New to this neck of the woods...


May 24, 2009
Hello everyone. I'm never quite sure what to write in intro's. Everything tends to come out sounding a bit stiff and stilted until I get to know folks but here goes! lol

I'm a 29y.o. single mother of a beautiful baby girl. She was a complete surprise but has become the light of my life. I can be having the worst day, and be ready to run someone down with my truck, but when I get to her d.c. to pick her and she grins up at me nothing but that grin matters.

Yes I'm an emotional sap where my child is concerned. :)

I work in the healthcare industry, though NOT as a nurse lol, and I am pretty conservative. Currently I live in the Midwest but I am looking to escape the evils of winter sometime next year. Not sure if that will mean heading south or west - perhaps a bit of both.

Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask. :)

Not sure what an ascot is exactly, will have to look it up to give you an answer.

No personal preference for any type of firearm as I've never shot one...much to my father's chagrin. He keeps insisting he will get me out to the range, eventually.

Alcohol...depends on the mood and the occasion. A cookout with the family is usually a beer affair while a house party with friends most typically involved liquor in the form of mixed drinks of some sort. Wine, red especially, gives me a borderline migraine so I usually avoid it.

Internet over TV anyday! It is interactive and encourages me to use my mind, not just sit in front of it and zone out.

Always a smartass over a dumbass. A smartass may be sarcastic and frustrating but they also usually manage to have a point to their sarcasm and can even, sometimes, make you think with it. Dumbasses just make me want to kick them in the head as I have little patience with stupidity.

Anything else you'd like to know? :)
Welcome. I like that phrase, new to this neck of the woods, but I'm not sure the woods differ much here. lol
Welcome. I like that phrase, new to this neck of the woods, but I'm not sure the woods differ much here. lol

It doesn't seem to. The discussions look a lot like political discussions anywhere else. They even look similar to the discussions I have at work. Some people actually discussing and some simply using politics as a means of making themselves feel superior. Guess it's pretty much the same anywhere.

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