New liberal world order

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Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Just heard the phrase today.

Bilderbrrg i guess.

Sort of the branch dividians of the Demicrat party.
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At the end of the day, the global war on fossil fuels, coupled by any future world war on a pandemic of choice and world over spending by governments across the globe, will accomplish a global economic meltdown and reset.

Then borders with disappear and George Soros, who has a vampire like life span, will assume total power over the globe as the IMF comes sweeping in to "save" us all.

Or at least, that is the plan.
Well, to be honest the term "Liberal World Order" has been around since the end of WWII. Wasn't a completely bad idea;

What Is the Liberal World Order?

After World War II—the deadliest conflict in human history—countries sought to ensure the world never again devolved into such horrific violence.

World leaders created a series of international organizations and agreements to promote global cooperation on issues including security, trade, health, and monetary policy. The United States has championed this system—known as the liberal world order—for the past seventy-five years. During this time, the world has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.

But like anything, over the years, poor World leaders had subverted it for their own personal gain...
Let's be honest, the United States is going to be far better off if we finally start burying our heads in the sand and let China become the global top dog who implements the systems they want.
Let's be honest, the United States is going to be far better off if we finally start burying our heads in the sand and let China become the global top dog who implements the systems they want.
So, we keep giving them the riches of "favored nation" status and one-way trade agreements?

Yeah, don't give me that shit. Pay lip service to somebody else.
So, we keep giving them the riches of "favored nation" status and one-way trade agreements?

Yeah, don't give me that shit. Pay lip service to somebody else.

Well, no. I'm am being sarcastic to point out the folly of those who reject the idea of the United States working to maintain its role of global primacy.
Just heard the phrase today.

Bilderbrrg i guess.

Sort of the branch dividians of the Demicrat party.
At the end of the day, the global war on fossil fuels, coupled by any future world war on a pandemic of choice and world over spending by governments across the globe, will accomplish a global economic meltdown and reset.

Then borders with disappear and George Soros, who has a vampire like life span, will assume total power over the globe as the IMF comes sweeping in to "save" us all.

Or at least, that is the plan.
So very true.
"White House economic adviser Brian Deese suggested the pain at the pump was a price Americans had to pay for the "future of the liberal world order," in a CNN interview on Thursday."

THIS is why Democrats are a threat to the United States the Constitution, the Republic and why EVERY LWO Democrat needs to be PURGED ftom tbe Federal Government.

They have proven their disdain for the Constitution, their rejection of US Law - refusing to allow themselves to be held accountable to it, and a rejection of any government they do not run, as seen by Hillary's / Barry's / Pelosi's attempts to affect coups and to overthrow the US govt / openly calling for Insurrection.

Deese is just the latest LWO Liberal to openly declare the forced destruction of the US as we know it and the imposed, forced painful transition Americans are enduring now is the Democrats remaking of the US to their new Liberal World Order.

...without a shot fired, destruction from within...
Meh, they will be put down like every oppressive regime has in the last 5,000 years.
Every retarded Marxist revolution needed MASS MURDER to happen.

What the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie LEFT are trying to accomplish here in the US, and world wide, is another retarded Marxist revolution.

The recent ruling from the SCOTUS affirming the 2nd Amendment, to me, shows that the SCOTUS is aware of the history of theses gun grabbing psychopaths that are hell bent this "transition" president potato keeps referring to.

The contaminated DemocRATS must be voted out on EVERY level; from dog catcher, to the Executive Office!

Good luck, normal people.
Let's be honest, the United States is going to be far better off if we finally start burying our heads in the sand and let China become the global top dog who implements the systems they want.
Which is why you voted for Biden.

Finally an admission.

You forgot to say, learn to speak Chinese.
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