Native Americans and scalping

Accompanying the short video is a 200-page study guide aimed at teachers. Several school districts, including Portland Public Schools in Maine’s largest city, are purchasing licenses for the video and plan to use the study guides to assist instruction.

like a sharp knife?
Native Americans could be hired to kill anybody for a jug of booze. They also liked torturing captives for sport and entertainment, taking pride in how long they could keep their victims alive and their creativity in devising tortures. No Pity Parties needed for any of the vermin; Whitey and Da Evul Xians were the best thing to happen to them in 10,000 years.
Native Americans could be hired to kill anybody for a jug of booze. They also liked torturing captives for sport and entertainment, taking pride in how long they could keep their victims alive and their creativity in devising tortures. No Pity Parties needed for any of the vermin; Whitey and Da Evul Xians were the best thing to happen to them in 10,000 years.
Another of your posts indicating you`re mentally ill.
In today`s dollars, the scalp of a Penobscot was worth $12,000 dollars, half that much for a woman`s scalp and a little bit less for a child. People were pretty sick in 1755.


scalping survivor
Scalping was also among the steppe inhabitants of Asia. In some tribes, the king did not sit at the same table with the warrior if he did not have a trophy.

This is a good tradition. The Americans are warriors, and not faggots, they are related to the great Aryans, and their totem is the Great Aryan bull.
The White man didn't invent scalping, the Indians did. Don't blame the American Colonists. The Brits paid for scalps in the French and Indian War and so did the French. The British "Rogers Rangers" wasn't a heroic bunch of soldiers led by Spencer Tracy as portrayed by Hollywood. They were a cutthroat gang sent to massacre innocent Indians to protect British interests in the Northeast.
Accompanying the short video is a 200-page study guide aimed at teachers. Several school districts, including Portland Public Schools in Maine’s largest city, are purchasing licenses for the video and plan to use the study guides to assist instruction.

like a sharp knife?

They love spreading lies about the 'Noble Savages'; the hippies in the 1960's invented all kinds of myths about them and their imaginary 'proto-environmentalism and peaceful shamanism'.
They love spreading lies about the 'Noble Savages'; the hippies in the 1960's invented all kinds of myths about them and their imaginary 'proto-environmentalism and peaceful shamanism'.

I am as free as nature first made man,
Ere the base laws of servitude began,
When wild in woods the noble savage ran.

John Dryden (1682)

The idea of the "noble savage" has been a stock character in fictional literature for centuries.

The sad truth is ... man is often brutish, violent, and savage ... even more so without the veneer of civilization.

Off the point a bit but there are no natives to any country on earth. Except the original humanoids, dare I say it evolved in the rift valley.
Everyone else is an immigrant, refugee or visitor.
I was born in America to American citizens

Legally and morally that makes me a native American

The indians can claim they are not dredging up old news to be divisive

But just as the black wackos in Black LIES Matter they are lying
I was born in America to American citizens

Legally and morally that makes me a native American

The indians can claim they are not dredging up old news to be divisive

But just as the black wackos in Black LIES Matter they are lying

Yeah sure comrade. You keep believing that.

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