Obama admits his failure in Afghanistan

Make sure you listen to the video, "ah" seems to be the word Obama likes best.

Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard


The president went on to say that America has achieved some measure of success in Afghanistan...

Didn't read the article. Don't need to read it to know for a fact that Afghanistan (and Iraq for that matter) are irredeemable failures. What is disgusting is that the man talks about it at all instead of laying awake at night in discomfort over his failure to pull out lock, stock and broken bank.

This is Obama's Nixon moment and like Nixon he's blowing it. Nutball morons claim something good happened in Iraq and the same moronic human cattle herded by neocon scum pretend something good can still happen in Afghanistan.

It can't.

Look what happened after we left Vietnam. It literally bloomed. Not likely in moslem backwaters, but we can't know until we stop meddling in their business.
Its your right to be as dense as you want to be. Far be it from me to change your course.

No problem, I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I reserve those for people who try to understand my posts and engage in actual conversation. Up your game.

This isn't fucking game.

I'm talking about the lives, limbs and minds of soldiers who people like you want to use as video game figures. I'm talking about the children of these brave soldiers whose Mommy or Daddy won't be coming home because people like you unapologetically enjoy tossing them into impossible situations.

I'm also talking about wasting trillions of dollars we don't have on stupid wars who destroy the lives of these people.

Play your fucking "game" with someone else.

Make sure you listen to the video, "ah" seems to be the word Obama likes best.

Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard


The president went on to say that America has achieved some measure of success in Afghanistan...

Didn't read the article. Don't need to read it to know for a fact that Afghanistan (and Iraq for that matter) are irredeemable failures. What is disgusting is that the man talks about it at all instead of laying awake at night in discomfort over his failure to pull out lock, stock and broken bank.

This is Obama's Nixon moment and like Nixon he's blowing it. Nutball morons claim something good happened in Iraq and the same moronic human cattle herded by neocon scum pretend something good can still happen in Afghanistan.

It can't.

Look what happened after we left Vietnam. It literally bloomed. Not likely in moslem backwaters, but we can't know until we stop meddling in their business.

Aside from the first part of that, totally agree.

It would have been extremely difficult to pull out of there in the first term. And it seems that the withdrawl has been accelerated this time around. Looks like we may be out in spring. Here's hoping.
Most of the American citizens - including trailer trash nutballs count on to debase themselves at the polls every other year - morally depraved enough to ever have supported invading two sovereign nations for crimes committed by Saudi Arabians realized by 2006 they had been gulled by a halfwit inheritor into supporting two of the worst decisions in US history. Obama could have started pulling out the day he took the oath. He wasn't mature enough to make the decision is the bottom line.

Forty-five years ago America went through the same experience. It looks exactly like what we're seeing now. The only reason Nixon woke up and The Wall was built is draftees. That risk is gone; now a surprising number of the graying scum who belittled us in real time pretend they were soldiers too.

There are no more draftees. While we all love America or should, there is a difference between crazy love and rational love; today's US military is basically a mercenary force. As much to be feared as pitied.

And while Obama may be a better man than Nixon, he is clueless about two things Nixon understood: foreign policy and money.
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Nixon tried to use his presidential power to squash democracy. That's what Watergate was about.

Waco was a case of a Christian Terrorist and Pedophile breaking the law then killing ATF agents. The mistake was letting him sit there for several months yammering out his "demands". Koresh is responsible for each and every death at Waco, not the government. Bosnia was an exercise in the US using military power for a just cause, stopping a genocide. Something you folks opposed. And he did it without the loss of a single American life.

The rest of your nonsense is just that.

What the f... do you think I meant when I said Nixon was forced out of office because of a cover-up. Well I didn't mean what you said I meant he abused his power not some idiotic reference to squashing democracy. You only posted that because you realize how stupid you were sounding so you doubled down, and won, you sound double stupid.

You are also not too good with the truth. What act of terrorism, prior to the raid or after, did the Branch Davidians commit? We can argue all day about who shot first at Waco but what we do know is that Koresh went to the front door UNARMED and was shot by the ATF. Why would they shoot Koresh, who was unarmed, when obviously the shooting, if initiated inside the compound came from somewhere else? What prompted the ATF to be trigger happy? Of course being on the left you could care less if the children at Waco were killed, I am sure to you it was just a delayed abortion.

Is'nt that odd the left was all for Clinton's use of power in Bosnia but opposed Bush's use in Iraq for the same damn reason. Bosnia served no threat to America, Iraq proved they did.

I would have voted against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I may have voted for the 72 hours of terror bombing of Bosnia, but it was never brought up for a vote and no alternative was ever seriously tried. At least in Iraq we had the repeated violations of the no fly zone.

No..that's exactly what happened. Nixon was trying to squash Democracy. And stepping down wasn't his first choice either. He was going to call out the National Guard to hold on to power. He was talked down.

David Koresh shot a rival in the chest prior to Waco and skated on a technicallity. And it was Davidians that shot first, after refusing to honor a legal warrant. That's after they were targetted for a search after illegal sales of grenade casings. Addtionally there were all sorts of problems with the Davidians such as they cut off family members from seeing the people they inducted into their cult. It's amazing you folks defend this disgusting terrorist and pedophile.

I wasn't opposed to stopping an ongoing genocide, no. And I wish Clinton had sent troops to Rwanda and the Sudan as well. That's pretty much what we should be doing. Coming in between insane assholes bent on murder and the cilivians who are their targets. Iraq was well past it's "genocide" when Bush decided to invade. And that was not the reason he was going there. I know it's hard to realize that since there were so many of them floated.

You really need to read a book.

First of all you accused them of being terrorists, when asked what terrrorist act they commited you can't name one.

Second, you and no one else knows who fired first. Should the Davidians fired at all, no. Should all Americans yield and lay down to government authroities, I guess yes is the only answer.

Third, we don't know who fired first, that is fact. We do know they were filming that day so it should be easy to determine, yet what I saw on video the first day I have not seen since. We do know for a fact that Koresh went to the door unarmed and was shot.

Fourth, the FBI took away the front door after the fire and it hasn't been found since. Not sure what it would prove but they took it none the less.

Fifth, the ATF knew the Davidians were warned of the raid, THE KNEW IT, yet went in any way. Why? Because they were being video taped for a "Tough Cop" segment.

Sixth, if what they were doing is serving notice what in the F were they doing up on a roof firing blindly into a wooden building full of women and children? Is it surprising they received return fire?

The ATF went in looking for a fight, in my opinion, they got what they wanted and more. They thought, in my opinion, that they would go in and flex their muscle and put on a good show. Unfortunately they underestimated what would happen if they shot an unarmed man.

All of that could be forgiven for being one bad decision heaped on another by both parties. What happened the last day was thought out and calculated.

Here is about the shooting you referenced:

By late 1987, George Roden's support was severely withering. To regain it, he challenged Koresh to a contest to raise the dead, going so far as to exhume a corpse to demonstrate his spiritual supremacy. Koresh went to authorities to file charges against Roden for illegally exhuming a corpse, but was told he would have to show proof (such as a photograph of the corpse). Koresh seized the opportunity to seek criminal prosecution of Roden by returning to Mount Carmel with seven armed followers attempting to get photographic proof of the crime. Koresh's group was discovered by Roden and a gunfight broke out. When the sheriff arrived, Roden had already suffered a minor gunshot wound and was pinned down behind a tree. As a result of the incident, Koresh and his followers were charged with attempted murder. At the trial, Koresh explained that he went to Mount Carmel to uncover evidence of criminal disturbance of a corpse by Roden. Koresh's followers were acquitted, and in Koresh's case a mistrial was declared.

In 1989 Roden murdered Wayman Dale Adair with an axe blow to the skull after Adair stated his belief that he (Adair) was the true Messiah.[7] Roden was convicted of murder and imprisoned in a mental hospital at Vernon, Texas. Since Roden owed thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes on Mount Carmel, Koresh and his followers were able to raise the money and reclaim the property. Roden continued to harass the Koresh faction by filing legal papers while imprisoned. When Koresh and his followers reclaimed Mt. Carmel, they discovered that tenants who had rented from Roden had left behind a methamphetamine laboratory, which Koresh reported to the local police department and asked to have removed.[8][9]

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No problem, I wasn't expecting a straight answer.

I reserve those for people who try to understand my posts and engage in actual conversation. Up your game.

This isn't fucking game.

I'm talking about the lives, limbs and minds of soldiers who people like you want to use as video game figures. I'm talking about the children of these brave soldiers whose Mommy or Daddy won't be coming home because people like you unapologetically enjoy tossing them into impossible situations.

I'm also talking about wasting trillions of dollars we don't have on stupid wars who destroy the lives of these people.

Play your fucking "game" with someone else.


This is a message board, occasionally with a debate. That is the game dimwit.

If you had comprehended my post you would hva learned the following:

1. You only go to war to destroy a threat to the US. That eliminates several wars right there.

2. The military does its job and comes home for the ones we do fight. In a couple of weeks or months, not years.

3. The politicans build nations and not the military. He don;t leave that job to the military and put them at risk.

I'm sure your little rant made you FEEL better, but it doesn't change the fact I was basically agreeing with you. Try less emotion and more intellect.
Make sure you listen to the video, "ah" seems to be the word Obama likes best.

Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard


The president went on to say that America has achieved some measure of success in Afghanistan...

Didn't read the article. Don't need to read it to know for a fact that Afghanistan (and Iraq for that matter) are irredeemable failures. What is disgusting is that the man talks about it at all instead of laying awake at night in discomfort over his failure to pull out lock, stock and broken bank.

This is Obama's Nixon moment and like Nixon he's blowing it. Nutball morons claim something good happened in Iraq and the same moronic human cattle herded by neocon scum pretend something good can still happen in Afghanistan.

It can't.

Look what happened after we left Vietnam. It literally bloomed. Not likely in moslem backwaters, but we can't know until we stop meddling in their business.

Can you define why you say they are failures and what you consider what would be a win? Or were both just never win situtations to you?
What the f... do you think I meant when I said Nixon was forced out of office because of a cover-up. Well I didn't mean what you said I meant he abused his power not some idiotic reference to squashing democracy. You only posted that because you realize how stupid you were sounding so you doubled down, and won, you sound double stupid.

You are also not too good with the truth. What act of terrorism, prior to the raid or after, did the Branch Davidians commit? We can argue all day about who shot first at Waco but what we do know is that Koresh went to the front door UNARMED and was shot by the ATF. Why would they shoot Koresh, who was unarmed, when obviously the shooting, if initiated inside the compound came from somewhere else? What prompted the ATF to be trigger happy? Of course being on the left you could care less if the children at Waco were killed, I am sure to you it was just a delayed abortion.

Is'nt that odd the left was all for Clinton's use of power in Bosnia but opposed Bush's use in Iraq for the same damn reason. Bosnia served no threat to America, Iraq proved they did.

I would have voted against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I may have voted for the 72 hours of terror bombing of Bosnia, but it was never brought up for a vote and no alternative was ever seriously tried. At least in Iraq we had the repeated violations of the no fly zone.

No..that's exactly what happened. Nixon was trying to squash Democracy. And stepping down wasn't his first choice either. He was going to call out the National Guard to hold on to power. He was talked down.

David Koresh shot a rival in the chest prior to Waco and skated on a technicallity. And it was Davidians that shot first, after refusing to honor a legal warrant. That's after they were targetted for a search after illegal sales of grenade casings. Addtionally there were all sorts of problems with the Davidians such as they cut off family members from seeing the people they inducted into their cult. It's amazing you folks defend this disgusting terrorist and pedophile.

I wasn't opposed to stopping an ongoing genocide, no. And I wish Clinton had sent troops to Rwanda and the Sudan as well. That's pretty much what we should be doing. Coming in between insane assholes bent on murder and the cilivians who are their targets. Iraq was well past it's "genocide" when Bush decided to invade. And that was not the reason he was going there. I know it's hard to realize that since there were so many of them floated.

You really need to read a book.

First of all you accused them of being terrorists, when asked what terrrorist act they commited you can't name one.

I did.

Koresh shot a man in the chest before Waco.

Don't like that?

They shot at Federal agents.


You are the one that needs a book.
Iraq and Afghanistan illustrate the stupidity and arrogance of obamination...

He said Iraq was a failed war, immoral war but as soon as the tide turned and the troops were leaving per orders from "Bush," obamination now claims "he" won the war in Iraq because of what Bush did.

All the while obamination was telling everyone Afghanistan was the moral war, the right war but his policies there have failed. He claimed Bush would lose in Iraq when in reality he is losing in Afghanistan by showing his stupidity believing the ragtag Afghans are civilized like the Iraqis.
No..that's exactly what happened. Nixon was trying to squash Democracy. And stepping down wasn't his first choice either. He was going to call out the National Guard to hold on to power. He was talked down.

David Koresh shot a rival in the chest prior to Waco and skated on a technicallity. And it was Davidians that shot first, after refusing to honor a legal warrant. That's after they were targetted for a search after illegal sales of grenade casings. Addtionally there were all sorts of problems with the Davidians such as they cut off family members from seeing the people they inducted into their cult. It's amazing you folks defend this disgusting terrorist and pedophile.

I wasn't opposed to stopping an ongoing genocide, no. And I wish Clinton had sent troops to Rwanda and the Sudan as well. That's pretty much what we should be doing. Coming in between insane assholes bent on murder and the cilivians who are their targets. Iraq was well past it's "genocide" when Bush decided to invade. And that was not the reason he was going there. I know it's hard to realize that since there were so many of them floated.

You really need to read a book.

First of all you accused them of being terrorists, when asked what terrrorist act they commited you can't name one.

I did.

Koresh shot a man in the chest before Waco.

Don't like that?

They shot at Federal agents.


You are the one that needs a book.

In what court of law was Koresh convicted of shooting a man? The ATF shot an unarmed man and the Davidians shot back. They should have laid down like lambs but did not.
You really need to read a book.

First of all you accused them of being terrorists, when asked what terrrorist act they commited you can't name one.

I did.

Koresh shot a man in the chest before Waco.

Don't like that?

They shot at Federal agents.


You are the one that needs a book.

In what court of law was Koresh convicted of shooting a man? The ATF shot an unarmed man and the Davidians shot back. They should have laid down like lambs but did not.

Law enforcement does not need to hold court before using deadly force.

You are sort of ......well, slow minded: I would have expected all but Truthmatters to have grasped the concept.
I love how cocksucking right wingers cherry pick one sentence out of Obama's speeches and then use it to proclaim their talking points are correct. It's so transparent and stupid.

I agree. It was cherry-picked.

I saw the headline and read the article and discovered it was so much about nothing.

You and I have gotten each other in the past but I do appreciate you as an intelligent poster. By the way, why the recent marijuana pics in your sig line? I never thought of you as a pot smoker before.

Spock smoking a joint as an avatar wasn't enough of a clue? Lol

Maybe he's being ironic. What business is it of yours?
Make sure you listen to the video, "ah" seems to be the word Obama likes best.

Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard


The president went on to say that America has achieved some measure of success in Afghanistan...

Didn't read the article. Don't need to read it to know for a fact that Afghanistan (and Iraq for that matter) are irredeemable failures. What is disgusting is that the man talks about it at all instead of laying awake at night in discomfort over his failure to pull out lock, stock and broken bank.

This is Obama's Nixon moment and like Nixon he's blowing it. Nutball morons claim something good happened in Iraq and the same moronic human cattle herded by neocon scum pretend something good can still happen in Afghanistan.

It can't.

Look what happened after we left Vietnam. It literally bloomed. Not likely in moslem backwaters, but we can't know until we stop meddling in their business.

Aside from the first part of that, totally agree.

It would have been extremely difficult to pull out of there in the first term. And it seems that the withdrawl has been accelerated this time around. Looks like we may be out in spring. Here's hoping.

Iraq and Afghanistan illustrate the stupidity and arrogance of obamination...

He said Iraq was a failed war, immoral war but as soon as the tide turned and the troops were leaving per orders from "Bush," obamination now claims "he" won the war in Iraq because of what Bush did.

All the while obamination was telling everyone Afghanistan was the moral war, the right war but his policies there have failed. He claimed Bush would lose in Iraq when in reality he is losing in Afghanistan by showing his stupidity believing the ragtag Afghans are civilized like the Iraqis.

Obama was correct claiming Iraq was a failed war. His mistake was and remains his failure to follow up on his campaign chatter. While that is the mark of a man who can't be trusted, it seems unlikely Obama is stupid enough to claim he "won" the Iraq war. Perhaps the only American president in history stupid enough to claim "mission accomplished" in re the Iraq war is the degenerate scum, Junebug Bush.

It'd be good to see more believable evidence and less wild-eyed braying about Obama doing these things.
Shitbag...Biden is on video claiming Iraq was "obamination's greatest accomplishment" to that point.

But you're too stupid to know this fact.

Shut the fuck up, shitbag.

Oh, Bush's "mission accomplished" was true...the ground war was over and Iraq surrendered. The on-going conflict after that was the mistake of kicking the Sunnis out of the political picture and giving them a cause to fight for as terrorists within their own country.

You should get back to licking toilets for a living since you are messing with the wrong person in me.

Didn't read the article. Don't need to read it to know for a fact that Afghanistan (and Iraq for that matter) are irredeemable failures. What is disgusting is that the man talks about it at all instead of laying awake at night in discomfort over his failure to pull out lock, stock and broken bank.

This is Obama's Nixon moment and like Nixon he's blowing it. Nutball morons claim something good happened in Iraq and the same moronic human cattle herded by neocon scum pretend something good can still happen in Afghanistan.

It can't.

Look what happened after we left Vietnam. It literally bloomed. Not likely in moslem backwaters, but we can't know until we stop meddling in their business.

Aside from the first part of that, totally agree.

It would have been extremely difficult to pull out of there in the first term. And it seems that the withdrawl has been accelerated this time around. Looks like we may be out in spring. Here's hoping.

Iraq and Afghanistan illustrate the stupidity and arrogance of obamination...

He said Iraq was a failed war, immoral war but as soon as the tide turned and the troops were leaving per orders from "Bush," obamination now claims "he" won the war in Iraq because of what Bush did.

All the while obamination was telling everyone Afghanistan was the moral war, the right war but his policies there have failed. He claimed Bush would lose in Iraq when in reality he is losing in Afghanistan by showing his stupidity believing the ragtag Afghans are civilized like the Iraqis.

Obama was correct claiming Iraq was a failed war. His mistake was and remains his failure to follow up on his campaign chatter. While that is the mark of a man who can't be trusted, it seems unlikely Obama is stupid enough to claim he "won" the Iraq war. Perhaps the only American president in history stupid enough to claim "mission accomplished" in re the Iraq war is the degenerate scum, Junebug Bush.

It'd be good to see more believable evidence and less wild-eyed braying about Obama doing these things.
On the up side, admitting to a problem is the first step in fixing it. The solution, in my opinion, is to leave completely and quickly.
In my educated and military experienced opinion in regards to Afghanistan....

We made a huge mistake turning our mission into a training mission, the people there are too backwards and too corrupt to have a legit large military and police force to trust.

Train a small select police and military force, but in reality we need to keep troops in the country for now on to keep the peace and prevent the Taliban from regaining power.

It would have been cheaper to use 4-6 NATO strategic bases with attack aircraft and special forces, than to spread our conventional forces thin across the entire country trying to train the Afghans, do public relations and also take on the Taliban when they popped their heads out of some hole/cave.

Less Americans and NATO troops would've died with less of our people traveling in convoys that get ambushed by IEDs and terrorists on a daily basis.

Just pay the local leaders more money than the Taliban to rat out their locations then come in with special forces and aircraft to kill the Taliban where they sleep. Less public relations, less training of goat herders.....just be there to kill and break things when our troops leave the base via helo lift.

The Afghans can run their own country outside our bases and get out of our way when we head out on a mission, that will be cheaper and less deadly for the US military and any NATO troops that want to help us. Work together with NATO, not assigning the Germans one area and others another area so that they bitch their section is more dangerous than Italy's section.
That is why we will leave special forces and the Air Force behind. A smaller US footprint but a deadly footprint will keep the Taliban from regaining power.

We never left Iraq when Saddam was kicked out Kuwait, but of course liberals whined that Bush eventually finished the job with Saddam after 9-11....despite Clinton making that US policy in 1998.

After what happeend in Vietnam and Cambodia when we followed the liberal strategy of escape....it led to millions being slaughtered by the communists. The Taliban will slaughter as many people as they can when we leave and they will give AQ a new base to train then we are back to 10 Sep 01.

Taliban is coming back as soon as we leave, regardless of whether that is Tuesday or ten years from Tuesday.
Dumbfuck....so you claim we should have done nothing in Afghanistan after 9-11???

Scum like you helped cause 9-11 by doing nothing within the Clinton Admin.

You show your stupidity yet again.....it is amazing you are still alive being such an idiot. I would guess a pencil eraser would have choked you in grade school or drinking the liquids under the sink would've enticed you given you are dumber than an ape.

Taliban is coming back as soon as we leave, regardless of whether that is Tuesday or ten years from Tuesday.

and that isn't the president's failure. we never should have been there or in iraq in the first place.

and no one has succeeded in afghanistan since alexander the great.

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