New York Times: Trump's Corona Policy WORKED


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
Pigs are flying everywhere today. The leftwing New York Times admits that Trumps policies worked. Let's read:

A new report from The New York Times indicates that experts have “genuine confidence” that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected and that President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — the administration’s efforts to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics — has been “working with remarkable efficiency.”

From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Trump has recommended wearing masks for months, stupid.
Pigs are flying everywhere today. The leftwing New York Times admits that Trumps policies worked. Let's read:

A new report from The New York Times indicates that experts have “genuine confidence” that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected and that President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — the administration’s efforts to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics — has been “working with remarkable efficiency.”

Those of us on the right have known this.
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From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Don't like good news?
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Don't like good news?

Don't you? Masks made a huge difference - and they are cheap. Why don't you like that?
"Clearly, the pandemic has not ended. So far some 215,000 Americans have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and reliable estimates suggest that the number could reach 400,000. Health experts agree that, with stronger leadership, the death toll would have been far lower."

“It is highly likely that there would be significant spontaneous changes in population behavior even in the absence of government-mandated interventions.”

That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy, keeping distance from one other and wearing masks.

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved. The next step is pharmaceutical interventions.
RUSH: Folks, remember that story that we had yesterday… Everybody found this story after this program ended yesterday, everybody had this story, headline of the story: “World Health Organization Now Says Lockdowns Are a Bad Idea That Should Be Avoided.” Remember our collective reaction to that? What the hell is this? Lockdowns are a bad idea that should be avoided? The only people promoting and sustaining — this is economic lockdowns — are Democrat blue states and their governors.

And they have been engaging in this lockdown strategery purposely in order to make sure that the nationwide economy does not rebound in time to benefit President Trump prior to the election on November 3rd. And then out of nowhere — and the World Health Organization got all this going. They’re the ones that promoted and suggested the lockdown that we did engage in. We shut this country down for a couple months. We haven’t recovered from it yet. It was never necessary to do.

So now they’re coming along and saying what we’ve known from the beginning and what we’ve been saying from the beginning. Lockdowns, bad idea. Should be avoided. Instead, protect the most susceptible. Everybody else, wash your hands, don’t lock down. If you want to wear a mask, go ahead and wear a mask.

So everybody picked up on this yesterday. And they did so with varying degrees of incredulity like we did here. Said, well, what is this? There’s gotta be a reason. This stuff just doesn’t happen. Now today we have another story. Ready for this? “New York Times: Experts Confident Pandemic To Be Over ‘Far Sooner’ Than Expected, Trump Efforts ‘Working With Remarkable Efficiency.”

RUSH: Folks, remember that story that we had yesterday… Everybody found this story after this program ended yesterday, everybody had this story, headline of the story: “World Health Organization Now Says Lockdowns Are a Bad Idea That Should Be Avoided.” Remember our collective reaction to that? What the hell is this? Lockdowns are a bad idea that should be avoided? The only people promoting and sustaining — this is economic lockdowns — are Democrat blue states and their governors.

And they have been engaging in this lockdown strategery purposely in order to make sure that the nationwide economy does not rebound in time to benefit President Trump prior to the election on November 3rd. And then out of nowhere — and the World Health Organization got all this going. They’re the ones that promoted and suggested the lockdown that we did engage in. We shut this country down for a couple months. We haven’t recovered from it yet. It was never necessary to do.

So now they’re coming along and saying what we’ve known from the beginning and what we’ve been saying from the beginning. Lockdowns, bad idea. Should be avoided. Instead, protect the most susceptible. Everybody else, wash your hands, don’t lock down. If you want to wear a mask, go ahead and wear a mask.

So everybody picked up on this yesterday. And they did so with varying degrees of incredulity like we did here. Said, well, what is this? There’s gotta be a reason. This stuff just doesn’t happen. Now today we have another story. Ready for this? “New York Times: Experts Confident Pandemic To Be Over ‘Far Sooner’ Than Expected, Trump Efforts ‘Working With Remarkable Efficiency.”

According to the Times most of the credit goes to everyday people despite of blowhards like Rush and nasty old Trumpybear.
According to the Times most of the credit goes to everyday people despite of blowhards like Rush and nasty old Trumpybear.

Change your name to BlindBOOB. Everyday people had nothing to do with implementing Trump's policies, unless you include the people who voted for him, otherwise known as the normal intelligent Americans..
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.
In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.

According to the Times most of the credit goes to everyday people despite of blowhards like Rush and nasty old Trumpybear.

Change your name to BlindBOOB. Everyday people had nothing to do with implementing Trump's policies, unless you include the people who voted for him, otherwise known as the normal intelligent Americans..
According to the Times most of the credit goes to everyday people despite of blowhards like Rush and nasty old Trumpybear.

Change your name to BlindBOOB. Everyday people had nothing to do with implementing Trump's policies, unless you include the people who voted for him, otherwise known as the normal intelligent Americans..

Aww you Novel Banana Republicans sure do like to wear your emotions on your sleeves. That was from the Times article your source cited.

“It is highly likely that there would be significant spontaneous changes in population behavior even in the absence of government-mandated interventions.”

That prediction proved true, as millions of Americans agreed, however reluctantly, to accept the sacrifices involved in shutting down parts of the economy, keeping distance from one other and wearing masks.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

In March, the forecast was 2.2 million deaths.

Seems that the plan to fight COVID put forth by the President has been wildly successful.

Liar. That was the prediction if we did nothing, no npi's We've already topped the high range of 60-200 thousand dead so no, the President and his Banana Republicans policies have been near total failures.

So by your own admission, I didnt lie.


Trumpybear, by actively discouraging npi's, has been a super spreader of COVID-19.
From the original Times article....

Today, and despite the president’s own resistance, masks are widely accepted. Various polls show that the number of Americans who wear them, at least when entering stores, went from near zero in March to about 65 percent in early summer to 85 percent or even 90 percent in October. Seeing the president and many White House staffers stricken by the virus may convince yet more Americans to wear masks.

The slow but relentless acceptance of what epidemiologists call “non-pharmaceutical interventions” has made a huge difference in lives saved.
Trump has recommended wearing masks for months, stupid.
The TDS crowd is uninformed because hearing the truth makes them seasick, so they tune out when the President speaks. It's a property of their TDS disease. *sigh*

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