. You aren't very bright, are you?

Why you think I should care even in the slightest about your bout with the insurance companies and your "suffering" should matter to me is a testament to your narcissism. Get this through your thick, stupid head, ya fat fuck....hear me "loud and clear" when I declare that your well-being means nothing to me. I would knock back a bottle champagne if I was to find that you died of a heart attack because of your clogged arteries. I cannot lie nor pretend otherwise, Joe Blowhard........you matter nothing to me.

We've already established you are an awful person. Only a truly awful human being would look at a man who just lost a child to a maniac with a gun and say, "That's a Crisis Actor!!!" I mean, it's a level of awfulness of character that you can't even process it if you are a normal human being.

I'd say, "Get help", but I can't think of a therapist I dislike enough to wish you upon.
I know more than you, Joe Blowhard, the narcissistic commie blowhard...like by a factor of a thousand. You take your own chances in life and the choices you make determine the path you walk down. Why should I give so much as a flying fuck that a fat piece of commie shit (such as your self) has health issues due to their own making? Why should someone that has NEVER had health issues that have done their best to eat healthy and exercise be forced to shell out their FRNs for fat pieces of shit like yourself that suffer from "hand to mouth" disease?

BTW, when someone like Robbie Parker (that has to hyper-ventilate in order to get in to character when he doesn't realize that the cameras are rolling) makes sure to plug a donation site while his alleged dead daughter is still laying in the pool of her own alleged blood for another 7 hours before she is allegedly removed under the cover of darkness? Yeah, I am going to call "BULLSHIT" on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie fat fuck.

I just keep kicking that fat ass of yours over this.........you are "Palooka Joe".......how has your lame attempt at "shaming" me over Sandy Hoax worked out for ya? Have I backed down even in the slightest, fat fuck?
i love when the gop pretends to be the party of morals or attempts to claim the high ground....any opinions on trump using the white house to accept nomination?

can you say hatch act
You take your own chances in life and the choices you make determine the path you walk down. Why should I give so much as a flying fuck that a fat piece of commie shit (such as your self) has health issues due to their own making? Why should someone that has NEVER had health issues that have done their best to eat healthy and exercise be forced to shell out their FRNs for fat pieces of shit like yourself that suffer from "hand to mouth" disease?

Sorry, man, weight is more an issue of genetics than lifestyle... and I probably have accomplished far more in life than you ever will.

BTW, when someone like Robbie Parker (that has to hyper-ventilate in order to get in to character when he doesn't realize that the cameras are rolling) makes sure to plug a donation site while his alleged dead daughter is still laying in the pool of her own alleged blood for another 7 hours before she is allegedly removed under the cover of darkness? Yeah, I am going to call "BULLSHIT" on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie fat fuck.

Again, we realize you are an awful human being, that you have no compassion for a man who lost his daughter.

.how has your lame attempt at "shaming" me over Sandy Hoax worked out for ya? Have I backed down even in the slightest, fat fuck?

No, you expose yourself as an awful person every day... it's actually kind of sad. Most people don't give Sandy Hook much thought. We've decided to accept mass slaughter as a way of life.

But you are a special kind of awful that you have to attack the victims.
You take your own chances in life and the choices you make determine the path you walk down. Why should I give so much as a flying fuck that a fat piece of commie shit (such as your self) has health issues due to their own making? Why should someone that has NEVER had health issues that have done their best to eat healthy and exercise be forced to shell out their FRNs for fat pieces of shit like yourself that suffer from "hand to mouth" disease?

Sorry, man, weight is more an issue of genetics than lifestyle... and I probably have accomplished far more in life than you ever will.

BTW, when someone like Robbie Parker (that has to hyper-ventilate in order to get in to character when he doesn't realize that the cameras are rolling) makes sure to plug a donation site while his alleged dead daughter is still laying in the pool of her own alleged blood for another 7 hours before she is allegedly removed under the cover of darkness? Yeah, I am going to call "BULLSHIT" on that, Joe Blowhard, the card carrying commie fat fuck.

Again, we realize you are an awful human being, that you have no compassion for a man who lost his daughter.

.how has your lame attempt at "shaming" me over Sandy Hoax worked out for ya? Have I backed down even in the slightest, fat fuck?

No, you expose yourself as an awful person every day... it's actually kind of sad. Most people don't give Sandy Hook much thought. We've decided to accept mass slaughter as a way of life.

But you are a special kind of awful that you have to attack the victims.

You are a fat sack of shit, Joe Blowhard....you have no discipline and you expect others to subsidize the costs of the health issues that result from them. I have achieved more than I could have dreamed of as a musician and as an athlete. I raised great kids that are self-sufficient and have as much disdain for collectivism as I do that stand on their own two feet. Sandy Hoax is exactly what I claimed it to be. Hell, you interjected yourself into the argument without knowing the names of the major players. You simply waddled into the fray and got your ass kicked to the curb in the most disingenuous way to the delight of the bystanders. Good work, Joe Blowhard, the bloated, card carrying commie.
You are a fat sack of shit, Joe Blowhard....you have no discipline and you expect others to subsidize the costs of the health issues that result from them. I have achieved more than I could have dreamed of as a musician and as an athlete.

A musician? Really? Name one of your albums. Bet it's something no one has ever heard of.

Sandy Hoax is exactly what I claimed it to be. Hell, you interjected yourself into the argument without knowing the names of the major players.

Some nut screaming about "False Flags" is not a major player. That your bunch has harrassed these poor families is reprehensible.

The only thing that happened is you proved over and over again that you are an awful human being without a soul.
You are a fat sack of shit, Joe Blowhard....you have no discipline and you expect others to subsidize the costs of the health issues that result from them. I have achieved more than I could have dreamed of as a musician and as an athlete.

A musician? Really? Name one of your albums. Bet it's something no one has ever heard of.

Sandy Hoax is exactly what I claimed it to be. Hell, you interjected yourself into the argument without knowing the names of the major players.

Some nut screaming about "False Flags" is not a major player. That your bunch has harrassed these poor families is reprehensible.

The only thing that happened is you proved over and over again that you are an awful human being without a soul.
Joe Blowhard, I have posted links to my music that to this day is played on Dallas radio stations. Look for them by going through my prior posts.......did you know that Tom Petty signed off on our cover of "Won't Back Down"? We played an hour set on live radio for "Shiner Bock Sunday" at Love and War in Texas on 95.3 FM.

As far as Sandy nHoax goes? None of the families have been harassed in masse like what has been done to whistleblowers that dare to question the narrative. The poseurs have collected millions in donations for playing a part while those that have the audacity to call into question the bullshit story have been demonized and marginalized. You suck in a big time manner because you don't even know the ones behind this so how can you even attempt to refute Sandy Hoax, Cocksucker Joe, the bloated fat fuck?
Joe Blowhard, I have posted links to my music that to this day is played on Dallas radio stations. Look for them by going through my prior posts.......did you know that Tom Petty signed off on our cover of "Won't Back Down"?

Wow, so you are a cover band. That's like about one step above an Elvis Impersonator.

None of the families have been harassed in masse like what has been done to whistleblowers that dare to question the narrative. The poseurs have collected millions in donations for playing a part while those that have the audacity to call into question the bullshit story have been demonized and marginalized.

As they should be. They are awful people. Your boy Alex Jones went full Winston Smith on you. Wolfgang what's his name is in jail.

I'm sure they'll get around to you eventually, Dmitri.

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