Obama Team believes he's blessed the world with Tranquility

No drama Obama is what they're talking about- quiet diplomacy instead of my way or the highway chickenhawk bs....

Life ain't easy in a Booosh destabilized world, not to mention his SECOND Pub Great World Depression and its resultant chaos, and the great new bs GOP Great Governmental Disfunction 2010-2014...and of course their worst ever propaganda/hate machine you chumps of the greedy idiot rich swallow whole...quite a disgrace.
Article starts with this:

With a straight face, Barack Obama has been repeatedly telling us that the world is "more stable" and "less violent" than ever. In fact, he believes that this is the best time in history to be alive because of how peaceful and stable everything is.

But doesnt link to a quote which means this is a lie. When your foundation is a lie then the rest of it is unstable

"[T]he truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.
» 14 Reasons Obama Is Lying When He Claims The World Is ?More Stable? And ?Less Violent? Than Ever Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
There is the link where Obama says the world is "less violent"!!
That was the point of the THREAD out and out LIE!

"[T]he truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been.

Is he serious?


How about North Korea. Iran is close to having Nukes...Anyone interested in that?

This guy is so delusional it's beyond belief....

That's what happens when you are surrounded by lap dogs.
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"[T]he truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been.

I'm shocked he didn't add....

"And the world has me to thank.And I'm tired of not getting any credit for it"

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