Obama-Proposed Gas Tax


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?
Hey, everyone knows that necessary infrastructure repairs will pay for themselves.....just like Iraqnam and Medicare Part D.....
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
I think the first thing to do is make public transportation actually turn a profit. If that means doubling the fare then so be it.
those that ride can afford to pay twice as much.
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
Let the local municipalities decide how to fund local needs. There is no reason a farmer in Iowa should pay for major infrastructure in California.
And it's comical that you actually trust the government to spend the money effectively.

Solyndra says thank you
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
Let the local municipalities decide how to fund local needs. There is no reason a farmer in Iowa should pay for major infrastructure in California.
And it's comical that you actually trust the government to spend the money effectively.

Solyndra says thank you

They are called "Interstates".........and facilitate "Interstate commerce"..........

One day we should take all Breitbart dependent morons out back and put them down....

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
Let the local municipalities decide how to fund local needs. There is no reason a farmer in Iowa should pay for major infrastructure in California.
And it's comical that you actually trust the government to spend the money effectively.

Solyndra says thank you

They are called "Interstates".........and facilitate "Interstate commerce"..........

One day we should take all Breitbart dependent morons out back and put them down....

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit
The farmer in Iowa should pay for roads he doesn't use why?

And I don't read Brightbart jackass
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
Let the local municipalities decide how to fund local needs. There is no reason a farmer in Iowa should pay for major infrastructure in California.
And it's comical that you actually trust the government to spend the money effectively.

Solyndra says thank you

They are called "Interstates".........and facilitate "Interstate commerce"..........

One day we should take all Breitbart dependent morons out back and put them down....

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit

As should leftwing nutters like you that simple-mindlessly propose a new tax as the fix-all for everything. SPEND SPEND SPEND, TAX TAX TAX!!!!
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?

What does that have to do with high speed rails, and self driving cars?

Notice you are wanting to make it about the roads we drive on, and not about the other pet projects that he is wanting to spend the money on instead.

So again, I am saying no and if you want to pay extra money feel free to send President Obama a check for high speed rails and self driving cars!
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
Let the local municipalities decide how to fund local needs. There is no reason a farmer in Iowa should pay for major infrastructure in California.
And it's comical that you actually trust the government to spend the money effectively.

Solyndra says thank you

They are called "Interstates".........and facilitate "Interstate commerce"..........

One day we should take all Breitbart dependent morons out back and put them down....

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit

The Federal government does not make enough off the fuel consumption tax they already have?

You pay eighteen cents per gallon on Federal Fuel tax, and you believe there should be more so the government can waste the money on special projects?

No, and I will keep on saying no!
I think we should raise the federal tax on a gallon of gas/diesel by about 10 cents, with that going toward road infrastructure not towards any mass transit or research into new cars.
I think we should raise the federal tax on a gallon of gas/diesel by about 10 cents, with that going toward road infrastructure not towards any mass transit or research into new cars.

A state can do that itself.

Your state can raise their fuel tax to help maintain roads within their own state, and the Federal Government make enough!
I think we should raise the federal tax on a gallon of gas/diesel by about 10 cents, with that going toward road infrastructure not towards any mass transit or research into new cars.

A state can do that itself.

Your state can raise their fuel tax to help maintain roads within their own state, and the Federal Government make enough!
When Maryland did it I would just drive over to Virginia and fill the tanks on the truck.
Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

'Obama aides told POLITICO that when he releases his final budget request next week, the president will propose more than $300 billion worth of investments over the next decade in mass transit, high-speed rail, self-driving cars, and other transportation approaches designed to reduce carbon emissions and congestion. To pay for it all, Obama will call for a $10 “fee” on every barrel of oil, a surcharge that would be paid by oil companies but would presumably be passed along to consumers.

There is no real chance that the Republican-controlled Congress will embrace Obama’s grand vision of climate-friendly mobility in an election year—especially after passing a long-stalled bipartisan highway bill just last year—and his aides acknowledge it’s mostly an effort to jump-start a conversation about the future of transportation. But by raising the specter of new taxes on fossil fuels, it could create a political quandary for Democrats. The fee could add as much as 25 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline, and even with petroleum prices at historic lows, the proposal could be particularly awkward for Hillary Clinton, who has embraced most of Obama’s policies but has also vowed to oppose any tax hikes on families earning less than $250,000 a year.'

LINK: Do we need to talk about Obama’s $10-per-barrel oil tax proposal?

I say no to the idea, and in another thread I pointed out that Texas drive pays thirty-eight cents a gallon just in taxes and he want it to go over sixty cents in taxes per gallon?

So right now I drive a truck that has a twenty-four gallon tank and let round up to forty cents a gallon for taxes and that is $9.60 in taxes for me per tank and now he want me to pay $14.40 in taxes per tank?

I also fill up twice a week because of my travel so that would be $28.80 per week in taxes and that is $1497.60 in taxes per year he want me to pay on top of other taxes?

No thank you...

Those roads you drive on......do they require any kind of maintenance?
Let the local municipalities decide how to fund local needs. There is no reason a farmer in Iowa should pay for major infrastructure in California.
And it's comical that you actually trust the government to spend the money effectively.

Solyndra says thank you

They are called "Interstates".........and facilitate "Interstate commerce"..........

One day we should take all Breitbart dependent morons out back and put them down....

Solyndra Program Vilified by Republicans Turns a Profit
The farmer in Iowa should pay for roads he doesn't use why?

And I don't read Brightbart jackass

Because they don't sell all their output to Iowans?

They can't grow gasoline, or farm equipment?

Their sod freezes solid in the wintertime, and you can't live on ice and snow?

I dunno, Gramps.....what do you figger?


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