New Star Wars: Force Awakens or Star Trek: Into Darkness, which is worse....?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Skimming through the cable channels, both movies were on....boy, they are both bad......really bad.

Do they actually have any talented writers in Hollywood?
The main character in Force Awakens annoyed me so much. She's what we refer to as a "Mary Sue", since she was good at literally everything simply because the plot demanded it. I HATE characters like that.

It has a bit of "Gundam Syndrome". Characters who have to work hard for their talents and abilities get shafted, while characters who have never trained a day in their life are godly.

I expect this from Disney, though, as they were the ones who ruined the Power Rangers series, as well.
The main character in Force Awakens annoyed me so much. She's what we refer to as a "Mary Sue", since she was good at literally everything simply because the plot demanded it. I HATE characters like that.

It has a bit of "Gundam Syndrome". Characters who have to work hard for their talents and abilities get shafted, while characters who have never trained a day in their life are godly.

I expect this from Disney, though, as they were the ones who ruined the Power Rangers series, as well.

I came in at the part where she flies the Millennium Falcon.....with no training, with no experience, with absolutely no idea how to actually fly the ship.....and she out flies 2 Imperial Tie Fighter pilots.....and flies through rugged terrain without a blip.....

It was so least with Luke they told you he had experience flying some sort of aircraft back home........this girl had no education, of any sort........
Having only seen the trailers... I'm going with the Star Wars flick. They really had to ape out the storm troopers? They went from Jango Fett clones; to Kanye West...? Fuck off Disney. Just fuck off. Anyone else betting we'll see a queer tranny Jedi soon? And in the movie "world" the other characters won't even notice it as odd...
The main character in Force Awakens annoyed me so much. She's what we refer to as a "Mary Sue", since she was good at literally everything simply because the plot demanded it. I HATE characters like that.

It has a bit of "Gundam Syndrome". Characters who have to work hard for their talents and abilities get shafted, while characters who have never trained a day in their life are godly.

I expect this from Disney, though, as they were the ones who ruined the Power Rangers series, as well.

I came in at the part where she flies the Millennium Falcon.....with no training, with no experience, with absolutely no idea how to actually fly the ship.....and she out flies 2 Imperial Tie Fighter pilots.....and flies through rugged terrain without a blip.....

It was so least with Luke they told you he had experience flying some sort of aircraft back home........this girl had no education, of any sort........
She also out-duels a Sith with YEARS more experience than her... which is setting the bar pretty low, since she has absolutely none. I'm not a Kylo Ren fan, but considering she had no experience, that shouldn't have been a fight.
I came in at the part where she flies the Millennium Falcon.....with no training, with no experience, with absolutely no idea how to actually fly the ship.....and she out flies 2 Imperial Tie Fighter pilots.....and flies through rugged terrain without a blip.....

It was so least with Luke they told you he had experience flying some sort of aircraft back home........this girl had no education, of any sort........
You poor bitter rube. I look forward to arguing with you about Rogue One and Episode VIII when you claim there is too much diversity among actors in them. Since I know you're going to pay to watch them despite your impotent whining.
I came in at the part where she flies the Millennium Falcon.....with no training, with no experience, with absolutely no idea how to actually fly the ship.....and she out flies 2 Imperial Tie Fighter pilots.....and flies through rugged terrain without a blip.....

It was so least with Luke they told you he had experience flying some sort of aircraft back home........this girl had no education, of any sort........
You poor bitter rube. I look forward to arguing with you about Rogue One and Episode VIII when you claim there is too much diversity among actors in them. Since I know you're going to pay to watch them despite your impotent whining.

Who said there is too much diversity? I believe we were talking about the main character, never having recieved an education in anything, no flying lessons...period........taking off in a ship she never flew before....or any ship...ever.....and then out flying two Imperial fighter pilots in more manueverable aircraft........and that is supposed to be good story telling

You are an idiot........and we didn't even get to her out fighting a trained Jedi........
Also...there was a reason for Darth Vader to have the mask.......there is no reason for the kylo ren character to where a mask other than to try to make him more fearsome...since the guy they chose is not very tough looking.....
Then don't watch the movies and fuck off 2aguy. Go watch some 80's Schwartzenegger or some crap.

Hey...asswipe...are you this mentally deficient that you have to drag your low life, moronic world view into discussion of a stupid twit....

The movie is hampered by political correctness and leftwing crap......they don't care about telling a real story they just care about pushing left wing bullshit....

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