New York Bill Allowing Abortions Up to Birth Says a Person is Only “A Human Being Who Has Been Born”

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Seems DemonRATS like to make up their own science....except when it comes to MMGW, well we all know that is undeniable!

New York’s leaders are pushing an extreme pro-abortion bill that will strip away all protections for unborn babies and some for mothers, too.

The “Reproductive Health Act” redefines a “person” as “a human being who has been born and is alive,” according to Breitbart.The state bill also describes abortion as a “fundamental right.”

This language will allow unborn babies to be aborted for basically any reason up to birth in New York. It looks like it will pass in the new Democrat-controlled state legislature this winter. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has threatened to hold up the budget until it does.

The legislation goes beyond Roe v. Wade, allowing abortions even when the Supreme Court has said states may regulate them, according to the pro-life leaders. Late-term abortions, which currently are illegal in New York, would be allowed, and non doctors would be allowed to perform them...

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They will keep pushing the limits until Roe v Wade is brought up and reversed! Give them an inch they will take a mile!
Good for New York. Time to get out of the back woods and join the modern world.
Seems DemonRATS like to make up their own science....except when it comes to MMGW, well we all know that is undeniable!

New York’s leaders are pushing an extreme pro-abortion bill that will strip away all protections for unborn babies and some for mothers, too.

The “Reproductive Health Act” redefines a “person” as “a human being who has been born and is alive,” according to Breitbart.The state bill also describes abortion as a “fundamental right.”

This language will allow unborn babies to be aborted for basically any reason up to birth in New York. It looks like it will pass in the new Democrat-controlled state legislature this winter. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has threatened to hold up the budget until it does.

The legislation goes beyond Roe v. Wade, allowing abortions even when the Supreme Court has said states may regulate them, according to the pro-life leaders. Late-term abortions, which currently are illegal in New York, would be allowed, and non doctors would be allowed to perform them...

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Dear The Purge
For people who don't believe in any abortion at all:
How much would be prevented if the MEN were also charged with rape or sexual abuse
if they engage in sex that results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or abortion.

We wouldn't have to argue in circles about abortion
if we addressed unwanted pregnancy as a sign of abuse.

If it was recognized as abusive to get anyone pregnant against their will,
or without the resources and support to have the baby and thus pressured into abortion
or adoption against their will, what if the laws punished the men for rape or sexual abuse instead of putting the legal burden all on the women who are often victims by coercion
or other abuse, without a choice to be in that situation or to avoid it.

Wouldn't that be a more effective way to address more cases
and causes of unwanted pregnancy and abortion? to start
going after the men who are equally if not more responsible for
the decision to engage in sex leading up to that situation?
I don’t care for abortion, but that isn’t what the bill says. I posted it yesterday here somewhere.
Good for New York. Time to get out of the back woods and join the modern world.
Infanticide is not modern

True. So?
So infantacide is NOT bringing us to the modern world. Murdering one’s babies is a life long libtard tradition.

Infanticide is the killing and infant or baby after birth. Many species practice it.
I would never kill my child!

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