Rand Paul To Sue Over NSA Spying Policies

Any American who cares about his/her freedom should get behind this. We are all eligible to join in this class action law suit. At some point we will either have to stand up for our rights under the Constitution or submit to tyranny. It's time to stand and be counted. Will you?

Sen. Rand Paul to sue over NSA spying practices | Fox News
Good for him. I have been behind getting RID of the NSA or scaling them back for quite some time now.
Disable Obama's ability to further "transform" America.
Any American who cares about his/her freedom should get behind this. We are all eligible to join in this class action law suit. At some point we will either have to stand up for our rights under the Constitution or submit to tyranny. It's time to stand and be counted. Will you?

Sen. Rand Paul to sue over NSA spying practices | Fox News

Randy and the GOP want the US to be attacked by terrorists and are hell bent on weakening this great country's defenses.

The Raw Story | Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."
Randy and the GOP want the US to be attacked by terrorists and are hell bent on weakening this great country's defenses.

Can you tell us then exactly how this NSA spying will prevent a terrorist attack that could not be prevented under the expansive rules of the Patriot Act and NDAA?

I'm guessing you cannot, which tells me you epitomize the old saying: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"
Quick question.............................does anyone realize that Homeland Security and their practices were started under Bush Jr?

I also want to know if Rand Paul and his ilk know this as well?

I'm guessing they don't. They just hate Obama and are looking for any excuse to vilify him.
Quick question.............................does anyone realize that Homeland Security and their practices were started under Bush Jr?

This lawsuit deals with the NSA, not Homeland Security. But that said, yes, we realize the erosion of our rights did not begin with Obama. The latest revelations however, are the final straw, resulting in this lawsuit and other actions to reverse the trend.

Sorry, your attempt divert criticism from your dear leader is just...pathetic.
Any American who cares about his/her freedom should get behind this. We are all eligible to join in this class action law suit. At some point we will either have to stand up for our rights under the Constitution or submit to tyranny. It's time to stand and be counted. Will you?

Sen. Rand Paul to sue over NSA spying practices | Fox News
How does one join the lawsuit? It can go in my FBI file LOL
Quick question.............................does anyone realize that Homeland Security and their practices were started under Bush Jr?

I also want to know if Rand Paul and his ilk know this as well?

I'm guessing they don't. They just hate Obama and are looking for any excuse to vilify him.

Rand is just trying to keep his name in the news now that we ALL know he is running for president in 2016.
Instead of pretending to know what's in the hearts and minds of others, how about you tell us how YOU feel about Mr. Paul's lawsuit against the NSA.

I signed the petition. Hope you will too.
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Any American who cares about his/her freedom should get behind this. We are all eligible to join in this class action law suit. At some point we will either have to stand up for our rights under the Constitution or submit to tyranny. It's time to stand and be counted. Will you?

Sen. Rand Paul to sue over NSA spying practices | Fox News
Good for him. I have been behind getting RID of the NSA or scaling them back for quite some time now.

No you haven't.

Unless "quite some time" began 5 years ago.
Instead of pretending to know what's in the hearts and minds of others, how about you tell us how YOU feel about Mr. Paul's lawsuit against the NSA.

I signed the petition. Hope you will too.

Publicity stunt, acting like he gives a shit, half-hearted effort going nowhere, BTW contribute to MR. Paul while you are at it. There are much more honest and serious legal challenges afoot, don't suppose you would consider adding your support to them would you?
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And you know how he feels about NSA spying how? My goodness, for a guy behind a computer, you sure do claim to know a whole hell of a lot about the true feelings and motivations of others. Are you psychic or something???

That said, I would argue Mr Paul's stance for civil rights is a long and well document one.

half-hearted effort going nowhere,

I guess we'll see about that. What's difficult to understand is your inability to state clearly whether you believe the NSA spying is right or wrong.

BTW contribute to MR. Paul while you are at it. There are much more honest and serious legal challenges afoot, don't suppose you would consider adding your support to them would you?

How about letting us know exactly to whom you are referring. I would be happy to consider anyone.
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Quick question.............................does anyone realize that Homeland Security and their practices were started under Bush Jr?

I also want to know if Rand Paul and his ilk know this as well?

I'm guessing they don't. They just hate Obama and are looking for any excuse to vilify him.
Yeah, and every Democrat in the country campaigned against Bush (including Kerry in 2004) over the Patriot Act, claiming it was an egregious violation of our civil liberties and privacy. Now those same people are defending the law that is being abused by Obama. I was against it then and I'm against it now, because any law that has the potential for abuse will eventually result in abuse and now we're seeing it. Hacks like you only opposed it when a Republican president had the power but stand by and cheer while YOUR guy spies on you and everyone else.
I guess that great swath of rightwingers who don't think that unelected judges should have the tyrannical power of judicial review are going to temporarily put that notion back in the cupboard for awhile then?

Quick question.............................does anyone realize that Homeland Security and their practices were started under Bush Jr?

I also want to know if Rand Paul and his ilk know this as well?

I'm guessing they don't. They just hate Obama and are looking for any excuse to vilify him.
Yeah, and every Democrat in the country campaigned against Bush (including Kerry in 2004) over the Patriot Act, claiming it was an egregious violation of our civil liberties and privacy. Now those same people are defending the law that is being abused by Obama. I was against it then and I'm against it now, because any law that has the potential for abuse will eventually result in abuse and now we're seeing it. Hacks like you only opposed it when a Republican president had the power but stand by and cheer while YOUR guy spies on you and everyone else.

Quit trying to turn this into a partisan issue. For once an issue comes along on which we all can be in full agreement but all some can think about is Obama, it must all be his fault, right? Wrong. It's all our faults for playing partisan pool while people who see us all the same, gullible serfs, build the control mechanism for the rest of our lives.
Quick question.............................does anyone realize that Homeland Security and their practices were started under Bush Jr?

I also want to know if Rand Paul and his ilk know this as well?

I'm guessing they don't. They just hate Obama and are looking for any excuse to vilify him.
Yeah, and every Democrat in the country campaigned against Bush (including Kerry in 2004) over the Patriot Act, claiming it was an egregious violation of our civil liberties and privacy. Now those same people are defending the law that is being abused by Obama. I was against it then and I'm against it now, because any law that has the potential for abuse will eventually result in abuse and now we're seeing it. Hacks like you only opposed it when a Republican president had the power but stand by and cheer while YOUR guy spies on you and everyone else.

Quit trying to turn this into a partisan issue. For once an issue comes along on which we all can be in full agreement but all some can think about is Obama, it must all be his fault, right? Wrong. It's all our faults for playing partisan pool while people who see us all the same, gullible serfs, build the control mechanism for the rest of our lives.
I'm not the one who was making it a partisan issue, I was responding to someone who was. You would know that if you had read the entire post.

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