Obama proposes more executive actions on guns


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
White House announces two new 'executive actions' on guns - First Read

The Obama administration is proposing two more executive actions that it says will help prevent individuals who are prohibited from having a gun for mental health reasons from obtaining a firearm.
The Department of Justice, arguing that current federal law contains terminology about mental health issues that is too vague, *proposed a regulation that would clarify who is ineligible to possess a firearm for specific situations related to mental health, like commitment to a mental institution. “In addition to providing general guidance on federal law, these clarifications will help states determine what information should be made accessible to the federal background check system, which will, in turn, strengthen the system's reliability and effectiveness,” the administration said in a fact sheet distributed to reporters.
The second executive action, proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services, would allow some medical organizations more leeway to report “limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands” to the federal background check system. “The proposed rule will not change the fact that seeking help for mental health problems or getting treatment does not make someone legally prohibited from having a firearm,” the White House added.
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Mental health is becoming the new gay of our time.

The proposed rule will not change the fact that seeking help for mental health problems or getting treatment does not make someone legally prohibited from having a firearm

Not yet....

now maybe the people will get what they want instead of the NRA getting everything they want
It's a start.

Let's see if it can help keep guns out of the hands of crazies and lets see how hard the NRA fights to keep guns in he hands of homicidal maniacs
Executive actions are not laws, and they can be repealed by another executive action. Since it wasn't imposed by congressional or senatorial action, these changes don't need congressional or senatorial action to be repealed. Stroke of the pen, undo the law of the land.

At this point, obama is just hurting other democrats who are looking at losing their seats.
It's a start.

Let's see if it can help keep guns out of the hands of crazies and lets see how hard the NRA fights to keep guns in he hands of homicidal maniacs

Anyone can go crazy with a gun. A sane person can go nuts if something happens. Say wife leaves him or he loses his job or some such thing. Its called the 2nd amendment and I expect the NRA to defend it to the death.
It's a start.

Let's see if it can help keep guns out of the hands of crazies and lets see how hard the NRA fights to keep guns in he hands of homicidal maniacs

Anyone can go crazy with a gun. A sane person can go nuts if something happens. Say wife leaves him or he loses his job or some such thing. Its called the 2nd amendment and I expect the NRA to defend it to the death.

His next Executive Order needs to keep guns out of the hands of wannabe Nazis who don't pay their rent
White House announces two new 'executive actions' on guns - First Read

The Obama administration is proposing two more executive actions that it says will help prevent individuals who are prohibited from having a gun for mental health reasons from obtaining a firearm.
The Department of Justice, arguing that current federal law contains terminology about mental health issues that is too vague, *proposed a regulation that would clarify who is ineligible to possess a firearm for specific situations related to mental health, like commitment to a mental institution. “In addition to providing general guidance on federal law, these clarifications will help states determine what information should be made accessible to the federal background check system, which will, in turn, strengthen the system's reliability and effectiveness,” the administration said in a fact sheet distributed to reporters.
The second executive action, proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services, would allow some medical organizations more leeway to report “limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands” to the federal background check system. “The proposed rule will not change the fact that seeking help for mental health problems or getting treatment does not make someone legally prohibited from having a firearm,” the White House added.

actually the laws on the crazies are quite clear
Oh yeah forgot about the criminals because they always follow the law eh? Libs will get their dream of no guns in private hands except for criminals and the entire country will turn into Detroit and Chicago with cops in Detroit taking an entire day to respond to calls.
Adam Lanza was mentally disturbed and got his guns from his mothers house not by buying them.

His mother should have been warned that guns and her son were not a good mix. She was already afraid of him.....having guns nearby was not wise

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