Neat backwards story how Biden is a failure because of Trump's " malignant, vulgar image" & "evil insanity"


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
See, Biden was "elected" because Trump hurt people's feelings. Left damage control..........

Reads: Biden isn't Trump, but like Trump he made a reckless decision that ignored the advice of military leaders.

Oh really? what reckless decision by Trump would that be? Crickets.

Reads:, For now, Biden is in danger of getting bogged down by COVID-19 and Afghanistan. The amazing thing is that Trump is largely to blame for both of them.

Oh really? In what manner would that be? You can spot BS by their use of "amazing". It's amazing alright, a hat trick.

Reads:, It’s possible that problems Trump helped create will blossom under Biden, creating an ironic rationale to boot Biden and elect Trump. That would be a truly bizarre feedback loop, but the public blames the guy on duty at the time.

Aint that rich?

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Do you always make up reasons why Trump lost?



He just told the US he doesn't want to be president...
Do you always make up reasons why Trump lost?



He just told the US he doesn't want to be president...

Anyone else notice Moonglow left context & content?

Him just a typical PROG is all, gutless cowards on a string.
Communist democrats see the disaster their party has become and are hysterical trying to prevent Trump from being reelected in 2024.
Communist democrats see the disaster their party has become and are hysterical trying to prevent Trump from being reelected in 2024.

At the core of many or most leftists is their desire for chaos & decay.

They say misery loves company, is there any truth to it?

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