Obama Smacks Down GOP Presidential Candidates

I thought killing terrorists only breeds more terrorists, or is that only when Bush was President?

You beat me to it..

Can you BELIEVE these people...

How pathetic do you have to be to come out and CROW about who you've KILLED.

Obama's made a MESS in the middle east. turning most of the countries he's touched over to the RADICALS Islamist.
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"We don't need to spike the football...Osama bin Laden is not a trophy" - Barack Obama
I thought killing terrorists only breeds more terrorists, or is that only when Bush was President?

You beat me to it..

Can you BELIEVE these people...

How pathetic do you have to be to come out and CROW about who you've KILLED.

Obama's made a MESS in the middle east. turning most of the countries he's touched over to the RADICALS Islamist.

Yeah, at least now with Obama the Islamists get back their state sponsorship.

AQ: Woot!!
The friggen EXTENT of his foreign policy..


But whatever you do, DON'T TORTURE THEM or give them a chance to give more information. Just shoot them DEAD dead dead dead and the left will celebrate.

my gawd.
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The military kills enemies of the state and that is proof that Obama does not have an attitude of appeasement?

The what do you call him wanting to afford those enemies that survive a military attack the same rights that you and I have as American Citizens?

Just curious....

Civilian courts have a proven track record for convicting terrorists. Military courts do not.

We're not trying to convict them....we're trying to kill them. Jeez
Republican presidential candidates who criticized Obama's foreign policy credentials got a healthy taste of what they'll face if they want to continue down that road.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Invoking the elimination of Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama on Thursday forcefully rejected Republican criticism of his foreign policy as what amounts to a policy of "appeasement."

"Ask Osama bin Laden and the 22 out of 30 top al-Qaida leaders who have been taken off the field whether I engage in appeasement. Or whoever is left out there, ask them about that," the president said during a news conference.

He also defended his efforts to block Iran from building a nuclear weapon, saying Iran is now isolated and facing tough international sanctions thanks to the work of his national security team.

His remarks came a day after Republican presidential candidates took turns criticizing Obama's foreign policy as weak during speeches before Jewish activists and donors. They especially focused on the Obama administration's Middle East policy.

The Associated Press: Obama answers appeasement charge: 'Ask bin Laden'

I notice he has nothing at all to say about, the Situation between Israel and the Palestinians, or Iran and it's Nuclear Program.

If Obama thinks he can just keep mentioning Osama and that is going to convince Americans that his Foreign Policy on a whole has not been a massive Failure, He is Dreaming.
2012 Troop Pullback Worries Military Experts

On Afghanistan’s battlefields, the most significant effect of President Obama’s latest orders will be felt at this time next year, when as many as 23,000 American troops who would have been on missions at the peak of the summer fighting season will instead be packing for home.

This will make it more difficult, if not impossible, military experts said, for the commanders to carry out one of their major goals for next year.


“But putting a September 2012 expiration tag on the rest of the surge raises real concerns,” added General Barno, now a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a policy research center. “That’s the middle of the fighting season.”


And Obama's reason for this timing is what again?

On Afghanistan’s battlefields, the most significant effect of President Obama’s latest orders will be felt at this time next year, when as many as 23,000 American troops who would have been on missions at the peak of the summer fighting season will instead be packing for home.

This will make it more difficult, if not impossible, military experts said, for the commanders to carry out one of their major goals for next year.

And Obama's reason for this timing is what again?

Oh oh.......uhhhhh......boy isn't there a big event that's going on right at that time? Boy what are those things called again? Elec...tricity? No....Uh....Elec....uh.....shit someone help me out here.

On Afghanistan’s battlefields, the most significant effect of President Obama’s latest orders will be felt at this time next year, when as many as 23,000 American troops who would have been on missions at the peak of the summer fighting season will instead be packing for home.

This will make it more difficult, if not impossible, military experts said, for the commanders to carry out one of their major goals for next year.

And Obama's reason for this timing is what again?

Oh oh.......uhhhhh......boy isn't there a big event that's going on right at that time? Boy what are those things called again? Elec...tricity? No....Uh....Elec....uh.....shit someone help me out here.

Something about "shuns" ?

You know Amelia, when you consider this..........

Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation "Fast and Furious" to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.

ATF officials didn't intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called "Demand Letter 3". That would require some U.S. gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or "long guns." Demand Letter 3 was so named because it would be the third ATF program demanding gun dealers report tracing information.

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

.....and you realize that this administration has no problem arming murders and drug dealers in order to make an argument to pass gun control laws even though it has cost American lives, then why would anyone be surprised that he is willing to endanger the lives of American soldiers if he think it will get him re-elected as you allude to with your quoted material below?

2012 Troop Pullback Worries Military Experts

On Afghanistan’s battlefields, the most significant effect of President Obama’s latest orders will be felt at this time next year, when as many as 23,000 American troops who would have been on missions at the peak of the summer fighting season will instead be packing for home.

This will make it more difficult, if not impossible, military experts said, for the commanders to carry out one of their major goals for next year.


“But putting a September 2012 expiration tag on the rest of the surge raises real concerns,” added General Barno, now a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, a policy research center. “That’s the middle of the fighting season.”


And Obama's reason for this timing is what again?
Republican presidential candidates who criticized Obama's foreign policy credentials got a healthy taste of what they'll face if they want to continue down that road.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Invoking the elimination of Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama on Thursday forcefully rejected Republican criticism of his foreign policy as what amounts to a policy of "appeasement."

"Ask Osama bin Laden and the 22 out of 30 top al-Qaida leaders who have been taken off the field whether I engage in appeasement. Or whoever is left out there, ask them about that," the president said during a news conference.

He also defended his efforts to block Iran from building a nuclear weapon, saying Iran is now isolated and facing tough international sanctions thanks to the work of his national security team.

His remarks came a day after Republican presidential candidates took turns criticizing Obama's foreign policy as weak during speeches before Jewish activists and donors. They especially focused on the Obama administration's Middle East policy.

The Associated Press: Obama answers appeasement charge: 'Ask bin Laden'

the reverse of appeasement is now offing people?

and, what happened to "Cowboyism"? or using oh, 911 and the 'bring it on"mentality being taboo?

so, when asked to remark on being accused of appeasement the answer is; " I kill people". Sounds like something Bush would say. and if he did he'd be an intellectually lazy, vacuous dope. Soooooo:eusa_whistle:
LOL. Obama is still easy pickings on the foreign relations front.

If the candidates can't point out how ludicrous he is at least as well as we internet jockeys can, then they deserve to lose.

But I'm sure they will rise to the occasion.

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