Obama calling out Cantor

In other words....you realizewd there is no winning when you are wrong.

You are another one of those...they should know I am great becuase I do the least amount possible to get my paycheck.

and to make matters worse...you make fun of my name like a child.....when in fact it is a term applied to men and women who die for you every fucking year.

You ingrateful bitter old woman.
Wait? The Boob doesn't know what Jarhead means?

No way!



nope...the asshole said my name "fits"

Likely it does. In the right way.

I trained with those who were jarheads. Simply put, jarheads are part of what makes America great.

Hence the reason you picked the nick I would think. You wore the cap my man...
The bill was never meant to see the light of day, you gullible simpleton.

Now, quit stealing from your employer and get back to work.
"Gullible simpleton" - what a prophetic choice of words!
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On the FOX vs FOX concept. The channel is called FOX NEWS. The hosts all claim that they are on FOX NEWS and that they are "Fair and Balanced". And that scroll runs all day...even during what you call a real newscast.

Please provide proff of these claims. I will try to find where they say that is not the case. I have heard several of them very pointedly say they are not journalists.

I know that they claim not to be journalists when called out for their lack of journalistic integrity. But the damned channel is called FOX NEWS. They claim to be fair and balanced. They are not. Period.
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I know that they claim not to be journalists when called out for there lack of journalistic integrity. But the damned channel is called FOX NEWS. They claim to be fair and balanced. They are not. Period.

I won't argue that point.

Because nobody is fair and balanced.....except maybe C-Span.
I've never seen any of the MSNBC "talent" claim that they don't have an agenda. They clearly do. But they also deal with the issues in a much more honest manner than the "talent" over at FOX.

Again....the examples of FOX's blatant bullshit have surely been put up here before i arrived....It just isn't something that is open to question any more. And.....that doesn't even go into what they decide NOT to report over there.

The commercials for Maddow didn't last very long. How they made it to the air, I'll never know.

If we want to have a Fox's Blatent B.S. thread, I guess we should start one.

There is no question, if you watch Hannity, that they go way over the top. Just like Ed Shultz.

And, as I mentioned, Maddow's choice of reporting (she spins with her show....not with her individual stories), is clearly biased and noteworthy.

When the rest of the world is reporting on the health care issue in general, she is dogging Lieberman and Stupack on nitpicky issues that she would never thought twice about reporting if they were not standing in the way of what is commonly called "Obamacare".

To say that isn't blatent B.S. is intellectually dishonest.

In all of this there seems to be an abiding concern that somehow Fox is going to swing an election. If anyone watched Chris Matthews, I'd probably worry about the same thing. And you are right about being open, Matthews once said his "job" was to get Obama elected (from memory).

Overall, everyone must be discriminating in the information they process. Politics has become big money. What people call the information age, I call the disinformation age. Anything I read or hear (if it is interest to me....) I research. I used to watch Maddow because she provided a point of view. Do you remember where she first showed up (or I should say the place she came onto my radar screen was seeing her on the Tucker Carlson show). She was much better then. Now she sounds more like Keith Olbermann....but I digress....

Only C-Span (and I am sorry I cannot accept your premise that the POTUS tells it straight) is neutral or as close to neutral as you can get.
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The president knows the House won’t do anything – it’s pure politics now, the game of ‘chicken’ hasn’t ended.

The GOP is gambling dragging its feet on economic stimulus won’t backfire on them; keeping the economy ‘bad’ is their only hope.

This somehow supposes that this stimulus will "work".

Correct ?
It will work......just like the last one worked. And....just like the last one......your GOP leaders will present some statistic without explaining the matter fully and claim that it didn't work.....over and over again.
It will work......just like the last one worked. And....just like the last one......your GOP leaders will present some statistic without explaining the matter fully and claim that it didn't work.....over and over again.
And, on what data and/or statistic do you based that claim that the last one worked?


Really? You have not been provided with that information yet on these forums? I find that hard to believe. There are enough competent liberals here.....they certainly gave you the data on more than one occasion.

My guess......is that you choose not to believe the data.....and instead opt to buy into the talking point with the neat little statistic ( probably the unemployment rate still being near 10% ) as proof of "failed stimulus".

It is incredibly boring and tedious......but if you insist that you've never been provided with data or articles explaining just why the stimulus was a success.......I will fetch some for you.
It will work......just like the last one worked. And....just like the last one......your GOP leaders will present some statistic without explaining the matter fully and claim that it didn't work.....over and over again.
And, on what data and/or statistic do you based that claim that the last one worked?



Really? You have not been provided with that information yet on these forums? I find that hard to believe. There are enough competent liberals here.....they certainly gave you the data on more than one occasion.

My guess......is that you choose not to believe the data.....and instead opt to buy into the talking point with the neat little statistic ( probably the unemployment rate still being near 10% ) as proof of "failed stimulus".

It is incredibly boring and tedious......but if you insist that you've never been provided with data or articles explaining just why the stimulus was a success.......I will fetch some for you.
It's been a while, but most of us here have read the CBO report.

But, I suppose you can't, or won't, back up your claim.

I'll ask again so that we can be clear: On what data and/or statistic do base that claim that the last "stimulus" worked?
It's been a while, but most of us here have read the CBO report.

But, I suppose you can't, or won't, back up your claim.

I'll ask again so that we can be clear: On what data and/or statistic do base that claim that the last "stimulus" worked?

Don't waste your time....

I started going through it and one the claims was that it was the reason we are on the "positive trajectory we are on now".

It also claims to be the reason that demand is so high for college classes (no mention of the fact that when people get laid off, they often go back to school).

Just for once, it would be nice to read something that wasn't so transparent.

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All Cantor has to say is ...GOVERNMENT JOBS DO NOT BUILD THE FREAKING ECONOMY. Barry couldn't even get the shovels ready in shovel ready jobs when he had a solid majority in the House and the Stnate. What do we expect in "pork#2"? More sick, sad stupid projects like Solarous?
All Cantor has to say is ...GOVERNMENT JOBS DO NOT BUILD THE FREAKING ECONOMY. Barry couldn't even get the shovels ready in shovel ready jobs when he had a solid majority in the House and the Stnate. What do we expect in "pork#2"? More sick, sad stupid projects like Solarous?

What is often more amazing is that someone can claim this kind of correlation and causation. Especially all the economists who claimed we avoided a depression. How would they know ? They don't. They are just guessing.

What if we had let Chrysler fail.

One of the outfalls of this is that housing prices are dropping. Young people are now able to afford descent housing that would have been way outside their reach.

The market is sometimes violent, but it seeks the level of equilibrium we want.

As long as we keep corporations (that the government has to save or support...like G.E.) off the government dole.

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