New York City Is Dying And You Can Thank Andrew Cuomo And His Brother Fredo


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Andrew Cuomo wants the rich to move out of NYC.


What Democrats do is screw up the cities and states they run and this encourages businesses to move out. Why would any responsible politician want to do this....literally encourage businesses to move to other states. When businesses move...the jobs go with them. So they get high unemployment, high crime rates, more poverty, and more drug use....which causes more crime.

This is their plan.....first they screw up a city....then watch the people that voted for them leave in droves to other states.....and then these idiots vote in more Democrats and the cycle repeats itself. It's like Independence Day. Aliens move to a planet...destroy it and move onto the next planet.

So how did Democrats get into office in the first place if all they're any good at is screwing everything up?
Well.....the answer is the kind of journalism that CNN practices.
Europe is recovering because they shut down CNN International.
CNN lies about everything. Their reporting is right out of communist playbook. Kill the rich and pass along the party line 24/7.

Most people in New York are liberals because that's all they are exposed to....leftist propaganda.

Here is an prime example of leftist propaganda. Chris Cuomo refusing to listen to the Trump Administration's press secretary by talking over her answers. He's good at this tactic. He asks her a question and while she's answering the question he talks over her answer using canned liberal talking-points and basically calls them liars. He's good at causing an argument with someone he doesn't like. He's sit back and listen to the answers from someone he agrees with.....but he can't keep his mouth shut while somebody on the right is trying to answer his leading questions. He has a gift for doing this.....and appears effective.....but really all he's doing is trying to discredit them without having any real truth involved.
What he's terrible at is interacting with average folks on the streets. He comes off as some snobbish jerk who doesn't want anyone to tell him when he's breaking rules and regulations everyone else has to follow. People in New York spotted him running around this month in parks without a mask on....even though he claims to have tested positive for COVID-19. Somebody dared to point this out to him and he cussed him out...told him to mind his own business.

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Most people in New York are liberals because that's all they are exposed to

Believe it or not, there was a time when democrats/liberals were a good thing for our country.

Cuomo fkd up big time when he decided Covid positive patients be placed in Nursing Homes which KILLED over 5000 people.

While my comment has little to do with the OP - I need to make this statement because it proves how fkd up liberals have become.

(((hugs))) for AMERICANS!
Most people in New York are liberals because that's all they are exposed to

Believe it or not, there was a time when democrats/liberals were a good thing for our country.

Cuomo fkd up big time when he decided Covid positive patients be placed in Nursing Homes which KILLED over 5000 people.

While my comment has little to do with the OP - I need to make this statement because it proves how fkd up liberals have become.

(((hugs))) for AMERICANS!
Funny....Cuomo got away with murder.....and Michigan's despised governor decides to do the same thing.....sort of a "Hold My Beer Moment", which ended up getting her recognition from the Biden Campaign. Now she's on the short list for VP....because she chose to pull the same stunt Andrew Cuomo pulled.
Funny....Cuomo got away with murder.....and Michigan's despised governor decides to do the same thing.....sort of a "Hold My Beer Moment", which ended up getting her recognition from the Biden Campaign. Now she's on the short list for VP....because she chose to pull the same stunt Andrew Cuomo pulled.

Cuomo hasn't gotten away with anything, yet!

Mich Gov doesn't gaf about her constituents.
I'd lay odds she won't keep the Govship...and if she's on Joe's short list, well, she'll fail in both arenas.
Andrew Cuomo wants the rich to move out of NYC.


What Democrats do is screw up the cities and states they run and this encourages businesses to move out. Why would any responsible politician want to do this....literally encourage businesses to move to other states. When businesses move...the jobs go with them. So they get high unemployment, high crime rates, more poverty, and more drug use....which causes more crime.

This is their plan.....first they screw up a city....then watch the people that voted for them leave in droves to other states.....and then these idiots vote in more Democrats and the cycle repeats itself. It's like Independence Day. Aliens move to a planet...destroy it and move onto the next planet.

So how did Democrats get into office in the first place if all they're any good at is screwing everything up?
Well.....the answer is the kind of journalism that CNN practices.
Europe is recovering because they shut down CNN International.
CNN lies about everything. Their reporting is right out of communist playbook. Kill the rich and pass along the party line 24/7.

Most people in New York are liberals because that's all they are exposed to....leftist propaganda.

Here is an prime example of leftist propaganda. Chris Cuomo refusing to listen to the Trump Administration's press secretary by talking over her answers. He's good at this tactic. He asks her a question and while she's answering the question he talks over her answer using canned liberal talking-points and basically calls them liars. He's good at causing an argument with someone he doesn't like. He's sit back and listen to the answers from someone he agrees with.....but he can't keep his mouth shut while somebody on the right is trying to answer his leading questions. He has a gift for doing this.....and appears effective.....but really all he's doing is trying to discredit them without having any real truth involved.
What he's terrible at is interacting with average folks on the streets. He comes off as some snobbish jerk who doesn't want anyone to tell him when he's breaking rules and regulations everyone else has to follow. People in New York spotted him running around this month in parks without a mask on....even though he claims to have tested positive for COVID-19. Somebody dared to point this out to him and he cussed him out...told him to mind his own business.

You actually thought the freeloading Liberals wanted JOBS???
Nursing homes were required to take back in, their own residents, that they sent to the hospital, with COVID, when the Hospital determined they were well enough, to recover at home....

The requirement to take back Their own resident, had stipulations....
The nursing home had to isolate their returning COVID residence in a separate ward in the nursing home, With a separate entrance and separate staff, from the other nursing home residents, so not to mix them, or risk contamination/spread.

IF the nursing home of the resident could not accommodate the separate isolation ward, they were to contact the Dept of Health, and the Dept of Health would find a place that could....

The nursing homes had the COVID spread in house, before they sent their residents to the hospitals to be treated, BEFORE the residents were released by the hospital, to be sent home.

Nursing homes in Georgia, Florida, Texas have much higher percentages of deaths from nursing home deaths than New York has had....

How did those State Governors cause that...? Or did they cause it, as you claim Cuomo did.....?
Andrew Cuomo wants the rich to move out of NYC.


What Democrats do is screw up the cities and states they run and this encourages businesses to move out. Why would any responsible politician want to do this....literally encourage businesses to move to other states. When businesses move...the jobs go with them. So they get high unemployment, high crime rates, more poverty, and more drug use....which causes more crime.

This is their plan.....first they screw up a city....then watch the people that voted for them leave in droves to other states.....and then these idiots vote in more Democrats and the cycle repeats itself. It's like Independence Day. Aliens move to a planet...destroy it and move onto the next planet.

So how did Democrats get into office in the first place if all they're any good at is screwing everything up?
Well.....the answer is the kind of journalism that CNN practices.
Europe is recovering because they shut down CNN International.
CNN lies about everything. Their reporting is right out of communist playbook. Kill the rich and pass along the party line 24/7.

Most people in New York are liberals because that's all they are exposed to....leftist propaganda.

Here is an prime example of leftist propaganda. Chris Cuomo refusing to listen to the Trump Administration's press secretary by talking over her answers. He's good at this tactic. He asks her a question and while she's answering the question he talks over her answer using canned liberal talking-points and basically calls them liars. He's good at causing an argument with someone he doesn't like. He's sit back and listen to the answers from someone he agrees with.....but he can't keep his mouth shut while somebody on the right is trying to answer his leading questions. He has a gift for doing this.....and appears effective.....but really all he's doing is trying to discredit them without having any real truth involved.
What he's terrible at is interacting with average folks on the streets. He comes off as some snobbish jerk who doesn't want anyone to tell him when he's breaking rules and regulations everyone else has to follow. People in New York spotted him running around this month in parks without a mask on....even though he claims to have tested positive for COVID-19. Somebody dared to point this out to him and he cussed him out...told him to mind his own business.

I find it hilarious that idiotic ideological nitwits like the far left ruins anything so quickly and yet they dont realize it is BECAUSE they hold to these false ideas that they inflict this damage on themselves.

Just dont bring it to Red states you jack asses.

But then, maybe they can console themselves with their notions of white privilege.

“I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.”
“When I am told about our national heritage or about ‘civilization,’ I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.”
“If a traffic cop pulls me over or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven’t been singled out because of my race.”
“I can, if I wish, arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.”
“If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of renting or purchasing housing in an area, which I can afford and in which I would want to live.”
“I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.”
“I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed.”
“If I want to, I can be pretty sure of finding a publisher for this piece on white privilege.”

There! Now theyy can be happy again till they pay their own damn bills.
Nursing homes were required to take back in, their own residents, that they sent to the hospital, with COVID, when the Hospital determined they were well enough, to recover at home....

The requirement to take back Their own resident, had stipulations....
The nursing home had to isolate their returning COVID residence in a separate ward in the nursing home, With a separate entrance and separate staff, from the other nursing home residents, so not to mix them, or risk contamination/spread.

IF the nursing home of the resident could not accommodate the separate isolation ward, they were to contact the Dept of Health, and the Dept of Health would find a place that could....

The nursing homes had the COVID spread in house, before they sent their residents to the hospitals to be treated, BEFORE the residents were released by the hospital, to be sent home.

Nursing homes in Georgia, Florida, Texas have much higher percentages of deaths from nursing home deaths than New York has had....

How did those State Governors cause that...? Or did they cause it, as you claim Cuomo did.....?

If what you say is true, why did Cuomo walk it back last week and admit it was a mistake?
Most people in New York are liberals because that's all they are exposed to

Believe it or not, there was a time when democrats/liberals were a good thing for our country.

Cuomo fkd up big time when he decided Covid positive patients be placed in Nursing Homes which KILLED over 5000 people.

While my comment has little to do with the OP - I need to make this statement because it proves how fkd up liberals have become.

(((hugs))) for AMERICANS!
White liberals have destroyed the party!
New York voted for Cuomo and they voted for Di Blasio. They deserve all the suffering they get as a result. Maybe they'll learn from their stupidity, but I'm not holding my breath.
They'll never learn because they're liberals and thus smarter than everyone else.

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