Obama on Kenya: There's a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama (Yes, We Know Why)

Officials at the predominantly Muslim school that Obama attended has said the public academy is open to people of all faiths. A March, 2007 story in the Chicago Tribune said that when Obama was attending 4th grade, Muslim children would spend two hours a week studying Islam while Christian children would spend that time studying Christianity.
Like i said

you got nothing

I've got you ignoring your own standards.

Either Reagan was born in Ireland.....are you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, idiot.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?

no; because it hasnt

Then show us Reagan's COLB. And his LFBC. And the State of Illinois affirming Reagan's place of birth. And two affidavits from the Registar of Illinois that Reagan was born in Illinois. And the Director of the Department of Health of Illinois affirming that Reagan was born in Illinois and is a natural born citizen.

I eagerly await your doomed attempt.
The president has said he became a Christian in his 20s while a community organizer in Chicago.

what could this mean leftard?

what was he before that?

Obama’s own writings, independent biographies and news articles show he had a secular childhood. Sure, he went to an Indonesian school where most of the children were Muslim and there are accounts that he sometimes attended a mosque with his Islamic stepfather. But there is no evidence that the president was a practicing Muslim raised in the faith.


and there's no evidence he WASNT raised as a muslim

try again
Officials at the predominantly Muslim school that Obama attended has said the public academy is open to people of all faiths. A March, 2007 story in the Chicago Tribune said that when Obama was attending 4th grade, Muslim children would spend two hours a week studying Islam while Christian children would spend that time studying Christianity.

And how much Islam did the children study in Catholic school....which Obama attended for as long as he was in the 'predominantly Muslim school'.

And if going to a Muslim school makes Obama a muslim....then why doesn't going to a Catholic school make Obama a Catholic?
Like i said

you got nothing

I've got you ignoring your own standards.

Either Reagan was born in Ireland.....are you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, idiot.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?
If you go by his character and how many lies he has told. I don't know what to believe. Also if you go by Hillary's character and how many lies she has told. You realize your party will go to all lengths to destroy America.

Uh-huh. And its not Obama you'd have to ignore. He doesn't remember his birth. Its the State of Hawaii you'd have to ignore. As the State of Hawaii has affirmed and reaffirmed Obama's place of birth over and over and over again.

And Hillary? What the fiddler's fuck does she have to do with anything we're discussing. You're just dripping with desperation to change the topic.
No, I was just showing you that the leaders in your party have no character and cannot tell the truth, but we are suppose to believe the bullshit they tell us.
Did Nancy Reagan put up that sign?

How is that relevant to the batshit standard of evidence offered to us by bedowin in this hapless statement:

bedowin62 said:
Apparently there is a huge nest of "birthers" out there


signs all over the place saying "WELCOME HOME MR PRESIDENT!!"

So Reagan was born in Ireland?

libs are such humorless clowns.

there is no controversy over reagan's birth certificate that would be made worse by people in his ancestor's home saying "Welcome Home Mr President"
big difference; huge

try again

Laughing.....so 'WELCOME HOME MR PRESIDENT' means that Kenyans are birthers. But 'Welcome Home Mr. President' doesn't mean that the Irish were birther's huh?

Way to wipe your ass with your own standards, dipshit! Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

And of course, Obama's birth in Hawaii has been affirmed far more thoroughly than Reagan's birth in Illinois ever was. The State of Illinois never affirmed that Reagan's birth certificate was on file, matched their original records, and that Reagan was born in Illinois. Nor did the Registrar of Illinois affirm in two affidavits that Reagan's place of birth was Illinois.

In fact, we don't have any birth certificate from Reagan. While Obama produced both a COLB and an image of his LFBC.

By your own standards, its Reagan you should be questioning. Yet once again, you ignore your own standards whenever they are inconvenient to your argument. If even you are going to treat your standards like the useless garbage that they are, surely you can understand when we treat them the same way.

Try again.

you've been made a fool of.

you didnt even want to acknowldege that there are muslim names

try again

Says the haplessdipshit that ignored his own standard when Reagan was faced with the same signs as Obama is faced with now.


So Reagan was born in Ireland? Or do you just not have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about?

Its one or the other. Pick which.
Picture taken by British reporter of 2005 calender ( 3 years before he became president) on wall in Obama's Kenyan grandmothers home.

The president has said he became a Christian in his 20s while a community organizer in Chicago.

what could this mean leftard?

what was he before that?


How about nothing? Who says that Obama had to have any religious affiliation before he became a Christian?

Remember.....you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
How is that relevant to the batshit standard of evidence offered to us by bedowin in this hapless statement:

So Reagan was born in Ireland?

libs are such humorless clowns.

there is no controversy over reagan's birth certificate that would be made worse by people in his ancestor's home saying "Welcome Home Mr President"
big difference; huge

try again

Laughing.....so 'WELCOME HOME MR PRESIDENT' means that Kenyans are birthers. But 'Welcome Home Mr. President' doesn't mean that the Irish were birther's huh?

Way to wipe your ass with your own standards, dipshit! Is there any claim I can't run you off of?

And of course, Obama's birth in Hawaii has been affirmed far more thoroughly than Reagan's birth in Illinois ever was. The State of Illinois never affirmed that Reagan's birth certificate was on file, matched their original records, and that Reagan was born in Illinois. Nor did the Registrar of Illinois affirm in two affidavits that Reagan's place of birth was Illinois.

In fact, we don't have any birth certificate from Reagan. While Obama produced both a COLB and an image of his LFBC.

By your own standards, its Reagan you should be questioning. Yet once again, you ignore your own standards whenever they are inconvenient to your argument. If even you are going to treat your standards like the useless garbage that they are, surely you can understand when we treat them the same way.

Try again.

you've been made a fool of.

you didnt even want to acknowldege that there are muslim names

try again

Says the haplessdipshit that ignored his own standard when Reagan was faced with the same signs as Obama is faced with now.


So Reagan was born in Ireland? Or do you just not have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about?

Its one or the other. Pick which.
Picture taken by British reporter of 2005 calender ( 3 years before he became president) on wall in Obama's Kenyan grandmothers home.


Prove it.

since you're not man enough to admit there is a very real possibility obama was raised as a muslim at least part of his life

there is not point talking to you leftard
I've got you ignoring your own standards.

Either Reagan was born in Ireland.....are you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, idiot.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?
If you go by his character and how many lies he has told. I don't know what to believe. Also if you go by Hillary's character and how many lies she has told. You realize your party will go to all lengths to destroy America.

Uh-huh. And its not Obama you'd have to ignore. He doesn't remember his birth. Its the State of Hawaii you'd have to ignore. As the State of Hawaii has affirmed and reaffirmed Obama's place of birth over and over and over again.

And Hillary? What the fiddler's fuck does she have to do with anything we're discussing. You're just dripping with desperation to change the topic.
No, I was just showing you that the leaders in your party have no character and cannot tell the truth, but we are suppose to believe the bullshit they tell us.

No, you're just desperately abandoning the topic of discussion and scrambling to change it to Hillary.

since you're not man enough to admit there is a very real possibility obama was raised as a muslim at least part of his life

there is not point talking to you leftard

Laughing......and now look. Its running with its tail between its legs. Exactly as I said it would.

Sorry, dipshit.....but if going to a Muslim school makes Obama a Muslim, then going to a Catholic school makes Obama a Catholic. You can't have it both ways.

Oh, you can try. But I'm going to point and laugh and run you off the topic. Exactly like I just did.
I see on CNN where after Kenya's President Kenyatta and Kenya told him don't be bringing that gay shit here he went right ahead and mentioned gay shit...then promptly got smacked down by Kenyatta.

The man is a moron
Cause the last thing an American President should do is mention another nation's human rights abuses.
Like i said

you got nothing

I've got you ignoring your own standards.

Either Reagan was born in Ireland.....are you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, idiot.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?

no; because it hasnt

Then show us Reagan's COLB. And his LFBC. And the State of Illinois affirming Reagan's place of birth. And two affidavits from the Registar of Illinois that Reagan was born in Illinois. And the Director of the Department of Health of Illinois affirming that Reagan was born in Illinois and is a natural born citizen.

I eagerly await your doomed attempt.
Go ahead i'm not worried about a president that hasn't been president for over 30 years, but if you do the work. I am positive his birth certificate won't be from a different state, than the one he says he was born in.
I see on CNN where after Kenya's President Kenyatta and Kenya told him don't be bringing that gay shit here he went right ahead and mentioned gay shit...then promptly got smacked down by Kenyatta.

The man is a moron
His goal is to disrupt his home country.
Im starting to think that his goal is not really to disrupt any country, I think he just might really be that big of an idiot to not know when his authority ends.
The world cant wait for this ass clown to be moved from the white house, and I will be irritated as hell seeing him, his man beast and his two rented children being flown out at the taxpayers expense.
He should have to call a cab and fly economy class to where ever he plans to go and destroy next.
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?
If you go by his character and how many lies he has told. I don't know what to believe. Also if you go by Hillary's character and how many lies she has told. You realize your party will go to all lengths to destroy America.

Uh-huh. And its not Obama you'd have to ignore. He doesn't remember his birth. Its the State of Hawaii you'd have to ignore. As the State of Hawaii has affirmed and reaffirmed Obama's place of birth over and over and over again.

And Hillary? What the fiddler's fuck does she have to do with anything we're discussing. You're just dripping with desperation to change the topic.
No, I was just showing you that the leaders in your party have no character and cannot tell the truth, but we are suppose to believe the bullshit they tell us.

No, you're just desperately abandoning the topic of discussion and scrambling to change it to Hillary.
Okay then, Obama hasn't hardly told the truth since he has been in office. So don't be offended when I don't believe what he tells me. Is that better?
I've got you ignoring your own standards.

Either Reagan was born in Ireland.....are you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, idiot.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?

no; because it hasnt

Then show us Reagan's COLB. And his LFBC. And the State of Illinois affirming Reagan's place of birth. And two affidavits from the Registar of Illinois that Reagan was born in Illinois. And the Director of the Department of Health of Illinois affirming that Reagan was born in Illinois and is a natural born citizen.

I eagerly await your doomed attempt.
Go ahead i'm not worried about a president that hasn't been president for over 30 years, but if you do the work. I am positive his birth certificate won't be from a different state, than the one he says he was born in.

Show us, don't tell us. Show us Reagan's COLB. How you feel about it is gloriously irrelevant.
Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?
If you go by his character and how many lies he has told. I don't know what to believe. Also if you go by Hillary's character and how many lies she has told. You realize your party will go to all lengths to destroy America.

Uh-huh. And its not Obama you'd have to ignore. He doesn't remember his birth. Its the State of Hawaii you'd have to ignore. As the State of Hawaii has affirmed and reaffirmed Obama's place of birth over and over and over again.

And Hillary? What the fiddler's fuck does she have to do with anything we're discussing. You're just dripping with desperation to change the topic.
No, I was just showing you that the leaders in your party have no character and cannot tell the truth, but we are suppose to believe the bullshit they tell us.

No, you're just desperately abandoning the topic of discussion and scrambling to change it to Hillary.
Okay then, Obama hasn't hardly told the truth since he has been in office. So don't be offended when I don't believe what he tells me. Is that better?

Again, its not Obama you have to ignore. Its the State of Hawaii.
So many things need explained concerning Obama, and these are just things we know.

1. He received a full scholarship to Occidental, why? He admits his grades up to that time were not good. Although there is no evidence that one of them was a Fulbright scholarship there equally isn't evidence that it was not, the evidence is sealed.

2. He attended a Muslim school under an assumed name. Doesn't make him a Muslim but it does indicate dishonesty in his past, his parents dishonesty.

3. He has a SS number from a state he or his parents never lived.

4. He did live overseas under the assumed name Barry Soetoro. A name he apparently used in the US and Occidental College even called him Barry.

5. How does one go from a small college in CA to Columbia?

6. How does a literary agent make such a gross "fact checking" error about Obama's place of birth?

7. Why did Mrs. Obama think it so important to call Kenya Obama's home country?
Was there ever any question that Reagan wasn't born in America?

Do you acknowledge that Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more thoroughly than Reagan's ever was?

no; because it hasnt

Then show us Reagan's COLB. And his LFBC. And the State of Illinois affirming Reagan's place of birth. And two affidavits from the Registar of Illinois that Reagan was born in Illinois. And the Director of the Department of Health of Illinois affirming that Reagan was born in Illinois and is a natural born citizen.

I eagerly await your doomed attempt.
Go ahead i'm not worried about a president that hasn't been president for over 30 years, but if you do the work. I am positive his birth certificate won't be from a different state, than the one he says he was born in.

Show us, don't tell us. Show us Reagan's COLB. How you feel about it is gloriously irrelevant.
When Americans bring up Benghazi, which happened under obamas watch, why is it acceptable to use the phrase, What difference does that make now? and cast it off as a past issue that is so far gone that its not worth mentioning, However, those same idiots want to bring up an American President from 30 years ago as if it was just yesterday.
If Reagan's mistakes are a valid issue to use against Americans running for office, why can we use something from just a year or so ago to show the true character of the socialists.
We really should try to be fair about all of this.

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