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Father to Son: What I've Learned About Rage
A conversation between a man of legendary fury and his son preparing to go to the barricades at the RNC, about the uses and abuses of Bush hatred.
Severe fisking ahead!
So much for 'dumb Bush'.
Bring on the Evil Bush!
Norman has even made up a new word to describe his impression of Bush, a study of smugsmanship.
So Bush the Smugmiester!
Maybe a bit of projection on his part.
Ha! The Smugmeisters master plan, of course! The protestors engaging in riots and violence are useful idiots of the right, not the left!
When the average American is now too dumb to understand the left, the left is probably screwed.
Kind of a red flag to moderate voters, to hear pretentious things like Bush cabal.
Maybe a bit too subtle for public consumption, ya think?
Whatever the protestors do is a Republican distortion now? WoW!
The only thing more asinine is to claim any act reflecting unfavorably upon the anti-Bush leadership is based upon Republican plants, working to undermine the serenity and sanity of what would otherwise be a perfectly rational, non-disruptive protest. I mean, hell, why not go that one step further into denial?
(In plain English without the flowery rhetoric)
Like a male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women, the lie of Iraq sits over the first week of November. Ahh poetry.
Huh? I dont get how everyone in the WTC was promised upper class success or how their companies failed them. Norman almost seems to blame corporations for 9-11.
So basically they are like giant, hegemonic, towering, twin penises.
Aside from the theoretically impossible act of Huns sacking France a full century after leaving Europe, an analogy is supposed to offer clarity or real life examples instead of some insane fantasy.
I suppose there were no massive penile erections in that place and age to bring down, either.
Sacking Versailles in 17th century France is like nuking all of D.C. and most of the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, as opposed to what is simply a franction of NYC.
And now they cut off our BALLS too!?!
Norman's 9-11 trauma is a bit too fixated on genitals, ya think?
Too late for the dumb Bush theory, because the speakers for the RNC are way too smart to imply any such thing.
Not only inexplicable but uncountable and unidentifiable too. SWARMING FACTS!
Old school leftist writers like to use the thesaurus to inject some rare word here an there, but its supposed to be pretentiously literate and not about communicating to their readers. Make a note!
Thesaurus equivalent to: Conspiracist.
Too hard for him to explain, or too hard for us to understand?
Without trying to sound out a conspiracy, of course,
I dont believe for a moment that Bush stuck a gerbil up his ass, either.
But there may have been sentiment that Bush wanted a gerbil up his ass ----
Wow, maybe!
Um, maybe! Maybe an attack on us from an asteroids by space aliens helping the Nazis would also not be the worst thing, and we might have still gone to war with the company of (Russians?) Britains. I could go all day.
Well so fucking what, Norman? If Bush is accused of welcoming 9/11 just say it.
Why not shut up then?
Sounds like a classic case of conspiratorialism denial.
They seemed to want it but I couldnt go that far
Im sure it wasnt but its so odd how it was.
Norman is trying to be coy. Or is seriously confused. Whatever it is there is still zero facts.
More than unbelievable inefficiency is not enough. But Beyond more than unbelievable inefficiency is more than unbelievable.
More like a game of poker where the entire committee of a full deck chose to discard the Joker guess who Norman is?
Dont hold youre breath.
But still presumptuous enough to say corporations are arguably prosperous, sure.
You just did. But when you say Us its really YOU and the deep seated denial of the failure of communism.
Who is big and empty, interrupts our lives, acts without virtue, and flattens things?
RUN for your lives, it's the BIG EMPTY!
Well he's made a living by sneering at everyone else.
Thank god he's allowing "Buffalo" to go protest without Daddy's sneering condensation! Good boy, yes, good boy.
And if Kerry wins then... no division? No, it's that Bush supporters simply dont matter anymore.
The massive arrogance in this claim is obvious.
Whatever it is hell need some crazy glue for that.
Which is the way of saying your problem without saying anyone else matters.
Seems to me that if we conquer the world, the problem is solved.
As if when Kerry wins the same question is a non-issue, like some fantasy where nothing 'bad under Kerry can happen pretty demented.
Sounds like a personal problem to me.
No dont go. Its Rove with his tricks. (Yes, Norman Jr. will go.)
Whatever seems to work, thats it, huh?
1. A genuine attack to America and a reaction from its people, as if it's some kind of trick?
2. Hitlers flunkies never ran a Democracy, WTF did Goering know about Democracy?
3. Actually not in the testimony at all, but rather a record from a psychologist.
4. Also said from Goering: When I hear the word culture, I reach for my Browning."
5. An opiate junkie in the stages of withdrawal.
6. Under trial for his life, fallen from power and extremely stressed.
7. Committed suicide a few days after this discussion.
Yet hes a genius about running a Democracy in the 21st century now.
Lets go over the main points to date:
And the final question!
And armed how?
Norman Mailers' spiritual standards:
My friends in the USSR sure thought guys like him sucked ass, and felt he could die like Lenin and stay that way.
So without commiting a felony by directly advocating an armed overthrow of America's government, it's the only implication published here. What's more worrisome, is that 'Buffalo', that is, Norman Jr., must have the straight-up version which doesn't really dance around Dad's real dream for revolutionary change.
Father to Son: What I've Learned About Rage
A conversation between a man of legendary fury and his son preparing to go to the barricades at the RNC, about the uses and abuses of Bush hatred.
Severe fisking ahead!
John Buffalo Mailer: Lets start with Fahrenheit 9/11. Ive seen it three times, and with each viewing I became more aware of Michael Moores tricks. I would say about 50 percent of the film is indisputable; particularly the portion on Iraq, but in the first half he uses too many needless tricks.
Norman Mailer: I dont disagree. I saw it for the first time last night, and was upset through the first half. You dont make your case by showing George H.W. Bush and a Saudi sheikh shaking hands. On a photo op, important politicians will shake hands with the devil. Moore seems to think that if you get people laughing at the right wing, you will win through ridicule. Hes wrong. Thats when we lose. Back with the Progressive Party in 1948, we used to laugh and laugh at how dumb the other side was. Were still laughing, and were further behind now.
So much for 'dumb Bush'.
On the other hand, the stuff on Iraq was powerful. There, he didnt need cheap shots. The real story was in the faces. All those faces on the Bush team. What you saw was the spiritual emptiness of those people. Bush has one of the emptiest faces in America. He looks to have no more depth than spit on a rock. It could be that the most incisive personal crime committed by George Bush is that he probably never said to himself, I dont deserve to be president. You just cant trust a man whos never been embarrassed by himself. The vanity of George W. stands out with every smirk. He literally cannot control that vanity. It seeps out of every movement of his lips, it squeezes through every tight-lipped grimace. Every grin is a study in smugsmanship.
Bring on the Evil Bush!
Norman has even made up a new word to describe his impression of Bush, a study of smugsmanship.
So Bush the Smugmiester!
JBM His face does bring out the rage of the left. Never before have I seen so many peoples blood boil at the sight of an American president. Especially in New York. Of all the cities out there, why would the Republicans pick New York to hold their convention?
Maybe a bit of projection on his part.
NM I would say they are hoping for ugly attacks. If I were a voice in top Republican circles, I might be offering this advice: What we need for New York is a large-scale riot. Some of those activist kids will be crazy enough to do a lot on their own, but we can do better with a few of our guys, well-placed, ready to urinate on the good American flag. Let us recognize that if we lose, all weve been doing since 2000 is bound to come out. Back a couple of years ago, Karl Rove was saying that we could gain a twenty-year hegemony by winning the next election. He hasnt said it lately, not since the worst of Iraq came through. Because now we could be out of power for those same twenty years. So I recommend that we put as many of our people into the protest movement in New York as we can find. Or so, at least, speaks the cool Republican planner I envisage in my mind.
Ha! The Smugmeisters master plan, of course! The protestors engaging in riots and violence are useful idiots of the right, not the left!
JBM I feel weve entered a realm where the question is, whose propaganda is better? The left is beginning to figure out that they cant beat the right with intelligent argument. They need punch phrases that get to the heart of the average American. If thats the case, what is the future for our country?
When the average American is now too dumb to understand the left, the left is probably screwed.
NM Id say they demonstrated their tactics during the July convention. They will look to catch the swing voters and those conservatives who are repelled by the Bush cabal but are still loyal to the Republicans.
Kind of a red flag to moderate voters, to hear pretentious things like Bush cabal.
To do that, the Democrats will present themselves as the good, sensible, highly patriotic, serious party of the middle class, resolute about terrorism, strong for peace, reliable for war, and passionately loyal to the working class and the disadvantaged becausethis may be their subtlest claim!they are the true compassionate conservatives.
Maybe a bit too subtle for public consumption, ya think?
These tactics do not fill me with joy, but given the brunt of my argument, I confess that I am obliged to go along. The Republicans, in turn, will do all they can to make the street protesters look like the disruptive, concealed, and explosive heart of the Democratic Party.
Whatever the protestors do is a Republican distortion now? WoW!
The only thing more asinine is to claim any act reflecting unfavorably upon the anti-Bush leadership is based upon Republican plants, working to undermine the serenity and sanity of what would otherwise be a perfectly rational, non-disruptive protest. I mean, hell, why not go that one step further into denial?
You know, I cant remember an election when the stakes were so high. There has been, after all, such mendacity about the entrance into Iraq. It sits like an incubus over the first week of November.
(In plain English without the flowery rhetoric)
Like a male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women, the lie of Iraq sits over the first week of November. Ahh poetry.
NM A couple of years ago, New York may have seemed like the perfect place to go; the event had been so traumatic. And there is a large political profit in offering emotional closure to a national nightmare like the fall of the Twin Towers. Nine-eleven felled the two most opalescent pillars of the American economy. It also attacked the implicit assumption that if you worked for the corporation, you were part of a new upper class.
Huh? I dont get how everyone in the WTC was promised upper class success or how their companies failed them. Norman almost seems to blame corporations for 9-11.
To offer an analogy, let us suppose that in the seventeenth century, Versailles had been razed and sacked overnight by latter-day Huns. France would have been emotionally gutted. So it was with us. After all, those Twin Towers spoke of Americas phallic hegemony in the world
So basically they are like giant, hegemonic, towering, twin penises.
Aside from the theoretically impossible act of Huns sacking France a full century after leaving Europe, an analogy is supposed to offer clarity or real life examples instead of some insane fantasy.
I suppose there were no massive penile erections in that place and age to bring down, either.
Sacking Versailles in 17th century France is like nuking all of D.C. and most of the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, as opposed to what is simply a franction of NYC.
even as Versailles declared the divine right of kings. Many an American male felt gelded by the event.
And now they cut off our BALLS too!?!
Norman's 9-11 trauma is a bit too fixated on genitals, ya think?
Equally, the average American housewife was desolated by the terrifying possibility that one could work for years to build a family and lose it all in an hour. How could the Republicans not choose New York as the place to hold their convention?
Given the heroic deaths of the New York firemen and police, the site will also appeal to working-class votes. The Republicans will certainly not fail to make the connection that the protesters are besmirching the memory of 9/11.
Too late for the dumb Bush theory, because the speakers for the RNC are way too smart to imply any such thing.
But a couple of years have gone by, and weve also learned that there are a few things wrong about the picture weve had of 9/11. A new set of conspiracy theories are building. There are just too many facts that are not readily explicable.
Not only inexplicable but uncountable and unidentifiable too. SWARMING FACTS!
Maybe room for penetrating, icy, and knifelike reasoning to decipher 9-11 theories will be there but the odds are few readers know what incisive actually means.There may well be room after the convention for the protest movement to look into 9/11 with some critical incisiveness.
Old school leftist writers like to use the thesaurus to inject some rare word here an there, but its supposed to be pretentiously literate and not about communicating to their readers. Make a note!
I am no longer a conspiratorialist
Thesaurus equivalent to: Conspiracist.
I spent too many years wandering around in the byways of the Warren Report. But there are elements here which are not easy to explain.
Too hard for him to explain, or too hard for us to understand?
I dont believe for a moment there was direct complicity.
Without trying to sound out a conspiracy, of course,
I dont believe for a moment that Bush stuck a gerbil up his ass, either.
But there may have been sentiment that Bush wanted a gerbil up his ass ----
In America, we dont go in as yet for major political coupstheres too much to lose for the powers that be, and we are still a democratic society. But there may have been a sentiment in the administration
Wow, maybe!
let them scream and squeal over this onethat maybe the worst thing in the world might not be that we suffer a disaster. Pearl Harbor, after all, galvanized America. Without Pearl Harbor, we might never have been able to go to war in the company of the Russians.
Um, maybe! Maybe an attack on us from an asteroids by space aliens helping the Nazis would also not be the worst thing, and we might have still gone to war with the company of (Russians?) Britains. I could go all day.
Indeed, Roosevelt was accused of knowing about Pearl Harbor in advance and welcoming it.
Well so fucking what, Norman? If Bush is accused of welcoming 9/11 just say it.
I couldnt go that far.
Why not shut up then?
I dont think the administration knew that the World Trade Center was going to be attacked. Still, some odd things did happen that day. Immensely odd.
Sounds like a classic case of conspiratorialism denial.
They seemed to want it but I couldnt go that far
Im sure it wasnt but its so odd how it was.
Norman is trying to be coy. Or is seriously confused. Whatever it is there is still zero facts.
There was more than unbelievable inefficiency.
More than unbelievable inefficiency is not enough. But Beyond more than unbelievable inefficiency is more than unbelievable.
I dont know that the 9/11 Commission did all they could with that. They were determined, after all, to bring in a unanimous report. That always means that the radical ends are cut off. Its like playing poker without the aces, kings, and queens, the twos, threes, and the fours.
More like a game of poker where the entire committee of a full deck chose to discard the Joker guess who Norman is?
NM A good many people of the right, not flag conservatives but true conservatives, can feel in accord with men and women on the left concerning one deep feeling. It is that the corporations are stifling our lives.
Dont hold youre breath.
Not only economically, where corporations can claim, arguably, that they bring prosperity (and frankly, Im certainly not schooled enough in economics to argue that point pro or con)
But still presumptuous enough to say corporations are arguably prosperous, sure.
, but I can say the corporation is bad for us aesthetically speaking, culturally speaking, spiritually speaking.
You just did. But when you say Us its really YOU and the deep seated denial of the failure of communism.
Just contemplate their massive empty architecture, their massive emphasis on TV commercials, which are a seedbed for interrupting ones conversation, and their massive complacency about their virtues. They tend to flatten everything. They are the Big Empty.
Who is big and empty, interrupts our lives, acts without virtue, and flattens things?
One of the strengths of Michael Moores movie
, if I can go back to it for a moment, is that you could see all the faces of the present administration, those empty faces, those handmaidens and bodyguards of the Big Empty.
RUN for your lives, it's the BIG EMPTY!
NM Theres one more point Id like to make. I dont sneer at people who enter protest movements.
Well he's made a living by sneering at everyone else.
Thank god he's allowing "Buffalo" to go protest without Daddy's sneering condensation! Good boy, yes, good boy.
At the least, it can be good or even necessary for their personal development. But I would like these kids to disabuse themselves of the idea that they are going to have some immediate, exciting political effect. If they have any, it could be negative. And if Bush wins, were a most divided nation.
And if Kerry wins then... no division? No, it's that Bush supporters simply dont matter anymore.
The massive arrogance in this claim is obvious.
Kerry can put it together better than Bush.
Whatever it is hell need some crazy glue for that.
Bush cant solve any of our problems.
He never was able to.
Which is the way of saying your problem without saying anyone else matters.
That may be the main reason he looked to empire-building. He had nothing to offer but world conquest.
Seems to me that if we conquer the world, the problem is solved.
So, if hes reelected, what will he do if things remain bad in Iraq?
As if when Kerry wins the same question is a non-issue, like some fantasy where nothing 'bad under Kerry can happen pretty demented.
Youll look back on the Patriot Act as being liberal and gentle.
JBM I will never look back on the Patriot Act as being liberal and gentle.
Sounds like a personal problem to me.
While the protests will not have a direct, political gain
NM You agree with me on that?
JBM Yes, I feel confident in saying that given the parameters of how we will be allowed to protest, I dont see any way it could have a direct political gain.
No dont go. Its Rove with his tricks. (Yes, Norman Jr. will go.)
It is better to remind ourselves that wisdom is ready to reach us from the most unexpected quarters. Here, I quote from a man who became wise a little too late in life:
Naturally, the common people dont want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.
That was Hermann Goering speaking at the Nuremberg trials after World War II.
Whatever seems to work, thats it, huh?
1. A genuine attack to America and a reaction from its people, as if it's some kind of trick?
2. Hitlers flunkies never ran a Democracy, WTF did Goering know about Democracy?
3. Actually not in the testimony at all, but rather a record from a psychologist.
4. Also said from Goering: When I hear the word culture, I reach for my Browning."
5. An opiate junkie in the stages of withdrawal.
6. Under trial for his life, fallen from power and extremely stressed.
7. Committed suicide a few days after this discussion.
Yet hes a genius about running a Democracy in the 21st century now.
Lets go over the main points to date:
Bushs face does bring out the rage of the left, and that never before have I seen so many peoples blood boil at the sight of an American president.
Kerry will be better in many ways, no question. All the same, he will go along too much with the corporations who, in my not always modest opinion, are running America. At present, I dont see how any mainstream politician can do otherwise. Finally, theyre working against forces greater than themselves.
JBM What could the protesters do that would further the cause?
NM What they could do is not what theyre going to be allowed to do. It wont all be their fault.
And the final question!
It is one thing to be forewarned. Will we ever be forearmed?
And armed how?
NM I do feel that when youre out there, and see all the different types of people who have come togetherparticularly now with the mixture of groups that will be thereyou do get a sense that the spiritual revolution may be awakening. And thats the only hope, I believe, against the total corporatization of America.
Norman Mailers' spiritual standards:
, but I can say the corporation is bad for us aesthetically speaking, culturally speaking, spiritually speaking.
My friends in the USSR sure thought guys like him sucked ass, and felt he could die like Lenin and stay that way.
So without commiting a felony by directly advocating an armed overthrow of America's government, it's the only implication published here. What's more worrisome, is that 'Buffalo', that is, Norman Jr., must have the straight-up version which doesn't really dance around Dad's real dream for revolutionary change.
Norman Mailer is the author of, among other books, The Armies of the Night, about the 1967 march on the Pentagon.
While executive editor of High Times magazine, John Buffalo Mailer worked on an issue about protesting the Republican National Convention in New York.