NYT poll: Bernie has comfortable lead in Iowa

Donald Trump spent all these months trying to get Biden to be investigated, and he slept on the man who can actually beat him (Bernie Sanders,).
Sanders now leads in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and leads in California, Wisconsin and other states.
This is great news for liberals. If Ruth Bader hangs on until Bernie wins the general election in November, she will be replaced by another very liberal judge nominated by Bernie.
Clarence Thomas is old too, so he will likely be replaced by a liberal as well.
If there's something more satisfying than a right wing President being defeated, it is a Socialist defeating said right wing nut.
Sanders Seizes Lead in Volatile Iowa Race, Times Poll Finds

Barnie? Not a chance.

There's only one other presidential candidate in history that I'm aware of who was rawfucked without lube as hard and took it without uttering a peep like Bernie does.

Thomas Dewey, who, in the 1944 race against FDR, signed a pact saying he wouldn't bring up any negative criticism against the president that could damage the war effort. He really didn't want to be considered unpatriotic and fascist-friendly would he? And predictably, as the Arch-Principled Conservative that he was, did his duty and lost graciously while the FDR campaign gaped his anus wider than anybody before or since, because no unfortunate Republican has ever had the misfortune to be called a Nazi while actually in the process of fighting the war against Naziism.

Nowdays, every Republican candidate gets called a Nazi rather sooner than later, but never at the same time when there were millions of actual Nazis on the planet, though whether Bernie was fucked harder or softer than this, I cannot say, it's a tough call.

I have a feeling that Bernie is gonna be screwed again, by the same people that got him last time, and he's gonna bravely take it, again. Although, I'm not sure that is bravery, or self hating sado-mazo.
There you go...

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention

A small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gauging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and head off a brokered convention.

According to DNC rules, Article IX, Section C-7, paragraph e that states: "Eligible delegates may vote for the candidate of their choice whether or not the name of such candidate was placed in nomination. Any vote cast other than a vote for a presidential candidate meeting the requirements of Article VI of this Call and Rule 13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules shall be considered a vote for “Present.”"... they can still nominate Hillary.
Donald Trump spent all these months trying to get Biden to be investigated, and he slept on the man who can actually beat him (Bernie Sanders,).
Sanders now leads in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and leads in California, Wisconsin and other states.
This is great news for liberals. If Ruth Bader hangs on until Bernie wins the general election in November, she will be replaced by another very liberal judge nominated by Bernie.
Clarence Thomas is old too, so he will likely be replaced by a liberal as well.
If there's something more satisfying than a right wing President being defeated, it is a Socialist defeating said right wing nut.
Sanders Seizes Lead in Volatile Iowa Race, Times Poll Finds
A wise man once said; "Nobody likes Bernie".
Donald Trump spent all these months trying to get Biden to be investigated, and he slept on the man who can actually beat him (Bernie Sanders,).
Sanders now leads in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and leads in California, Wisconsin and other states.
This is great news for liberals. If Ruth Bader hangs on until Bernie wins the general election in November, she will be replaced by another very liberal judge nominated by Bernie.
Clarence Thomas is old too, so he will likely be replaced by a liberal as well.
If there's something more satisfying than a right wing President being defeated, it is a Socialist defeating said right wing nut.
Sanders Seizes Lead in Volatile Iowa Race, Times Poll Finds
Sounds great, then the Bernie's apparatchiks can lock the rest of us in happy little gulags to get brainwashed, er, reeducated. Look forward to it. When can we expect this to happen? Two days past never?
Donald Trump spent all these months trying to get Biden to be investigated, and he slept on the man who can actually beat him (Bernie Sanders,).
Sanders now leads in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and leads in California, Wisconsin and other states.
This is great news for liberals. If Ruth Bader hangs on until Bernie wins the general election in November, she will be replaced by another very liberal judge nominated by Bernie.
Clarence Thomas is old too, so he will likely be replaced by a liberal as well.
If there's something more satisfying than a right wing President being defeated, it is a Socialist defeating said right wing nut.
Sanders Seizes Lead in Volatile Iowa Race, Times Poll Finds
Sounds great, then the Bernie's apparatchiks can lock the rest of us in happy little gulags to get brainwashed, er, reeducated. Look forward to it. When can we expect this to happen? Two days past never?
A wise man once said; "Nobody likes Bernie".

Yes and yet another wise man once said Bernie Sanders is the most dangerous politician to our Democratic Republic.
As weak and spineless wimps go. What wise and noble person of the opposite party, gender or handedness said, "Nobody likes Bernie"?

He probably meant "nobodies like Bernie" he represents nobodies. Idiots that actually think the government is going to give them free shit. After all, Bernie got his money for nothing, basically sucking tax dollars. He hasn't created anything, he didn't get his money from starting a buisiness and providing services and products. His gang of 'nobodies' will be sadly shaken when Trump wins.

You want to know what's really funny? Bernie is a Commie Dinosaur. Even Russia rejected it. Bernie honeymooned in Communist Russia he probably gets a hard on when he thinks of Commies.
Last edited:
I want Bernie; after all, why wouldn't I want to pay 6,000.00% of my annual income in taxes?
Uh oh...

Des Moines Register, partners cancel release of Iowa Poll over respondent concerns

The Des Moines Register, CNN and Selzer & Co. have made the decision to not release the final installment of the CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll as planned this evening.

The fix is in.

In couple of my previous posts I explained what DNC is planning... and based on that, the idea of stealing nomination from Bernie in favor of someone else (like Hillary, or Michelle) is looking more plausible.

So how exactly would this go down? In case of Hillary...

Hillary can't afford to be seen anywhere near this, if she's obviously manipulating the voting then its over. This means a candidate can't be chosen even after several ballots, the longest running nomination process was in 1924 and it took over 100 ballots to conclude. I expect voting to go at least 5 or 6 ballots before she's named by a delegate, with leadership urging a previously not-in-contention unity candidate. But who will do it for her?

The kind of people who would pick Hillary as a unity candidate are the exact kinds of ass kissers that are named as delegates for these kinds of things. Think mid-level state office holders, local politicians, and long time nobody party members whose contribution has been driving old people to the polls for 20 years. The kind of people who are incredibly susceptible to peer pressure or top-down pressure. Often, these people owe their current position or future ascension to Hillary or her underlings.

If Hillary is smart, she won't be in town when during the Convention. She should be on vacation somewhere far away, only to be called in by a desperate party so she can save the day. If she throws her name out there, it won't work, the delegates have to think they selected her. She'll fly in immediately, converse privately with party leadership for a few hours and give her acceptance speech (that night or the following day, doesn't matter).

Boom, she has it again, and looks like a hero doing so.

Would this cause incalculable harm to the DNC voter base? Probably, but most will fall in line I think. Would it be the most obviously manipulated nomination process in US history? Yes it would. Is it even plausible? Highly likely, I think. One thing to remember: All rules are subject to change by the rules committee.

It's not like they haven't done it before. It's the exact play Democrats did when they nominated FDR for his third term.
Donald Trump spent all these months trying to get Biden to be investigated, and he slept on the man who can actually beat him (Bernie Sanders,).
Sanders now leads in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and leads in California, Wisconsin and other states.
This is great news for liberals. If Ruth Bader hangs on until Bernie wins the general election in November, she will be replaced by another very liberal judge nominated by Bernie.
Clarence Thomas is old too, so he will likely be replaced by a liberal as well.
If there's something more satisfying than a right wing President being defeated, it is a Socialist defeating said right wing nut.
Sanders Seizes Lead in Volatile Iowa Race, Times Poll Finds
Biden will be the Democratic presidential nominee.

Biden will win in South Carolina.

And as the primaries move through the South, industrial Midwest, and Mountain West, Biden will have a commanding lead.

In the end it will be Crazy Uncle Joe versus Trump.....I agree.

You get a mass grave
& you get a mass grave
Everybody gets a mass grave!

Democrats & Sanders Reveal Their True Plans for America
This is in your signature line:

DemNazis, Same as Them Nazis

Makes no sense to me. The Nazi's are white. Like the GOP.

Remember these two guys?


That's every Republican of color in the House and the Senate.

Why do you think that is?

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party :FOX NEWS

That's an article from Fox News. As you can see, there were Nazi's but where does it say they run as Democrats?

From where exactly are you getting your information.
Some big name dems will have to be prosecuted for them to wise up and stop their shenanigans with OUR voting system....
You get a mass grave
& you get a mass grave
Everybody gets a mass grave!

Democrats & Sanders Reveal Their True Plans for America
This is in your signature line:

DemNazis, Same as Them Nazis

Makes no sense to me. The Nazi's are white. Like the GOP.

Remember these two guys?


That's every Republican of color in the House and the Senate.

Why do you think that is?

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party :FOX NEWS

That's an article from Fox News. As you can see, there were Nazi's but where does it say they run as Democrats?

From where exactly are you getting your information.

Your post seemed off topic however I thought I'd impart some knowledge. Because BOTH are prominent in any RINO list you can find. Simply put, they were NEVER really Republicans in the first place. Honestly how can folks not see the obvious Democrat/MSM fuled theatrics? You'd have to be blind or living under a rock not to see the complete and utter failure of their impeachment melodrama.

Sorry mods

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