Obama criticizes Americans once again..........for making personal choices.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Dude has not stopped hating America, and Americans.

Former President Barack Obama, in his latest memoir, criticized Americans for liking “cheap gas and big cars” more than they care about “the environment” – even during a catastrophic event like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

sorry ....but it's the truth....:eusa_sick: :dunno:

Dude has not stopped hating America, and Americans.

Former President Barack Obama, in his latest memoir, criticized Americans for liking “cheap gas and big cars” more than they care about “the environment” – even during a catastrophic event like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

I'm so tired of being lectured by ignorant scum with no self-awareness.


Obama's House - now not another damn word from this asshole about my carbon footprint.
Dude has not stopped hating America, and Americans.

Former President Barack Obama, in his latest memoir, criticized Americans for liking “cheap gas and big cars” more than they care about “the environment” – even during a catastrophic event like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Did you know that it was the brown turd Obammy's own DOI minerals management group that was responsible for that spill? The O's great and powerful government went and inspected the rig, giving it a thumbs up, and then typical of any government piece of shit, allowed the rig to run into problems. Then O blamed BP, because any prog knows, point at someone else and divert the issue to the other guy.

The Minerals Management Service: Bad Science in the Name of Private Interests | Union of Concerned Scientists (ucsusa.org)

On April 6, 2009, MMS granted BP’s lease at Deepwater Horizon a “categorical exclusion” from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), essentially exempting the proposed action from a detailed environmental impact statement. Under NEPA, the MMS is required to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for all drilling decisions in the Outer Continental Shelf which significantly affect the environment. If the MMS is unsure of the environmental impacts of an action it may complete a preliminary report, known as an Environmental Assessment (EA), to determine whether a more in-depth EIS is needed.3

And again, if citizens like cheap gas and big cars, what does this house say about the brown turd?

Come on man, that place uses more energy in a day than a small village in Kenya for a century...

My favorite car was a 1969 Charger RT. I think it got like 6 miles to a gallon. But gas was just about a quarter a gallon too.

Gonna get mad if he says water is wet too?
My favorite car was a 1969 Charger RT. I think it got like 6 miles to a gallon. But gas was just about a quarter a gallon too.

Gonna get mad if he says water is wet too?
Will he bitch and moan and slam Americans for liking their water?
Fuck Obama.


What is the carbon footprint of his 7000 square foot house on the water?

I thought the seas were going to rise and the coasts were all going go be under water in less than 10 years.

Why did Obama buy a $12 million house that will soon be underwater??

Why did he buy a home that will burn so much energy for electricity and fuel to heat and cool?

He can blow me.
Barry Hussein “logic”: If you like inexpensive gas you hate the environment.

I wonder which one of his McMansions he wrote that dumbassery in.
Dude has not stopped hating America, and Americans.

Former President Barack Obama, in his latest memoir, criticized Americans for liking “cheap gas and big cars” more than they care about “the environment” – even during a catastrophic event like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

meanwhile wages war on more than 1/2 of the population

trump hates america
The.Kenyan.Klown would sell his kids and his husband to be white for 15 minutes.

Not gonna happen BOY.


I win again!!
Dude has not stopped hating America, and Americans.

Former President Barack Obama, in his latest memoir, criticized Americans for liking “cheap gas and big cars” more than they care about “the environment” – even during a catastrophic event like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

A dream is for Obama to try taking my 8-10 MPG classics or even a spoon. Shit just come the fuck over. Same size men and age, he gets the healthcare and I play the cat for a time. Cannot stand that fucker, and unlike PROG hatred for Trump my hatred comes from my own mind. He really is a sick fuck and doesn't belong here, especially POTUS, WTF? It's not often you come across someone who thinks he's so intelligent and special but aint. He's just straight-up twisted, a fucking communist, and PROGS have his back.
Dude has not stopped hating America, and Americans.

Former President Barack Obama, in his latest memoir, criticized Americans for liking “cheap gas and big cars” more than they care about “the environment” – even during a catastrophic event like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

you moronicons are wacko!

Obama CRITICIES Americans for continuing to use outdated and dangerous modes of transportion

and you say he HATES America!

criticizing Americans is proof of hate?

in that case Trump and his base must REALLY FKN HATE America since they criticize, attack, mock, denigrate and talk about killing so many of Americans on a daily basis.

YOU hate America!

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