No More Colonoscopies!

you folks must have gotten some pretty shitty doctors....
The worse one I had was the ones Travelers sent me to when I was covered in chemicals at work that were supposed to have 500 gallons of water for every one gallon of chemical. The SOB was a known drug addict and a psychopath. They called me uncooperative because I would not take that SOB's drugs. Here I was poisoned and he tried to drug me instead of detox the poisons and start trying to mitigate the damage. Rod nor I knew if I would live or die for years over that.

The first bad doc I ever experienced literally called my mom to come get my children and sent me home to die because I did not have insurance (that was in 1980). So yes I watch them all like a hawk.

I have to go in for surgery soon and have a flub surgery that was screwed up in 2001 fixed and I have been putting that off since 2001. That guy's license was pulled here so he moved out of state and started over.

You know, if everyone and everything you come across is a fucking disaster, you need to consider if the problem isn't YOU.
Maybe you should get out into the real world for awhile and see what it is really like instead of trying to set of your shitty pedestal telling others what it is like.
I just left a Dr appt. about having a colonoscopy. After asking about other options to achieve the same info, she said no.

It‘s looking like I’m gonna have camera shoved up my ass. :(
There absolutely is an alternative. You just send in a small stool sample and they test it for cancer. After having four or five of those hellish colonscopies I went that way last time and it will be my preference from now on. If your told you there was no a.ternative, find yourself another doctor because yours is lying to you. Probably getting a kickback from what used to be the proctologist. They're all in cahoots these days and have thousands of ways to game the system and milk the insurance and medicare cows. At least half of em should be locked up for fraud and enterprise corruption must less medical malpractice.
Bad choice.
His colon his choice. I don't do mammograms either and you might say that is a bad choice too but you see not everyone is the same and not everyone is going to go through taking chances of something else being damaged while all this so called prevention is being performed. Feel free to make your own choices on those type issues and we will do the same.

His mother died from being literally cooked from the inside out. She went through surgery fine but just for good measure they sent her to radiology. The radiologist cooked her insides and destroyed her heart. She died a miserable slow death.
The crooked bastards will tell any lie or do anything to extract your last dime before you can die and find peace.
Had one last year call me up after having an ultrasound to schedule Gallbladder removal surgery. She told me after mentioning they had a new surgeon, "Well that is done when you have Gallstones". I told her, No, first we try to melt those buggers and pass them and we keep our Gallbladder". That was after the second ultrasound which I knew the tech had blew off; so, no doubt they had some divisive plans to help out their "new surgeon". Haven't been back to that local clinic since and will not go back there unless an emergency arises.

I have seen some of the worst examples for medical professionals over the years. On the other hand I have had some wonderful doctors and medical professionals that provided needs that were an absolute must do.
From what I've seen the medical profession as a whole has gone straight to hell over the last few decades. It only gets worse as time passes. The Hippocratic oath has become an exercise in hypocrisy and self enrichment at the expense of any and all who come seeking relief. They are no longer trust worthy and are to be suspected before believed.

You've got it backasswards.
No he has it correct. When my nephew was only 19 one doctor demanded a Porsche payment out of the boy knowing damn well the kid didn't have a dime to his name. That bastard tried to extort the kid and in the meantime played with his life. His face and neck were swollen with infection so bad that he wasn't recognizable. Just by chance I'd gotten in state that night because my dad was in major surgery in another state and they'd asked me to house sit. I had the nephew go to the emergency room and they immediately started draining off the infection and had him in surgery the next day. Poor kid had been like that and getting worse for more than a week. He'd given that doctor his last $300.00 during that week of misery that the doctor should have sent him to emergency when his face was only swollen out a bit instead of taking the chances he did with him while trying to extract more money via his family members. That shit goes on all over.

Bullshit. Completely illegal. Any such doctor would lose his license immediately. Stop lying.
you folks must have gotten some pretty shitty doctors....
The worse one I had was the ones Travelers sent me to when I was covered in chemicals at work that were supposed to have 500 gallons of water for every one gallon of chemical. The SOB was a known drug addict and a psychopath. They called me uncooperative because I would not take that SOB's drugs. Here I was poisoned and he tried to drug me instead of detox the poisons and start trying to mitigate the damage. Rod nor I knew if I would live or die for years over that.

The first bad doc I ever experienced literally called my mom to come get my children and sent me home to die because I did not have insurance (that was in 1980). So yes I watch them all like a hawk.

I have to go in for surgery soon and have a flub surgery that was screwed up in 2001 fixed and I have been putting that off since 2001. That guy's license was pulled here so he moved out of state and started over.

You know, if everyone and everything you come across is a fucking disaster, you need to consider if the problem isn't YOU.
Maybe you should get out into the real world for awhile and see what it is really like instead of trying to set of your shitty pedestal telling others what it is like.

I'm out here all the damn time. YOU are full of shit (and almost certainly narcotics).
you folks must have gotten some pretty shitty doctors....
The worse one I had was the ones Travelers sent me to when I was covered in chemicals at work that were supposed to have 500 gallons of water for every one gallon of chemical. The SOB was a known drug addict and a psychopath. They called me uncooperative because I would not take that SOB's drugs. Here I was poisoned and he tried to drug me instead of detox the poisons and start trying to mitigate the damage. Rod nor I knew if I would live or die for years over that.

The first bad doc I ever experienced literally called my mom to come get my children and sent me home to die because I did not have insurance (that was in 1980). So yes I watch them all like a hawk.

I have to go in for surgery soon and have a flub surgery that was screwed up in 2001 fixed and I have been putting that off since 2001. That guy's license was pulled here so he moved out of state and started over.

You know, if everyone and everything you come across is a fucking disaster, you need to consider if the problem isn't YOU.
Maybe you should get out into the real world for awhile and see what it is really like instead of trying to set of your shitty pedestal telling others what it is like.

I'm out here all the damn time. YOU are full of shit (and almost certainly narcotics).
A liar and an accuser. Who would have thunk it.
you folks must have gotten some pretty shitty doctors....
The worse one I had was the ones Travelers sent me to when I was covered in chemicals at work that were supposed to have 500 gallons of water for every one gallon of chemical. The SOB was a known drug addict and a psychopath. They called me uncooperative because I would not take that SOB's drugs. Here I was poisoned and he tried to drug me instead of detox the poisons and start trying to mitigate the damage. Rod nor I knew if I would live or die for years over that.

The first bad doc I ever experienced literally called my mom to come get my children and sent me home to die because I did not have insurance (that was in 1980). So yes I watch them all like a hawk.

I have to go in for surgery soon and have a flub surgery that was screwed up in 2001 fixed and I have been putting that off since 2001. That guy's license was pulled here so he moved out of state and started over.

You know, if everyone and everything you come across is a fucking disaster, you need to consider if the problem isn't YOU.
Maybe you should get out into the real world for awhile and see what it is really like instead of trying to set of your shitty pedestal telling others what it is like.

I'm out here all the damn time. YOU are full of shit (and almost certainly narcotics).
A liar and an accuser. Who would have thunk it.

I didn't tell you to spread bullshit, but I'll call you on it, headcase.
I just left a Dr appt. about having a colonoscopy. After asking about other options to achieve the same info, she said no.

It‘s looking like I’m gonna have camera shoved up my ass. :(
There absolutely is an alternative. You just send in a small stool sample and they test it for cancer. After having four or five of those hellish colonscopies I went that way last time and it will be my preference from now on. If your told you there was no a.ternative, find yourself another doctor because yours is lying to you. Probably getting a kickback from what used to be the proctologist. They're all in cahoots these days and have thousands of ways to game the system and milk the insurance and medicare cows. At least half of em should be locked up for fraud and enterprise corruption must less medical malpractice.
They did a blood test while I was in the hospital. The first one was borderline at 3.9 with 4 being a bad #. The second test was 3.2.

i think they’re trying to figure out why my blood was low.
A colonoscopy is the surest way to find and prevent cancer. A colonoscopy isn't fun but it's more than worth it in every respect.
Bad choice.
His colon his choice. I don't do mammograms either and you might say that is a bad choice too but you see not everyone is the same and not everyone is going to go through taking chances of something else being damaged while all this so called prevention is being performed. Feel free to make your own choices on those type issues and we will do the same.

His mother died from being literally cooked from the inside out. She went through surgery fine but just for good measure they sent her to radiology. The radiologist cooked her insides and destroyed her heart. She died a miserable slow death.
The crooked bastards will tell any lie or do anything to extract your last dime before you can die and find peace.
Had one last year call me up after having an ultrasound to schedule Gallbladder removal surgery. She told me after mentioning they had a new surgeon, "Well that is done when you have Gallstones". I told her, No, first we try to melt those buggers and pass them and we keep our Gallbladder". That was after the second ultrasound which I knew the tech had blew off; so, no doubt they had some divisive plans to help out their "new surgeon". Haven't been back to that local clinic since and will not go back there unless an emergency arises.

I have seen some of the worst examples for medical professionals over the years. On the other hand I have had some wonderful doctors and medical professionals that provided needs that were an absolute must do.
From what I've seen the medical profession as a whole has gone straight to hell over the last few decades. It only gets worse as time passes. The Hippocratic oath has become an exercise in hypocrisy and self enrichment at the expense of any and all who come seeking relief. They are no longer trust worthy and are to be suspected before believed.

You've got it backasswards.
No he has it correct. When my nephew was only 19 one doctor demanded a Porsche payment out of the boy knowing damn well the kid didn't have a dime to his name. That bastard tried to extort the kid and in the meantime played with his life. His face and neck were swollen with infection so bad that he wasn't recognizable. Just by chance I'd gotten in state that night because my dad was in major surgery in another state and they'd asked me to house sit. I had the nephew go to the emergency room and they immediately started draining off the infection and had him in surgery the next day. Poor kid had been like that and getting worse for more than a week. He'd given that doctor his last $300.00 during that week of misery that the doctor should have sent him to emergency when his face was only swollen out a bit instead of taking the chances he did with him while trying to extract more money via his family members. That shit goes on all over.

Bullshit. Completely illegal. Any such doctor would lose his license immediately. Stop lying.
They don't lose their licenses immediately dumb ass. If they did I know of several doctors that would be digging ditch instead of peoples graves.

This one's license should have been pulled back in the 80's. The medical board never did a f'ing thing to him even after dozens of complaints. He cut off the tops of my dad's cancers and dad lost his bladder over that. Thank God dad went to Salt Lake and got a real doctor or he would have died in his early 60's instead of his 80's.


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This woeful thread is rapidly becoming drug-fueled fodder for the Conspiracy Forum.
Can’t wait to have these guys jumping around inside.
Wonder if it will tickle ...


You would still have to do the prep. The Colonoscopy is nothing compared to the prep.

The prep isn't all that terrible nowadays anyway.
Not, its a pUnkotare troll thread who would not know truth if it smacked her/him between the eyes.
Can’t wait to have these guys jumping around inside.
Wonder if it will tickle ...


You would still have to do the prep. The Colonoscopy is nothing compared to the prep.

The prep isn't all that terrible nowadays anyway.
The doc said it was the worst part. I took that to mean the procedure itself isn’t bad. :)
I’m hoping they find something because she said the next step is to shove a camera down my throat.
I don’t know which is worse.

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