NY : Douglas McKay found guilty of making memes


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021

This is where the justice system is in 2023. Make memes ridiculing the left in NY and you're guilty of a crime. Rob, rape and steal though while being a minority and NY lets you go. This country is screwed.
Hahaha never underestimate stupid, stupid.

Making memes that target stupid people and into fooling them into not voting is almost as dumb as lawn darts. Almost.

It was in the midst of Covid. Things were shut down and many regular voting venues changed. But OK, protecting voting rights isn't all that important to you.
It isnt. I think voting should be severely restricted.
The American voting block, as a collective, are fucking retarded.
Call me old school, but I thought only land owners voting was a good idea. I wouldnt have denied it to blacks or women but... you get the idea.
It isnt. I think voting should be severely restricted.
The American voting block, as a collective, are fucking retarded.
Call me old school, but I thought only land owners voting was a good idea. I wouldnt have denied it to blacks or women but... you get the idea.

Yeah, you suck where it comes to protecting rights.

This is where the justice system is in 2023. Make memes ridiculing the left in NY and you're guilty of a crime. Rob, rape and steal though while being a minority and NY lets you go. This country is screwed.
I didn't know anything about some "meme" accusation. This is the guy that posted encouraging people to vote by text and including legal sounding BS to make it sound legit, and reminding they had to be over 18, only one vote per person, not available in Guam, etc, so idiots would think they were actually voting. I think it is funny as hell! So, now he's going to jail or fine or both, eh? Tough shit. Who cares?
Why do you think people who don't own property should get to vote on raising taxes on people that do own property

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude–The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
If that fall for that stupid shit, they shouldnt be voting anyways.
Stupid people voting is why we are so fucked right now.
No one cares who you think should be voting.

Your worthless comment doesn’t address the other poster.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude–The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

You are missing the point..... as usual.

I meet voters who don't know who their own district representative name is, but he gets that vote because of that all important letter R or D next to their name.

Biden should have NEVER been voted in as he is a TERRIBLE President who seems determined to create a WW3 as he is doing so many things wrong in foreign policy and driving most of the nonwestern world together because he is so pathetic and dangerous to world security.

Russia, China, India and many nations of Asia and some of Africa are bonding together into a new alliance as they have realized the Western World is a corrupt criminal cesspool with imperialistic demands that hurts them which is why they now seek alliances against the decadent Western World.
You are missing the point..... as usual.

I meet voters who don't know who their own district representative name is, but he gets that vote because of that all important letter R or D next to their name.

Which if that is how they want to vote is their right to do.

It's NOT up to you.

Biden should have NEVER been voted in as he is a TERRIBLE President who seems determined to create a WW3 as he is doing so many things wrong in foreign policy and driving most of the nonwestern world together because he is so pathetic and dangerous to world security.

He is an awful president. As was his predecessor and his and..........

Russia, China, India and many nations of Asia and some of Africa are bonding together into a new alliance as they have realized the Western World is a corrupt criminal cesspool with imperialistic demands that hurts them which is why they now seek alliances against the decadent Western World.

Been happening for a long time. We have discussed this happening for years. All of which has nothing to do with you wanting to deny Constitutional rights to the people.
Which if that is how they want to vote is their right to do.

It's NOT up to you.

He is an awful president. As was his predecessor and his and..........

Been happening for a long time. We have discussed this happening for years. All of which has nothing to do with you wanting to deny Constitutional rights to the people.

I never said I wanted to deny their voting rights as usual you misunderstood what I am talking about is that too many voters DO NOT MAKE an informed decision who to vote for as I made clear already:

I meet voters who don't know who their own district representative name is, but he gets that vote because of that all important letter R or D next to their name.

Too many people are taking their rights casually and stupidly while the government has been silently making people graduate stupid and lazy while their inalienable rights are being eroded away as it is getting easy to do that with a people who are too busy playing their phones and computers and other hedonistic activities to notice you seem to forget the illegal actions of the State and Federal Government running over our rights in the name of health and security but was actually another avenue of government growth of power.

The Western World is increasingly being ruled by elected idiots because in part the voters vote stupidly and ignorantly for those people who then because their low morals and maybe no conscience of character will do anything to stay in power for many years.

Constitutional rights have become a chimera for many because of the continuous violations against it.

The 16th and 17th amendments violated the doctrine of the separation of powers, but YOU don't give a shit because the right to vote is sacrosanct in your silly idealism.
I never said I wanted to deny their voting rights as usual you misunderstood what I am talking about is that too many voters DO NOT MAKE an informed decision who to vote for as I made clear already:

Too many people are taking their rights casually and stupidly while the government has been silently making people graduate stupid and lazy while their inalienable rights are being eroded away as it is getting easy to do that with a people who are too busy playing their phones and computers so notice.

The Western World is increasingly being ruled by elected idiots because in part the voters vote stupidly and ignorantly for those people who then because they low morals and maybe no conscience of character will do anything to stay in power for many years.

Constitutional rights have become a chimera for many because of the continous violations against it.

The 16th and 17th amendments violated the doctrine of the separation of powers, but YOU don't give a shit because the right to vote is sacrosanct in your silly idealism.

I think your vote for a grifter was stupid.

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