Wingnut Alert


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
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Ms Malkin, who I consider a complete partisan nutcase, is on in-depth today. It is fascinating to see how people think, given she is certainly not completely stupid, regardless of the odd way she sees the world. I've already sent my often repeated question. I will tape it as Sunday is just too nice to spend with the insane.

LIVE In Depth: Michelle Malkin
Next air time: Sunday, January 3rd, at 12pm (ET)
Approx. 3 hr.
Send questions for the author to Book TV
Book TV: In Depth: Michelle Malkin
So how was it?

CG...take you're own advice and take a break.

Go find a corner somewhere and lay-down...willya?
I like Michelle a lot. Girl must have ovaries of Iron the way she stands up to people.

BTW, if this is the letter you sent in, I doubt it got read on the air (From Michelle's Mailbag on her blog)

typical open minded non bigoted liberal said:
You are one ugly, self hating -indonesian ****. I want to see your birth certificate. You are more unAmerican than anyone. Your nasty mouth and ugly fucking face make me want to puke. Your new book is full of bullshit and you bought up a bunch so it looks like you wrote a best seller,not. You aren’t even an American so get the fuck out of my country you ugly fuckin ****. Go back to bumfuck chink town and masturbate cuz no man would want you. Fucking whore. You are the nazi. You traitor. Michelle Obama is more beautiful and so much smarter than you. Your parents must be ashamed. Oh that’s right you were born to a street whore who sold herself for $10. Fucking illegal alien traitor ****. Hope u die screaming in pain from cancer or the syphlis you and your mom carry. You should be in a zoo with the rest of the right wing dick sucker (their own dicks). You and your ilk are nazis. Trying to whip up the crazies to hurt the President. **** whore traitor illegal alien liar pig. Really ugly too
That was amusing. I imagine Ms Malkin gets a lot of hate mail. Its a tragedy how ugly the green eyed monster can be.

Conservative women are sexier. It makes them insane.
Don't know if she's hawt, but she's smart as she can be - has some good credentials behind her. She and her husband and children live somewhere in Colorado.
Don't know if she's hawt, but she's smart as she can be - has some good credentials behind her. She and her husband and children live somewhere in Colorado.

Yeah, I think I've seen her at the beach:

But for the Libruls I would never know when Palin or Malkin is on TV.

I don't even know Malkin.:confused:

Is she Hawt?

Fairly typical Philippina. A bit smaller than average for the Philippines. Pretty, but not Hawt. Kind of a boyish figure.

I like her cause she is funny and feisty. But not really droolworthy.

Lots of tasteless photoshops of her though.
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Ms Malkin, who I consider a complete partisan nutcase, is on in-depth today. It is fascinating to see how people think, given she is certainly not completely stupid, regardless of the odd way she sees the world. I've already sent my often repeated question. I will tape it as Sunday is just too nice to spend with the insane.

LIVE In Depth: Michelle Malkin
Next air time: Sunday, January 3rd, at 12pm (ET)
Approx. 3 hr.
Send questions for the author to Book TV
Book TV: In Depth: Michelle Malkin

OMG- that is so much like the post I was about to write!!!


Mr. Midcan, who I consider a complete partisan nutcase, posted today! It is fascinating to see how people think, given he is certainly not completely stupid, regardless of the odd way he sees the world.

BTW, thanks for turning me onto the C-Span interview!

Did you get your question in?
Did you get your question in?

LOL Not sure, I only watched a bit, our Eagles were missing in action today, plus family stuff.

The little I watched was the usual martyrdom syndrome and a bit of revisionist history on how conservatives were for voting rights or something??? Have to view it some other time, but she is so predictable I could be her on halloween the slogans are too easy to imitate and said so often.
I like Michelle a lot. Girl must have ovaries of Iron the way she stands up to people.

BTW, if this is the letter you sent in, I doubt it got read on the air (From Michelle's Mailbag on her blog)

typical open minded non bigoted liberal said:
You are one ugly, self hating -indonesian ****. I want to see your birth certificate. You are more unAmerican than anyone. Your nasty mouth and ugly fucking face make me want to puke. Your new book is full of bullshit and you bought up a bunch so it looks like you wrote a best seller,not. You aren’t even an American so get the fuck out of my country you ugly fuckin ****. Go back to bumfuck chink town and masturbate cuz no man would want you. Fucking whore. You are the nazi. You traitor. Michelle Obama is more beautiful and so much smarter than you. Your parents must be ashamed. Oh that’s right you were born to a street whore who sold herself for $10. Fucking illegal alien traitor ****. Hope u die screaming in pain from cancer or the syphlis you and your mom carry. You should be in a zoo with the rest of the right wing dick sucker (their own dicks). You and your ilk are nazis. Trying to whip up the crazies to hurt the President. **** whore traitor illegal alien liar pig. Really ugly too

Wow! A left wing namvet! Maybe had a sex change!! Maybe Chanel's doppelganger!!! All the fun aside . . . someone seriously is pathological.
Don't know if she's hawt, but she's smart as she can be - has some good credentials behind her. She and her husband and children live somewhere in Colorado.

What "good credentials" does she have?
Funniest thing about Malkin to me? Her support for white supremacist groups, because, yeah, they'll really look out for her if they ever get power.
I think Michelle Malkin is HOT. She's sort of cute in a rustic sort of way. She's intelligent. She's a successful author. She's able to complete a whole sentence without saying "Know what I'm talking about." If she knew how to field dress a moose, I would drop my secret sweetie, a cute little thing from Alaska named Sarah Palin and have eyes only for her but for now, Sarah still has my heart. Hope nobody tells Mrs. BBD. She'd attack me with the rolling pin.:lol:
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