New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot


"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...
I'm surprised it took so long since New Orleans is only 33% White.

Things move r e a l s l o w in NOLA.

When I moved there in '94 I asked around for where a recycling center was. Not only didn't they have curbside pickup, the place I was told to go to not only didn't do recycling, they had never even heard of such a thing.
New Orleans is a different place than it was in 94 and much different than when I lived there in the mid 20th century. Large numbers of poor blacks and whites left the city when Katrina hit, never to return. The rebuilding of the city brought in a lot of Hispanics. The city and the government is a bit cleaner but it has a long way to go. I think New Orleans is less racist than most of Louisiana and a lot less than it was in the mid 20th century.
Hispanics don't care about anyone or anything but themselves. Whatever was American will be replaced by whatever Mexican can be stuck in.
The Left's romance with blood-soaked tyranny ensues.
May 3, 2017

Humberto Fontova


Mayor Landrieu first vented his anti-Confederate-monument fetish back in 2015, declaring the monuments “public nuisances” which required prompt removal. The majority black city-council voted 6 to one in his favor for removal. (Meanwhile the city’s murder rate soared past Chicago’s and potholes dating from Hurricane Katrina still cratered many city streets.)

Initially lawsuits by historic preservation groups held up the avenging cranes, bulldozers and jackhammers. But the legal path has been cleared and soon the hydraulic engines will roar into action against these intolerable and downright dangerous “public nuisances.

One monument near the historic French Quarter to a post-civil war gang-fight between “Reconstructionists” and the “Crescent City White League against the Reconstructionknown as the “Liberty Place Monument” was cut down earlier this week. (Meanwhile the city’s murder rate soars and potholes dating from Hurricane Katrina crater many city streets.)


New Orleans Destroys Confederate Monuments -- But Partners with Murderous, Racist Regime

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

LOL Gone with the wind.

They should put these 'monuments' to good use. Use them as landfill for the levies.
Yeah do away with the monuments. Then in history no slavery, no repreations. Right?
Not really. The civil war ended slsvery. This fits right in with developing black mythology. They are still slaves.
The Left's romance with blood-soaked tyranny ensues.
May 3, 2017

Humberto Fontova


Mayor Landrieu first vented his anti-Confederate-monument fetish back in 2015, declaring the monuments “public nuisances” which required prompt removal. The majority black city-council voted 6 to one in his favor for removal. (Meanwhile the city’s murder rate soared past Chicago’s and potholes dating from Hurricane Katrina still cratered many city streets.)

Initially lawsuits by historic preservation groups held up the avenging cranes, bulldozers and jackhammers. But the legal path has been cleared and soon the hydraulic engines will roar into action against these intolerable and downright dangerous “public nuisances.

One monument near the historic French Quarter to a post-civil war gang-fight between “Reconstructionists” and the “Crescent City White League against the Reconstructionknown as the “Liberty Place Monument” was cut down earlier this week. (Meanwhile the city’s murder rate soars and potholes dating from Hurricane Katrina crater many city streets.)


New Orleans Destroys Confederate Monuments -- But Partners with Murderous, Racist Regime

Facts, apparently don't matter to you. The monuments are not being destroyed. They are being removed from public land and gifted to private museums and ownership.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

New Orleans can do what they want.

They have another Katrina....I won't be going to help.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

New Orleans can do what they want.

They have another Katrina....I won't be going to help.

What a surprise.....

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...


Those who wish to remove or destroy the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana



"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

View attachment 124643

Those who wish to remove or destroy the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana



I don't think that we will succeed from the union again. It did not go over very well the last time we did it.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

View attachment 124643

Those who wish to remove or destroy the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana



I don't think that we will succeed from the union again. It did not go over very well the last time we did it.


All the more reason to remember the history and people involved.



"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

New Orleans can do what they want.

They have another Katrina....I won't be going to help.

What a surprise.....

That they can do what they want ?

Did you attend Civics.....? Do you even live here ?

Oh yeah, you are the insurance guy who made money screwing others and now has guilty concience.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

View attachment 124643

Those who wish to remove or destroy the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana



You have no idea what your quotes mean

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

View attachment 124643

Those who wish to remove or destroy the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana



You have no idea what your quotes mean


I find much more likely that you don't have a clue what they mean.


If removing certain 'monuments' or statues is rewriting history or Orwellian, then wasn't the leaving out of monuments or statues to other notable figures also rewriting history and 'Orwellian'?

A few statues in a city doesn't tell an entire history of anything. If removing them rewrites something then not putting up statues to all historical figures involved was also rewriting that history.

Its ludicrous.

Even taking down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. isn't rewriting anything. The history is the same and the books aren't changed, nor is the historical record. If you removed the statue AND removed all references of the history from school books AND scrubbed all historical records of an event, that is Orwellian. That is what Stalin et al did.

"That is what Stalin et al did" about, specifically, what historical event?

In the era of google I do not go to the library for anyone. Don't want to find it yourself? No problem. Run along.

I did.

Your statement, is bogus. Stalin did not scrub all historical records of any event.

Perhaps you should try a simpler board upon which to post unsubstantiated opinion. Here you simply have no credibility.

You brainless derps really need to build yourselves up don't you. There is a basket weaving thread here somewhere, you aren't ready for that one either but go give it a try, I'm sure they'll be gentle with you.


"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

New Orleans can do what they want.

They have another Katrina....I won't be going to help.

What a surprise.....

That they can do what they want ?

Did you attend Civics.....? Do you even live here ?

Oh yeah, you are the insurance guy who made money screwing others and now has guilty concience.

You get a C- for trolling. I expect better work from you next quarter...

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

New Orleans can do what they want.

They have another Katrina....I won't be going to help.

What a surprise.....

That they can do what they want ?

Did you attend Civics.....? Do you even live here ?

Oh yeah, you are the insurance guy who made money screwing others and now has guilty concience.

You get a C- for trolling. I expect better work from you next quarter...

I actually give you an A+. You are one of the best trolls on the board.
The Left's romance with blood-soaked tyranny ensues.
May 3, 2017

Humberto Fontova


Mayor Landrieu first vented his anti-Confederate-monument fetish back in 2015, declaring the monuments “public nuisances” which required prompt removal. The majority black city-council voted 6 to one in his favor for removal. (Meanwhile the city’s murder rate soared past Chicago’s and potholes dating from Hurricane Katrina still cratered many city streets.)

Initially lawsuits by historic preservation groups held up the avenging cranes, bulldozers and jackhammers. But the legal path has been cleared and soon the hydraulic engines will roar into action against these intolerable and downright dangerous “public nuisances.

One monument near the historic French Quarter to a post-civil war gang-fight between “Reconstructionists” and the “Crescent City White League against the Reconstructionknown as the “Liberty Place Monument” was cut down earlier this week. (Meanwhile the city’s murder rate soars and potholes dating from Hurricane Katrina crater many city streets.)


New Orleans Destroys Confederate Monuments -- But Partners with Murderous, Racist Regime

"Potholes from Katrina" Jizzhat??

Go on, tell the class where these "potholes from Katrina" are. Just give me one. You have any clue at all what you're drooling about here?

How 'bout this "murderous racist regime"? Who would that be, Jizzy?

You know the White League was one of those vigilante insurgent groups that rose up to continue the War? Like the Klan? Did you protest when the plaque on the building where the Klan was founded got turned backward by its new owner so it couldn't be read? Did that create "potholes" too?

SMFH. Idle minds.

"We think that symbols matter here, and we want the symbols in the city to reflect really who New Orleans is."

Many cities would erect a statue in honor of their 300th anniversary. New Orleans, set to celebrate its 300th birthday in 2018, will be tearing several down.

The City Council voted 6-1 Thursday in favor of removing four Confederate monuments, a proposal that has generated much controversy since Mayor Mitch Landrieu called for their relocation this summer, following a fatal shooting at a historic black church in South Carolina.

The statues include a large monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee located near the city center, one of Jefferson Davis (the first -- and only -- president of the Confederate States of America), and one of Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. A fourth, which acknowledges the Battle of Liberty Place, will also be moved.

More: New Orleans City Council Gives Confederate Monuments The Boot

It's good to see racist symbols of the old south being removed. Gone with the wind...

View attachment 124643

Those who wish to remove or destroy the past are doomed to repeat it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana



New Orleans is over 60% Black. It they don't want a monument glorifying the confederacy, they should take it down. It's pretty ironic to have a monument of Robert E. Lee overlooking a city of blacks, who he fought to enslave. Lee fought against an army fighting for their freedom; killed more Americans than any opposing general in history; made no attempt to defend or protect this city; and even more absurdly, he never even set foot in Louisiana.

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