Diamond Member
- Aug 4, 2015
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Presidents don’t give up power.
Executive orders don’t expire at the end of each presidential term.
And every successive occupant of the Oval Office since George Washington, who issued the first executive order, has expanded the reach and power of the presidency.
Obama has alarmingly grown that power, Un-Constitutionally, and been allowed to do so. Obama's 'Presidential Powers' Legacy he leaves for the next President is 'frightening'. Obama is not alone, however, in leaving the next President 'dangerous' tools at their disposal:
President Barack Obama has become the “first president to claim the legal authority to order an American citizen killed without judicial involvement, real oversight or public accountability.
- President Obama started his own personal drone assassination program, one in which he alone authorized the targets on the drone strike list and he alone gave authority / orders to strike / kill persons on that list...to include Americans.
OBAMA'S LEGACY: The next President will also command the authority to run their own assassination programs, identify persons as legitimate targets, and will be able to decide who is targeted and killed.
Ever since September 11, the United States has been in a state of endless war without Congress ever having declared one. Having pledged to end Bush’s wars, Barack Obama has instead extended them.
- With the help of Hillary Clinton, President Obama even allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS, financed / supplied / armed / trained / protected and dragged the United states into 2 UN-SANCTIONED, UN-AUTHORIZED WARS to overthrow sovereign nations and to help Al Qaeida and ISIS take over their own countries.
OBAMA'S LEGACY: The next President will be able to drag the country into new wars on his or her own, to inject themselves into civil wars to help overthrow sovereign nations as they see fit.
The power to command the largest military and intelligence capabilities in the world and, in turn, “wag the dog.” Under the last 2 Presidents Intelligence agencies and the military have been used to CREATE reasons to inject the United States into situations, drag the US into war: Bush - Iraq, Obama - Libya and Syria.
BUSH / OBAMA LEGACY: The next President will have the ability to create / invent situations / reasons for the US to go to war.
The power to torture.
The authorization of torture tactics such as waterboarding remain part of the president’s domain should he or she ever choose to revive it.
BUSH LEGACY: The next President will be able to resurrect the policy of torturing prisoners for information.
The power to spy on American citizens.
Directed by the president, the National Security Agency has carried out warrantless surveillance on Americans’ phone calls and emails since September 11.
- President Obama spied on the American people, to include news reporters and Members of Congress.
OBAMA LEGACY: An expanded ability to spy on any and all Americans - an erosion of privacy
The power to indefinitely detain American citizens:
In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order requiring that all Japanese-Americans be held in internment camps. Such blatantly illegal detentions could happen again. In fact, each National Defense Authorization Act since 2012 has included a provision that permits the military to detain individuals—including Americans citizens—indefinitely without trial. (Signed into law by President Obama)
OBAMA LEGACY: The ability to detain American citizens indefinitely.
The power to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights.
The Bush Administration claimed it could strip American citizens of their constitutional rights, imprison them indefinitely, and deny them legal representation simply by labeling them as enemy combatants. The Obama administration has persisted in defending the president’s unilateral and global right to detain anyone suspected of supporting terrorist activities.
BUSH / OBAMA LEGACY: The unilateral and global right to detain anyone suspected of supporting terrorist activities
The power to transform the police into extensions of the military and indirectly institute martial law.
What began in the 1960s as a war on drugs transitioned into an all-out campaign to transform America’s police forces into extensions of the military. Every successive president since Nixon has added to the police’s arsenal, tactics and authority. In fact, the Obama administration has accelerated police militarization by distributing military weapons and equipment to police and incentivizing SWAT team raids and heavy-handed police tactics through the use of federal grants and asset forfeiture schemes. Under President Obama, who declared in 2008 he wanted his own militia that rivaled the US military in strength, US Govt Agencies such as the Bureau of land management, the EPA, and even the IRS has become militarized, acquiring their own 'armories', stockpiles of ammunition, and armored personnel carriers and 'tanks'.
OBAMA LEGACY: The ability to further militarize government.
The power to secretly rewrite or sidestep the laws of the country
Secret courts, secret orders, and secret budgets have become standard operating procedure for presidential administrations in recent years. A good case in point is Presidential Policy Directive 20, a secret order signed by President Obama that essentially gives the military the ability to shut off communications with the outside world if necessary. President Obama has violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law. He has protected criminals from punishment for breaking the law, he has broken the law, he has protected Human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, violated court orders, refused to comply with court orders, and been found in Contempt of Court. He has violated both Constitution and rule of Law - he has personally created 'Rights' for criminals, such as ordering the DOJ not to arrest, detail, charge, try, convict, and jail illegals for misdemeanor crimes - those below the level of a 'Felony'.
OBAMA LEGACY: The next President can willfully violate the Constitution and Rule of Law.
Calling a 'TREATY' a 'DEAL' does not give a President the authority to by-pass Congress to forge a treaty, especially with a nation that throughout the negotiation process made it perfectly clear it had no intention of upholding it's end of the bargain and wanted the U.S. destroyed. That, however, is exactly what President Obama did. Once the 'DEAL' was signed, President Obama AGAIN by-passed Congress, rushing the 'DEAL' to the UN for GLOBAL ratification before Allowing the US Congress to see and ratify it 1st.
OBAMA LEGACY: The next president has the authority now, under the precedence set by Obama, to UN-Constitutionally by-pass Congress to create treaties with other nations or groups.
President Obama sent $400 million in foreign currency cash on an unmarked plane in the cover of darkness to an Iranian runway where American hostages were waiting to be released once Iran confirmed the cash was delivered. Despite attempting to spin the entire exchange, President Obama by-passed Congress to deliver a ransom for US hostages. President Obama also paid a ransom to terrorists for American Bo Bergdahl.
OBAMA LEGACY: The next President will be able to By-Pass Congress in order to cave into terrorist/foreign nations' demands to pay ransoms for American hostages, and Americans will be less safe around the world, in danger of being kidnapped in exchange for ransoms.
President Obama STOLE $500 Million hard-earned tax dollars, LYING to Congress and the American people, by claiming the money was for ZIKA funding. A week later the WH was asked where the money went - again they LIED, claiming they did not know...ONLY to have it exposed by the media that Obama gave the money to the UN for their new Global Warming initiative.
OBAMA LEGACY: The ability to seize tax dollars for whatever cause they want without having to get approval by Congress.
An imperial president’s toolbox of terror: A dictatorship waiting to happen
Executive orders don’t expire at the end of each presidential term.
And every successive occupant of the Oval Office since George Washington, who issued the first executive order, has expanded the reach and power of the presidency.
Obama has alarmingly grown that power, Un-Constitutionally, and been allowed to do so. Obama's 'Presidential Powers' Legacy he leaves for the next President is 'frightening'. Obama is not alone, however, in leaving the next President 'dangerous' tools at their disposal:
President Barack Obama has become the “first president to claim the legal authority to order an American citizen killed without judicial involvement, real oversight or public accountability.
- President Obama started his own personal drone assassination program, one in which he alone authorized the targets on the drone strike list and he alone gave authority / orders to strike / kill persons on that list...to include Americans.
OBAMA'S LEGACY: The next President will also command the authority to run their own assassination programs, identify persons as legitimate targets, and will be able to decide who is targeted and killed.
Ever since September 11, the United States has been in a state of endless war without Congress ever having declared one. Having pledged to end Bush’s wars, Barack Obama has instead extended them.
- With the help of Hillary Clinton, President Obama even allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS, financed / supplied / armed / trained / protected and dragged the United states into 2 UN-SANCTIONED, UN-AUTHORIZED WARS to overthrow sovereign nations and to help Al Qaeida and ISIS take over their own countries.
OBAMA'S LEGACY: The next President will be able to drag the country into new wars on his or her own, to inject themselves into civil wars to help overthrow sovereign nations as they see fit.
The power to command the largest military and intelligence capabilities in the world and, in turn, “wag the dog.” Under the last 2 Presidents Intelligence agencies and the military have been used to CREATE reasons to inject the United States into situations, drag the US into war: Bush - Iraq, Obama - Libya and Syria.
BUSH / OBAMA LEGACY: The next President will have the ability to create / invent situations / reasons for the US to go to war.
The power to torture.
The authorization of torture tactics such as waterboarding remain part of the president’s domain should he or she ever choose to revive it.
BUSH LEGACY: The next President will be able to resurrect the policy of torturing prisoners for information.
The power to spy on American citizens.
Directed by the president, the National Security Agency has carried out warrantless surveillance on Americans’ phone calls and emails since September 11.
- President Obama spied on the American people, to include news reporters and Members of Congress.
OBAMA LEGACY: An expanded ability to spy on any and all Americans - an erosion of privacy
The power to indefinitely detain American citizens:
In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order requiring that all Japanese-Americans be held in internment camps. Such blatantly illegal detentions could happen again. In fact, each National Defense Authorization Act since 2012 has included a provision that permits the military to detain individuals—including Americans citizens—indefinitely without trial. (Signed into law by President Obama)
OBAMA LEGACY: The ability to detain American citizens indefinitely.
The power to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights.
The Bush Administration claimed it could strip American citizens of their constitutional rights, imprison them indefinitely, and deny them legal representation simply by labeling them as enemy combatants. The Obama administration has persisted in defending the president’s unilateral and global right to detain anyone suspected of supporting terrorist activities.
BUSH / OBAMA LEGACY: The unilateral and global right to detain anyone suspected of supporting terrorist activities
The power to transform the police into extensions of the military and indirectly institute martial law.
What began in the 1960s as a war on drugs transitioned into an all-out campaign to transform America’s police forces into extensions of the military. Every successive president since Nixon has added to the police’s arsenal, tactics and authority. In fact, the Obama administration has accelerated police militarization by distributing military weapons and equipment to police and incentivizing SWAT team raids and heavy-handed police tactics through the use of federal grants and asset forfeiture schemes. Under President Obama, who declared in 2008 he wanted his own militia that rivaled the US military in strength, US Govt Agencies such as the Bureau of land management, the EPA, and even the IRS has become militarized, acquiring their own 'armories', stockpiles of ammunition, and armored personnel carriers and 'tanks'.
OBAMA LEGACY: The ability to further militarize government.
The power to secretly rewrite or sidestep the laws of the country
Secret courts, secret orders, and secret budgets have become standard operating procedure for presidential administrations in recent years. A good case in point is Presidential Policy Directive 20, a secret order signed by President Obama that essentially gives the military the ability to shut off communications with the outside world if necessary. President Obama has violated his oath of office by refusing to enforce existing law. He has protected criminals from punishment for breaking the law, he has broken the law, he has protected Human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, violated court orders, refused to comply with court orders, and been found in Contempt of Court. He has violated both Constitution and rule of Law - he has personally created 'Rights' for criminals, such as ordering the DOJ not to arrest, detail, charge, try, convict, and jail illegals for misdemeanor crimes - those below the level of a 'Felony'.
OBAMA LEGACY: The next President can willfully violate the Constitution and Rule of Law.
Calling a 'TREATY' a 'DEAL' does not give a President the authority to by-pass Congress to forge a treaty, especially with a nation that throughout the negotiation process made it perfectly clear it had no intention of upholding it's end of the bargain and wanted the U.S. destroyed. That, however, is exactly what President Obama did. Once the 'DEAL' was signed, President Obama AGAIN by-passed Congress, rushing the 'DEAL' to the UN for GLOBAL ratification before Allowing the US Congress to see and ratify it 1st.
OBAMA LEGACY: The next president has the authority now, under the precedence set by Obama, to UN-Constitutionally by-pass Congress to create treaties with other nations or groups.
President Obama sent $400 million in foreign currency cash on an unmarked plane in the cover of darkness to an Iranian runway where American hostages were waiting to be released once Iran confirmed the cash was delivered. Despite attempting to spin the entire exchange, President Obama by-passed Congress to deliver a ransom for US hostages. President Obama also paid a ransom to terrorists for American Bo Bergdahl.
OBAMA LEGACY: The next President will be able to By-Pass Congress in order to cave into terrorist/foreign nations' demands to pay ransoms for American hostages, and Americans will be less safe around the world, in danger of being kidnapped in exchange for ransoms.
President Obama STOLE $500 Million hard-earned tax dollars, LYING to Congress and the American people, by claiming the money was for ZIKA funding. A week later the WH was asked where the money went - again they LIED, claiming they did not know...ONLY to have it exposed by the media that Obama gave the money to the UN for their new Global Warming initiative.
OBAMA LEGACY: The ability to seize tax dollars for whatever cause they want without having to get approval by Congress.
An imperial president’s toolbox of terror: A dictatorship waiting to happen
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