NBC News: Biden Wanted To Apologize to China For Shooting Down Spy Balloon


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
The fervent Leftist cries of "GATEWAY PUNDIT!!!" aren't going to work this time, kiddos.

"Aw shucks, Mr. Commie dictator - I sure am sorry about shooting down your spy balloons. But at least we waited until after they had collected the sought out military intelligence, and at least we lied to our own people and called it a weather balloon. I mean - it traveled across the entire continental US, if that doesn't prove my acknowledgement of your ownership over this 'Presidency', I simply don't know what will. Now - can we still be friends? Perhaps an ice cream summit? I'll bring the children!"

National security officials were forced to talk President Joe Biden out of making a conciliatory call to Chinese President Xi Jinping after he ordered a Chinese spy balloon shot out of U.S. airspace, according to sources who spoke with NBC News.

Of course, Gateway Pundit still has more journalistic integrity than "NBC" ever will - but when even your own side is calling you out, there is simply no place to go.

Between the millions in cash for the "Big Guy", and all the pathetic toadying (as Monty Python would say), we don't call him China Joe for nothin'!
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The Chinese balloon was carrying an enormous payload possibly simulating an EMP or a nuke. The "spy balloon" story was a cover for what that was really about. The CCP wanted to see if we really are so weak and defenseless that they could fly it all the way across the US without being taken down. Mission accomplished.
The Chinese balloon was carrying an enormous payload possibly simulating an EMP or a nuke. The "spy balloon" story was a cover for what that was really about. The CCP wanted to see if we really are so weak and defenseless that they could fly it all the way across the US without being taken down. Mission accomplished.

Wow, I didn't know that.

The important and interesting aspect of this discussion is in the statement being made on Biden's attempts to remain on relatively friendly terms with China.

What American can say that it's the wrong approach when we're on the eve of China and Russia forming a military alliance that is going to be too mighty to be challenged.

Biden's motives are dishonest and China will undoubtedly recognise the deceit, but...............

The Biden game can quite easily morph into something closer to peaceful coexistence that has been China's ambition for several decades.

America is faced with a very unattractive alternative.

Russia/China together is now a fact of life!

Biden wanted to speak with China's Xi after U.S. shot down surveillance balloon

Top national security advisers talked the president out of making a call, arguing the Chinese leader was too angry and it could “look like Biden is pleading for talks.”
"President Joe Biden wanted to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the days after the U.S. military shot down a Chinese surveillance balloon off the coast of South Carolina — even saying publicly that he expected to do so — but his top national security advisers talked him out of it, according to two senior administration officials and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

Biden believed his relationship with Xi could help tamp down the newly escalated tensions with Beijing if he had the opportunity to speak directly and smooth things over, the officials said. But the president’s advisers made the case to him that it was not the right time for a leader-to-leader conversation, the officials said. Instead, Biden’s advisers told him, the best course of action was to begin outreach to Beijing with lower or midlevel officials, and work the way up to the top, according to the officials.

China was far too angry over Biden’s decision to have the balloon shot down, after it had flown across the U.S. for a week, for a phone call with Xi to be productive, the officials said the president’s advisers told him.. . . . "
And the apology tour continues:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is making an official visit to China this weekend, drawing ire from those who rightly call out Beijing's Chinese Communist Party-led genocidal government, brazen espionage to steal technology and sensitive information, and general flaunting of international standards governing airspace and international waters.

"Instead of condemning the blatantly aggressive behaviors of the Chinese Communist Party, Secretary Blinken announced that he will legitimize the CCP’s continued subversion of our sovereignty with an upcoming official visit," said House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) on Friday.

"The Biden Administration’s weak actions on the global stage continue to embolden the CCP to purchase U.S. agricultural land near sensitive military installations, violate U.S. airspace, and collect intelligence against us from their recently reported installation in Cuba," Stefanik explained, ticking off a list of the CCP's nefarious actions.

Biden makes Obama look tough by comparison.

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