New York Times: Trump's Corona Policy WORKED

From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
You should change your moniker to The Dodge Queen
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

Why not link to the actual report that says:

I did
No, you linked to the federalist and their mischaracterization of what the report said.
Trump's policy was as good as any President could have done and definitely better than any Democrats record. His China ban alone is proof that he was faster to move to almost any world leader. No other nations except those with direct borders with China cut off travel from China before Trump did. Notably, Europe has had far worse COVID than the U.S.

Masks, even Fauci denounced masks for several months.

Trump had Bloom Energy and HPQ making ventilators, and he had 3M making masks. He closed down the greatest economy ever in the world to fight the virus, and today the WHO just said they oppose lock-downs. Trump has been right all along - sorry haters.
But look at what is and isn’t said in your examples, AND what was said in mine: masks (even cloth) are better than NO protection.

From the studies you cited:

There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission.

This systematic review and meta-analysis supports the use of respiratory protection.

No problem... This is a twelve second search. There are dozens more going back over 20 years. Masks, in general, provide NO defense against common viruses. They just don't. Cloth masks are useless. Beyond useless, they are actually counter productive outside. That is simple science.

Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial
Joshua L Jacobs 1, Sachiko Ohde 2, Osamu Takahashi 3, Yasuharu Tokuda 3, Fumio Omata 3, Tsuguya Fukui 3
Affiliations expand
Background: Health care workers outside surgical suites in Asia use surgical-type face masks commonly. Prevention of upper respiratory infection is one reason given, although evidence of effectiveness is lacking.

Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: a systematic review

Influenza viruses circulate around the world every year. From time to time new strains emerge and cause global pandemics. Many national and international health agencies recommended the use of face masks during the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. We reviewed the English-language literature on this subject to inform public health preparedness. There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission. There are fewer data to support the use of masks or respirators to prevent becoming infected. Further studies in controlled settings and studies of natural infections in healthcare and community settings are required to better define the effectiveness of face masks and respirators in preventing influenza virus transmission.

Results: We identified 6 clinical studies (3 RCTs, 1 cohort study and 2 case–control studies) and 23 surrogate exposure studies. In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection (RCTs: odds ratio [OR] 0.89, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.64–1.24; cohort study: OR 0.43, 95% CI 0.03–6.41; case–control studies: OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.25–3.36); (b) influenza-like illness (RCTs: OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.19–1.41); or (c) reported workplace absenteeism (RCT: OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.57–1.50). In the surrogate exposure studies, N95 respirators were associated with less filter penetration, less face-seal leakage and less total inward leakage under laboratory experimental conditions, compared with surgical masks.

This systematic review and meta-analysis quantified the protective effect of facemasks and respirators against respiratory infections among healthcare workers. Relevant articles were retrieved from Pubmed, EMBASE, and Web of Science. Meta-analyses were conducted to calculate pooled estimates. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) indicated a protective effect of masks and respirators against clinical respiratory illness (CRI) (risk ratio [RR] = 0.59; 95% confidence interval [CI]:0.46–0.77) and influenza-like illness (ILI) (RR = 0.34; 95% CI:0.14–0.82). Compared to masks, N95 respirators conferred superior protection against CRI (RR = 0.47; 95% CI: 0.36–0.62) and laboratory-confirmed bacterial (RR = 0.46; 95% CI: 0.34–0.62), but not viral infections or ILI. Meta-analysis of observational studies provided evidence of a protective effect of masks (OR = 0.13; 95% CI: 0.03–0.62) and respirators (OR = 0.12; 95% CI: 0.06–0.26) against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). This systematic review and meta-analysis supports the use of respiratory protection. However, the existing evidence is sparse and findings are inconsistent within and across studies. Multicentre RCTs with standardized protocols conducted outside epidemic periods would help to clarify the circumstances under which the use of masks or respirators is most warranted.

Pigs are flying everywhere today. The leftwing New York Times admits that Trumps policies worked. Let's read:

A new report from The New York Times indicates that experts have “genuine confidence” that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected and that President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — the administration’s efforts to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics — has been “working with remarkable efficiency.”

Comedy gold
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

Facts like that she of course has no interest
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

Why not link to the actual report that says:

I did
No, you linked to the federalist and their mischaracterization of what the report said.

Thanks, but I already found the link. That's how I knew that the Federalist mischaracterized their findings. This is the summary of that report. (nothing about masks being ineffective)

What is already known about the topic?
Community and close contact exposures contribute to the spread of COVID-19.
What is added by this report? Findings from a case-control investigation of symptomatic outpatients from 11 U.S. health care facilities found that close contact with persons with known COVID-19 or going to locations that offer on-site eating and drinking options were associated with COVID-19 positivity. Adults with positive SARS-CoV-2 test results were approximately twice as likely to have reported dining at a restaurant than were those with negative SARS-CoV-2 test results.
What are the implications for public health practice? Eating and drinking on-site at locations that offer such options might be important risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Efforts to reduce possible exposures where mask use and social distancing are difficult to maintain, such as when eating and drinking, should be considered to protect customers, employees, and communities.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

The ones who got it at work........were in the offices......wearing masks when near anyone...........and it didn't matter........those in the field not jack squat.
But look at what is and isn’t said in your examples, AND what was said in mine: masks (even cloth) are better than NO protection.

From the studies you cited:

There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission.

This systematic review and meta-analysis supports the use of respiratory protection.

No problem... This is a twelve second search. There are dozens more going back over 20 years. Masks, in general, provide NO defense against common viruses. They just don't. Cloth masks are useless. Beyond useless, they are actually counter productive outside. That is simple science.

Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: a randomized controlled trial
Joshua L Jacobs 1, Sachiko Ohde 2, Osamu Takahashi 3, Yasuharu Tokuda 3, Fumio Omata 3, Tsuguya Fukui 3
Affiliations expand
Background: Health care workers outside surgical suites in Asia use surgical-type face masks commonly. Prevention of upper respiratory infection is one reason given, although evidence of effectiveness is lacking.

Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: a systematic review

Influenza viruses circulate around the world every year. From time to time new strains emerge and cause global pandemics. Many national and international health agencies recommended the use of face masks during the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. We reviewed the English-language literature on this subject to inform public health preparedness. There is some evidence to support the wearing of masks or respirators during illness to protect others, and public health emphasis on mask wearing during illness may help to reduce influenza virus transmission. There are fewer data to support the use of masks or respirators to prevent becoming infected. Further studies in controlled settings and studies of natural infections in healthcare and community settings are required to better define the effectiveness of face masks and respirators in preventing influenza virus transmission.

Results: We identified 6 clinical studies (3 RCTs, 1 cohort study and 2 case–control studies) and 23 surrogate exposure studies. In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection (RCTs: odds ratio [OR] 0.89, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.64–1.24; cohort study: OR 0.43, 95% CI 0.03–6.41; case–control studies: OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.25–3.36); (b) influenza-like illness (RCTs: OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.19–1.41); or (c) reported workplace absenteeism (RCT: OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.57–1.50). In the surrogate exposure studies, N95 respirators were associated with less filter penetration, less face-seal leakage and less total inward leakage under laboratory experimental conditions, compared with surgical masks.

This systematic review and meta-analysis quantified the protective effect of facemasks and respirators against respiratory infections among healthcare workers. Relevant articles were retrieved from Pubmed, EMBASE, and Web of Science. Meta-analyses were conducted to calculate pooled estimates. Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) indicated a protective effect of masks and respirators against clinical respiratory illness (CRI) (risk ratio [RR] = 0.59; 95% confidence interval [CI]:0.46–0.77) and influenza-like illness (ILI) (RR = 0.34; 95% CI:0.14–0.82). Compared to masks, N95 respirators conferred superior protection against CRI (RR = 0.47; 95% CI: 0.36–0.62) and laboratory-confirmed bacterial (RR = 0.46; 95% CI: 0.34–0.62), but not viral infections or ILI. Meta-analysis of observational studies provided evidence of a protective effect of masks (OR = 0.13; 95% CI: 0.03–0.62) and respirators (OR = 0.12; 95% CI: 0.06–0.26) against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). This systematic review and meta-analysis supports the use of respiratory protection. However, the existing evidence is sparse and findings are inconsistent within and across studies. Multicentre RCTs with standardized protocols conducted outside epidemic periods would help to clarify the circumstances under which the use of masks or respirators is most warranted.

There is no dang proof cloth masks do squat.............New York did worse than anywhere on PLANET EARTH.........They went postal on lockdowns and mask wearing..............didn't stop JACK.

The microns are too dang small and the virus goes though cloth...............garbage.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

The ones who got it at work........were in the offices......wearing masks when near anyone...........and it didn't matter........those in the field not jack squat.

The ones that "got it" took their masks off to eat.

The ones who got it at work........were in the offices......wearing masks when near anyone...........and it didn't matter........those in the field not jack squat.

The ones that "got it" took their masks off to eat.

Sweden's restaurants are open and they have no mask mandate. They are average about one death per day nation wide.

The ones who got it at work........were in the offices......wearing masks when near anyone...........and it didn't matter........those in the field not jack squat.

The ones that "got it" took their masks off to eat.

Sweden's restaurants are open and they have no mask mandate. They are average about one death per day nation wide.

View attachment 401315
That's because the people of Sweden are following the guidelines and recommendations without mandates. Trump supporters are too stupid to do that. Wear the fucking mask.

Swedes are largely following the government agencies’ advice and recommendations. This has been shown through surveys and data concerning movement patterns.

I'm gonna keep posting that study.......over and over again............Because Corona has been here for a very very long time...............and this is exactly why younger people walk right through it........and older people do not.........

Your T cells degrade with age...............Most got this and never knew they had it.
Wear the fucking mask.
NO.............F OFF..........

Cloth masks are BS...........shutting down the country was BS..........the death rate below 50 is MINIMIAL.........and your side has been cooking the dang books to take advantage of the Gov't tit in the Cares Act.
That's because the people of Sweden are following the guidelines and recommendations without mandates. Trump supporters are too stupid to do that. Wear the fucking mask.

Hmmmm. I don't recall seeing much social distancing at those protests and riots. I seen Democrats shoulder to shoulder destroying their cities, attacking police, and even federal buildings. I don't recall seeing any hand sanitizer stations.

So the people of Sweden took it upon themselves to practice safe measures, but were never mandated. Isn't that what we are doing in the US these past several months outside of Democrat strongholds?
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Trump has recommended wearing masks for months, stupid.

No he hasn't.
He's tossed it out as a CDC recommendation only and that he wouldn't be wearing one. Setting a fine example and setting the country on fire with COVID.
Do you ever get tired of having your lies exposed for all to see, Halfwit?


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