November 2014 - hottest November since 1880

I suppose that in your mind (what little there is of it) and in your demented little denier cult Bizarro-world, the OBSERVED melting glaciers, melting Arctic ice cap, melting Greenland, melting Antarctica, thawing permafrost, rising sea levels, increasing ocean temperatures, increasing ocean acidity, and changes in seasonal timing are all just "a mathematical construct in a computer program which has no bearing on the real world". LOLOL.
Antarctica is at an all time high for OBSERVED global sea ice. The Arctic has rebounded to levels not seen in ten years. The VAST MAJORITY of the glacier retreat occurred BEFORE 1900, and now some glaciers are advancing. There is no observed ocean temperature increase. Once again the instruments they use are incapable of measuring to the degree they claim so once again we are dealing with fantasy numbers. The sea level rise has actually halted and in some cases is reversing. Ocean acidity is a fraud plain and simple. All the carbon in the WORLD could be injected into the oceans and the average pH level would drop from 8.1 to 8.0. This is well documented. Further when corals are exposed to levels of carbonic acid orders of magnitude greater than they ever could in the real world they simply grow thicker shells.
Denier cult myths and drivel.

Antarctica is losing ice mass at increasing rates. As is Greenland
The Arctic sea ice was at its sixth lowest extent this year.
Most of the world's glaciers are shrinking and vanishing.
Sea level rise is accelerating.
Ocean acidification is quite real in spite of your crackpot denier cult myths, and it threatens many marine life forms and the whole food chain.
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I suppose that in your mind (what little there is of it) and in your demented little denier cult Bizarro-world, the OBSERVED melting glaciers, melting Arctic ice cap, melting Greenland, melting Antarctica, thawing permafrost, rising sea levels, increasing ocean temperatures, increasing ocean acidity, and changes in seasonal timing are all just "a mathematical construct in a computer program which has no bearing on the real world". LOLOL.
Antarctica is at an all time high for OBSERVED global sea ice. The Arctic has rebounded to levels not seen in ten years. The VAST MAJORITY of the glacier retreat occurred BEFORE 1900, and now some glaciers are advancing. There is no observed ocean temperature increase. Once again the instruments they use are incapable of measuring to the degree they claim so once again we are dealing with fantasy numbers. The sea level rise has actually halted and in some cases is reversing. Ocean acidity is a fraud plain and simple. All the carbon in the WORLD could be injected into the oceans and the average pH level would drop from 8.1 to 8.0. This is well documented. Further when corals are exposed to levels of carbonic acid orders of magnitude greater than they ever could in the real world they simply grow thicker shells.
More deranged denier cult myths and insanity from the Walleyedretard.

Antarctica is losing ice mass in enormous quantities and at increasing rates. And so is Greenland.
New Observations Confirm Greenland, Antarctica Losing Land Ice Rapidly

The Arctic sea ice is at its sixth lowest extent on record this year and is still in a death spiral. It will be ice free in the summer within this decade or the next one.
NSIDC - On September 17, Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2014 and will be slightly lower than last year’s. This is now the sixth lowest extent in the satellite record and reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent. This year’s minimum was 1.20 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average minimum.

Most of the Earth's glaciers and shrinking and vanishing.
Study blames humans for most of melting glaciers
Aug. 14, 2014
Peru glaciers shrink 40% in 44 years: government
Himalayan glaciers melting more rapidly
20 July, 2012

Recent Global Glacier Retreat Overview

Ocean temperatures are increasing at increasing rates and the heat is moving even deeper into the oceans.
NOAA - The global oceans were the warmest on record for October, with a temperature that averaged 0.62°C (1.12°F) higher than the 20th century average. This marks the sixth month in a row (beginning in May 2014) that the global ocean temperature broke its monthly temperature record. October 2014 also ties with June 2014 for the third highest ocean temperature departure on average for any month on record; the second highest departure from average occurred in August 2014 and the all-time highest occurred just last month.
Global Warming: Ocean Temperatures Rising 'Up to 152% Faster than Thought' - October 6, 2014
Deep Ocean Warming -
July 23rd, 2013

Sea levels are rising at increasing rates.
NOAA - Sea level is rising at an increasing rate
There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century. - April 10, 2014

Ocean acidification is quite real in spite of your crackpot denier cult myths, and it is endangering many marine life forms and the whole ocean food chain.
Ocean Acidification : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Like global warming, this phenomenon, which is known as ocean acidification, is a direct consequence of increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere.
Ocean Conservancy: Ocean Acidification - Ocean acidification damages the basic building blocks of life. Humans are changing the ocean’s chemistry. Seawater absorbs much of the carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere; In addition, more carbon is entering the water from land-based sources. In coastal regions, runoff, stormwater and other pollution makes the situation worse. The result is an increase in acidity that damages the basic building blocks of life needed by oysters, clams, corals and other animals to make their shells and skeletons.

In short, walleyed, you are once again full of bullshit and pushing lies, pseudo-science and fossil fuel industry propaganda memes.
I suppose that in your mind (what little there is of it) and in your demented little denier cult Bizarro-world, the OBSERVED melting glaciers, melting Arctic ice cap, melting Greenland, melting Antarctica, thawing permafrost, rising sea levels, increasing ocean temperatures, increasing ocean acidity, and changes in seasonal timing are all just "a mathematical construct in a computer program which has no bearing on the real world". LOLOL.
Antarctica is at an all time high for OBSERVED global sea ice. The Arctic has rebounded to levels not seen in ten years. The VAST MAJORITY of the glacier retreat occurred BEFORE 1900, and now some glaciers are advancing. There is no observed ocean temperature increase. Once again the instruments they use are incapable of measuring to the degree they claim so once again we are dealing with fantasy numbers. The sea level rise has actually halted and in some cases is reversing. Ocean acidity is a fraud plain and simple. All the carbon in the WORLD could be injected into the oceans and the average pH level would drop from 8.1 to 8.0. This is well documented. Further when corals are exposed to levels of carbonic acid orders of magnitude greater than they ever could in the real world they simply grow thicker shells.
More deranged denier cult myths and insanity from the Walleyedretard.

Antarctica is losing ice mass in enormous quantities and at increasing rates. And so is Greenland.
New Observations Confirm Greenland, Antarctica Losing Land Ice Rapidly

The Arctic sea ice is at its sixth lowest extent on record this year and is still in a death spiral. It will be ice free in the summer within this decade or the next one.
NSIDC - On September 17, Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2014 and will be slightly lower than last year’s. This is now the sixth lowest extent in the satellite record and reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent. This year’s minimum was 1.20 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average minimum.

Most of the Earth's glaciers and shrinking and vanishing.
Study blames humans for most of melting glaciers
Aug. 14, 2014
Peru glaciers shrink 40% in 44 years: government
Himalayan glaciers melting more rapidly
20 July, 2012

Recent Global Glacier Retreat Overview

Ocean temperatures are increasing at increasing rates and the heat is moving even deeper into the oceans.
NOAA - The global oceans were the warmest on record for October, with a temperature that averaged 0.62°C (1.12°F) higher than the 20th century average. This marks the sixth month in a row (beginning in May 2014) that the global ocean temperature broke its monthly temperature record. October 2014 also ties with June 2014 for the third highest ocean temperature departure on average for any month on record; the second highest departure from average occurred in August 2014 and the all-time highest occurred just last month.
Global Warming: Ocean Temperatures Rising 'Up to 152% Faster than Thought' - October 6, 2014
Deep Ocean Warming -
July 23rd, 2013

Sea levels are rising at increasing rates.
NOAA - Sea level is rising at an increasing rate
There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century. - April 10, 2014

Ocean acidification is quite real in spite of your crackpot denier cult myths, and it is endangering many marine life forms and the whole ocean food chain.
Ocean Acidification : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Like global warming, this phenomenon, which is known as ocean acidification, is a direct consequence of increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere.
Ocean Conservancy: Ocean Acidification - Ocean acidification damages the basic building blocks of life. Humans are changing the ocean’s chemistry. Seawater absorbs much of the carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere; In addition, more carbon is entering the water from land-based sources. In coastal regions, runoff, stormwater and other pollution makes the situation worse. The result is an increase in acidity that damages the basic building blocks of life needed by oysters, clams, corals and other animals to make their shells and skeletons.

In short, walleyed, you are once again full of bullshit and pushing lies, pseudo-science and fossil fuel industry propaganda memes.

Sure thing dude. Here's a couple of papers dealing with your acidification nonsense. The other points you bring up have been demolished many times before.

Ocean acidification in response to rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressures is widely expected to reduce calcification by marine organisms. From the mid-Mesozoic, coccolithophores have been major calcium carbonate producers in the world's oceans, today accounting for about a third of the total marine CaCO3 production. Here, we present laboratory evidence that calcification and net primary production in the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi are significantly increased by high CO2 partial pressures. Field evidence from the deep ocean is consistent with these laboratory conclusions, indicating that over the past 220 years there has been a 40% increase in average coccolith mass. Our findings show that coccolithophores are already responding and will probably continue to respond to rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressures, which has important implications for biogeochemical modeling of future oceans and climate.

Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World

Evolutionary consequences of the latest Paleocene thermal maximum... ingentaconnect
I suppose that in your mind (what little there is of it) and in your demented little denier cult Bizarro-world, the OBSERVED melting glaciers, melting Arctic ice cap, melting Greenland, melting Antarctica, thawing permafrost, rising sea levels, increasing ocean temperatures, increasing ocean acidity, and changes in seasonal timing are all just "a mathematical construct in a computer program which has no bearing on the real world". LOLOL.
Antarctica is at an all time high for OBSERVED global sea ice. The Arctic has rebounded to levels not seen in ten years. The VAST MAJORITY of the glacier retreat occurred BEFORE 1900, and now some glaciers are advancing. There is no observed ocean temperature increase. Once again the instruments they use are incapable of measuring to the degree they claim so once again we are dealing with fantasy numbers. The sea level rise has actually halted and in some cases is reversing. Ocean acidity is a fraud plain and simple. All the carbon in the WORLD could be injected into the oceans and the average pH level would drop from 8.1 to 8.0. This is well documented. Further when corals are exposed to levels of carbonic acid orders of magnitude greater than they ever could in the real world they simply grow thicker shells.
More deranged denier cult myths and insanity from the Walleyedretard.

Antarctica is losing ice mass in enormous quantities and at increasing rates. And so is Greenland.
New Observations Confirm Greenland, Antarctica Losing Land Ice Rapidly

The Arctic sea ice is at its sixth lowest extent on record this year and is still in a death spiral. It will be ice free in the summer within this decade or the next one.
NSIDC - On September 17, Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2014 and will be slightly lower than last year’s. This is now the sixth lowest extent in the satellite record and reinforces the long-term downward trend in Arctic ice extent. This year’s minimum was 1.20 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 average minimum.

Most of the Earth's glaciers and shrinking and vanishing.
Study blames humans for most of melting glaciers
Aug. 14, 2014
Peru glaciers shrink 40% in 44 years: government
Himalayan glaciers melting more rapidly
20 July, 2012

Recent Global Glacier Retreat Overview

Ocean temperatures are increasing at increasing rates and the heat is moving even deeper into the oceans.
NOAA - The global oceans were the warmest on record for October, with a temperature that averaged 0.62°C (1.12°F) higher than the 20th century average. This marks the sixth month in a row (beginning in May 2014) that the global ocean temperature broke its monthly temperature record. October 2014 also ties with June 2014 for the third highest ocean temperature departure on average for any month on record; the second highest departure from average occurred in August 2014 and the all-time highest occurred just last month.
Global Warming: Ocean Temperatures Rising 'Up to 152% Faster than Thought' - October 6, 2014
Deep Ocean Warming -
July 23rd, 2013

Sea levels are rising at increasing rates.
NOAA - Sea level is rising at an increasing rate
There is strong evidence that global sea level is now rising at an increased rate and will continue to rise during this century. - April 10, 2014

Ocean acidification is quite real in spite of your crackpot denier cult myths, and it is endangering many marine life forms and the whole ocean food chain.
Ocean Acidification : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Like global warming, this phenomenon, which is known as ocean acidification, is a direct consequence of increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere.
Ocean Conservancy: Ocean Acidification - Ocean acidification damages the basic building blocks of life. Humans are changing the ocean’s chemistry. Seawater absorbs much of the carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere; In addition, more carbon is entering the water from land-based sources. In coastal regions, runoff, stormwater and other pollution makes the situation worse. The result is an increase in acidity that damages the basic building blocks of life needed by oysters, clams, corals and other animals to make their shells and skeletons.

In short, walleyed, you are once again full of bullshit and pushing lies, pseudo-science and fossil fuel industry propaganda memes.

Sure thing dude. Here's a couple of papers dealing with your acidification nonsense. The other points you bring up have been demolished many times before.

Ocean acidification in response to rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressures is widely expected to reduce calcification by marine organisms. From the mid-Mesozoic, coccolithophores have been major calcium carbonate producers in the world's oceans, today accounting for about a third of the total marine CaCO3 production. Here, we present laboratory evidence that calcification and net primary production in the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi are significantly increased by high CO2 partial pressures. Field evidence from the deep ocean is consistent with these laboratory conclusions, indicating that over the past 220 years there has been a 40% increase in average coccolith mass. Our findings show that coccolithophores are already responding and will probably continue to respond to rising atmospheric CO2 partial pressures, which has important implications for biogeochemical modeling of future oceans and climate.

Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World

Evolutionary consequences of the latest Paleocene thermal maximum... ingentaconnect
It is to be expected that when all of your fraudulent bogus claims get debunked by the facts, like just happened, you revert to sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting La-La-La-La.
November was the "Hottest since...."

Right, how about posting the temperatures, not the propaganda. I bet the Temperatures, that type of data does not exist.

Another Alarmist Propaganda thread.
RSS and UAH “Meteorological Annual Mean” (December to November) Global Temperatures Fall Far Short of Record Highs in 2014…


Nope... Old Fraud is lying STILL...

Live in your reality-challenged denier cult fantasy world then, moron, and fall for the lies of whatever fossil fuel industry 'stooge of the month' comes along, nobody cares. In the real world though, a world you have apparently abandoned, 2014 is amost certainly going to be the next new hottest calender year on record, or, very unlikely at this point, at least the second hottest. The last hottest calender year on record was 2010; but the interesting thing is that the Earth just experienced the hottest 12 month 'year' on record....twice in a row, just in the last few months.

The past 12 months - October 2013 to September 2014 - was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average. - NOAA

The most recent 12-month period, November 2013 to October 2014, broke the record (set just last month) for the all-time warmest 12-month period in the 135-year period of record, at 0.68°C (1.22°F) above average, with November 2013 and May, June, August, September, and October 2014 all record warm for their respective months. - NOAA

BTW, BoobyBobNutJob, the article and graph you cite by Bob Tisdale is just more half-witted lies and pseudo-science from a retired rightwingnut stooge with a blog but with no education at all in any field of climate science or or any experience working in those fields of science. It's all bullshit. You've been conned again. Too bad you're so gullible.

Favorite Denier Tricks, or How to Hide the Incline

Live in your reality-challenged denier cult fantasy world then, moron, and fall for the lies of whatever fossil fuel industry 'stooge of the month' comes along, nobody cares. In the real world though, a world you have apparently abandoned, 2014 is amost certainly going to be the next new hottest calender year on record, or, very unlikely at this point, at least the second hottest. The last hottest calender year on record was 2010; but the interesting thing is that the Earth just experienced the hottest 12 month 'year' on record....twice in a row, just in the last few months.

The past 12 months - October 2013 to September 2014 - was the warmest 12-month period among all months since records began in 1880, at 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average. - NOAA

The most recent 12-month period, November 2013 to October 2014, broke the record (set just last month) for the all-time warmest 12-month period in the 135-year period of record, at 0.68°C (1.22°F) above average, with November 2013 and May, June, August, September, and October 2014 all record warm for their respective months. - NOAA

BTW, BoobyBobNutJob, the article and graph you cite by Bob Tisdale is just more half-witted lies and pseudo-science from a retired rightwingnut stooge with a blog but with no education at all in any field of climate science or or any experience working in those fields of science. It's all bullshit. You've been conned again. Too bad you're so gullible.

Favorite Denier Tricks, or How to Hide the Incline

Only after you ADJUST THE TEMPS UP....

Isn't this called FRAUD! to lie to the general public in order to defraud them of their rights, gains from their work, and freedoms using a LIE!

The only one gullible is you and your cult of Science deniers.


The USCRN says Nope to your lies and deceit. This whole system was put in place to "prove" CAGW and it is showing all the lies and fraud being committed on the US Citizens.
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"Global Warming" is a religion. Converts are taught to disregard their senses and forget everything they ever learned about the science of the sun and cyclic weather patterns as well as ice age pre-history. Converts have to trust something called "the global analysis", similar like the "Good Book" and have faith that the earth is really warming while they are standing in three feet of snow. The faithful are encouraged to ridicule skeptics and call them hateful names and to seek tributes from governments.
And two denier cult dupes spew their fallacious drivel and debunked anti-science propaganda memes once again. About as significant as two farts in a hurricane.
Here's a couple of papers dealing with your acidification nonsense.

Your first link, your prize paper, other researchers panned it in the comments.

Replies to Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World

Comment on Phytoplankton Calcification in a High-CO2 World

Your two other links didn't even address acidification. They talked about "deepening of a nutrient rich layer" or "more oligotrophic".

So, all that hard work at cherrypicking found one questionable paper. That doesn't quite meet the standard of overturning the established science.
Isn't this called FRAUD!

When you post a graph of USA temperatures and declare it applies to global temps ... maybe it's fraud. It depends if the deception is deliberate on your part, or if you're just not smart enough to understand that the USA is only 2% of the globe.

In any case, when RT's point was how deniers fudge data to hide the incline, fudging data to hide the incline was probably not your best choice of responses.
Isn't this called FRAUD!

When you post a graph of USA temperatures and declare it applies to global temps ... maybe it's fraud. It depends if the deception is deliberate on your part, or if you're just not smart enough to understand that the USA is only 2% of the globe.

In any case, when RT's point was how deniers fudge data to hide the incline, fudging data to hide the incline was probably not your best choice of responses.

The Hair ball lies again... The USCRN is the most sophisticated and well designed system to find ANY anthropogenic warming. It is not finding it moron.. It is utterly disproving the whole meme as a LIE!
Isn't this called FRAUD!

When you post a graph of USA temperatures and declare it applies to global temps ... maybe it's fraud. It depends if the deception is deliberate on your part, or if you're just not smart enough to understand that the USA is only 2% of the globe.

In any case, when RT's point was how deniers fudge data to hide the incline, fudging data to hide the incline was probably not your best choice of responses.
The Hair ball lies again... The USCRN is the most sophisticated and well designed system to find ANY anthropogenic warming. It is not finding it moron.. It is utterly disproving the whole meme as a LIE!
Delusional denier cult insanity, in spades!
I bet this Decembers report will be the hottest in a 100 years
Possibly. We'll know in January. Maybe yes, maybe no.

After all, it would not be that unexpected.
November 2013 was the hottest November on record since at least 1880.
April 2014 was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record.
Both May and June were the hottest May and June on record since at least 1880.
August, September and October were all the hottest months of that name since at least 1880.
November 2014 is reported to be the second hottest November on record.

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