New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
The media would provide cover for Judas.
The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
there is nothing new here, it was reported by left leaning site back in 2019

The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
And you had such high hopes that whining about Hunter Biden would gain traction. Nobody cared about Hunter or that silly Walk Away idea you had. So sad for you.
The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
there is nothing new here, it was reported by left leaning site back in 2019

True, there's nothing new. Hunter's guilt is manifest and has been for 3 years.
The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
there is nothing new here, it was reported by left leaning site back in 2019

True, there's nothing new. Hunter's guilt is manifest and has been for 3 years.
There could be a video of Joe and Hunter Biden selling Joe’s influence to the Russians or Chinese and a dozen witnesses with unimpeachable reputations testifying that was exactly what happened and the MSM and the DOJ would ignore it or investigate for years and whitewash everything.

It’s the same old, same old game we always see. Democrats are totally above the rule of law so shut up and move on.

It has reached the point where the FBI is showing us its ass and laughing at us as smelly Walmart shoppers.

in passing where the hell is this guy and his investigation?


There could be a video of Joe and Hunter Biden selling Joe’s influence to the Russians or Chinese and a dozen witnesses with unimpeachable reputations testifying that was exactly what happened and the MSM and the DOJ would ignore it or investigate for years and whitewash everything.

It’s the same old, same old game we always see. Democrats are totally above the rule of law so shut up and move on.

It has reached the point where the FBI is showing us its ass and laughing at us as smelly Walmart shoppers.

in passing where the hell is this guy and his investigation?

View attachment 508589

But you don't have a video like that, except in your imagination. You did come up with some accusations, but they were either proven false or immaterial. What does some woman rubbing his junk with her feet have to do with anything?
It's always the same thing. First, bring in a Barr, a Horowicz or a Durham. Second, make sure the media works overtime to paint each of them as totally honest and professional, disciples of the constitution, courageous men who won't let party affiliation interfere with their findings, generally perfect men who are respected by both parties and above reproach. And third, after general public opinion becomes that the truth will be uncovered and the criminals will be brought to justice, they invariably obstruct, fabricate and delay their own investigation until it dies and all the suspects skip along their merry way, unpunished. Justice doesn't exist in the DOJ.
What has he done that is illegal?
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

And that is just for starters.

That’s not what Ron Johnson’s Senate committee said. The Senate committee said Hunter Biden did nothing illegal. And Johnson even used the fake Russian evidence.

You know who has done illegal shit while Daddy was president? Eric, Ivanka and Don Junior.

You thought it was funny to go after Hunter Biden. The problem with that is, while Hunter Biden has done nothing illegal, the Trump family isn’t nearly that smart. They do what daddy tells them.

Dumb Donald has been doing illegal shit all of his life and so have the children.

Just ask Cy Vance Jr.
There could be a video of Joe and Hunter Biden selling Joe’s influence to the Russians or Chinese and a dozen witnesses with unimpeachable reputations testifying that was exactly what happened and the MSM and the DOJ would ignore it or investigate for years and whitewash everything.

It’s the same old, same old game we always see. Democrats are totally above the rule of law so shut up and move on.

It has reached the point where the FBI is showing us its ass and laughing at us as smelly Walmart shoppers.

in passing where the hell is this guy and his investigation?

View attachment 508589

There is a sane and reasonable explanation for this phenomenon, but it’s not one that you will accept.

Republicans accuse Democrats of wrongdoing that never happened. They use the right wing media to spread these lies until the public opinion believes them, and then they do get honest investigators and special prosecutors that you can trust to investigate.

The investigators find nothing because there is nothing to find. The Bidens are not criminals. The Clintons are not criminals and there’s no evidence to support the lies Republicans tell you about them.

You think the Democrats are getting away with stuff but the evidence says that Republicans are lying.
Well why have they not bern charged?
They are now onto teump and his scams.
The Biden's have been around for 40 years but still nothing.
You're pissing against the wind.
The truth is often hidden......especially in politics but still somehow it often surfaces....and when it does it reveals how the media conspires against the American people .....especially in the case of the corrupt biden family.

'We have previously discussed the concerted and often embarrassing blackout in the media on stories involving Hunter Biden’s influence peddling during his father’s tenure as Vice President. That includes the burying of the laptop story and the growing contradictions over his father’s denial of any knowledge or involvement in his shady business dealings. Even recent reports that Hunter may have paid prostitutes with his father’s account were blacked out by mainstream media which exhaustively pursued any story related to the Trump children and their dealings and life styles. Now, however, there is a major allegation that Hunter used access to his father to seal previously unknown deals with Mexican businessmen, including Carlos Slim. A picture shows Hunter with the businessmen in the Vice President residence with his father.'

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden
there is nothing new here, it was reported by left leaning site back in 2019

And you should hear about how she describes tramp.

KThere is a sane and reasonable explanation for this phenomenon, but it’s not one that you will accept.

Republicans accuse Democrats of wrongdoing that never happened. They use the right wing media to spread these lies until the public opinion believes them, and then they do get honest investigators and special prosecutors that you can trust to investigate.

The investigators find nothing because there is nothing to find. The Bidens are not criminals. The Clintons are not criminals and there’s no evidence to support the lies Republicans tell you about them.

You think the Democrats are getting away with stuff but the evidence says that Republicans are lying.
Joe Biden stated he was never involved with Hunter’s businesses but on Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell“ are pictures of Joe, Hunter and the businessmen the deals were made with. This article mentions the latest set of pictures.

Of course there are other pictures of Joe, Hunter and businessmen who were likely buying Joe Biden’s influence.

Plus some respected legal experts like Jonathan Turley smell something odd here.

in passing where the hell is this guy and his investigation?

Looking for a way to quietly close down his sham of an investigation without being hunted down by red-hatted lunatics.
Well perhaps he should just come out and list all the problems he found and then say no prosecutor in his right mind would indict those involved.

That BS worked for Comey in his whitewash of Hillary’s negligent handling of classified email.

If that pisses off Trump supporters he can just tell them that in this banana republic smelly Walmart people don’t count for shit.

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