Now that the murderous flag has been banned can we ban ILLEGAL immigrants?

I admit I hate typing and do it 2 fingered. lol
I type ever single word on this site with my right thumb on my phone. Yet I somehow manage to not use the words of a 5th grade retard as you do.
Even funnier is your claim to be a college professor
I said a hs teacher, hater dupe. Masters in History, was a TA at U of R. Duh? Hater dupe is you people to a T.
Or better yet, set up the illegal alien housing areas right beside Pelosi and other liberals who encourage them to come here.

Now THAT'S a good idea.
Your ignorant hatred and idiocy is noted, hater dupes.

Se he struck a nerve about his comment about Pelosi? How about moving in a bunch of them right next to your mommie's house? Of course they'd break in and steal your computer but you'd just consider wealth redistribution, right?
They work like hell and have lower crime rates than citizens. Pass the bill with good SS/ID card and END the problem, hater fools.

Lower crime rates?

Every one of them that entered the country illegally is a felon.

That gives them a 100% crime rate.
Do citizens have a 100% crime rate?
Condering your lying billionaire heroes refuse a good SS/ID card, it's an open invitation, not a crime, hater dupe.

What do you teach????

I admit I hate typing and do it 2 fingered. lol
I type ever single word on this site with my right thumb on my phone. Yet I somehow manage to not use the words of a 5th grade retard as you do.
Even funnier is your claim to be a college professor
I said a hs teacher, hater dupe. Masters in History, was a TA at U of R. Duh? Hater dupe is you people to a T.

Obviously you haven't mastered the use of the English language. Your revisionist view of history is rather warped, to boot. Good thing you don't live in Wisconsin, thanks to Scott Walker passing Act 10, you would have been fired long ago.
Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.
Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.

You have alot of balls calling the Republicans the obstructionists. The entire time your Dems held the House and Senate, every bill put forward by the GOP was immediately axed by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Obama even went so far as to shut down the government because he couldn't get what he wanted.
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Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.

You have alot of balls calling the Republicans the obstructionists. The entire time your Dems held the Hose and Senate, every bill put forward by the GOP was immediately axed by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Obama even went so far as to shut down the government because he couldn't get what he wanted.
You should look at those bills. Pure propaganda that never had any chance of passing. Jeebus you live on BS Pubworld. So how long did the Dems controll Congress, functional moron?

What do you teach????

View attachment 44202
Retired from teaching1990. History, French, Spanish. It appears that to be a GOPer, you have to be totally history ignorant and monolingual ugly American chump lol...

You taught History, French, and Spanish yet the most intelligent words you can come up with are "ignorant", "monolingual", "ugly", and "chump"?

It's a sad day for this country when a person with the intellect of a fifth grader, is teaching high school. Given that I was the Principal of your school, I'd personally fire your ass and revoke your pension.

Hate to tell you this, but illegals don't have a right to vote. As a matter of fact, merely registering to vote is a felony for them!!

Don't you think we have enough problems with illegals committing crimes already???
Now THAT'S a good idea.
Your ignorant hatred and idiocy is noted, hater dupes.

Se he struck a nerve about his comment about Pelosi? How about moving in a bunch of them right next to your mommie's house? Of course they'd break in and steal your computer but you'd just consider wealth redistribution, right?
They work like hell and have lower crime rates than citizens. Pass the bill with good SS/ID card and END the problem, hater fools.

Lower crime rates?

Every one of them that entered the country illegally is a felon.

That gives them a 100% crime rate.
Do citizens have a 100% crime rate?
Condering your lying billionaire heroes refuse a good SS/ID card, it's an open invitation, not a crime, hater dupe.

Reward criminals?

Not a bright idea
Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.

Want to end illegal immigration?

Put the National Guard on the border, with orders to shoot
Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.

Want to end illegal immigration?

Put the National Guard on the border, with orders to shoot

Or better yet, pull the DHS and ICE agents off the border and let the MInutemen guard the border. They'd appreciate the target practice.
This country does it all the time.
Those multi-national corporations and their henchmen that avoid paying taxes by off shore shelters.
Then this country rewards them with government contracts.
Nothing new here!

Your ignorant hatred and idiocy is noted, hater dupes.

Se he struck a nerve about his comment about Pelosi? How about moving in a bunch of them right next to your mommie's house? Of course they'd break in and steal your computer but you'd just consider wealth redistribution, right?
They work like hell and have lower crime rates than citizens. Pass the bill with good SS/ID card and END the problem, hater fools.

Lower crime rates?

Every one of them that entered the country illegally is a felon.

That gives them a 100% crime rate.
Do citizens have a 100% crime rate?
Condering your lying billionaire heroes refuse a good SS/ID card, it's an open invitation, not a crime, hater dupe.

Reward criminals?

Not a bright idea
Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.

You have alot of balls calling the Republicans the obstructionists. The entire time your Dems held the Hose and Senate, every bill put forward by the GOP was immediately axed by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Obama even went so far as to shut down the government because he couldn't get what he wanted.
You should look at those bills. Pure propaganda that never had any chance of passing. Jeebus you live on BS Pubworld. So how long did the Dems controll Congress, functional moron?

I don't find your repetitive use of the word "moron" very endearing, and it doesn't give a good reflection on you as an educator. The Democrats controlled the House and Senate up until things started going to shit for you people. That was during the mid-term elections of 2010 and 2012.

And apparently, I'm more functional than you are. You can't even spell correctly.

What do you teach????

View attachment 44202
Retired from teaching1990. History, French, Spanish. It appears that to be a GOPer, you have to be totally history ignorant and monolingual ugly American chump lol...

You taught History, French, and Spanish yet the most intelligent words you can come up with are "ignorant", "monolingual", "ugly", and "chump"?

It's a sad day for this country when a person with the intellect of a fifth grader, is teaching high school. Given that I was the Principal of your school, I'd personally fire your ass and revoke your pension.
Sorry, I'm a Democrat, idiot Pub dupe lol. I really don't care about what you think, dingbat. Let's hear some Dupefacts're hilarious but unfortunately a disaster...
Now the Dems in DC want to give non-citizens the right to vote!
It is thinking like this that is driving this country into third world status
DC Wants To Give Non-Citizens The Right To Vote The Daily Caller
That's their right- not a terrible idea after years of GOP obstructing solutions, like the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill that passed the Senate 2 YEARS AGO, that Boehner has been holding up, that would PASS and has a good SS/ID card that would END illegal immigration.

Want to end illegal immigration?

Put the National Guard on the border, with orders to shoot

Or better yet, pull the DHS and ICE agents off the border and let the MInutemen guard the border. They'd appreciate the target practice.
50% of illegals just overstay their visas. Only one solution, and Boehner (Pub chump) is blocking it. A good SS/ID card.

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