Newsweek Editor At Large, MSNBC Founder, Biden Supporter - "It's Time to Freak Out: Donald Trump Is Very Likely Our Next President"

This has already been is the genius of Grifty...

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote.

He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

This is where you nod.
So you lied when you said a jury found him guilty of rape? Thanks
So then who steps in to fill the void?



Dare I say it.....Michelle Obama?

Or maybe do they actually go all in on RFK?

I don’t follow Democratic Party politics and personalities closely, so I haven’t any strong feeling of who could do the job best or who would come out on top. Not expecting any would share my politics on every issue.

I think there are plenty of strong women for the top spot, and Amy Klobochar seems already to have the support and confidence of most party regulars. She’s proven she can win rural voters, has quite a bit of that old Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party charm, plus she knows how to make the case to protect abortion rights. She was earlier a successful prosecutor, and she has plenty of experience as a Senator passing decent legislation. She certainly would be a competent President and a passionate but re-assuring figure. Oh, and finally, she was in the Capitol on Jan. 6th.
Amy Klobuchar - Wikipedia
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I think there are plenty of strong women for the top spot, and Amy Klobochar seems already to have the support and confidence of most party regulars. She’s proven she can win rural voters, has quite a bit of that old Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party charm, plus she knows how to make the case to protect abortion rights. She was earlier a successful prosecutor, and she has plenty of experience as a Senator passing decent legislation. She certainly would be a competent President and a passionate but re-assuring figure. Oh, and finally, she was in the Capitol on Jan. 6th.

Oh yes please.

You've got every MAGA on here just licking their chops for that contest!
I don’t follow Democratic Party politics and personalities closely, so I haven’t any strong feeling of who could do the job best or who would come out on top. Not expecting any would share my politics on every issue.

I think there are plenty of strong women for the top spot, and Amy Klobochar seems already to have the support and confidence of most party regulars. She’s proven she can win rural voters, has quite a bit of that old Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party charm, plus she knows how to make the case to protect abortion rights. She was earlier a successful prosecutor, and she has plenty of experience as a Senator passing decent legislation. She certainly would be a competent President and a passionate but re-assuring figure. Oh, and finally, she was in the Capitol on Jan. 6th.
I think she’s a reasonable choice for the dem party, but doesn’t stand a chance with the demafasict running the show now
So you lied when you said a jury found him guilty of rape? Thanks
He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

Ask me why you must NEVER EVER presume to explain anything to anyone.
As we hurdle inexorably onward toward what promises to be a monumentally dramatic Presidential Election, the upper echelons of the Leftist intelligentsia are beginning to see an ugly reality forming.

This guy helped found CNBC and MSNBC.

His corporate globalist credentials are second to none.

So you can disagree with him all you want, but you can't question his motivations.

He absolutely despises Trump, as he makes clear from the very beginning of this column:

My prediction?

Not one Lefty on this forum will take any heed....until more guys like this keep raising the red flag.

The purpose of this type of behavior is to get more Liberals to the voting booths. The MAGAts aren't the only ones that can play the hate and fear game.
The purpose of this type of behavior is to get more Liberals to the voting booths. The MAGAts aren't the only ones that can play the hate and fear game.

I'll concede, that is quite possible.

But, at the very least, it does mark a sharp departure from the rhetoric we've been hearing about how they WANT to face Trump because he is the weakest candidate.

And when CNN analyzes polls showing Big T in a far more contentious position than he ever was in the last two elections, I think that's genuine panic.

But it is obvious this guy does not want the Left to be complacent, that's why he wrote the article.

And I believe his fear is real.
Those are the words of the presiding judge...

You're an imbecile.
Haha the judge and jury didn’t find him guilty of rape as you claimed…you lie.

He was literally found NG of rape, and found liable for sexual abuse, but the jury found not finding of what the “abuse” was…your quoting a judge that made a ruling on appeal…not the jury’s actual verdict

Once again you lie
Haha the judge and jury didn’t find him guilty of rape as you claimed…you lie.

He was literally found NG of rape, and found liable for sexual abuse, but the jury found not finding of what the “abuse” was…your quoting a judge that made a ruling on appeal…not the jury’s actual verdict

Once again you lie
Ask me why you believe that, after you look up the definition of "presiding"

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