Night of Executed Poets, Killed by Asiatic Marxists on the night of October 29th to 30th


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Night of Executed Poets, Killed by Asiatic Marxists on the night of October 29th to 30th . I am 100% sure that very few know about Marxist Muscovite Asiatic way to celebrate Halloween

October 29 is a black day of the Belarusian history. On this day in 1937 Stalin’s secret police, the NKVD, shot more than 100 cultural figures, mainly writers and poets.

Kurapaty, a place on the outskirts of the Belarusian capital, is not just the national memorial and a mass grave of the victims of Stalinist repression, it is a site of historical and cultural heritage.

In spite of squally weather and late hour, about 60 people showed up at the event. People came with their children, brought candles and portraits of their purged and executed relatives.

According to writer and researcher Mikhail Skobla, over several decades, the USSR authorities killed 2,000 writers, and one in five of them was Belarusian.

In memoriam. Night of Executed Poets in Minsk
On 7 September 1937 Joseph Stalin signed a list of persons to be judged by a Soviet Military commission. The list was also signed by Vyacheslav Molotov, Lazar Kaganovich, Klim Voroshilov and Nikolay Yezhov. There were trials related to persons from the Belarusian SSR and these were given in a different list dated 15 September 1937 and signed by Stalin, Molotov and the senior state security official Vladimir Tsesarsky. The list of people from the Belarusian SSR sentenced to be executed included 103 persons, and six more persons who were sentenced to ten or more years in concentration camps.

The initial list was extended by the NKVD of the Belarusian SSR. People added to the list by the NKVD of Belarus are marked with an asterisk (*) in the list below. The executions took place in the Minsk internal NKVD prison (known as the Amerikanka). Journalist Leanid MarakoĆ­ alleged that between 3 March 1937 and 22 May 1938, over 100,000 people fell victims of repressions by the Soviet authorities.

  1. Barys AbuchoĆ­
  2. MikaƂaj Arabej, head of primary education department of the Communist Party of Byelorussia
  3. Navum AronaĆ­
  4. Ihnat Afanaƛjeƭ, lecturer and pedagogue
  5. Anatol Aƭhusсinovič, head of construction department at the Soviet of People's Commissars (government) of Belarus
  6. Siamion BabkoĆ­
  7. Hieorhi BarzunoĆ­
  8. Vadzim Baơkievič, senior official at the People's Commissariate for Education
  9. SaƂamon Bejlin
  10. Abram BieƂacarkoƭski
  11. JakaĆ­ BranĆĄtejn, literary critic
  12. Ivan Burdyka, government official
  13. Viktar VajnoĆ­, journalist
  14. Alaksandar Varončanka, people's commisar (minister) for education of Belarus
  15. StanisƂaƭ Varơaƭski
  16. Ryhor Vasiljeƭ-Vaơčylin
  17. Anatol Volny, artist
  18. MoĆ­ĆĄa-Nochim HabajeĆ­
  19. Apanas HabrusioĆ­
  20. PƂaton HaƂavač, writer
  21. Anton HejĆĄtern
  22. Josif HerĆĄon, deputy education minister of Belarus
  23. JakaĆ­ Hinzburh
  24. Abram Hosin
  25. Kanstancin Hurski
  26. Nochman Hurevič
  27. MikaƂaj Dzieniskievič, senior Communist Party official
  28. MikaƂaj DĆșmitraĆ­
  29. Anani DziakaĆ­, president of the Belarusian State University in 1934-1935
  30. Abram Drakachrust
  31. Aleƛ Dudar, poet
  32. * Chackiel Duniec, critic and writer
  33. HirĆĄ Jelanson
  34. MikaƂaj Jermakoƭ
  35. Ivan Ćœyvucki, teacher
  36. Navum Zamalin, junior professor at Vitsebsk Veterinarian Institute
  37. Michaƛ Zarecki, writer
  38. Alaksandar Ziankovič
  39. Alaksandar IvanoĆ­
  40. Prochar IspraĆ­nikaĆ­, agriculture journalist from Vitsebsk
  41. Zachar KavaloĆ­, statesman, Communist Party official
  42. Vasil Kaval, writer
  43. Zachar Kavalčuk, Labour Union leader
  44. MikaƂaj Kandraơuk, senior official at the People's Commisariate for Light Industry of Belarus
  45. SaƂamon Kantar
  46. MichaiƂ Kapitanaki
  47. * Jazep KaranieĆ­ski, statesman, pedagogue
  48. Ivan Karpienka, veterinarian
  49. Hierasim Kačanaƭ
  50. Viktar Klanicki
  51. Todar KlaĆĄtorny, poet
  52. Josif Kudzielka, head of copyright department at the Union of Writers of Belarus
  53. Moyshe Kulbak, Yiddish language writer
  54. Alaksiej Kučynski, statesman, pedagogue, journalist
  55. MichaiƂ Ɓabadajeƭ, Communist Party official
  56. Leanard Ɓaơkievič, senior agriculture official
  57. Alaksandar Levin, literature critic
  58. SaƂamon Levin, literature critic
  59. Pinia Lejbin
  60. Chaim Lajbovič
  61. Maksim LaĆ­koĆ­, justice minister of Belarus
  62. Siamion LichtenĆĄtejn
  63. Mikita Ɓukaƥonak
  64. Jurka Lavonny, poet
  65. SaƂamon Lampiert, student
  66. Elizar Maziel, veterinarian, scientist
  67. LeĆ­ MajsiejeĆ­, Communist Party of Byelorussia official
  68. Barys MaƂaƭ, senior official at the People's Commisariate of Trade
  69. Valery MarakoĆ­, poet
  70. Sciapan MarhieƂaƭ, geography scientist
  71. MichaiƂ Marholin
  72. Barys MarjanaĆ­, Communist Party of Byelorussia official
  73. PavaƂ MasleƄnikaƭ
  74. Andrej Mielik-Ć achnazaraĆ­
  75. Abram Mirlin
  76. Mikalai Misnikou
  77. Dziamyan Mikhaylau, advisor at the government of Belarus
  78. MikaƂaj Michiejeƭ
  79. Siarhiej Mićkoƭ, factory director, ministry official
  80. Siarhiej Murzo, poet
  81. PavaƂ Muchin, veterinarian
  82. JakaĆ­ Navachrest
  83. Ivan Nieƛciarovič
  84. Ivan PadsiavaƂaƭ
  85. Ivan PapƂyka
  86. MichaiƂ Pasmarnik
  87. Vasil PietruĆĄenia, transport and utilities adviser at the government of Belarus
  88. Ziama PivavaraĆ­, poet
  89. MichaiƂ Pitomcaƭ
  90. ApaƂon Pratapopaƭ
  91. Ryhor Pratasienia, agriculture chemistry scientist
  92. Izrail Purys
  93. Alaksandar PuciƂoƭski
  94. Ivan PucincaĆ­
  95. KuĆșma PiatraĆĄyn
  96. Janka Niomanski, writer, social activist
  97. Aron-Lejb RazumoĆ­ski
  98. MichaiƂ Rydzieƭski, university professor
  99. Alaksandar SamachvaƂaƭ
  100. JakaĆ­ Sandamirski, university professor
  101. Oskar Saprycki, government official
  102. Ivan SarokaĆĄ
  103. JakaĆ­ Spiektar, government official
  104. Vasil Starynski
  105. Vasil StaĆĄeĆ­ski, writer
  106. Hieorhi Strele, sovkhoz director
  107. MikaƂaj Suroƭcaƭ
  108. DĆșmitry SiaƂoĆ­, official at the education ministry
  109. Pancialej Siardziuk, biologist
  110. Miron Tanienbaum
  111. Judal TaĆ­bin, poet
  112. Ivan Trocki
  113. Ela Trumpacki
  114. Andrej TurƂaj, People's Commissar for sovkhozy of Belarus
  115. Jaƭhien Uƛpienski, physicist
  116. Ryhor FaƂkin
  117. Aba FinkielĆĄtajn
  118. Jaƭsiej FƂombaƭm
  119. Isak Frydman, government official
  120. DĆșmitry CharƂac
  121. Izi Charyk, poet
  122. Piatro ChatuloĆ­, literature critic
  123. Alaksandar Čarnuơevič, education minister
  124. MikaƂaj Čarniak
  125. Michaƛ Čarot, poet
  126. Kanstancin Čačura
  127. Makar ƠaƂaj, literature critic
  128. Judal Ć apira
  129. PavaƂ Ơastakoƭ, journalist
  130. Aran Judelson, Yiddish language poet
  131. JakaĆ­ Julkin
  132. Viktar Jarkin, official at the Dniapro-Dzvina river steamboats navigation in Homel

    1937 mass execution of Belarusians - Wikipedia

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