NO, I Wont Renounce the Idea of QAnon Either

These people are building a terror cult. All they really need is a few true believers, the rest are just useful idiots.
And they're trained to attack you for supporting pedophilia if you mock them.

Sick stuff, playing games with something that horrible. But that's how cults are.
It's designed to capture people who will believe even the most implausible accusations about liberals/democrats. ISIS propaganda was organized similarly. It repelled everyone except the worst of the worst.
This coming form a democrat after 4 years of brainwashing by the left wing media. You are a fool
That's funny coming from a Trumpbot. I am incapable of supporting any politician the way you people support Trump. It feels unnatural for people in a free country to follow a leader so unquestionably.

What's so "unnatural" about it? I would defend this President down to the last drop of your blood.
You think you are being funny but I see your craven cowardice anyway.

You're reading far much more than there is in there, son. I'm an old man. I've lived a full life and ain't afraid to die.

You on the other hand, have far more to lose. :11:
You're afraid of everything or else you would not be a Trumpbot. Most easily frightened bunch of cowards on the face of the earth.

So let me see if I got this straight: The "brave" thing to do would be to come out of the closet as a Democrat, and vote for Biden, right? Because you said so, eh?

And that would make me a hero, right?

GYF dude. :laughing0301:
The brave thing would be to quit letting people scare you. If you are as elderly as you claim it's probably a little late now. I'm no spring chicken myself but I'll be damned if I end up like so many elders constantly being scared into scams like televangelism, extended warranties and Donald Trump.
Same here. I don't a crap who or what QAnon is. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Flawed logic..the enemy of your enemy..may also be YOUR enemy. But. to be truthful, figure at least half of the regulars here are either Q or Q sympathizers--Trumpism and QAnon are like ham and eggs..they go together.

half the posters here are for trump and against pedophilia

Pedophilia has nothing to do with political party or position. If you think are the problem.

The fact remains, it wasn't conservative Republicans who were primarily caught up in the Epstein scandal of sex with underage children. Those were Democrats.

Nor were many Republicans caught up in the #MeToo movement, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and other sex scandals a couple years ago, for that matter. Granted, a couple Republicans were found to be less than reputable but for the most part, the Democrats were decimated by that one.
How many priests, pastors, youth leaders, scout masters, coaches, cops and other assorted "respectable" monsters have been caught? How many still operate? Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
It also keeps parents from allowing their kids near any of the good scoutmasters, priests, coaches, and youth leaders who could have helped guide and mentor these young people. Especially as their parents were more absent from their lives due to the need to work a lot to maintain a halfway decent lifestyle, than in generations before.
And as a result, we have the most ill-prepared and dysfunctional group of young people I have ever even heard of in all of history.
Only rock solid nut jobs believe there is a deep state cabal of satanic pedophiles who drink the blood of babies whose champion is a self-professed “pussy grabbing” president who was sued for raping a 13 year old while hanging around one with one of the most notorious pedophiles in history and whom this President has called “a great guy”.

Just how friggin divorced from reality do you have to be to believe that insane bullshit?

If you do believe q-anon, seek help immediately. Doctors are awaiting your call.
The blood-drinking, baby-raping satanic cult thing is a scam that guys like Andrew Vachss figured out back in the late 80's, early 90's.
The cult-like trappings, candles, masks, satanic symbols, etc., were about destroying the victim's credibility as a witness. Take a kid who has been raped (and probably drugged too), under those circumstances, and put him on a witness stand and ask him to describe for the jury what happened, and the jury is going to go; "This child is fucking insane....". Instant acquittal, almost guaranteed.

People who do crime regularly often tend to plan out their defense ahead of time, you know.
Same here. I don't a crap who or what QAnon is. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Flawed logic..the enemy of your enemy..may also be YOUR enemy. But. to be truthful, figure at least half of the regulars here are either Q or Q sympathizers--Trumpism and QAnon are like ham and eggs..they go together.

half the posters here are for trump and against pedophilia

Pedophilia has nothing to do with political party or position. If you think are the problem.

The fact remains, it wasn't conservative Republicans who were primarily caught up in the Epstein scandal of sex with underage children. Those were Democrats.

Nor were many Republicans caught up in the #MeToo movement, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and other sex scandals a couple years ago, for that matter. Granted, a couple Republicans were found to be less than reputable but for the most part, the Democrats were decimated by that one.
How many priests, pastors, youth leaders, scout masters, coaches, cops and other assorted "respectable" monsters have been caught? How many still operate? Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
It also keeps parents from allowing their kids near any of the good scoutmasters, priests, coaches, and youth leaders who could have helped guide and mentor these young people. Especially as their parents were more absent from their lives due to the need to work a lot to maintain a halfway decent lifestyle, than in generations before.
And as a result, we have the most ill-prepared and dysfunctional group of young people I have ever even heard of in all of history.
Pretty sure it was not better when organizations could successfully hide their pedo problems. I'm not the kind of guy that goes in for public confession but I once knew a church deacon who died comfortably in his bed surrounded by loved ones and friends who knew he was a pederast. This guy did it long enough to have ruined two generations.
I dont know everything they stand for, but you guys made this the issue. If they work against this, I stand with them

View attachment 403558
I don't like or approve of them. Those people are nuts. More conspiracy nuts.
View attachment 403562

In general nobody pays attention to Conspiracy Theorists and so the Left's fixation on QAnon is very strange.

The reason for the left's obsession with QAnon is this: Thanks to QAnon, the leftist Democrats have been exposed for the violent, racist hateful pedophiles they really are.

The Democrats are either in denial mode as some are, or are in full-blown damage control as a result of information QAnon has released about them.

It's very similar to the way CNN, MSNBC, and other networks give 24/7 full coverage to everything Donald Trump says or does: They are obsessed with him, to the point of it being a sickness. He lives in their heads rent-free, just as concepts like "QAnon", "White Supremacists", "Russian Collusion", or the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" lives in their heads rent free.

Those are their Bogeymen.


It was bad enough in the old days when delusional people would stand on a street corner with a megaphone or a bull horn or use a small portable offset printer to run off copies of some maniacal screed or rant and then tuck them under windshield wipers. Alas, those were the good ol' days because we could keep it outside of our homes. No more. Now, with one click of a mouse, it's in every room of the house, infecting the minds of naive and trusting people who are too uneducated or too unsophisticated to tell that they're being fed bile instead of bread.

Now the lunatics connect on-line which has led to the explosive growth of everything from hate groups to people sharing and thereby reinforcing each others' delusions to the point that they all see it as some kind of affirmation. It's one of the major downsides to our technological advancement that has come upon is faster than our laws can keep up with it.

It reminds me somewhat of what happened in the aftermath of the introduction of television, and radio before it. Initially, they were both seen as giant leaps forward to advance the remote education of everyone on the planet from kids to adults. But aside from a few cooking shows and the occasional popular home improvement show, both radio and TV have been used overwhelmingly as vehicles for entertainment and, sadly, for the dissemination of both propaganda and indoctrination instead of elucidation. Likewise, every advancement in entertainment from movie projectors, to cameras (like polaroid), to VHS, DVDs, and computer streaming, has been used to disseminate pornography and not just Disney movies.

So, where do we find ourselves now? Originally, our hopeful new world was called the Information Age, but it could equally be described as the Disinformation Age because, at this point, it should surprise no one that there's probably as much (if not more) nonsense on the internet as there is truly valid and useful information. Unfortunately, virtually any unscrupulous person can post whatever they damn well please whether they're motivated purely by making a buck or whether they have some kind of agenda, perhaps even a sinister one. Truth, it seems, is not only the first casualty of war, it's a mass casualty of our newfound technological prowess.

Admit it: Donald J. Trump is living rent-free in your head. :laughing0301:
Same here. I don't a crap who or what QAnon is. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Flawed logic..the enemy of your enemy..may also be YOUR enemy. But. to be truthful, figure at least half of the regulars here are either Q or Q sympathizers--Trumpism and QAnon are like ham and eggs..they go together.

half the posters here are for trump and against pedophilia

Pedophilia has nothing to do with political party or position. If you think are the problem.

The fact remains, it wasn't conservative Republicans who were primarily caught up in the Epstein scandal of sex with underage children. Those were Democrats.

Nor were many Republicans caught up in the #MeToo movement, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and other sex scandals a couple years ago, for that matter. Granted, a couple Republicans were found to be less than reputable but for the most part, the Democrats were decimated by that one.
How many priests, pastors, youth leaders, scout masters, coaches, cops and other assorted "respectable" monsters have been caught? How many still operate? Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
It also keeps parents from allowing their kids near any of the good scoutmasters, priests, coaches, and youth leaders who could have helped guide and mentor these young people. Especially as their parents were more absent from their lives due to the need to work a lot to maintain a halfway decent lifestyle, than in generations before.
And as a result, we have the most ill-prepared and dysfunctional group of young people I have ever even heard of in all of history.
Pretty sure it was not better when organizations could successfully hide their pedo problems. I'm not the kind of guy that goes in for public confession but I once knew a church deacon who died comfortably in his bed surrounded by loved ones and friends who knew he was a pederast. This guy did it long enough to have ruined two generations.
All organizations protect their worst members, their best don't need protecting.
See; The Iron Law of Bureaucracy
Same here. I don't a crap who or what QAnon is. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Flawed logic..the enemy of your enemy..may also be YOUR enemy. But. to be truthful, figure at least half of the regulars here are either Q or Q sympathizers--Trumpism and QAnon are like ham and eggs..they go together.

half the posters here are for trump and against pedophilia

Pedophilia has nothing to do with political party or position. If you think are the problem.

The fact remains, it wasn't conservative Republicans who were primarily caught up in the Epstein scandal of sex with underage children. Those were Democrats.

Nor were many Republicans caught up in the #MeToo movement, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and other sex scandals a couple years ago, for that matter. Granted, a couple Republicans were found to be less than reputable but for the most part, the Democrats were decimated by that one.
How many priests, pastors, youth leaders, scout masters, coaches, cops and other assorted "respectable" monsters have been caught? How many still operate? Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
It also keeps parents from allowing their kids near any of the good scoutmasters, priests, coaches, and youth leaders who could have helped guide and mentor these young people. Especially as their parents were more absent from their lives due to the need to work a lot to maintain a halfway decent lifestyle, than in generations before.
And as a result, we have the most ill-prepared and dysfunctional group of young people I have ever even heard of in all of history.
Pretty sure it was not better when organizations could successfully hide their pedo problems. I'm not the kind of guy that goes in for public confession but I once knew a church deacon who died comfortably in his bed surrounded by loved ones and friends who knew he was a pederast. This guy did it long enough to have ruined two generations.
And if it was so widely known, why was this guy allowed to die of old age in his own bed?

Individual responsibility gone on vacation, on something?
Same here. I don't a crap who or what QAnon is. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Flawed logic..the enemy of your enemy..may also be YOUR enemy. But. to be truthful, figure at least half of the regulars here are either Q or Q sympathizers--Trumpism and QAnon are like ham and eggs..they go together.

half the posters here are for trump and against pedophilia

Pedophilia has nothing to do with political party or position. If you think are the problem.

The fact remains, it wasn't conservative Republicans who were primarily caught up in the Epstein scandal of sex with underage children. Those were Democrats.

Nor were many Republicans caught up in the #MeToo movement, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and other sex scandals a couple years ago, for that matter. Granted, a couple Republicans were found to be less than reputable but for the most part, the Democrats were decimated by that one.
How many priests, pastors, youth leaders, scout masters, coaches, cops and other assorted "respectable" monsters have been caught? How many still operate? Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
It also keeps parents from allowing their kids near any of the good scoutmasters, priests, coaches, and youth leaders who could have helped guide and mentor these young people. Especially as their parents were more absent from their lives due to the need to work a lot to maintain a halfway decent lifestyle, than in generations before.
And as a result, we have the most ill-prepared and dysfunctional group of young people I have ever even heard of in all of history.
Pretty sure it was not better when organizations could successfully hide their pedo problems. I'm not the kind of guy that goes in for public confession but I once knew a church deacon who died comfortably in his bed surrounded by loved ones and friends who knew he was a pederast. This guy did it long enough to have ruined two generations.
And if it was so widely known, why was this guy allowed to die of old age in his own bed?

Individual responsibility gone on vacation, on something?
It was the 70s people just kept quiet about stuff like that. Seems unthinkable now but they also smoked everywhere and thought seat belts were for pussies.
I dont know everything they stand for, but you guys made this the issue. If they work against this, I stand with them

View attachment 403558
I don't like or approve of them. Those people are nuts. More conspiracy nuts.
View attachment 403562

Awwww, don't feel bad. Maybe they just had the particular pizza parlor location wrong. You'll find the right one with the pervs, sooner or later. Don't give up hope. You've got to believe. Like in Peter Pan. You've got to believe. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sick fuck. You're time is coming
<iframe width="795" height="328" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I dont know everything they stand for, but you guys made this the issue. If they work against this, I stand with them

View attachment 403558
I don't like or approve of them. Those people are nuts. More conspiracy nuts.
View attachment 403562

Awwww, don't feel bad. Maybe they just had the particular pizza parlor location wrong. You'll find the right one with the pervs, sooner or later. Don't give up hope. You've got to believe. Like in Peter Pan. You've got to believe. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sick fuck. You're time is coming
It is almost Halloween! Shouldn't you 1600s throwback Q Fuqs be out trying to burn witches or something.
Same here. I don't a crap who or what QAnon is. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Flawed logic..the enemy of your enemy..may also be YOUR enemy. But. to be truthful, figure at least half of the regulars here are either Q or Q sympathizers--Trumpism and QAnon are like ham and eggs..they go together.

half the posters here are for trump and against pedophilia

Pedophilia has nothing to do with political party or position. If you think are the problem.

The fact remains, it wasn't conservative Republicans who were primarily caught up in the Epstein scandal of sex with underage children. Those were Democrats.

Nor were many Republicans caught up in the #MeToo movement, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, and other sex scandals a couple years ago, for that matter. Granted, a couple Republicans were found to be less than reputable but for the most part, the Democrats were decimated by that one.
How many priests, pastors, youth leaders, scout masters, coaches, cops and other assorted "respectable" monsters have been caught? How many still operate? Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
It also keeps parents from allowing their kids near any of the good scoutmasters, priests, coaches, and youth leaders who could have helped guide and mentor these young people. Especially as their parents were more absent from their lives due to the need to work a lot to maintain a halfway decent lifestyle, than in generations before.
And as a result, we have the most ill-prepared and dysfunctional group of young people I have ever even heard of in all of history.
Pretty sure it was not better when organizations could successfully hide their pedo problems. I'm not the kind of guy that goes in for public confession but I once knew a church deacon who died comfortably in his bed surrounded by loved ones and friends who knew he was a pederast. This guy did it long enough to have ruined two generations.
And if it was so widely known, why was this guy allowed to die of old age in his own bed?

Individual responsibility gone on vacation, on something?
It was the 70s people just kept quiet about stuff like that. Seems unthinkable now but they also smoked everywhere and thought seat belts were for pussies.
They also had a DIY approach to problem solving.
It's the parent's responsibility to protect their children, not just the organization's....... when the various organizations failed to do so, why didn't the parents cut the fuckers head off and leave it on his front porch?
Face it. a mask of conservative respectability is absolutely the best cover for a pedophile.
Who says Catholic priests are conservatives?

homosexuals hide under any disguise they can find and live a double life for as long as they can get away with it
Q anon uses the same blood libel accusations against the jews as the Nazis did. That's a fact.
I have not seen that

If you could quote an example ....

but so far you have not been able to
If Q Anon is right about reptile people, why has none ever been caught?

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