Obama thinks we are fools-"This is the most transparent administration in history"

He ain't lyin', hater dupes...

"This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case -- everything from every visitor who comes into the White House is now part of the public record. "

From the OP:

President Obama began making public some of the White House visitor logs in 2009, but refused a Judicial Watch request for all of the logs.

Sooo..."every visitor who comes into the White House is now part of the public record" is a false statement.

So, yes -- he's lyin'. And dupes like you eagerly cover for him.

Wasn't lying found out OCD propagandists made it impossible. Let's find out how your brainwashed BS is a lie, shall we?
You libs are as dense as a pile of bricks. I give you the perfect rebuttle to the OP and you don't even open the link. Let's try this again....

A) click on Court backs Cheney on energy meetings - The Boston Globe

B) cut and paste this:

"''In making decisions on personnel and policy, and in formulating legislative proposals, the president must be free to seek confidential information from many sources, both inside the government and outside," the court wrote.

The decision, which the anticorruption group Judicial Watch called a ''defeat for open government," means that the judicial branch will avoid the political nightmare of ordering the executive branch to produce records against its will. If that order had come, Cheney had vowed to invoke executive privilege, creating a constitutional separation-of-powers battle.

Although the plaintiffs, Judicial Watch and the environmentalist group Sierra Club, could appeal, further litigation appears unlikely. In an earlier phase of the case last June, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 in favor of Cheney. Two appeals court judges who had sided against Cheney in the earlier phase voted in his favor this time."

Of course Bush never claimed to have the most transparent administration ever, but the fact remains that this specific information has been determined by the courts to not be subject to FOI requests, and every administration will protect the content of it regardless of who is in office.

And that's a very good point! He never claimed as Obama has boasted!
Bush never CLAIMED "I'm my brother's keeper" while his brother lives in a $12 a year hut!
Bush NEVER claimed to want higher gas prices, or bankrupt companies, or causing skyrocketing utilities... Obama did!
Bush never once said he wanted to put 1,300 insurance companies out of business costing $100 billion a year in taxes and
400,000 jobs... BUT Obama SAID he prefers a single payer health system!

And Bush never told people that to get them to like him he had to resort to tricks.. tactics..
SO Obama once wrote in "Dreams of My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
He ain't lyin', hater dupes...

"This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case -- everything from every visitor who comes into the White House is now part of the public record. "

From the OP:

President Obama began making public some of the White House visitor logs in 2009, but refused a Judicial Watch request for all of the logs.

Sooo..."every visitor who comes into the White House is now part of the public record" is a false statement.

So, yes -- he's lyin'. And dupes like you eagerly cover for him.

Wasn't lying found out OCD propagandists made it impossible. Let's find out how your brainwashed BS is a lie, shall we?

"And dupes like you eagerly cover for him."

Yup. I called it.
Still waiting pubs......

Disprove that Obama is the most transparent in history

Finding instances where the administration is not releasing information proves nothing. Name an administration that was more transparent does
Immaterial. Obviously, Obama's claim is utterly false.

Proof that other administrations were more transparent?
Look, I know you're desperate to distract attention from Obama's incredibly false claim, but I don't have to back up a claim that I didn't make.

Meanwhile, the claim you're trying to avoid addressing:

"This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case -- everything from every visitor who comes into the White House is now part of the public record.."

How can you reconcile that with the fact that the visitor's list is NOT part of the public record?

Obama lied to you. This is irrefutable.

What do you say to that?


It's all the left has.
Yes, Obama made a claim that is patently absurd. He is lying. And some people here want to be lied to.
Still waiting pubs......

Disprove that Obama is the most transparent in history

Finding instances where the administration is not releasing information proves nothing. Name an administration that was more transparent does

The Bush Administration was fr more transparent. They did not have scandals like Benghazi (cover up), Fast N Furious (cover up), IRS (cover up) and I'm sure Im missing some.

The GHW Bush administration was also more transparent, same reason. The Reagan administration was more transparent, same reason. Hell, the Nixon Administration was more transparent than Obama's.

But you've avoided the question: Obama claimed the WH visitor's log was public record and it isnt. Isn't that a lie?
Still waiting pubs......

Disprove that Obama is the most transparent in history

Finding instances where the administration is not releasing information proves nothing. Name an administration that was more transparent does

Obama did state that the health care debate would be televised for all to see. How did that work out?
Still waiting pubs......

Disprove that Obama is the most transparent in history

Finding instances where the administration is not releasing information proves nothing. Name an administration that was more transparent does

Obama did state that the health care debate would be televised for all to see. How did that work out?

Still waiting...

I have yet to see anyone prove any other administration was more transparent
Still waiting pubs......

Disprove that Obama is the most transparent in history

Finding instances where the administration is not releasing information proves nothing. Name an administration that was more transparent does

Obama did state that the health care debate would be televised for all to see. How did that work out?

Still waiting...

I have yet to see anyone prove any other administration was more transparent

And you never will.
Obama did state that the health care debate would be televised for all to see. How did that work out?

Still waiting...

I have yet to see anyone prove any other administration was more transparent

And you never will.

Because he's stacked the deck to insure that outcome.
But for the rest of us, we understand the Obama Administration is the most criminal and corrupt administration since Jean-Bedel Bokassa.

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