Nine Big Stories the Mainstream Media Missed in 2009:

You know, I watch fox news, as well as cnnn and msnbc.
Yeah I know, but I don't trust any of them.
My favorite news shows are the glenn beck show and the ed show. That's real entertainment right there, I don't care who you are.
I don't understand one thing. MSM=Mainstream media right?
If FOXNEWS has the highest ratings, and has had the highest ratings for a long time, aren't they(foxnews) the mainstream media?
I'm just sayin'...........
why is it I allready know about those stories if the MSM missed them?
You know, I watch fox news, as well as cnnn and msnbc.
Yeah I know, but I don't trust any of them.
My favorite news shows are the glenn beck show and the ed show. That's real entertainment right there, I don't care who you are.
I don't understand one thing. MSM=Mainstream media right?
If FOXNEWS has the highest ratings, and has had the highest ratings for a long time, aren't they(foxnews) the mainstream media?
I'm just sayin'...........

If you are willing to watch Ed then I sugest that starting next week you watch Dylan Ratigan who will be on right before Ed on MSNBC. He is very bright and very tuff. he is more right leaning than Ed and knows his shit.
yeah, I wasn't impressed with ratigan.
ed show is as outrageous as glenn beck, and just as entertaining.
likewise that rachel woman doesn't impress me nor does rush or hannity, all three are just too mean spirited.
not saying glenn beck and ed are not, but they are very entertaining at it.
You know, I watch fox news, as well as cnnn and msnbc.
Yeah I know, but I don't trust any of them.
My favorite news shows are the glenn beck show and the ed show. That's real entertainment right there, I don't care who you are.
I don't understand one thing. MSM=Mainstream media right?
If FOXNEWS has the highest ratings, and has had the highest ratings for a long time, aren't they(foxnews) the mainstream media?
I'm just sayin'...........

If you are willing to watch Ed then I sugest that starting next week you watch Dylan Ratigan who will be on right before Ed on MSNBC. He is very bright and very tuff. he is more right leaning than Ed and knows his shit.

That's a mistake, willing. I don't believe any of the media can be trusted. I try to get as many sources as possible. Huffand puff as well as drudge.
the daily kos is just nutty as far as i can tell its communist or socialist.
but willing?
No truth, I don't TRUST any of them, not one. They all lie for some advantage to them and unknown to us. Every one of them
why should you be, the Rs refused to help with the bill and fought it tooth and nail.

When it came to lining up projects for the money to go to did you expect the democrats to go study someone elses district to try and find projects when they know of prodjects in their own area?

If the Rs had helped instead of stood in the way of any stimulus they could have been ther to sugest projects in their own districts.

Why didnt they help their own constituients?

Because they were too buzy holding party over country and even their own districts.
Hmm..... None of us missed the economic debacle created by eight years of incompetant leadership from you Neo-Cons.

None of us missed the do nothing policy of the Republican Party.
The LMSM is going to wake up one morning and realize nobody's watching them; they're their own worst enemy and I'd love to give them an anchor as they're sinking.

Adios, dickwads!
The LMSM is going to wake up one morning and realize nobody's watching them; they're their own worst enemy and I'd love to give them an anchor as they're sinking.

Adios, dickwads!
The LMSM is going to wake up one morning and realize nobody's watching them; they're their own worst enemy and I'd love to give them an anchor as they're sinking.

Adios, dickwads!
I just love how Fox News is so into self-congratulatory chest pummuling...but wait...isn't FOX msm now? I do believe it is.

Aside from, Fox has problems discerning what is a "BIG STORY".

Van Jones -- not a big story, simply a partisan-fueled smear job

ACORN Tapes -- again, is it a "big story" - I'm not sure, it sounds more like a "manufactured" big story. What has come out about it? Thus far there are allegations that much of the tapes were tampered with (true? not true?), a panel seems to have found that ACORN broke no laws, journalistic standards are brought into question - did the conclusion (ACORN is EVIL) come ahead of the facts and did the "facts" get chosen to support said conclusion. What is the final ACORN analysis? FOX presents only one side.

Science Czar John Holdren: not a big story but a particularly dirty political smear job, tabloid journalism at it's best.

Climate-Gate: a big story in that it shows the dishonesty of some scientists who are willing to pervert the scientific process - they deserve to be discredited and exposed. Good job Fox. Not such a big story in that it appears not to have much of an impact on the science surrounding climate change - something Fox is unwilling to wait on in it's politically motivated drive to portray climate change as fiction (putting the cart ahead of the horse here).

Politicizing the NEA? This is a "big story"? Where was Fox on the politicization of the DoJ? That is much bigger than the Arts!

Chas Freeman - big story or political smear job? Did he kill someone? Did he steal money? Was he corrupt? No. He just had ideas that the Israeli lobbies and the rightwingnuts didn't like.

Tea Party Protests - well, we already know that FOX made false claims about the Tea Party coverage for a start, and that they also engaged in actively promoting and even manufacturing stories.

Kevin Jennings - not a big story but a particulartly ugly political smear job playing on public fears about pedophiles and homosexuals. Shame on Fox.

Democratic Stimulus - I won't comment on that one as I haven't read enough analysis on it.

So out of nine "big stories" we have a large number that more rightly belong to tabloid journalism. We have a possible big story on ACORN, Climategate and Democratic Stimulus and we have trivial stories grown to outsize proportions to satisfy partisan wetdreams.

Pathetic chestbeating, tabloid journalism and one-sided portrayals of minor events.

What are BIG stories? Watergate, war efforts, corruption, the economy, the continually rising debt ceiling, Hurricane Katrina, healthcare reform.....lets have some proportion here.
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I just love how Fox News is so into self-congratulatory chest pummuling...but wait...isn't FOX msm now? I do believe it is.

Aside from, Fox has problems discerning what is a "BIG STORY".

Van Jones -- not a big story, simply a partisan-fueled smear job

ACORN Tapes -- again, is it a "big story" - I'm not sure, it sounds more like a "manufactured" big story. What has come out about it? Thus far there are allegations that much of the tapes were tampered with (true? not true?), a panel seems to have found that ACORN broke no laws, journalistic standards are brought into question - did the conclusion (ACORN is EVIL) come ahead of the facts and did the "facts" get chosen to support said conclusion. What is the final ACORN analysis? FOX presents only one side.

Science Czar John Holdren: not a big story but a particularly dirty political smear job, tabloid journalism at it's best.

Climate-Gate: a big story in that it shows the dishonesty of some scientists who are willing to pervert the scientific process - they deserve to be discredited and exposed. Good job Fox. Not such a big story in that it appears not to have much of an impact on the science surrounding climate change - something Fox is unwilling to wait on in it's politically motivated drive to portray climate change as fiction (putting the cart ahead of the horse here).

Politicizing the NEA? This is a "big story"? Where was Fox on the politicization of the DoJ? That is much bigger than the Arts!

Chas Freeman - big story or political smear job? Did he kill someone? Did he steal money? Was he corrupt? No. He just had ideas that the Israeli lobbies and the rightwingnuts didn't like.

Tea Party Protests - well, we already know that FOX made false claims about the Tea Party coverage for a start, and that they also engaged in actively promoting and even manufacturing stories.

Kevin Jennings - not a big story but a particulartly ugly political smear job playing on public fears about pedophiles and homosexuals. Shame on Fox.

Democratic Stimulus - I won't comment on that one as I haven't read enough analysis on it.

So out of nine "big stories" we have a large number that more rightly belong to tabloid journalism. We have a possible big story on ACORN, Climategate and Democratic Stimulus and we have trivial stories grown to outsize proportions to satisfy partisan wetdreams.

Pathetic chestbeating, tabloid journalism and one-sided portrayals of minor events.

What are BIG stories? Watergate, war efforts, corruption, the economy, the continually rising debt ceiling, Hurricane Katrina, healthcare reform.....lets have some proportion here.

Fox beat the drums to war in Iraq even harder than the rest of the media did.

The media nearly lost its ass because people began to realise they were not questioning the LIES of the Bush admin and people left to go on line to get their news.

They had to come back to reporting what was going on but Fox stayed in the pocket of the corps.
Fox beat the drums to war in Iraq even harder than the rest of the media did.

The media nearly lost its ass because people began to realise they were not questioning the LIES of the Bush admin and people left to go on line to get their news.

They had to come back to reporting what was going on but Fox stayed in the pocket of the corps.

do you ever tell the truth? i think you're a demobot, pre programmed to spout the same bullshit anytime you log on
Conservative MSM didn't miss any of those stories? Surely Fox being the most biased corporate and republican outlet for BS viewed them often? And all media is conservative, it can only be conservative, corporations and those trying to climb the ladder don't make waves. Simple rule.

So allow me to mention a few conservative media didn't show: Add yours.

The plight of the working poor in America
Those working and yet not able to afford decent healthcare
Sweat shop work at WalMart
Deplorable education facilities in the inner city
Poor and closing libraries in Philly and other places
Lack of safe playgrounds and programs for the poor
Corporate outsourcing of work as they take from Uncle Sam
The impact of outsourcing and corporate worship of China
The importation and purchasing cheap of all things not made in America
Destruction of the right of workers to unionize

There are lots more, but conservative media does not cover the real dirt as the corporations often gain by low wages, always low wages. Sound familiar.

Check out Joe sometime, he even picks on liberals but in a genuine way that smacks of some truth. "Deer hunting..." is a great read.

Joe Bageant

Joe Bageant: Poor, White and Pissed

Joe Bageant: The Great American Media Mind Warp

Joe Bageant: Let's Drink to the Slobbering Classes

Ozzy and Fox seem to think that the "BIG STORIES" about Van Jones or Holdren or Jennings etc are comparable to these headlines ranked as "BIG STORIES" - top stories of the decade:

The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Sniper attacks paralyzed the Washington area for three weeks in October 2002, killing 10.

In April 2007, a student gunned down 33 people at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.

And, much more recently, a gunman opened fire at Fort Hood killing and wounding a number of people.

That's just a small sample....but does anyone get the idea that Fox doesn't have a clue as to what a "BIG STORY" really is?
Fox beat the drums to war in Iraq even harder than the rest of the media did.

The media nearly lost its ass because people began to realise they were not questioning the LIES of the Bush admin and people left to go on line to get their news.

They had to come back to reporting what was going on but Fox stayed in the pocket of the corps.


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