Neil Young Tries to Save Face

Please tell me when you get it, you won't try ivermectin. You promise?
Why the fuck would I get horse medicine? I am not a retard like you. Nah, you retards are welcome to all the horse medicine, and Lysol you can imbibe. Go for it! :auiqs.jpg:
That's because you are the retards who keep putting out false info about the vaccine. But good to know that you are a hypocrite.

Even though you talk lies about the vaccine, you still slunk off to get vaccinated. Hopefully, your fellow retards don't follow your example and stay un-vaccinated.

Must suck to be you. That much HATE-KILL directed at others can only come from your self loathing.

It's fun to like oneself. You ought to try it sometime.
Oh, man, how I wish!
If you are looking for one person most responsible for pirating the 2020 election you couldn't go wrong
by choosing Facebook Boy, Mark Zuckerberg.

The Center for Technology and Civic Life was a big umbrella organization that shoveled around
millions of dollars to leftist causes and politicians.
How do you suppose all these voting laws got changed and amended to aid ballot harvesters?
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Why the fuck would I get horse medicine? I am not a retard like you. Nah, you retards are welcome to all the horse medicine, and Lysol you can imbibe. Go for it! :auiqs.jpg:

^^^Hard to believe there are still people in this country so dumb, they don't know Ivermectin has been used to treat people for decades. This is what propaganda does to stupid people.
If you are looking for one person most responsible for pirating the 2020 election you couldn't go wrong
by choosing Facebook Boy, Mark Zuckerberg.

The Center for Technology and Civic Life was a big umbrella organization that shoveled around
millions of dollars to leftist causes and politicians.
How do you suppose all these voting laws got changed and amended to aid ballot harvesters?
I totally agree.

That squirrelly little geek is pure evil.
^^^Hard to believe there are still people in this country so dumb, they don't know Ivermectin has been used to treat people for decades. This is what propaganda does to stupid people.
They know. They are simply attempting to get our goat.

Guess what? I got no goats left to get, so their sleazy little shit is so far from working on me!
“I support free speech,” Young wrote in a letter posted to his Neil Young Archives site. “I have never been in favor of censorship. Private companies have the right to choose what they profit from, just as I can choose not to have my music support a platform that disseminates harmful information. I am happy and proud to stand in solidarity with the front line health care workers who risk their lives every day to help others.”

Tell that to the thousands of healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab.

I was thinking the same thing. He doesn't stand with ALL healthcare workers. Just the ones that agree with him.
I never go by like or dislike of any singer/band, I go by, "Do I like the song". Some artists I only like one or two of their songs, others, I can listen to 99% of their tracks.

I only like Elton John songs sung by others, his voice grates on me. I've never liked the Beatles. I can listen to every Michael Jackson song, and ABBA.

If you feel you need to like a singer/band to like their song, I find that strange, but each to their own.
well thats what i meant when i said you didnt like the guy....his music....not him personally....
Exactly where is this do called vaccine? Havent seen a real one in this country. Maybe you are referring to the snake oil ftom Moderna and pfizer
Yup. The vaccine is totally snake oil. Promise me, you will stay far far from it?

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