New Iran Agreement Would Let Russia Cash in on $10 Billion Contract To Build Nuclear Sites


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Feb 16, 2016
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New Iran Agreement Would Let Russia Cash in on $10 Billion Contract

To Build Nuclear Sites

Biden admin will waive sanctions so Russia can build contested nuclear plant
15 Mar 2022 ~~ By Adam Kredo
Russia’s top state-controlled energy company is set to cash in on a $10 billion contract to build out one of Iran’s most contested nuclear sites as part of concessions granted in the soon-to-be-announced nuclear agreement that will guarantee sanctions on both countries are lifted.
Russian and Iranian documents translated for the Washington Free Beacon show that Rosatom, Russia’s leading energy company, has a $10 billion contract with Iran’s atomic energy organization to expand Tehran’s Bushehr nuclear plant. Russia and the Biden administration confirmed on Tuesday that the new nuclear agreement includes carveouts that will waive sanctions on both countries so that Russia can make good on this contract.
Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department special adviser for Iran under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, told the Free Beacon that Russia is being awarded a financial lifeline via the nuclear agreement, undermining international efforts to isolate Moscow.
The Biden administration took preemptive steps in February to unwind nuclear sanctions impacting Iran, Russia, and China. Sanctions waivers issued by the administration at that time were viewed as an upfront concession to Iran and allowed Russia to restart its nuclear projects in Iran.
"Providing Rosatom a guaranteed $10 billion lifeline right now is just another example of how this administration is undermining all its anti-Russia rhetoric with hidden technical concessions that keep Putin and his cronies’ companies afloat," Noronha said. "It’s got to stop."

Is this administration completely incompetent or insane. What kind of a deal is Joey Biden willing to sign with Iran?
Any national-level politician who chooses not to run on this as a centerpiece of their foreign policy position, or doesn’t demand this to be front and center in any interview or debate doesn’t deserve to be a national-level politician. It’s indefensible. The last Iran deal was indefensible and it should have been the subject of special prosecutor investigations and congressional hearings immediately in 2017... this is worse.
Trump was right to pull out of the Obama Iran deal and Joey Biden has will have sold out America if he completes this deal.
I wouldn't believe that article.

Your reply is inadequate, ignorant and as asinine as your previous responses.
Your TDS continues to cloud your reasoning and logic.
If Joey Xi claims that Putin and Russia are terrorists and guilty of war crimes, why is Joey Xi Bai Dung allowing Russian diplomats to conduct negotiations as middlemen between Iran and America?
Where's the logic in that?


New Iran Agreement Would Let Russia Cash in on $10 Billion Contract

To Build Nuclear Sites

Biden admin will waive sanctions so Russia can build contested nuclear plant
15 Mar 2022 ~~ By Adam Kredo
Russia’s top state-controlled energy company is set to cash in on a $10 billion contract to build out one of Iran’s most contested nuclear sites as part of concessions granted in the soon-to-be-announced nuclear agreement that will guarantee sanctions on both countries are lifted.
Russian and Iranian documents translated for the Washington Free Beacon show that Rosatom, Russia’s leading energy company, has a $10 billion contract with Iran’s atomic energy organization to expand Tehran’s Bushehr nuclear plant. Russia and the Biden administration confirmed on Tuesday that the new nuclear agreement includes carveouts that will waive sanctions on both countries so that Russia can make good on this contract.
Gabriel Noronha, a former State Department special adviser for Iran under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, told the Free Beacon that Russia is being awarded a financial lifeline via the nuclear agreement, undermining international efforts to isolate Moscow.
The Biden administration took preemptive steps in February to unwind nuclear sanctions impacting Iran, Russia, and China. Sanctions waivers issued by the administration at that time were viewed as an upfront concession to Iran and allowed Russia to restart its nuclear projects in Iran.
"Providing Rosatom a guaranteed $10 billion lifeline right now is just another example of how this administration is undermining all its anti-Russia rhetoric with hidden technical concessions that keep Putin and his cronies’ companies afloat," Noronha said. "It’s got to stop."

Is this administration completely incompetent or insane. What kind of a deal is Joey Biden willing to sign with Iran?
Any national-level politician who chooses not to run on this as a centerpiece of their foreign policy position, or doesn’t demand this to be front and center in any interview or debate doesn’t deserve to be a national-level politician. It’s indefensible. The last Iran deal was indefensible and it should have been the subject of special prosecutor investigations and congressional hearings immediately in 2017... this is worse.
Trump was right to pull out of the Obama Iran deal and Joey Biden has will have sold out America if he completes this deal.
The US was building nuclear power plants in Iran under Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace.
The US was building nuclear power plants in Iran under Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace.
Indeed, their first and only Russian built nuclear plant went on-line in 2011 thanks to Barack Hussein Obama Jr. Are you now blaming Eisenhower after it took 51 years to get that nuclear plant finally built?
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Then why are the Iranians still building their first nuclear plant nearly 62 years later?
The Shah wanted 15 nuclear power plants. Germans were building them. The US was training their nuclear techs. I think a couple of them were finished.
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