"Not normal": Joe Biden attacks our democracy with blatant assault on Supreme Court

What racism looks like - by definition.
This woman worked for the Biden administration, and currently works for the Obama foundation:
At first I thought this had to be a parody post. But it is not. She actually typed and tweeted this.

Actions speak louder than words

Especially when you misrepresent the words
You misapplying the phrase here and you know it. The appropriate saying is out of the mouth the heart speaks.

His heart on the matter is well known. His stereotyping is well known, his words are known, you make excuses because he is a Democrat and that is your only reason you stand by and accept his racism.
The court is not normal. They are blatantly overturning settled law. It is an activist court legislating from the bench. I have it on good authority that when the Dems sweep next year Biden will pack the court with a liberals because there is now nothing to lose - the GOP has politicized the courts and it is irreversible. Buckle up losers.
You misapplying the phrase here and you know it. The appropriate saying is out of the mouth the heart speaks.

His heart on the matter is well known. His stereotyping is well known, his words are known, you make excuses because he is a Democrat and that is your only reason you stand by and accept his racism.
Actions speak louder than words
There is no doubt that Biden’s hirings have not been biased
Justice Clarence Thomas blasts Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's arguments in his concurrence: KBJ "locks blacks into a seemingly perpetual inferior caste. Such a view is irrational; it is an insult to individual achievement and cancerous to young minds seeking to push through barriers, rather than consign themselves to permanent victimhood." ... "JUSTICE JACKSON’s race-infused world view falls flat at each step. Individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they choose to confront them."
What racism looks like - by definition.
This woman worked for the Biden administration, and currently works for the Obama foundation:
At first I thought this had to be a parody post. But it is not. She actually typed and tweeted this.

View attachment 800126
So basically lefties believe black people are too stupid to attend college if merit based.
The court is not normal.

You are confused Moon Bat.

They are not "normal" for the batshit crazy stuff you stupid uneducated Libtards would like to see but stopping discrimination based upon race is normal for the Constitution.

Giving a ghetto dumbass entry into college because of his/her race, while excluding someone else much more qualified, is not normal except in Moon Bat World.
You only care about this because you don't like their decisions.

Yep -

Every victory that the left has gotten in my lifetime has come from activists legislating from the bench, laws that they could never get passed through the legislative process.
If you are 60 years old or under - you simply expect the Courts to correct the mistakes that the stupid voters make.
That's "normal"
The Supreme Court is the insurrectionists. They threw out decades of precedent to legislate from the bench. This racist, sexist bigoted court needs to be the issue in 2024. We need to expand the Supreme Court.

The decades of precedent they threw out actually ignored 200 years of precedent from before and manufactured rights that don't exist in the process.

The SCOTUS of the 30's-70's were the mess.

It's unfortunate you can't get past that.
Actions speak louder than words
There is no doubt that Biden’s hirings have not been biased

That statement is hysterical.

HIs recent SCOTUS appointment was going to be a black woman. That was established before she was appointed.

That is racism and sexism at it's worst.
What racism looks like - by definition.
This woman worked for the Biden administration, and currently works for the Obama foundation:
At first I thought this had to be a parody post. But it is not. She actually typed and tweeted this.

View attachment 800126

I am sure that all the blacks who have succeeded based on merits choked on whatever they were eating when they read this.

All blacks should be insulted by such a statement.

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