*Obama Decides Illegals Are Welcome Here*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama wants to usurp American law, by allowing illegals have to be looked at to see how well anchored they are here, before we send them back, especially Hispanics, the largest block of voters whom he wants to suck up on some ass hole.
2. Does anyone see anything wrong with this?

"But in letters to Congress on Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she does have discretion to focus on “priorities” and that her department and the Justice Department will review all ongoing cases to see who meets the new criteria.

“This case-by-case approach will enhance public safety,” she said. “Immigration judges will be able to more swiftly adjudicate high-priority cases, such as those involving convicted felons.”

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Not the first time The Annointed One usurped American law. Ask the Chrysler bondholders or Inspector General Gerald Walpin. Everything he does, he is doing, is done to manipulate the Republicans into a negatively perceived position. Its all about winning re election in spite of having trashed the American economy. The jobs bill will be dead on arrival , but when next summer arrives The One will stand up and tell his faithful the Republicans refused to go along. Next summer The One will go into the barrios and tell them that He gave work permits, jobs and the right to stay here to their relatives and any body else of color. Whites need not apply. What he will not tell them that he turned America into a nation that disregards the rule of law. Despite that, the faithful Left will continue to throw their freshly worn, still warm and moist undergarments onto the stage of whatever faux Greek temple he may be speaking from.
The last two world leaders that suffered from Narcissistic Personality Syndrome before Obama were Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Should Mr Obama win a second term, he will determine to show his opposition what happens to those that cross, oppose, or simply displease him.
Sorry bout that,

1. Is a crime being committed when they allow one illegal alien in?
2. If he/she {anchor baby making machine} is illegal, shouldn't he/she always be thrown out?
3. I think that this is breaking laws, and is a crime, is this an impeachable offense?


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