No veils in France

This is hilarious! Listening to followers of the most intolerant religion in the world whining about a foreign country's laws against face coverings!

Who forces you to listen to me?
Once I am willing to consider your private feelings about Islam in my posting-activity, I will let you know!

You either debate objective or I must consider you as a Anti-Muslim bigot.

Call me what you will, but do make sure you understand what the term bigot means:

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

Now answer me this. Which belief system forbids the pubic expression or propagation of faiths other than its own? Considers itself supremacist and subjugates non-believers? Wants to throw homosexuals from atop mountains? Has a death penalty for converting to another religion? To name but a few.

You know something? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
Sounds like those 1900 muslim women in France you mention need to adapt to modern western society.

Why should they be forced to adapt?

Do you believe that societies have the right to define how one coexists in that society?

For example, I know that you are sympthetic to the plight of Palestinians.

You believe, I think, that they have the RIGHT to forge a society of their own design, true?

If they elect to enforce Sharia laws in the land called Palestine, you would agree that they have THAT right, would you not?

And so, for example, no woman could wear a minishirt to the Mosque, right? the FRENCH not have that same right to define proper behavior within their national borders?
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And so, for example, no woman could wear a minishirt to the Mosque, right? the FRENCH not have that same right to define proper behavior within their national borders?

Not a great example.

I doubt a woman would be allowed to worship in a Church wearing a mini skirt either.

The French law forbids a woman from wearing a burka just walking down the street minding her own business.

How can that be defined as improper behavior?
And so, for example, no woman could wear a minishirt to the Mosque, right? the FRENCH not have that same right to define proper behavior within their national borders?

Not a great example.

I doubt a woman would be allowed to worship in a Church wearing a mini skirt either.

The French law forbids a woman from wearing a burka just walking down the street minding her own business.

How can that be defined as improper behavior?

You have to be kidding right? Women in this Country can and do go to church in what ever dress they want, INCLUDING short shorts and mini skirts.

As to Muslims, I suggest you check out some of those Muslim Countries and remind us how women are free to wear miniskirts and revealing clothing in those Countries.

You want to live somewhere? Follow the laws of that Country. France has every right to ban burkas and face veils. And I wish this Country would do the same. It already is illegal in a hell of a lot of places to cover your face if your not a Muslim. Go ahead test it out, wear a ski mask pulled down over your face on a non wintery day as you shop and do business.
And so, for example, no woman could wear a minishirt to the Mosque, right? the FRENCH not have that same right to define proper behavior within their national borders?

Not a great example.

I doubt a woman would be allowed to worship in a Church wearing a mini skirt either.

The French law forbids a woman from wearing a burka just walking down the street minding her own business.

How can that be defined as improper behavior?

So what! Compared to many of the archaic laws applied in islamic countries, preventing people covering their face is mild. In Saudi Arabia a Christian can't even enter the country carrying a bible! In many islamic countries and Iran in particular, a homosexual is subject to imprisonment and possible execution! Apostacy is still punishable by death. Kiss your wife or girlfriend in public and you could be arrested...and you're whining about a fucking face veil! We even have Muslims come to live in Western nations and want to apply THEIR laws here too! It's a one way fucking street with you lot!
You have to be kidding right? Women in this Country can and do go to church in what ever dress they want, INCLUDING short shorts and mini skirts.
No wonder Christianity has become so weak and Church attendance is falling.

When they allow women to dress like sluts and enter the Church's to worship. :doubt:
Aaaaand we get to the hostile heart of the matter.

I find it ironic that you have a problem with how women are dressed as compared to the fact that islamic society tolerates treating them as property.
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You have to be kidding right? Women in this Country can and do go to church in what ever dress they want, INCLUDING short shorts and mini skirts.
No wonder Christianity has become so weak and Church attendance is falling.

When they allow women to dress like sluts and enter the Church's to worship. :doubt:

We're even better than that....we let the sluts in too
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I find it rather curious that when western women go into an islamic country, they are "highly advised" or sometimes required to cover their heads and/or faces.
Yet when islamic women go to western countries they DEMAND the host country provide for their belief system instead of conforming to the host countries rules.
Double standard???
Ban islam, not just the veil.


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Why should they be forced to adapt?
Why should millions of people be forced to adapt to them? Don't be daft.
What do you need to adapt to if a woman is just walking down the street wearing a veil?

You could always turn your head and not look at her.
Oh good. Cool people walk away from explosions. :rolleyes:

You've got bigger problems in your religion than women wearing veils.

Why is it women have to wear burkhas? Why can't muslim men control their violent lusts? How about a little personal responsibility for your character?
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You have to be kidding right? Women in this Country can and do go to church in what ever dress they want, INCLUDING short shorts and mini skirts.
No wonder Christianity has become so weak and Church attendance is falling.

When they allow women to dress like sluts and enter the Church's to worship. :doubt:

We're even better than that....we let the sluts in too

Imaging that, we don't gather into a mob and stone them to death.

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