No Equal Justice - High Profile Criminals Continue To Walk


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Eric Holder
Committed perjury twice but was protected from prosecution.
- Became the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member / US AG in US history to be Censured for his crimes.

Hillary Clinton
Violated the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, committed Obstruction & Espionage, and broke laws pertaining to possessing, handling, & destroying classified.
- Former FBI Agent Page testified the DOJ made it clear they did not want to persue a criminal case against her...and she was allowed to get away with her crimes again.

Andrew McCabe
The US IG investigated, found evidence of crimes, & recommended he be indicted.
- The DOJ refuses to indict.

James Comey
The US IG investigated, found evidence of crimes, crimes Coney has admitted / confessed to.
- The DOJ refuses to indict.

* DOJ declines to prosecute Comey despite finding that he leaked info

James Clapper
Committed perjury twice. After the 1st time he was brought back before Congress to allow him to 'amend' his testimony to avoid indictment.After the 2nd, the DOJ refused to indict & let the 'clock run out'.

John Brennan
Illegally spied on the US Senate & committed perjury. To avoid prosecution politicians allowed him to APOLOGIZE before Congress for doing so.

The US AG is still supposed to release his report on FISA Court this point, WHY BOTHER?

Pointing out more evidence / conclusions of criminal activity by these elitists who have elevated themselves above the law will only serve to continue to hammer home the fact that there ARE two 'worlds' in the US, that there is NO EQUAL JUSTICE in this country!

Americans should be enraged by this fact, but politicians have been so successful in dividing this country along partisan lines that many Americans will celebrate THEIR preferred political party's criminals not being held accountable.

Shame on BARR for being given evidence of crimes and recommendations of indictment yet refusing to indict / prosecute, maintaining the despicable status quo of no equal justice in this country.

I would call for Barr to be replaced, much like I had begun to call for current FBI Director Wray to be replaced for continuing to try to hide the FBI's crimes, but WHY BOTHER?!

The realization I have come to is that there is no 'DEEP State' - there is only the 'STATE' - the corrupt, criminal, self-serving, self-protecting government that is NOT 'hidden', does not need to be 'un-covered' or 'exposed'. It's right there in the open - in your face. They have nothing to fear, nothing to hide, because they know they will never be held accountable because they protect each other and the corrupt system they control...and there is NOTHING the 'sheep' can do about it.
Exactly. The "deep state" is the Federal Government, run by loyal bureaucrats who know how to protect the swamp from all threats.
Eric Holder
Committed perjury twice but was protected from prosecution.
- Became the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member / US AG in US history to be Censured for his crimes.

Hillary Clinton
Violated the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, committed Obstruction & Espionage, and broke laws pertaining to possessing, handling, & destroying classified.
- Former FBI Agent Page testified the DOJ made it clear they did not want to persue a criminal case against her...and she was allowed to get away with her crimes again.

Andrew McCabe
The US IG investigated, found evidence of crimes, & recommended he be indicted.
- The DOJ refuses to indict.

James Comey
The US IG investigated, found evidence of crimes, crimes Coney has admitted / confessed to.
- The DOJ refuses to indict.

* DOJ declines to prosecute Comey despite finding that he leaked info

James Clapper
Committed perjury twice. After the 1st time he was brought back before Congress to allow him to 'amend' his testimony to avoid indictment.After the 2nd, the DOJ refused to indict & let the 'clock run out'.

John Brennan
Illegally spied on the US Senate & committed perjury. To avoid prosecution politicians allowed him to APOLOGIZE before Congress for doing so.

The US AG is still supposed to release his report on FISA Court this point, WHY BOTHER?

Pointing out more evidence / conclusions of criminal activity by these elitists who have elevated themselves above the law will only serve to continue to hammer home the fact that there ARE two 'worlds' in the US, that there is NO EQUAL JUSTICE in this country!

Americans should be enraged by this fact, but politicians have been so successful in dividing this country along partisan lines that many Americans will celebrate THEIR preferred political party's criminals not being held accountable.

Shame on BARR for being given evidence of crimes and recommendations of indictment yet refusing to indict / prosecute, maintaining the despicable status quo of no equal justice in this country.

I would call for Barr to be replaced, much like I had begun to call for current FBI Director Wray to be replaced for continuing to try to hide the FBI's crimes, but WHY BOTHER?!

The realization I have come to is that there is no 'DEEP State' - there is only the 'STATE' - the corrupt, criminal, self-serving, self-protecting government that is NOT 'hidden', does not need to be 'un-covered' or 'exposed'. It's right there in the open - in your face. They have nothing to fear, nothing to hide, because they know they will never be held accountable because they protect each other and the corrupt system they control...and there is NOTHING the 'sheep' can do about it.

Hate to repeat my self man, but again, laws are for us, not them. That equal justice crap is just that. Crap.
Eric Holder
Committed perjury twice but was protected from prosecution.
- Became the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member / US AG in US history to be Censured for his crimes.

Hillary Clinton
Violated the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, committed Obstruction & Espionage, and broke laws pertaining to possessing, handling, & destroying classified.
- Former FBI Agent Page testified the DOJ made it clear they did not want to persue a criminal case against her...and she was allowed to get away with her crimes again.

Andrew McCabe
The US IG investigated, found evidence of crimes, & recommended he be indicted.
- The DOJ refuses to indict.

James Comey
The US IG investigated, found evidence of crimes, crimes Coney has admitted / confessed to.
- The DOJ refuses to indict.

* DOJ declines to prosecute Comey despite finding that he leaked info

James Clapper
Committed perjury twice. After the 1st time he was brought back before Congress to allow him to 'amend' his testimony to avoid indictment.After the 2nd, the DOJ refused to indict & let the 'clock run out'.

John Brennan
Illegally spied on the US Senate & committed perjury. To avoid prosecution politicians allowed him to APOLOGIZE before Congress for doing so.

The US AG is still supposed to release his report on FISA Court this point, WHY BOTHER?

Pointing out more evidence / conclusions of criminal activity by these elitists who have elevated themselves above the law will only serve to continue to hammer home the fact that there ARE two 'worlds' in the US, that there is NO EQUAL JUSTICE in this country!

Americans should be enraged by this fact, but politicians have been so successful in dividing this country along partisan lines that many Americans will celebrate THEIR preferred political party's criminals not being held accountable.

Shame on BARR for being given evidence of crimes and recommendations of indictment yet refusing to indict / prosecute, maintaining the despicable status quo of no equal justice in this country.

I would call for Barr to be replaced, much like I had begun to call for current FBI Director Wray to be replaced for continuing to try to hide the FBI's crimes, but WHY BOTHER?!

The realization I have come to is that there is no 'DEEP State' - there is only the 'STATE' - the corrupt, criminal, self-serving, self-protecting government that is NOT 'hidden', does not need to be 'un-covered' or 'exposed'. It's right there in the open - in your face. They have nothing to fear, nothing to hide, because they know they will never be held accountable because they protect each other and the corrupt system they control...and there is NOTHING the 'sheep' can do about it.

Hate to repeat my self man, but again, laws are for us, not them. That equal justice crap is just that. Crap.


Law is the tyrant's will.


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