No ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
No ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders
No ‘unity’ in Biden's executive orders: Goodwin (
14 Feb 2021 ~~ By Michael Goodwin

It is early, far below the traditional threshold of 100 days. Still, watching the major missteps of the Biden administration reminds that even presidents don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
My expectations were low, but not low enough. I hoped, naively, that with political polarization leading to growing violence from both sides, the new president would make at least minimal efforts to keep his promise of building national unity.
Instead, Joe Biden spent his first three weeks issuing more than 50 executive orders and actions that fall along straight partisan lines, with nearly all of them delivering goodies to his party’s far-left wing and/or reversing successful Trump-administration policies. In most cases, he simply signed the sweeping directives without explaining the ostensible public benefits.
As bad as the process looked, optics are not the real problem. It’s the terrible substance of the major orders that is driving a stake through the heart of national reconciliation.
The new president made killing thousands of construction jobs connected to the Keystone XL pipeline one of his first acts, practically invited illegal immigrants to swarm the border and gives cover to obstructionist teacher unions that want to keep schools closed.
The politics of party destruction
Dr. Ruth Cohen neatly sums up the mood in Washington, writing:
“The Dems want to destroy Trump and all those who embrace the Republican Party. They tolerate no survivors, only turncoats. Nothing else matters until they succeed. Is that a government?”

More likely China Joey Xi neither understood nor cared. about the 50 plus Executive Orders he signed.
But of course he expects Unity and reconciliation of Republicans to bow to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party.
So far, there's almost no opposition to Joey Xi's massive EO’s.
All the malcontent SOBs that have been shrieking across social media for the past 4 plus years that Trump was a "tyrant" and a "dictator" - hope they're happy. They have a real one now.
I find it a true dichotomy for when Trump issued just a couple Exceutive Orders the PM/DSA Democrats met them with multiple lawsuits, spent months and even years in litigation.
The spineless supine “Republican” politicians appear now to be indifferent to all of it. Meaning they agree.
Guess their paycheck is linked to that.
Meanwhile we will have 100 ➕ days of rioting, destruction of cities, attacking Federal buildings, arson, looting, injuring/mamming/killing people DOES NOT EQUATE to a day of mini “rioting”. As proven by Portland, Seattle, Denver and now NYC.
Indeed the goal is not unity or reconciliation - obviously. The goal is raw exercise of power, especially including the power to destroy the opposition, e.g. by altering election rules and letting in millions of those who are likely to vote for you, to say nothing of attempting to destroy the leaders and spokespeople of the opposition, including anyone who defends them (lawyers), owns a business (Mike Lindell), or even just speaks for them (Gina Carano).
The politics of party destruction
Dr. Ruth Cohen neatly sums up the mood in Washington, writing:
“The Dems want to destroy Trump and all those who embrace the Republican Party. They tolerate no survivors, only turncoats. Nothing else matters until they succeed. Is that a government?”
That's too much hate and too much murder-for-hire on the highways.
If anyone with a half a brain would know that when Joe "Bite Me" Biden said he was calling for Unity, what he really meant; was that he just wanted to "unite" China, the Paris Accord, tear down the Wall, and call for Gun control. Even though, he stated that he didn't really want to defund the police. But if things go his way, he will just do that. Just because.
If anyone with a half a brain would know that when Joe "Bite Me" Biden said he was calling for Unity, what he really meant; was that he just wanted to "unite" China, the Paris Accord, tear down the Wall, and call for Gun control. Even though, he stated that he didn't really want to defund the police. But if things go his way, he will just do that. Just because.
It's the Dem party line of “getting the guns off the street,” treating “mentally ill” and “homeless” people as murder suspects, ascribing absolute authority to county coroners and city medical examiners, and defunding proper murder investigations.
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.
Xi toasts your post. Many social credits will come your way...
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.
Do you drama queens even listen to yourself? Mean spirited for the sake of cruelty? Do you have examples or is this just more progressive hyperbole? BTW.. Do you think your installed puppet even knows what he's signing or is he too busy dreaming of little children stroking his leg hair and sitting on his lap?
I watched Biden campaign and he said his first priority was reversing all of Trump's EOs.
He's keeping his promise.
No ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders
No ‘unity’ in Biden's executive orders: Goodwin (
14 Feb 2021 ~~ By Michael Goodwin

It is early, far below the traditional threshold of 100 days. Still, watching the major missteps of the Biden administration reminds that even presidents don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
My expectations were low, but not low enough. I hoped, naively, that with political polarization leading to growing violence from both sides, the new president would make at least minimal efforts to keep his promise of building national unity.
Instead, Joe Biden spent his first three weeks issuing more than 50 executive orders and actions that fall along straight partisan lines, with nearly all of them delivering goodies to his party’s far-left wing and/or reversing successful Trump-administration policies. In most cases, he simply signed the sweeping directives without explaining the ostensible public benefits.
As bad as the process looked, optics are not the real problem. It’s the terrible substance of the major orders that is driving a stake through the heart of national reconciliation.
The new president made killing thousands of construction jobs connected to the Keystone XL pipeline one of his first acts, practically invited illegal immigrants to swarm the border and gives cover to obstructionist teacher unions that want to keep schools closed.
The politics of party destruction
Dr. Ruth Cohen neatly sums up the mood in Washington, writing:
“The Dems want to destroy Trump and all those who embrace the Republican Party. They tolerate no survivors, only turncoats. Nothing else matters until they succeed. Is that a government?”

More likely China Joey Xi neither understood nor cared. about the 50 plus Executive Orders he signed.
But of course he expects Unity and reconciliation of Republicans to bow to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party.
So far, there's almost no opposition to Joey Xi's massive EO’s.
All the malcontent SOBs that have been shrieking across social media for the past 4 plus years that Trump was a "tyrant" and a "dictator" - hope they're happy. They have a real one now.
I find it a true dichotomy for when Trump issued just a couple Exceutive Orders the PM/DSA Democrats met them with multiple lawsuits, spent months and even years in litigation.
The spineless supine “Republican” politicians appear now to be indifferent to all of it. Meaning they agree.
Guess their paycheck is linked to that.
Meanwhile we will have 100 ➕ days of rioting, destruction of cities, attacking Federal buildings, arson, looting, injuring/mamming/killing people DOES NOT EQUATE to a day of mini “rioting”. As proven by Portland, Seattle, Denver and now NYC.
Indeed the goal is not unity or reconciliation - obviously. The goal is raw exercise of power, especially including the power to destroy the opposition, e.g. by altering election rules and letting in millions of those who are likely to vote for you, to say nothing of attempting to destroy the leaders and spokespeople of the opposition, including anyone who defends them (lawyers), owns a business (Mike Lindell), or even just speaks for them (Gina Carano).
Really. This is much ado about nothing. It is really early for you to be such a whiner.
No ‘Unity’ In Biden’s Executive Orders
No ‘unity’ in Biden's executive orders: Goodwin (
14 Feb 2021 ~~ By Michael Goodwin

It is early, far below the traditional threshold of 100 days. Still, watching the major missteps of the Biden administration reminds that even presidents don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
My expectations were low, but not low enough. I hoped, naively, that with political polarization leading to growing violence from both sides, the new president would make at least minimal efforts to keep his promise of building national unity.
Instead, Joe Biden spent his first three weeks issuing more than 50 executive orders and actions that fall along straight partisan lines, with nearly all of them delivering goodies to his party’s far-left wing and/or reversing successful Trump-administration policies. In most cases, he simply signed the sweeping directives without explaining the ostensible public benefits.
As bad as the process looked, optics are not the real problem. It’s the terrible substance of the major orders that is driving a stake through the heart of national reconciliation.
The new president made killing thousands of construction jobs connected to the Keystone XL pipeline one of his first acts, practically invited illegal immigrants to swarm the border and gives cover to obstructionist teacher unions that want to keep schools closed.
The politics of party destruction
Dr. Ruth Cohen neatly sums up the mood in Washington, writing:
“The Dems want to destroy Trump and all those who embrace the Republican Party. They tolerate no survivors, only turncoats. Nothing else matters until they succeed. Is that a government?”

More likely China Joey Xi neither understood nor cared. about the 50 plus Executive Orders he signed.
But of course he expects Unity and reconciliation of Republicans to bow to the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Party.
So far, there's almost no opposition to Joey Xi's massive EO’s.
All the malcontent SOBs that have been shrieking across social media for the past 4 plus years that Trump was a "tyrant" and a "dictator" - hope they're happy. They have a real one now.
I find it a true dichotomy for when Trump issued just a couple Exceutive Orders the PM/DSA Democrats met them with multiple lawsuits, spent months and even years in litigation.
The spineless supine “Republican” politicians appear now to be indifferent to all of it. Meaning they agree.
Guess their paycheck is linked to that.
Meanwhile we will have 100 ➕ days of rioting, destruction of cities, attacking Federal buildings, arson, looting, injuring/mamming/killing people DOES NOT EQUATE to a day of mini “rioting”. As proven by Portland, Seattle, Denver and now NYC.
Indeed the goal is not unity or reconciliation - obviously. The goal is raw exercise of power, especially including the power to destroy the opposition, e.g. by altering election rules and letting in millions of those who are likely to vote for you, to say nothing of attempting to destroy the leaders and spokespeople of the opposition, including anyone who defends them (lawyers), owns a business (Mike Lindell), or even just speaks for them (Gina Carano).
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.
Xi toasts your post. Many social credits will come your way...View attachment 457405
Cool I guess.

Meanwhile, people are being inoculated, the covid relief bill is going to be passed with or without GOP help, and blob insurrectionists are being hunted down like dogs.

Biden's doing a great job.

Not sure what social credits are though.
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.

Do you believe this about President Xi of China?
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.
We don't want unity with globalists and fascists.
Trump is both.
Nonsense. It would be Beijing's little bitch signing EO's that benefit China, Iran and the rest of the world by screwing the US taxpayer. Peddle your lies but expect to be called on them.
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.
Do you drama queens even listen to yourself? Mean spirited for the sake of cruelty? Do you have examples or is this just more progressive hyperbole?
Melania visited the border installations that were warehousing kids who were incarcerated as a deterrent.
I watched Biden campaign and he said his first priority was reversing all of Trump's EOs.
He's keeping his promise.
He's revoking them all except the moving of the U.S Embassy to Jerusalem.
Unity? LOL. Biden is doing what is necessary and what is right. Unlike the blob who did things that were mean spirited for the sake of cruelty.

Good Job Joe. Keep up the good work.
Do you drama queens even listen to yourself? Mean spirited for the sake of cruelty? Do you have examples or is this just more progressive hyperbole?
Melania visited the border installations that were warehousing kids who were incarcerated as a deterrent.
Who built the cages???

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