Obama Playing Hookie From Budget Battle


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This weekend Obama went golfing again, not long after he found out about Japan. Everyone says a President needs time to unwind from stressful 20 hour days working on important issues. He's already played more rounds of golf then Bush did in his entire 8 years in office. I'm still waiting on him to get to work.

He never submitted a budget for this year, yet he took the time to submit one for next year. Somebody explain that one.

He turned over control of the negotiations to the VP then sent him to Russia. Somebody explain that one.

He's talked about same sex-marriage, bullies in school, education, all of the usual bleeding-heart issues that make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, yet all of his talk hasn't done anything to solve any of those issues. No action was involved. Just talk.

The House has already passed a budget but the Democrat controlled Senate instead passes 2 and 3 week extensions. Every cut is fought over. An example is Harry Reid arguing about the wonders of Cowboy Poetry. Hee haw. Get along little doggies.

Everyone is wondering who the heck is in charge. Obama twisted arms and got his disastrous health care bill through using bribes, threats, whatever it took. Now he's evaporated and nonexistent on the budget. I suspect this was all part of their plan in the first place. Spend us into massive debt, then fight every cut tooth and nail once the Republicans try to get rid of it. In the process make everyone look like crap, which seems to work good for Democrats because many of their voters already know they're rotten to the core. They're just not Republicans.

Obama doesn't want to handle this problem like an adult. He's content with it festering and getting worse. Maybe if things get worse people will panic and accept anything he dishes out. He refuses to deal with jobs backing instead rioting union thugs. He won't deal with immigration because he actually admitted he wanted to put it off till this year. Just another opportunity to stir up shit and cause divisions I guess. Our troops are still dying in Afghanistan and he's still throwing parties at the White House and golfing.

Really, does Obama ever want to solve anything???

I seriously doubt it.

Nothing works better for this POS then a crisis that he ether caused or took advantage of.

That's my opinion. What say you???
Our government is about to shut down and Democrats are attacking the GOP for making needed cuts.

These extensions are just a delay tactic.

The hope is that everyone will get tired of the BS and just raise taxes.

That way the Repugs look like they're giving in and Dems come off looking like heroes to their base.
Libya is ready to fall, Japan is undergoing its worst crisis in five decades, and where is the leader of the free world?

Giving a radio address about Women's History Month.

This "President" is a joke. Not a very funny one at that.
Libya is ready to fall, Japan is undergoing its worst crisis in five decades, and where is the leader of the free world?

Giving a radio address about Women's History Month.

This "President" is a joke. Not a very funny one at that.

Totally out of touch.

What other feel-good issue will this clown talk about while the world burns around him.
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Libya is ready to fall, Japan is undergoing its worst crisis in five decades, and where is the leader of the free world?

Giving a radio address about Women's History Month.

This "President" is a joke. Not a very funny one at that.

Totally out of touch.

What other feel-good issue will this clown talk about while the world burns around him.

To answer your question: Apparently the NCAA tourny bracket is tops on his list -

By MIKE ALLEN | 03/15/11 8:30 AM EDT
PRESIDENT OBAMA is taping his NCAA picks today, and they’ll be revealed tomorrow on ESPN. … NATE SILVER’s March Madness bracket FiveThirtyEight Probabilities - The Men's Bracket Tournament - The New York Times ... At 11:25 a.m., Obama will tape interviews from the Map Room with KOAT Albuquerque, KDKA Pittsburgh and WVEC Hampton Roads on education reform and the need to fix No Child Left Behind.


This weekend Obama went golfing again, not long after he found out about Japan. Everyone says a President needs time to unwind from stressful 20 hour days working on important issues. He's already played more rounds of golf then Bush did in his entire 8 years in office. I'm still waiting on him to get to work.

He never submitted a budget for this year, yet he took the time to submit one for next year. Somebody explain that one.

He turned over control of the negotiations to the VP then sent him to Russia. Somebody explain that one.

He's talked about same sex-marriage, bullies in school, education, all of the usual bleeding-heart issues that make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, yet all of his talk hasn't done anything to solve any of those issues. No action was involved. Just talk.

The House has already passed a budget but the Democrat controlled Senate instead passes 2 and 3 week extensions. Every cut is fought over. An example is Harry Reid arguing about the wonders of Cowboy Poetry. Hee haw. Get along little doggies.

Everyone is wondering who the heck is in charge. Obama twisted arms and got his disastrous health care bill through using bribes, threats, whatever it took. Now he's evaporated and nonexistent on the budget. I suspect this was all part of their plan in the first place. Spend us into massive debt, then fight every cut tooth and nail once the Republicans try to get rid of it. In the process make everyone look like crap, which seems to work good for Democrats because many of their voters already know they're rotten to the core. They're just not Republicans.

Obama doesn't want to handle this problem like an adult. He's content with it festering and getting worse. Maybe if things get worse people will panic and accept anything he dishes out. He refuses to deal with jobs backing instead rioting union thugs. He won't deal with immigration because he actually admitted he wanted to put it off till this year. Just another opportunity to stir up shit and cause divisions I guess. Our troops are still dying in Afghanistan and he's still throwing parties at the White House and golfing.

Really, does Obama ever want to solve anything???

I seriously doubt it.

Nothing works better for this POS then a crisis that he ether caused or took advantage of.

That's my opinion. What say you???

That's exactly what he is doing. He is softening people up. It's a typical Marxist trick.
The truth is Obama would love to see this nation change to his liking. He also knows that you need to break an egg to make an omelet. He would love to see this nation broken so he or the next socialist can remake it to their liking. He is either incompetent or malevolent. Either way he's dangerous.

Only the constitution stands in his way.
look, in all seriousness, he deserves down time, but, this weekend, after that totally flat and single topic weekly radio/youtube address, he should have taken a pass on the golf.....nixon(?) installed a bowling alley, he should have headed there...
It's the GOP that's been blocking budgets and offering up shit in return.

They don't want compromise..and want to shut down government.

So be it.

They've done this before..looks like they want to do it again.

This weekend Obama went golfing again, not long after he found out about Japan. Everyone says a President needs time to unwind from stressful 20 hour days working on important issues. He's already played more rounds of golf then Bush did in his entire 8 years in office. I'm still waiting on him to get to work.

He never submitted a budget for this year, yet he took the time to submit one for next year. Somebody explain that one.

He turned over control of the negotiations to the VP then sent him to Russia. Somebody explain that one.

He's talked about same sex-marriage, bullies in school, education, all of the usual bleeding-heart issues that make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, yet all of his talk hasn't done anything to solve any of those issues. No action was involved. Just talk.

The House has already passed a budget but the Democrat controlled Senate instead passes 2 and 3 week extensions. Every cut is fought over. An example is Harry Reid arguing about the wonders of Cowboy Poetry. Hee haw. Get along little doggies.

Everyone is wondering who the heck is in charge. Obama twisted arms and got his disastrous health care bill through using bribes, threats, whatever it took. Now he's evaporated and nonexistent on the budget. I suspect this was all part of their plan in the first place. Spend us into massive debt, then fight every cut tooth and nail once the Republicans try to get rid of it. In the process make everyone look like crap, which seems to work good for Democrats because many of their voters already know they're rotten to the core. They're just not Republicans.

Obama doesn't want to handle this problem like an adult. He's content with it festering and getting worse. Maybe if things get worse people will panic and accept anything he dishes out. He refuses to deal with jobs backing instead rioting union thugs. He won't deal with immigration because he actually admitted he wanted to put it off till this year. Just another opportunity to stir up shit and cause divisions I guess. Our troops are still dying in Afghanistan and he's still throwing parties at the White House and golfing.

Really, does Obama ever want to solve anything???

I seriously doubt it.

Nothing works better for this POS then a crisis that he ether caused or took advantage of.

That's my opinion. What say you???

What should he be doing?
It's the GOP that's been blocking budgets and offering up shit in return.

They don't want compromise..and want to shut down government.

So be it.

They've done this before..looks like they want to do it again.

yes you're right, they want to cut back on Cowboy poetry. :rolleyes:

This weekend Obama went golfing again, not long after he found out about Japan. Everyone says a President needs time to unwind from stressful 20 hour days working on important issues. He's already played more rounds of golf then Bush did in his entire 8 years in office. I'm still waiting on him to get to work.

He never submitted a budget for this year, yet he took the time to submit one for next year. Somebody explain that one.

He turned over control of the negotiations to the VP then sent him to Russia. Somebody explain that one.

He's talked about same sex-marriage, bullies in school, education, all of the usual bleeding-heart issues that make everyone feel all warm and fuzzy, yet all of his talk hasn't done anything to solve any of those issues. No action was involved. Just talk.

The House has already passed a budget but the Democrat controlled Senate instead passes 2 and 3 week extensions. Every cut is fought over. An example is Harry Reid arguing about the wonders of Cowboy Poetry. Hee haw. Get along little doggies.

Everyone is wondering who the heck is in charge. Obama twisted arms and got his disastrous health care bill through using bribes, threats, whatever it took. Now he's evaporated and nonexistent on the budget. I suspect this was all part of their plan in the first place. Spend us into massive debt, then fight every cut tooth and nail once the Republicans try to get rid of it. In the process make everyone look like crap, which seems to work good for Democrats because many of their voters already know they're rotten to the core. They're just not Republicans.

Obama doesn't want to handle this problem like an adult. He's content with it festering and getting worse. Maybe if things get worse people will panic and accept anything he dishes out. He refuses to deal with jobs backing instead rioting union thugs. He won't deal with immigration because he actually admitted he wanted to put it off till this year. Just another opportunity to stir up shit and cause divisions I guess. Our troops are still dying in Afghanistan and he's still throwing parties at the White House and golfing.

Really, does Obama ever want to solve anything???

I seriously doubt it.

Nothing works better for this POS then a crisis that he ether caused or took advantage of.

That's my opinion. What say you???

What should he be doing?

*shrugs* 36 holes?, Oh and remember to yell '4', not make a lackey SS agent do it.

Oh Annnnd, do his March Madness picks for ESPN.........oh wait....
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