Northeast Loses 40% Of House Seats As People Flee High-tax States

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Democrats will, of course, deny their economic illiterate policies have anything to do with this, but we know better.

Critics blame rising taxes in states such as Massachusetts and Connecticut for limiting population growth in the Northeast to just 15 percent from 1983 to 2013, while the rest of the nation grew more than 41 percent.

The biggest impact comes in the loss of congressional representation.

Deep in a recent report, for example, the American Legislative Exchange Council tabulated how the drop in population relative to the rest of the nation cut the region’s power in Washington. While the states from Pennsylvania to Maine had 141 House members in 1950, they are down to 85 today, a drop of some 40 percent.

California and Texas combined have more House representatives..

“This result is one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in American history. This migration is shifting the power center of America right before our very eyes. The movement isn’t random or even about weather or resources. Economic freedom is the magnet and states ignore this force at their own peril,” said the report.

Northeast loses 40 of House seats as people flee high-tax states
The States should fund the Federal government in proportion to their electoral college votes
Democrats will, of course, deny their economic illiterate policies have anything to do with this, but we know better.

Critics blame rising taxes in states such as Massachusetts and Connecticut for limiting population growth in the Northeast to just 15 percent from 1983 to 2013, while the rest of the nation grew more than 41 percent.

The biggest impact comes in the loss of congressional representation.

Deep in a recent report, for example, the American Legislative Exchange Council tabulated how the drop in population relative to the rest of the nation cut the region’s power in Washington. While the states from Pennsylvania to Maine had 141 House members in 1950, they are down to 85 today, a drop of some 40 percent.

California and Texas combined have more House representatives..

“This result is one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in American history. This migration is shifting the power center of America right before our very eyes. The movement isn’t random or even about weather or resources. Economic freedom is the magnet and states ignore this force at their own peril,” said the report.

Northeast loses 40 of House seats as people flee high-tax states
Unfortunately those moving to red states bring their big government, high tax liberal ideas with them.
There are tons of NE transplants and half backs here in NC.....
Every fourth one of them bitches and moans about the food, the restaurants, the schools. They complain about the limited government services which are necessities such as water, sewer, trash pickup, street lights and thats about it. What more do the citizens need.
I had a discussion with former fellow resident of NJ. He said "you guys don't pay enough taxes here. We need government to do more.".
So I asked him why he moved here. He said because it was too expensive and the winters were miserable.
I asked him a question that left him speechless looking for a comeback. That was what was expensive. He was about to say "taxes" and stopped himself.
He asked how many years I had been here. When I responded ( over 20) he had nothing else to say.
I parted with "look, I-95 has northbound lanes. If you don't like it here, you are free to use them".
The point is while on paper it may look good that the bluie states are losing representation in DC but those people are going somewhere.
It's just a matter of time before some reliable red states start becoming purple. Or even blue.
Look at WA and OR...These used to be solid GOP states. Since those states were over run by Caucasian California liberals, they have gone solid blue.
Democrats will, of course, deny their economic illiterate policies have anything to do with this, but we know better.

Critics blame rising taxes in states such as Massachusetts and Connecticut for limiting population growth in the Northeast to just 15 percent from 1983 to 2013, while the rest of the nation grew more than 41 percent.

The biggest impact comes in the loss of congressional representation.

Deep in a recent report, for example, the American Legislative Exchange Council tabulated how the drop in population relative to the rest of the nation cut the region’s power in Washington. While the states from Pennsylvania to Maine had 141 House members in 1950, they are down to 85 today, a drop of some 40 percent.

California and Texas combined have more House representatives..

“This result is one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in American history. This migration is shifting the power center of America right before our very eyes. The movement isn’t random or even about weather or resources. Economic freedom is the magnet and states ignore this force at their own peril,” said the report.

Northeast loses 40 of House seats as people flee high-tax states
Unfortunately those moving to red states bring their big government, high tax liberal ideas with them.
There are tons of NE transplants and half backs here in NC.....
Every fourth one of them bitches and moans about the food, the restaurants, the schools. They complain about the limited government services which are necessities such as water, sewer, trash pickup, street lights and thats about it. What more do the citizens need.
I had a discussion with former fellow resident of NJ. He said "you guys don't pay enough taxes here. We need government to do more.".
So I asked him why he moved here. He said because it was too expensive and the winters were miserable.
I asked him a question that left him speechless looking for a comeback. That was what was expensive. He was about to say "taxes" and stopped himself.
He asked how many years I had been here. When I responded ( over 20) he had nothing else to say.
I parted with "look, I-95 has northbound lanes. If you don't like it here, you are free to use them".
The point is while on paper it may look good that the bluie states are losing representation in DC but those people are going somewhere.
It's just a matter of time before some reliable red states start becoming purple. Or even blue.
Look at WA and OR...These used to be solid GOP states. Since those states were over run by Caucasian California liberals, they have gone solid blue.

its a common disconnect. They want all the services but don't realize that they have to be paid for, and there are not enough "richer than me" people to cover the bills.
Overly simplistic. The NE is highly congested in its developed areas. You want a really really good public school and work in NYC .... the commute's killer.
keeping ANY city alive with people stacked on top of people with people stacked on top of people is expensive. Look at Cali, a west coast BLUE state ranks with the top 5 of NE States ... stay you pay, overcrowding forces states to raise the rent, ain't that right Taz
Oklahoma is one of those vaunted "economic freedom" states...they've gone from 9 districts in 1930 to 5 today...that's a loss of 44%.

West Virginia went from 6 in 1950 to 3 today, a loss of 50%.

Nebraska went from 5 in 1940 to 3 today, loss of 40%.

South Dakota went from 2 in 1950 to 1 today, loss of 50%.

Montana went from 2 in 1950 to 1 today, loss of 50%

Alabama had 9 districts in 1950, has 7 today.

Kansas went from 7 in 1930 to 4 today, loss of 42%

Iowa is usually thought of as an economic freedom went from 9 districts in 1930 to 4 today...a loss of 55%!!!

Indiana is a reliably GOP state, it saw a decline from 11 districts in 1950 to 9 today.

Arkansas went from 7 in 1940 to 4 today, loss of 42%

Mississippi went from 7 in 1940 to 4 today, loss of 42%

Wyoming has had 1 district since the state's creation in the 1880's.

I guess the real message here is...don't be a state that doesn't get a good amount of Latino immigration!
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Democrats will, of course, deny their economic illiterate policies have anything to do with this, but we know better.

Critics blame rising taxes in states such as Massachusetts and Connecticut for limiting population growth in the Northeast to just 15 percent from 1983 to 2013, while the rest of the nation grew more than 41 percent.

The biggest impact comes in the loss of congressional representation.

Deep in a recent report, for example, the American Legislative Exchange Council tabulated how the drop in population relative to the rest of the nation cut the region’s power in Washington. While the states from Pennsylvania to Maine had 141 House members in 1950, they are down to 85 today, a drop of some 40 percent.

California and Texas combined have more House representatives..

“This result is one of the most dramatic demographic shifts in American history. This migration is shifting the power center of America right before our very eyes. The movement isn’t random or even about weather or resources. Economic freedom is the magnet and states ignore this force at their own peril,” said the report.

Northeast loses 40 of House seats as people flee high-tax states
The American Legislative Exchange Council?


:eusa_hand: Really? Do you even know wtf they are?


Bet you don't, you being what is not-so-fondly referred to in Red States as a "Masshole" (Douchebagh from Massachusetts)

[ The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) describes itself as the largest “membership association of state legislators,” but over 98% of its revenue comes from sources other than legislative dues, primarily from corporations and corporate foundations. ]
American Legislative Exchange Council - SourceWatch

Oklahoma is one of those vaunted "economic freedom" states...they've gone from 9 districts in 1930 to 5 today...that's a loss of 44%.

West Virginia went from 6 in 1950 to 3 today, a loss of 50%.

Nebraska went from 5 in 1940 to 3 today, loss of 40%.

South Dakota went from 2 in 1950 to 1 today, loss of 50%.

Montana went from 2 in 1950 to 1 today, loss of 50%

Alabama had 9 districts in 1950, has 7 today.

Kansas went from 7 in 1930 to 4 today, loss of 42%

Iowa is usually thought of as an economic freedom went from 9 districts in 1930 to 4 today...a loss of 55%!!!

Indiana is a reliably GOP state, it saw a decline from 11 districts in 1950 to 9 today.

Arkansas went from 7 in 1940 to 4 today, loss of 42%

Mississippi went from 7 in 1940 to 4 today, loss of 42%

Wyoming has had 1 district since the state's creation in the 1880's.

I guess the real message here is...don't be a state that doesn't get a good amount of Latino immigration!
Is there supposed to be some kind of relevance to this discussion in that post? If so, it sure seems tangential at best.
Yeah, migration from farm belt states to urban areas was a really big thing. Fifty years ago. Last 30 years, not so much.
There's lots of reasons for this exodus, but to deny that high taxes is one of them is pretty retarded.
The States should fund the Federal government in proportion to their electoral college votes
Good luck trying to amend the US Constitution with that 'nugget' of wisdom :rofl:

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

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