

que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels.

So...anyone believe this? Anne Rice touched on it, I believe, with her Mayfair Witch chronicles...Taltos is what she called them. But they were from Atlantis, or supposedly from there.'s an interesting concept. What about all those HUGE skeletons that have been found and debunked but maybe were NOT supposed to be debunked? Some is hogwash, but there is much we don't know. Like, the ocean still has not been fully explored. So who is to say
Nephilim weren't real?
Maybe main stream science doesn't want to admit the existence of large skeletons or the existence of large people in the past because it gives credence to God's word. How do you know what is 'hogwash' when you can't trust the field of science to be truthful. They have their agenda too you know.
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Have you heard and this is fact, that even though our younger generations are good at computers...(that was the wave of the FUTURE), the problem with that is....someone has to know how to work on those computers, maintain them. There are computers operating lots of things in this country and the world....and when those computers go down, one example: 7-11 and most stores can't operate cause the cashiers, especially the younger ones, can't give change. They can't even get into the cash drawer. We see this happening in today's world. And this happened in the ancient and not too distant past also. Humans forget...and humans have forgotten more valuable info from their ancestors than we will ever know. How did the egyptians see inside those pyramids without fire because there is no evidence of soot. How did they build those YUGE things? um....nephilim? LOLOL
Modern man were the first to identify dinosaur and other fossils as long extinct fauna. But, we weren't the first to discover the fossils. The unearthing of dinosaur fossils would have had to been happening throughout history and such fossils were no doubt local curiosities.

If you were a Biblical Age man who came across a Brontosaurus femur, the most ready explanation would have been it belonged to giant human rather than a giant reptile.

The concept of a creature extinct for millions of years was simply inconceivable to them.

Ancient fossils are most likely the impetus for myths of dragons which are ubiquitous to both Western And Eastern civilizations.
I said SOME is hogwash. Gotta separate the wheat from the chaff. And it won't only be cashiers from will be McD, BK, OUR CARS cuz they are all on satellite. Good luck trying to start your spiffy new vehicle. It won't start. And old one will, tho.

Anyway...not sure what that has to do with the original topic. IF there were giants..were they fallen angels, or dinosaur humans that went extinct along with them? Or is it hogwash?
The Anakites (Anakim)were a big race of people spoken of in Deuteronomy 9:2 they were considered Rephaites according to Deuteronomy 2:11 Rephaites came from The whole region of Argob in Bashan.

They probably had huge towering buildings according to Deuteronomy 1:28
They are the ones Joshua went to destroy, them and their towns.

One of the *sons of Ham* (*not mentioned real well in the scrolls) “Canaan” was the father of the Jebusites as well as many other tribes. Through many bible verses they talk about driving out the Jebusites even in Davids Time. They were probably into extremely destestible things according to Ezra 9:1.

Nephilim might be describing not to mate up with these detestible tribes, but even more likely other species which these tribes might have been in part or whole of such species.
There was another race which died out:
Palaeanthropus of Palestine, Representing "A Distinctive People Unlike Any Other Race of Prehistoric Men" Perhaps this counterpart of Neanderthal was that race which they were forbidden to mix with.
Or even Denisovans, a sister species to the Neanderthals. Both were tall, one skeletal remain measured 7' and being that the Hebrews were under 5' it's probably where the accts of Giants and not mixing with the other species comes from and makes sense, because there are cultures with small percentage of Denisovan Genetic DNA that were *slower to progress and evolve from savagery*.
Who knows, perhaps the difference in the harshness of a virus or surviving a past, present, or future virus has to do with one's genetic ancestory and any flaws that exist in extinct species, which some of us have slight percentages of, left in our lineage.

*It's said that a portion of our culture carries a percentage of the Denisovans genes and coincidentally they were the tribes still involved in canibalism and living secluded and archaic lives, slower to evolve and others made up our more violent cultures.
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One must remember that both the interdimensional & extradimensional realms are known in theory but difficult to prove. We as humans live in a 3-1/2 dimensional continuum of height, width, length & half of the dimension of time. It's been suggested & or figured(?) that if we could travel back into time like we can travel forwards in time that humans could virtually step out of the time dimension & take in the myriad of other dimensions. Professor Steven Hawking warned the CERN crowd that playing with the large Hadron collider in search for the Higgs Boson particle could lead to meeting some lifeforms that they would certainly not want to ever meet. I believe that professor Hawking knew a LOT more about the time line & access to other dimensions(interdimensional anyways but doubtful about the extradimensional) but did not trust humanity in general with that information.
Modern man were the first to identify dinosaur and other fossils as long extinct fauna. But, we weren't the first to discover the fossils. The unearthing of dinosaur fossils would have had to been happening throughout history and such fossils were no doubt local curiosities.

If you were a Biblical Age man who came across a Brontosaurus femur, the most ready explanation would have been it belonged to giant human rather than a giant reptile.

The concept of a creature extinct for millions of years was simply inconceivable to them.

Ancient fossils are most likely the impetus for myths of dragons which are ubiquitous to both Western And Eastern civilizations

Personally, i think we are as we like to describe ourselvs..MODERN MAN, in our arrogance, discount the knowledge and expertise of 'ancient' man. After all. If it weren't for their ingenuity...many of us wouldn't be here.
Jerusalem was called Jebus before David attacked the city and renamed it Jerusalem, the City of David.

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels.

So...anyone believe this? Anne Rice touched on it, I believe, with her Mayfair Witch chronicles...Taltos is what she called them. But they were from Atlantis, or supposedly from there.'s an interesting concept. What about all those HUGE skeletons that have been found and debunked but maybe were NOT supposed to be debunked? Some is hogwash, but there is much we don't know. Like, the ocean still has not been fully explored. So who is to say
Nephilim weren't real?
Huge Skeletons found? I've not heard of that.
nephilim says the bible were the progeny of fallen angels and the daughters of men.

Nephilim were leftovers from Sumerian mythos. They were the Watchers.

Genesis was written AFTER the Babylonian exile.

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer | Ancient Origins
Jun 03, 2020 · The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer. The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu.

The Nephilim (/ˈnɛfɪˌlɪm/; Hebrew: נְפִילִים‎) are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles but left untranslated in others. Some traditional Jewish explanations interpret them as fallen angels.

So...anyone believe this? Anne Rice touched on it, I believe, with her Mayfair Witch chronicles...Taltos is what she called them. But they were from Atlantis, or supposedly from there.'s an interesting concept. What about all those HUGE skeletons that have been found and debunked but maybe were NOT supposed to be debunked? Some is hogwash, but there is much we don't know. Like, the ocean still has not been fully explored. So who is to say
Nephilim weren't real?
Huge Skeletons found? I've not heard of that.

The huge skeletons were a hoax.
Nephilim were leftovers from Sumerian mythos. They were the Watchers.

Genesis was written AFTER the Babylonian exile.

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer | Ancient Origins

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer

The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu.
Jun 03, 2020 · The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer. The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu.


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Nephilim were leftovers from Sumerian mythos. They were the Watchers.

Genesis was written AFTER the Babylonian exile.

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer | Ancient Origins

The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer

The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu.
Jun 03, 2020 · The Nephilim Tradition From Ancient Sumer. The oldest literary tradition about great heroic kings claiming to have been scions of the gods dates back to the Sumerian King List in which the First Dynasty of Uruk is described as having been descended from the sun god, Utu.


The Hebrews borrowed from older myths of Sumer, Egypt, Dilmun and the Ugarit.
Again......when addressing a topic found in the Holy Scriptures, consult the Word of God in relation to the topic "Nephilim".

The scriptures self define the majority of the words via the content and context in which those words are used.

Were the Nephilim created via a marriage between men and angels? Most people use the passage found in Genesis 6:4 and attempt to declare the Nephilim to be a race of physical giants that did not exist prior to the "Sons of God" engaging in sexual activity with the "Daughters of Men".

There are "2" meanings to the term Sons of God.......the context in which used defines which meaning should be applied. 1st term Sons of God: Can refer to angels as used in (Job 1:16). 2nd use of the term Sons of God: Can refer to righteous humans that worshiped God and obeyed His law (Hosea 1:10)

Some make the claim that angels married human females to create a hybrid race of giants......but the scriptures tell us according to Jesus that angels do not marry, "For when they rise from the dead (and exist in spirit form only as are the angels of heaven spirits), they (the spirits) never marry or are given in marriage, BUT ARE LIKE THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN." -- Mark 12:25

Its true that the term Nephilim can mean a physical race but it can also mean GIANTS as in fame or he was a giant among men.

Read the passage of Genesis 6:4 "There were giants on the earth in those days, AND ALSO AFTERWARDS, when the Sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. THOSE WERE THE MIGHTY MEN, MEN WHO WERE OF OLD.........."MEN OF RENOUN.". These MIGHTY MEN were of OLD and preexisted any marriage arrangements presented in Genesis 6:4 These "OLD NEPHILIM" existed as men of RENOUN: aka, WELL KNOWN from the times of old.

The time frame details the fact that the Nephilim (Men of Renoun) came first and already existed in "THOSE DAYS". Then the sons of God married the daughters of men.

The text when considered in its contextual integrity in a reasonable and logical fashion (taking into account all the scriptures have say about Angels, Nephilim, the sons of God, and the daughters of men) concludes: That the RIGHTEOUS people who worshiped and obeyed God intermarried with the daughters of men (worldly, atheists), as stated clearly in the very next verse.

Genesis 6:5 "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great on earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually."
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